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Hide and Seek: A Rock Games Novel: Vol. 2 by Nicole S. Goodin (4)


It was like déjà vu. I was sitting next to Jasper in the back of a car, driven by someone I didn’t know, going god knows where… and just the same as two weeks ago, I didn’t give a shit. I was sitting next to him – that was all I cared about.

This time there was no Charlotte and Parker, and there was no one to slam on the brakes and put a halt to my fun.

Not this time.

His arm was draped over my shoulders, his fingers trailing lightly up and down my bare arm, sending shivers through me.

We hadn’t spoken a word to one another since we got in the car, and if anything, the anticipation was building even quicker because of the silence between us.

There was something about the way he made eye contact with me, most people shied away from it, but not Jasper, he’d been looking at me with such a strong, wanting stare, it was making me weak in the knees.

I’d been dying to get him alone the entire night.

We hadn’t even kissed yet and I couldn’t wait to experience the feel of his lips on mine.

I rubbed one of my thighs against the other as I imagined just how good his mouth would feel on my body.

“Your thoughts are loud,” he whispered in my ear.

His course beard lightly brushed against my ear and I shivered.

“What am I thinking about?” I breathed.

He growled and roughly grabbed me around my middle, hoisting me into his lap so I was straddling him. His hand moved to the back of my neck and dragged my face to his.

I gasped as his mouth crashed against mine.

It was so much better than I could’ve imagined.

My hands reached for his neck, and I held on for dear life as he kissed me like a man never had before.

I let out a breathy moan and it only seemed to spur him on further.

His hands were all over my body and my legs were clamped tightly around him, holding him as close as I possibly could.

He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and dragged it between his teeth.

“Jasper,” I groaned as I fisted my hands in his hair.

He sucked in a heavy breath. “You are one frightening little woman.”

I looked into his hazel eyes that were swimming with desire.

“Then you’re the only one of us that’s afraid, because you don’t scare me,” I whispered.

His eyes burned with intensity. “You terrify me,” he confessed.

I was about to ask him why, or what he meant by that when I felt the car slow down.

“C’mon.” He tugged on my hand and pulled me from the door before the car had even come to a complete halt.

“In a rush, Jones?” a voice called as he dragged me up the path.

“Night’s a wasting, Rich,” he called over his shoulder.

I glanced back and caught sight of the driver’s amused face, he was halfway around the car, presumably on his way to open the door for us.

I gave him a thumbs up.

I was getting some tonight, and I didn’t care who knew it.

* * *

“Nice place.”

He winked at me and opened the fridge. “You wanna drink?” he called over his shoulder.

I slipped my jacket off and threw it over the back of the couch. My heels were the next thing to go.

“Hannah?” he called when I didn’t answer.

I was undoing the button on my jeans when he spun around.

“Do you… ah…” he stuttered, his train of thought interrupted at the sight of me undressing in his living room. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “Drink! Want a drink?”

I shook my head slowly, my eyes never leaving his as I slipped the straps of my white camisole down around my shoulders, it fell to my middle and then to the floor around my ankles.

He watched every deliberate movement with absolute focus, like he didn’t want to miss a single thing.

I was standing before him in only a white lace strapless bra, and my black skinny jeans. There was no sexy way of getting those off, so for now this was it.

He sat the drink he was holding down on the kitchen counter and prowled towards me, tugging his shirt over his head as he went.

Holy shit.

The body the guy was rocking was freakin’ incredible.

I didn’t know what the hell his exercise regime consisted of – but whatever he was doing, it was working.

It was working damn well.

He was covered in brightly coloured tattoos, they adorned most of his chest and arms and they fascinated me already, with just one look.

His strong arms came around me and my nose filled with the raw scent of him, he smelt the way a man should.

I inhaled deeply, committing it to memory.

If I could have bottled that smell, I would have.

I couldn’t remember reaching for his neck, but all of a sudden, my hands were fisted in his hair, tugging on the blond strands.

His mouth came down on mine with an urgency I mirrored.

I just couldn’t get enough.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and I groaned.

If he was this good at kissing, I was going to explode from the pleasure he was bound to be able to give me.

“Bedroom?” he moaned in between kisses along my jaw.

“Hell yes.”

I gripped his broad shoulders as he hoisted me up under my ass and carried me out of the kitchen and down the hallway, up the stairs and down another hallway.

I kissed his neck as he strode, carrying me as though I weighed nothing.

He stopped and threw open a door before moving into the room and kicking it shut behind him.

He lowered me down and dropped me on his bed with a soft thud.

