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The Twelve Mates Of Christmas: The Complete Collection by Sable Sylvan (46)

Chapter Eight

Christmas Eve Eve, 2010

Candy couldn’t believe it. The Christmas Eve’s Eve party had been a success. Over a hundred women had attended the party, held at The Wreath’s community center. A babysitting service had agreed to work with Bear Claw Bakery. The service took care of the kids in another hall while the moms all had a blast, having good food, non-alcoholic mocktails, and of course, partying with one sexy Santa.

Cain took his last pic of the night with one of the moms, the last one sticking around the party around eleven at night. Pandora showed the mom the way to the babysitter room. Cain brushed himself off and stretched. Sitting in the Santa chair had given him a cramp.

“How’d I do?” Cain asked Candy, who was clearing off a table near the chair.

“Not one woman left here without a smile on her face,” said Candy. “We wrapped up pretty early. What’re you going to do tonight?”

“Probably just call it a night,” said Cain.

“Really? I can’t sleep,” said Candy. “I’m too excited for Christmas.”

“Cain, come on,” said Krampus from the stage in the community center’s main hall. “I want to head back to the island.”

“Duty calls,” said Cain, leaving Candy and heading up to Krampus.

“Get changed,” said Krampus, taking Cain backstage. “You don’t have much time.”

“Wait, what?” asked Cain. “What’s —”

“Krampus thrust a snow globe into his hand before Cain could ask, ‘what’s going on?’” narrated Krampus, pulling a snow globe out of his pocket.

Before Cain could ask what was going on, Krampus pushed the snow globe into his hand. Cain was hit with a surge of energy. He swore he could smell minty hot chocolate and taste the scent of a freshly cut pine tree on his tongue.

“What was that?” asked Cain.

“You’ve done okay,” said Krampus. “I’m giving you your shift back — but just for tonight. Whatever you have to do, do it tonight.”

“No joke, I can use my bear again tonight?” asked Cain. “Back at Camp Kringle?”

“Kid, I don’t care where you use it, but I’m heading back to camp,” said Krampus.

“You mean…” started Cain.

“You do whatever you want out here, but, if I don’t find your ass in bed tomorrow morning, I’ll find your ass, then, I’ll tan it,” warned Krampus.

Cain got changed and headed back out to the community center hall, which had been cleaned from ceiling to floor.

“Pandora, you ready to go?” asked Jack. “I’ll walk you out.”

“Really? That’s nice of you,” said Pandora. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

“Avery, do you need someone to walk you home?” asked Krampus.

“Well, I don’t need it, but…it is a nice night, isn’t it?” asked Avery. “Sure. Let’s take a walk.”

That left Cain and Candy.

“Would you —” started Cain.

“Yes!” shouted Candy. “I mean…yes, Cain? What’s up?”

“Do you want me to walk you home?” asked Cain with a smile.

“That’d be nice,” said Candy. “I only live a few blocks away. Are you sure you won’t be too cold?”

“Trust me, I’ll be fine,” said Cain. “I’m a shifter. We run hot.”

The walk to Candy’s house was short. Candy started to open the door to her house, but Cain put a hand on her shoulder.

“Wait,” said Cain. “What’s that?”

Candy looked up. On the porch, in the space between Candy and Cain, was a strand of mistletoe. Candy recognized the white berries from the photoshoot when Pandora had gone and meddled with her ‘prop.’

“Is that…oh, no,” said Candy. “Cain…I think that’s mistletoe!

“It’s definitely mistletoe,” said Cain. “I used to have to go climb up trees and cut it down for my parents, back when I was a wee cub.”

“What’re we gonna do?” asked Candy.

“It’s just a silly old tradition,” said Cain. “It’s not like we’re at some photoshoot like before. Don’t worry about it.”

“Isn’t breaking Christmas traditions Naughty? You don’t want to be Naughty so close to Christmas,” said Candy. “That’s bad luck. Oh, gosh, Cain…I think…I think…”

“Yes, Candy?” asked Cain, coming up to Candy, taking her by the waist and pulling her closer. “Do you have…a favor to ask of me?”

