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The Twelve Mates Of Christmas: The Complete Collection by Sable Sylvan (86)

Chapter Ten

Christmas Eve, 2013

On Christmas Eve, Kevin woke up and got changed. He headed to the main room of the cabin, but Krampus stopped him. Krampus had been busy tying bits of ribbon to his ribbon ball, which had grown quite large.

“Hey,” said Krampus. “Wrong outfit.”

“Wrong outfit?” asked Kevin.

“Your tactical suit is in the dresser,” said Krampus. “You can’t miss it.”

“Oh, got it,” said Kevin.

Kevin went and got changed into the all black tactical jumpsuit. He came back out and saw that Krampus was waiting for him…with Nivek, who was wearing a matching suit.

“Hurry up,” said Krampus. “We have to get to The North Pole, see if we can get this reindeer thing sorted out.”

Krampus summoned a portal using his chain necklace. Kevin and Nivek followed Krampus through the portal. Nivek intentionally bumped his shoulder against Kevin’s, hard.

Dick, thought Kevin.

Did you expect better from that jack-off? asked Donner. Krampus had switched Donner back into Kevin’s body and taken Kevin’s bear once Kevin had gotten home from his all-day date with Stella.

What’s going to happen now? asked Kevin.

You’ll see, and whatever you do, don’t let them know I’m the reason you can still turn into a reindeer, ordered Donner.

Right, said Kevin.

Kevin and Nivek followed Krampus down an icy path to what looked like an office park, shiny with glass and chrome and blinking Christmas lights strewn over its every edge. The giant rainbow building beckoned, and Kevin answered its siren call.

Krampus led Kevin and Nivek down a hall, to a large room, where there were seven other men dressed in outfits identical to the ones worn by Kevin and Nivek. All the other men were tall, broad-shouldered, and had an icy demeanor.

“Good,” said Santana, the large man in the red velvet hoodie with a white fur lining. “Now, we can see which one of you is pulling my sleigh tonight. Krampus? The snow globe.”

Krampus reached into his endless pockets and passed Santana the snow globe.

“Hand,” ordered Santana.

Kevin reached out and put his hand on the snow globe. Nothing happened.

“Well, that settles it,” said Santana. “You’ve got the reindeer, so you, you’re flying with me tonight.”

“But he’s not on —” started Krampus.

“And neither are they,” said Santana, motioning to the other men. “Old Man Winter’s ice elementals aren’t on The Naughty List, but they’re here. The Ride must go on, regardless of the petty drama. Kevin, you’re coming on The Ride.”

“And what am I supposed to do?” asked Nivek.

“Whatever you want, but don’t cause trouble,” ordered Santana. “Krampus, find something for that one to do.”

“And what’ll happen to me, my bear, my mark?” asked Nivek.

“Uh…I guess we’ll give you an extension,” said Santana. “You have another month to find a mate and claim her, to earn back your bear. Of course, Kevin, as you’ve already claimed a mate, and earned your bear, you’ll get your bear back after The Ride — that is if we can figure out what’s wrong with the snow globe.”

“No fair,” said Nivek. “Wait — Kevin claimed a mate?”

“Yes, and you better stay away from her,” threatened Kevin.

That’s the one thing I didn’t think of, thought Kevin. Nivek, unsupervised.

After the beating you gave him last time, he should know better than to mess with you again, said Donner.

“I’ll be watching him at Avery’s party,” said Krampus. Nivek smirked.

A girl popped into the room without knocking, the only woman that could get away with that manner of shenanigans at The North Pole — Pandora Claus.

“Hey, I just wanted to stop by and give you an early Christmas present, Kevin,” said Pandora. She clapped her hands, and a present appeared. She passed it to Kevin.

“Nothing for me?” asked Nivek.

“Nope! Nothing for you!” said Pandora cheerily, as she didn’t like Nivek one bit, before opening the door to leave. “Alright, Merry Christmas, and have fun on The Ride, Kevin!”

“What’s this?” asked Kevin, looking over the small gift.

“Whatever you want or need, Pandora can summon out of thin air,” said Krampus. “It’s one of her many gifts. Now, before Nivek gets into any trouble, I best take him back to The Wreath.”

Krampus pulled his necklace off and tossed it in the air. A portal appeared, in a warm, cheery looking home. Krampus grabbed Nivek by the ear and walked him through the entrance before Krampus closed the portal behind him.