He sauntered over and pulled the blind down, giving me a perfect view of the muscles in his back bunching and relaxing.

He turned around and smirked at me in a way that wasn’t at all cocky, but instead secure and knowing.

I didn’t know how he did it, but he moved so confidently, he was so sure of himself. It was one of the most attractive qualities I’d ever seen in a man.

“On a scale of one to ten, how hard is it gonna be to get those jeans off?”

I bit down on my lip, I was cursing myself for wearing the damn things.


“I can work with eight,” he murmured as he reached for the zip I’d neglected to undo, “they make your ass look like an eleven, so I figure it’s worth it.”

I blushed and laughed nervously. “Hardly...”

Compliments were something I didn’t deal well with, it was as though my mind rejected them instantly.

“Don’t do that,” he warned, his voice suddenly serious.

My eyes widened. “Do what?”

“Brush off praise. I can see it in your eyes that you don’t believe what I said.”

I shrugged, unsure what to say. No one had ever called me on it before now.

“If I say your ass is an eleven, then it’s an eleven, you got it?”

I nodded, my heart filling with warmth.

“Say it.”

I stared at him. “What?”

“Tell me your ass is an eleven.”

I laughed, but the look in his eye told me he wasn’t joking.

“I’m serious, baby, say it. Trust me, it’ll feel good…”

This was stupid, and my ass was not an eleven out of ten, but I could see he wasn’t going to back down, and if I had to guess, he was going to hold out on me until I said it too.

“My ass is an eleven,” I whispered.


“My ass is an eleven,” I replied with more volume.

“Louder,” he insisted.

“My ass is an eleven!” I yelled as loud as I could.

He was right – It did feel good.

He grinned in triumph. “Calm down, you don’t have to yell,” he teased.

“You’re impossible.” I laughed.

“God, you’re beautiful when you laugh.” There was an intensity in his voice that took the air right out of my lungs. My laughter died off and goosebumps broke out on my skin.

He reached slowly for me and tugged my jeans down, shimmying them down my legs and off.

His eyes raked over my nearly naked body. “You know what they say about a girl wearing matching underwear, right?”

He began taking off his jeans as he spoke, and my attention was totally fixed on the way his big hands undid his belt and fly.

“Wh…what?” I stuttered.

He tugged his jeans off and stood before me in only a pair of dark grey boxer briefs.

I swallowed deeply as I took in the large bulge in the front.

“They say that if a woman has on matching underwear, then she’s the one who decided to have sex.” He moved up the bed, his body hovering over mine as he spoke.

I didn’t know where to look, each eyeful I caught was better than the last.

“Mine match every day,” I replied, my voice husky.

“Well, lucky me,” he growled as he claimed my mouth again.

My head was swimming, my senses were totally overloaded by this man. I couldn’t think of anything but him, I didn’t care about anything but him in that moment.

I should have had a witty reply on hand to convey the message that it didn’t matter if I had on matching underwear every day or not, because he wouldn’t be seeing them, but I couldn’t get my brain to send the message to my mouth.

I wanted him, and I had a feeling that I was going to want him a hell of a lot more than just once.

“Jasper,” I breathed.

“I’ve got you,” he murmured as he trailed kisses down my neck and onto my breasts.

He dragged the cups of my bra down, exposing me to him.

He sucked one of my nipples into his mouth and I moaned loudly. “Oh god that feels good.”

My legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him down against me.

He was so firm and lean; everything I touched was toned and tight.

His body was built to fuck, and I was going to give it a run for its money.

“Jesus, you’re beautiful.”

He ground his hips against mine and I let out a whimper.

His hand skimmed my belly, leaving behind a path of heat as he reached for my underwear.

He tugged them to the side and rubbed his thumb against my most sensitive spot.

My hips bucked up off the bed at the same time a groan escaped my lips.

He rolled off me so he could get better access.

I tugged his face down to mine and pressed my lips against his. He swallowed my next moan as he pushed his fingers inside me.

I’d never been this close to the edge during foreplay before.

Jasper had me so wound up I couldn’t even think straight.

I kissed him firm and fast as I ground myself against his hand shamelessly.

“Come for me,” he whispered against my lips.

My whole body was tense as my orgasm built within me, I had his neck in a death grip, our faces only a fraction of an inch apart, our lips barely touching.

“Hannah,” he breathed as his fingers pushed me over the edge.

I fell apart staring into his eyes, pleasure rolling over me in waves.

“Oh god…. Jasper, oh…. God,” I moaned as he took every last bit from me.

I was so high on the euphoria within my body I could barely even remember where I was.

It wasn’t until he slid off the bed and strolled over to the closet that I came back down to earth.