“Gosh, Cain, if it isn’t too much trouble…” started Candy. Candy felt her cheeks turn Christmas candy apple red. She knew that she was stumbling over her words again. There were times where she could talk to Cain like he was anyone else, and then, there were these times, the times where she couldn’t manage to find the words she wanted to say. Candy turned away, embarrassed. Kissing Cain at the photo shoot was one thing. They were in private. This would be a kiss that was just for them.

“You needed something, Candy?” said Cain, using the crook of his finger to turn Candy’s face back to its normal resting position. Then, he put the flat of his hand underneath her chin and gently tilted her face up.

“I…” started Candy. “I…”

“Yes?” whispered Cain, leaning in to speak directly into Candy’s ear, his stubble brushing up against her cheek. “Is there something you need from me?”

“W-would you mind helping me out with this mistletoe and, uh…kissing me?” asked Candy. “Please?”

“Well, because you said please, of course, I can,” said Cain, brushing back past Candy’s cheeks and moving his face, so it was right in front of hers. Cain tilted Candy’s head up again and kissed her right on the lips, gently, not going for tongue.

Cain’s bear roared for the first time since its spirit had reentered his body. Cain hushed the bear. He told it that he would fill it in on the details during the inevitable rowing session back to Camp Kringle. For now, Cain had to focus on Candy, on seeing if she felt the same spark he’d felt whenever he’d been this close to her, on finding out if she, too, desired him as he desired her.

Cain felt his cock throb in his pants. He took in Candy’s scent, smelling the strong scent of her hair, close to his face, but then, he scented out something else. It was a musky, natural smell, somewhat sweet, thoroughly primal. It was the scent of a female’s desire. Could what Cain hoped for really be true? Did Candy have more than just a little crush on him?

Candy’s heart was beating a mile a minute, and it wasn’t just from the caffeine in the three eggnog lattes she’d had that night, or the sugar from the half a dozen sugar cookies. She closed her eyes instinctively and leaned into the kiss. She felt Cain wrap his arms around her waist, on the sides, keeping her steady so she didn’t tilt over, and then, Cain pulled away.

“There,” said Cain. “Now, you don’t have to worry about any bad luck.”

Yeah, but you breaking off the kiss is just my luck, thought Candy, looking up at the mistletoe.

“What’s the tag say?” asked Candy. She reached for the tag but could not reach it.

Cain smiled. Nothing was cuter than watching Candy, who was so much shorter than him, try to reach things that were just out of her grasp. He reached up, grabbed the mistletoe, and gently undid the ribbon tying the mistletoe to a hook sticking out of a beam. He passed the mistletoe to Candy.

“Really? Frikkin’ really?” asked Candy.

“What’s it say?” asked Cain.

“‘Congratulations on getting pranked by us,’ signed, ‘P and J,’” read Candy. “Pandora and Jack put it here. They must’ve done it when they snuck out of the party for ‘fresh air’ earlier tonight. It’s bad enough that she pranked me at the photoshoot. She had to prank me again? This whole mistletoe schtick is getting real old!”

“Here I was, thinking they were going outside to make out,” said Cain.

“They insist they’re not a couple,” said Candy with a sigh.

“Sure,” said Cain, crossing his arms. “Let’s see how long that lasts.”

Candy let Cain in. Candy turned on the lights to her house. He’d been there before, to set up her Christmas tree, which he saw was simply decorated, with rainbow lights and silver tinsel.

“Sorry it’s so cold in here,” said Candy. “Let me grab the heater from my room.”

“Allow me,” said Cain. He followed Candy to her room, grabbed the heater, and brought it out to the living room. He set it up, flicked the switch, and…nothing happened.

“Weird,” said Cain. “When you turn it on, is it supposed to turn red or just stay like this?”

“Are you kidding?” asked Candy. “Wow. Just my luck. I guess the heater’s broken.”

“Maybe it’s the outlet,” said Cain. Cain moved the heater to another outlet, but it still didn’t work.

“It’s busted,” said Candy. “Let me text Avery and see what I should do.”

Candy took out her phone and shot Avery a quick text letting her know what had happened.

“I’ll be right back,” said Candy. She went into her room and grabbed her duvet cover.

“Really?” asked Cain. “You want to get under that big thing?”

“Do you have another suggestion?” asked Candy.