“What is it?” asked one of the ice elementals.

“I don’t know,” said Kevin. “It’s not Christmas yet, so I guess I shouldn’t open it.”

“Oh, we all opened ours,” said another ice elemental.

“What was it?” asked Kevin.

“Sushi!” said one of the ice elementals excitedly. “Although…your gift doesn’t smell like sushi.”

“Well, I guess if it could be perishable, I should open it,” said Kevin. He opened the package. Inside, there was a tiny red velvet box. Kevin opened it. Inside, there was a ring, and on the ring, a little tag, and on that tiny tag, the words, ‘For Stella.’

* * *

Stella arrived at the address that Avery had sent her. The house she arrived at was huge. She knew it was the right house because outside the house, Avery had tied a Christmas tree shaped balloon to the mailbox, a detail she’d texted to Stella. Stella parked her car in the large private lot on Avery’s property and got out of the car. The pathway to Avery’s house was clear of ice and snow. Stella walked to the front of the house in her fancy flats and knocked.

Somebody opened the door, one of Avery’s guests. Stella thanked them and went to find the hostess. On the way, she spotted all sorts of folks engaged in Christmas activities. Some people were stringing together popcorn and watching cheesy movies. There were tables of kids decorating cookies with icing and sprinkles. In the kitchen, Avery was pulling something hot out of the oven.

“Hey, Avery,” said Stella.

“Hey? That’s not the proper greeting tonight,” said Avery. “Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas,” said Stella. “I brought you something.”

“Oh, what is it?” asked Avery. “Can you pull it out of the bag for me?”

“It’s some hot cocoa,” said Stella, pulling the cannister of hot chocolate out of the bag.

“That’s some fancy stuff,” said Avery, looking at the label. “I’ll make a batch for the party. Thanks!”

“So tonight’s The Ride,” said Stella, leaning on the counter as Avery moved the hot pigs-in-a-blanket from the sheet pan to a serving tray.

“You thinking about the guy that’s on it?” asked Avery.

“Depends — who did end up going on The Ride?” asked Stella.

“Kevin, of course,” said Avery.

“Oh,” said Stella. “And that means…”

“Krampus and Nivek’ll be here,” said Avery. “Krampus has to watch Nivek, and I didn’t want Krampus to be all alone on Christmas Eve.”

“No, it’s fine,” said Stella. “It’s a big party, after all. There’s no way that Nivek will able to bug me — at least, this Christmas.”

“What do you mean?” asked Avery.

“I…haven’t been entirely honest with you,” said Stella. “Remember that thing Nivek said when he had the fight with Kevin? About how I was his?”

“Yeah, but you have a say in all that,” said Avery.

“I don’t,” said Stella. “My family set me up for an arranged marriage — and I’m going to have to go through with it. Their family and Nivek’s family came up with it years ago. I tried to ignore it, but I guess that came back to bite me right in the mistletoe. This time next year, I’ll be having a very different kind of Christmas.”

“Are you sure about all that?” asked Avery. “You know…we can build our own lives, Stella.”

“But my family gave their word,” said Stella. “It’s to ensure that the family company does well, as Nivek’s family — the Durphy Diaper dynasty — could help save my family’s bassinet company.”

“Then let your mom marry Nivek if it’s really just about money,” said Avery. “Sounds like they made a promise they expected you to keep, but that sounds like a whole lot of their problem, and not a lot of yours.”

“But they’re my family,” said Stella.

“Are they?” asked Avery. “What kind of a family would go behind someone’s back and make this kind of deal?”

“I…I don’t know,” said Stella. “It’s the only family I’ve ever known.”

“Well, this season, you got to know another,” said Avery. “Fate’s real, but, sometimes, we just gotta take things into our own hands and make our own fates. Stella, I’m confident that if you try, you can rearrange the stars.”

* * *

Kevin felt the wind beneath his hooves as he flew through the sky, close to Santana’s sleigh. Santana was chatting on comms with the Christmas Elves back at The Workshop at a non-stop rate. Even though Kevin was one of the two reindeer closest to the sleigh, and thus, nearest to Santana, he didn’t eavesdrop on Santana’s conversation. He was too busy concentrating on The Ride — or at least, trying to.

Up and down, over and over, on top rooftops across the world, Kevin took off and landed. He was seeing more of the world that night than most people would see in their entire lives, but there was only one place he wanted to be.