“Get back here, I want more.”

He chuckled as he reached inside the door.

He came back with a box of condoms.

“The whole box?” I raised my brows at him.

He winked at me. “I haven’t got anywhere to be.”

“I like the way you think, Jasper Jones.”

He took a deep breath, his eyes caressing my exposed body.

“Lose the underwear,” he commanded.

“Right back at you.”

I reached behind my back and undid the clasp on my bra, it came loose in my hands and I threw it to him.

He caught it with a smirk.

I slid the underwear down my legs and off my feet in the most seductive manner I could manage.

I threw those at him too.

He groaned. “Hell, woman, I’m not sure I can handle you.”

“So, ditch the boxers and I’ll see if I can handle you.”

He did exactly as I asked.

Using both hands, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs and slid them down his thighs, his hard dick springing free.

Well shit.

I might have talked a big game, but now that I was looking that thing in the eye, I wasn’t so sure.

He was so rock-hard it must have been painful.

He kicked the boxers off and reached for the condoms.

I watched his every move as he ripped open the foil packet and pinched the rubber between his fingers.

“You in a rush?”

“I need you, Hannah.”

“I haven’t even touched you yet.”

“Unless you feel like seeing an early finale, you better keep those hands to yourself.”

Well then

Jasper made me feel powerful. He made me feel like I was enough.

I shoved those feelings down as I watched him roll on the condom.

I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes for a moment. I felt the bed dip and his weight pressing against my body.

His fingers linked with mine and he raised our joined hands up above my head.

His rough mouth kissed down my neck and along my shoulder blade.

“God, Hannah,” he groaned.

His hands let go of mine, instead reaching for my hips.

He settled between my open legs, and I could feel the tip of him pressing against me.

“Please, Jasper,” I begged, suddenly overcome with want all over again.

He lifted my hips and pushed inside.

“Oh holy shit,” I breathed as he filled me.

He was hard as a rock, and it felt as though every part of me was being stretched to the limit.

He gave me no time to adjust before the relentless thrusting began.

I wrapped my legs around him and gripped his broad shoulders.

“Fuck… baby, fuck that’s good,” he choked out between thrusts.

When the man was right, he was right.

The way he rolled his hips when he pushed in deep had me squirming.

I could already feel another orgasm building… one touch in the right place and I’d be falling apart again.

Almost as if he could sense where I needed him, he shifted his weight and the most delicious pressure came down on my clit.

“Oh yes, like that,” I cried.

“Hannah.” My name falling from his lips was his only reply.

He pressed again, and I fell over the edge. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled through my whole body, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

Oh wow

This was more than I could take, it was too much, my body couldn’t cope.

His pace quickened for a few strokes before he tensed, his own orgasm tearing through him.

He moved slowly in and out of me, milking the last of both of our pleasure.

“Stop,” I whimpered. “Jasper, god, stop… I can’t take any more,” I moaned.

He thrust once more before stilling and collapsing on top of me.

“Holy shit,” he muttered. “I can literally see stars.”

I laughed, and he lifted his head up to look at me.

He was so ruggedly gorgeous. His eyes were like windows to his soul. Warm hazel pools, swimming with emotion and expression.

He lightly brushed his lips against mine. “You’re so beautiful,” he told me again.

“That was, ummm… wow.”

“It was incredible, Hannah. You are incredible.” He was looking right into my eyes, his look so intense I nearly shuddered.

What is happening here?

He kissed me once more, causing my pulse to race yet again, before slipping out of me and lying down next to me.

His arm came around me and he tugged me into his side.

He covered us both with a blanket, not even worrying about the condom.

He kissed the top of my head, once, twice… three times.

He’s so sweet.

He’s perfect.

I tried to swallow deeply, my mouth suddenly dry.

This wasn’t a one-night stand.

Not even close.

I’d had my fair share of one-night stands, but this was something different.

The way he was holding me… the connection we shared… the intensity between us was something deeper than just sex.

It scared me.

I’d never been a girl that scared particularly easily, but I was scared now.

I’d been telling the truth earlier when I’d told him I wasn’t afraid, but if he were to ask me that same question again now, I wouldn’t be able to give the same answer.

I was developing feelings for him after only one time together.

That wasn’t how I did things.

I didn’t want a relationship, and I certainly didn’t want to have feelings.

I’d decided a long time ago that I was single and on a mission.

I’d made myself a list of celebrities and I was going to bed one of them if it killed me.

This was the fun stage of my life and I didn’t want to find myself tied down.

I ran my finger lightly over the ink on his arm and wracked my brain to try and figure out why all I could think of was him.