“There’s a fireplace, isn’t there?” asked Cain. “I’ll set a fire.”

“Fire good, fire warm,” joked Candy, doing her best cavewoman impression.

“Alright, Miss Comedienne, where’s your firewood?” asked Cain.

“Probably out back,” said Candy.

Candy followed Cain out to the backyard, where there was a stack of firewood outside. Cain grabbed a bunch of pieces of wood and carried them inside.

“Can you open the grate up for me?” asked Cain.

“Oh, of course,” said Candy, rushing to open up the fireplace.

Cain put down the firewood. “I have one more favor. Can you find some newspaper or something we can use for kindling?”

“Sure,” said Candy.

Cain went searching for matches. He found an old-fashioned flint fire maker. He tested it. It made a scratching sound and produced a red spark. Perfect. There was a set of fire tools near the stone hearth.

“Uh, so, I don’t have newspaper, but, I do have these,” admitted Candy, passing Cain a pastry box.

“We can’t burn that,” said Cain. “It’s got a plastic window.”

“No, inside,” said Candy. “These are wax paper pieces we use to pick up the pastries.”

“It’s not great, but, it’ll do,” admitted Cain. Cain crumbled up the slips of paper and put them into the fire.

“Stand back,” warned Cain. “I wouldn’t want you to get burned.” Cain used the fire starter to start the fire, catching the kindling with the fire. One spark finally landed on a piece of fuel, but, it went out. When Cain was sure it was safe, he reached back in and tried to light another piece of paper. The spark took. He pulled his hand away and watched as the paper burned, its thin white edges turning crispy brown and black before glowing bright red and then, ‘disappearing,’ crumbling as ash or floating away as smoke.

“There,” said Cain. “That’ll keep you warm.”

“I’m still a little chilly,” said Candy. “It’s going to take a while for the fire to heat the room up.”

“I can take care of that,” said Cain. “Wait.”

Cain left, walking to the bathroom. Candy looked away, frowning. Apparently, Cain had to poop before he helped her get warm. Shivering, she turned on the TV and channel surfed until she happened upon her favorite Christmas themed romantic comedy. It was a cheesy movie, but, it was her favorite.

Candy started watching the movie. She was so enrapt she almost didn’t notice the giant furry brown predator that had stalked into her room.

“Ahh!” shouted Candy, moving her legs up onto the couch. “Wait, is that you, Cain?”

Cain nodded.

Candy looked over the animal in front of her. It was big, real big, bigger than she’d expected a bear to be. Its fur was a rich, luxurious chocolate brown. It had big paws that looked like they could tear her face off if Cain were so inclined. The bear looked up at her with kind eyes.

“Oh, sorry,” apologized Candy. “I didn’t realize that’s what you meant by ‘taking care’ of me being cold.”

Cain nodded again. He got on the couch and lay over Candy’s lap, gently, and watched the movie with her.

Candy had to admit that it was a little bit weird. A big alpha male lumberjack was lying on her lap as if he were an electric blanket. The method was unorthodox, but, it got results.

Candy ran her fingers through Cain’s fur, feeling bear fur for the first time. Cain must’ve done something special to his coat, like condition it, because it was very soft and silky. She was expecting dirty, matted fur, but Cain was very clean. She scratched behind Cain’s ears. Cain opened his mouth to yawn. Candy instinctively pulled her hand back, but when she saw he was just yawning, she went to scratch the top of his head. She felt something thumping on the couch. She looked. It was Cain’s stubby little tail. Candy smiled. She knew Cain was sexy, but apparently, he also had a cute side — the side that was all-bear.

Cain wasn’t giving the film his full attention. He was thinking about the events of the night. Cain couldn’t believe it — he was actually in his bear form, with the woman he wanted, in her house, keeping her safe and warm, his primal instincts to care for her guiding his every move. He had thought that this would never be a reality for him again. Cain knew that another shifter may’ve felt sad in his situation, but Cain was filled with determination. He wasn’t off The Naughty List yet. But, he was going to figure out a way to get off The Naughty List, keep his shift, and of course, claim his woman, his big, beautiful woman.