Scratch that.

It wasn’t the place that mattered.

It was the person.


Kevin only had one Christmas wish that year, and that wish…was to be with Stella.

Of course, he didn’t speak the wish aloud, given Stella obviously didn’t want to be with him.

You werebears, tutted Donner. Always so dramatic. Just tell her everything.

I already told her how I feel, said Kevin.

Shifter men — I tell you, you’re all so frikkin’ touchy-feely! answered Donner. Lay it all out for her — not just your feelings.

Like what? asked Kevin.

I think I was pretty clear, said Donner. Tell her your entire side of the story, from how you got set to The Wreath in the first place, to how and why you got sent back. Stella’s a smart woman. She can make her own decisions…but you should give her as much information as possible to help her make that decision. Doesn’t she deserve to know the whole truth?

She won’t let me tell it, said Kevin.

Then maybe your Christmas wish shouldn’t be to be with her — but to be able to explain yourself to her, said Donner. Let a shifter make a Christmas wish, he has his mate for a night. Teach a shifter how to make smart Christmas wishes…well, he’ll keep his mate for life.

Is that some kind of reindeer saying? asked Kevin.

It will be if it ends up being true, said Donner. Guess that’s my Christmas wish.

* * *

Stella had gone to Avery’s party to have fun, but through all the group activities, all she could think of was the one person that was missing, the one person she knew she shouldn’t be missing — Kevin.

Avery’s cabin was big, real big, so multiple groups were doing all kinds of things. Stella had wandered away from the board games group — which had turned into some hardcore nerdy Christmas elves playing a game with a ton of dice and rules, where they pretended to be regular humans with no magic whatsoever, dealing with normal, everyday problems like grocery shopping. Well, they were normal problems to other people, not to Stella. All the game did was remind her that her destiny was not to have a normal existence, one where she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted, like go to Christmas parties and go shopping for chips and salsa. Her destiny was to be sequestered in a stuffy old mansion and never get to lift a finger again.

But, Stella had decided it wouldn’t be with Nivek.

It would be with anyone else but him.

Her family had made a promise, and there would always be expectations for Stella, but there was one thing she was sure of — that Nivek would never put a ring on her finger.

That’s why, when she saw Nivek walking toward her, she made a bee-line for the kitchen instead. Nivek stopped to talk to Krampus, so Stella took that as an opportunity to get some help from Avery.

“Hey, do you have somewhere private I could go for a while?” asked Stella, walking up to Avery who was in the middle of making popcorn balls for the party.

“Of course, honey,” said Avery. “You feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” said Stella, which was technically true — it wasn’t like she was sick or anything. “I just want to get some air, and a bit of a break from the noise, is all.”

“Well, I have a bunch of guest bedrooms, so just open doors until you find one, sweetie, and make yourself at home,” said Avery. “If you want to tuck into a bed, there’s guest pajamas in the dressers.”

“Thanks, but I think I just need a tiny break,” said Stella.

Just then, the wind whistled through the air before rattling the windows.

“Ah, candy canes,” cursed Avery. “Stella…did you drive here?”

“Yes,” admitted Stella.

“Well, I don’t think you’ll be able to drive home in this weather,” said Avery. “I guess you’ll be needing those guest pajamas after all!”

* * *

Kevin knew the paths of his forest like he knew every hair on the back of his paw. He knew where to find every edible bush, the best spots for fishing salmon, and the best place to watch the stars.

Up above the Earth, Kevin realized his view of the world had been very, very tiny. He visited more cities in a single hour than he was sure he’d visit during his entire life. The Ride was going smoothly, unexpectedly smoothly.

“How you doing, Donner?” asked the Christmas elf back at Santana’s Workshop, when Kevin and the rest of the reindeer had stopped on a large apartment building so that Santana could do a blitz of deliveries.

“Good,” said Kevin, speaking reindeer, a language the Christmas elf knew fluently. “I thought there was supposed to be some kinda storm.”

“The bad weather we’ve been having this year — all that happened so that Santana could have a smooth Ride,” explained the elf. “Boreas ‘Old Man’ Winter and his crew already tore shit up all December, so that tonight, we could have easy flying — but not all night. You’ll experience some bad weather in the usual places, but nothing unusual — at least, until later tonight. You’ll know it when it hits you. We’ll try to prep you and the boys.”