In an instant he’d replaced every other face in my fantasies.

His name had replaced every other on the list.

He’s become my fantasy.

I didn’t know what to do with that information. I couldn’t process it.

My brain couldn’t make the simple connection that everything about him was fun. That I was living my fantasy right now… instead I was just getting a message that told me to panic.

I couldn’t see that everything I’d ever wanted was staring right back at me. Instead, I just felt fear. Fear that it would all be ripped away from me if I let it in.

“I need to pee.”

I rolled away from him and swung my legs over the side of the bed so I was sitting on the edge.

He leant up and placed a kiss to the bare skin on my lower back.

Seriously… so sweet.

“Toilet’s through there,” he murmured. I could feel his beard tickling me, and I liked it far more than was safe.

I turned my gaze in the direction he pointed. I tugged the sheet in an attempt to take it with me.

He chuckled and helped free it for me.

“Don’t get shy on me now, Hannah, I’ve seen every inch of that gorgeous body.”

I managed a flirty smile in an attempt to conceal my impending freak out.

I wrapped the white sheet around my body and slipped into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I ran the cold tap and splashed some water over my face.

What do I do?

I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

All the places he’d kissed me were slightly pink – from the beard on his face, no doubt.

Much to my dismay, I liked it. I liked the way it looked on me, as though he’d left his mark.

I’m so screwed.

I liked him.

I could feel the connection between us. I would’ve had to be blind not to see it. It hummed like a live wire. It was an intensity I’d never come face to face with until now.

I’d shared chemistry with men before, but it was nothing more than sex. I’d had feelings for boyfriends before, but I’d never felt drawn to someone in this way.

I sat down on the toilet and tried to take a few deep breaths.

Calm the hell down.

I needed to think this through.

I’ve got options.

I could go back out there and ignore my fears, act normal – well, as normal as I would ever be, and see what happened next.

I could go out there and be honest with him, tell him I was afraid, but that I liked him and wanted to see him again.

Or I could bullshit my way out of there. Tell him it was fun, but it wasn’t going to happen again.

Just nip it in the bud.

That was my safest option. If I didn’t get involved, then I didn’t get hurt.

Un-hurt me was my favourite me.

I stood up off the toilet.

You can do this, you can do this

I chanted to myself internally.

Just don’t look at his bangin’ body or his gorgeous eyes and you’ll be golden.

I opened the door, and the first thing I saw was that sexy body, sprawled out on the bed, a blanket low on his hips, barely covering him at all.

Shit. Step one: fail.

“Are you hungry?” he asked. He was doing something on his cell phone.

“Ummmm... I guess I could eat?”

“I’m ordering takeout. Come choose what you want.”

“I’ll eat anything.”

I glanced around the room trying to figure out where my clothes had gone.

Ah crap.

Half of my stuff was up here; the other half was in the living room.

“The chicken chow mien is really good.”

“Uh huh, whatever you think.” I glanced around again and spotted a shirt of Jasper’s lying on the ground.

I grabbed it and shrugged it on.

So much for making a quick exit.

Here I was with intentions to tell Jasper I was leaving, and now I was ordering food.

Shit, shit, shit.

I was so busy internally fretting that I didn’t notice he’d put down the phone and was staring at me.

“Come here.”

I froze.

“What for?” I squeaked.

“You’re freaking out. So come here.”

How does he know that?

“Come on.”

Here goes nothing.

He patted the space next to him on the bed.

I sat.

His shirt was covering everything that needed to be covered, but I still felt totally exposed to him.

I could still feel where his fingers had touched me… where his mouth had been… I could still feel the weight of his body on mine.

“I’m fine,” I lied. “I just, um, I just wanted to tell you that this was fun, and I had a really good time.”

His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied me. “Are you brushing me off?”

Well hell. Straight to the point then.

“It’s not like that, Jasper, it’s just… you know, this is just a one-time thing…”

“A one-time thing,” he deadpanned, disappointment flashing across his face.

“Yeah?” I shrugged. “That’s what this is, right?”

He stared at me for a few beats, and I could have sworn he was deep inside me, flicking through my instruction manual.

“Sure, baby. One night.”

“One time,” I clarified.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Nuh uh. Now that I’m not agreeing to.”

“You’re holding me hostage for the night?” I giggled nervously.

“I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to.”

One night couldn’t hurt, right?

Spending the night with him sounded a hell of a lot better than going home right now, alone and pissed off at myself.

I held my wrists out to him. “What are you tying me up with?”

He smirked, and my insides flipped.

One night definitely can’t hurt.




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