Cain’s bear harrumphed at him. Cain let the bear grumble. Yes, it was Cain’s fault that he hadn’t claimed a mate before, but that’s what had gotten Cain up to The Wreath, so he could meet Candy in the first place. Fate was a weird woman. Who was Cain to question Fate?

Soon, Candy was actually too hot, and it was time to kick Cain off the couch.

“Okay, Cain, enough,” said Candy, wiping her brow clean of perspiration. “You’re way too heavy to be a lap dog. This was fun, but I’m burning up.”

The bear moved off the couch, looked up at her and nodded.

“Sorry,” squeaked Candy. “Not that I hate bears or anything, just — you’re a lot of animal, and I’m a teeny piece of Candy!”

Cain walked away, shifting into a human once he was behind the couch, so he could navigate the narrow hall with ease. Candy looked back to watch the bear walk away but was surprised that, instead of seeing a grizzly bear’s buns, she got a face full of Cain’s bare buns.

She turned away blushing. Soon, Cain came back out in his lumberjack clothes.

“You know, I can still warm you up,” said Cain. “Here.”

Cain grabbed one of the thinner throw blankets. He wrapped it around Candy’s shoulders, leaving one side free. He slipped into the seat next to her and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders too.

“Wh-what’s this?” asked Candy.

“I told you,” said Cain. “I’m going to keep you warm. Shifters run hot, real hot.” Before Candy could reply, Cain turned the movie on again.

They watched the movie together. Candy did start to get warm. She felt Cain touch her thigh with his hand, and then, his hand moved lower…

…and lower, but not in the way she thought.

“Your legs are icy cold,” said Cain. “Here.” Cain took Candy’s legs and tossed them over his lap.

“Thanks,” whispered Candy. “Wouldn’t want to catch frostbite.”

Candy’s heart was racing a mile a minute. She was watching her favorite Christmas movie with frikkin’ Cain Pellichero, romance novel model, bad boy lumberjack, and apparently, sensitive protective alpha male werebear.

Candy’s phone buzzed. She pulled it out. Avery had finally texted her back, explaining that there was another heater in the supply closet, to the side.

“Huh,” said Candy. “I guess there is another heater.”

Candy got up from the couch, followed by Cain. Before she went to the supply closet, she realized there was one more thing she had to do.

“Oh, I nearly forgot,” said Candy. “You haven’t seen the tree in all its glory yet.” She went to turn on the tree’s lights.

“You like the tree?” asked Cain.

“Yeah, it’s frikkin’ huge and makes the entire house smell like an air freshener,” said Candy. “What’s not to love about it?”

“No ornaments, though?” asked Cain.

“In my family, we only put them up the night before Christmas Day,” explained Candy. “I don’t know how it became a tradition. It just did.”

“That’s how traditions are, aren’t they?” asked Cain. “I should now.”

“Oh, because you’re a shifter?” blurted out Candy. “Sorry, I mean —”

“Exactly,” said Cain. “My Clan, Clan Marron, wants to make sure all the little cubs know about our history, about our legends. All the ornaments at Clan Marron have stories.”

“Your Clan has communal ornaments?” asked Candy. “How does that work?”

“Every family contributes ornaments, one per child, to the collection,” explained Cain. “Each ornament has a meaning, explained by parents to child, and spread across the Clan. Every year, the Clan puts up a big tree in the Clan Marron lodge, and the kids all help decorate it.”

“That’s beautiful,” said Candy. “That must be real special.”

“I can’t wait until I have kids of my own,” admitted Cain. “I’d have to have a lot of cubs. There are so many stories I’d want to tell them, for them to hang up on that tree.”

“Like what?” asked Candy.

“Like the story of how I met my true love, this curvy baker,” said Cain, cocking Candy’s chin up and leaning in.

Candy pressed her hands up against Cain’s chest. She knit her fingers into his flannel shirt and pulled him close to her. She got on her tip toes. She pressed her lips against Cain’s, softly, but then, Cain pulled her lower lip into his mouth. Candy pulled away and sucked Cain’s upper lip into her mouth. She felt his stubble’s bristles against her tongue.

Cain picked Candy up. Candy wasn’t sure what to do with her legs, but then, Cain hiked her legs up around his waist.

That’s when Candy realized she was about to have a very, very Merry Christmas.




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