“Got it,” said Kevin.

Santana finished his deliveries and hopped back in the sleigh. He cracked his whip — on the air, not his reindeer — and the reindeer were off. As one of the reindeer closest to Santana’s sleigh, Kevin just had to make sure to move in sync with the reindeer in front of him. He wasn’t responsible for navigation, which gave him a lot of time to think — unfortunately.

You’re still thinking about it? asked Donner.

How can I not? asked Kevin. She wants nothing to do with me, and Nivek’s near her. Double jeopardy.

That’s not what double jeopardy means, said Donner. I think you mean double whammy. At least look on the bright side — you claimed her so you can keep your bear once the season is over, and you’re back on The Nice List.

I would give up my shift for her, said Kevin. I’d give everything up to be with her, Donner. I’ve never met a woman like her, a woman that I want to protect, a woman I feel needs me in her life…and a woman who I need back. I need her, maybe more than she needs me, and maybe…maybe that’s the problem.

* * *

Stella ran her hands over the soft, well-worn red and green flannel sheets of the bed. The bed was big. Avery knew how to make a comfortable guest bedroom. The guest bedroom even had a large king-sized bed, perfect for couples. All it did was remind Stella that she wasn’t spending the night with someone, that although the party in the living room and the blizzard outside the cabin raged on, the sheets of the bed would remain as still as the surface of a glass ornament ball.

Stella’s train of thought went off the tracks when she heard jingling bells. She looked toward the door to the guest bedroom. The tiny bells on the wreath on the door were tinkling as a familiar face entered the room.

“Nivek, what are you doing here?” asked Stella.

“Got lost on my way to the bathroom,” said Nivek.

“Oh. The bathroom’s the next door down,” replied Stella. Nivek had let himself into the guest bedroom and shut the door behind him. He had his hands behind his back and looked around the comfortable, cozy bedroom.

“Nice place you got here,” said Nivek, looking around the guest bedroom.

“Ha-ha, real funny,” said Stella, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. “I’m just staying here tonight because Avery doesn’t want me walking home in this weather.”

“What if you had a big, strong man to protect you?” asked Nivek.

“Well, Kevin’s flying around the world tonight, so, I think that means I’m stuck here,” said Stella.

“I’m not talking about Kevin,” said Nivek, coming up behind Stella and whispering into her ear.

Nivek put his hands on Stella’s waist. Stella gracefully spun out of Nivek’s grasp before he could clasp his arms around her.

“What are you doing?” asked Stella. “You know Kevin and I are a thing. I wouldn’t cheat on him.”

“I’m not asking you to cheat on him,” said Nivek. “Stella — you and I, we’re obviously meant to be. It’s Fated. You were supposed to marry me, back in Seattle, on this very night. Fate brought us together — here, to The Wreath, and here, to this moment.”

Nivek got down on one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an emerald green velvet box. He popped the box open. Inside, there was an antique looking diamond engagement ring.

“Stella Schumacher, will you —” started Nivek.

“No,” said Stella. “Nivek, you’re not the man I’m interested in.”

“Let me finish,” said Nivek. “Stella Schumacher, will you do what Fate intends, and marry me?”

“No,” said Stella, arms crossed. “Nivek, I’m not interested in you. Even if I weren’t into Kevin, I wouldn’t go for you.”

“Why not?” asked Nivek. “Fate has —”

“You’re cocky, you’re pushy, and you’re rude,” interrupted Stella. “There’s no way Fate wants me to be with someone like you. I’m Kevin’s fated mate — that’s fated.”

“Ever heard of a little thing called…a ménage?” asked Nivek.

“Not interested, and if I were, it wouldn’t be with you,” said Stella.

“Plenty of people marry the person they’re not fated to be with,” said Nivek. “That could be us. We could just work past that.”

“Work past Fate? You’re so self-centered,” said Stella with a laugh, shaking her head.

“Honey, if you think I’m self-centered, I’ve only just gotten started,” growled Nivek.

“Wh-what do you mean?” asked Stella as a chill ran down her spine.

“I take what I want,” said Nivek. “What I want, Stella, isn’t you…but your fortune.”

“So this was always about the money?” asked Stella. “I should’ve known.”

“How do you think your family would react if they knew your secret?” asked Nivek.

“My what now?” asked Stella, genuinely confused.

“Y-your secret,” said Nivek, confused by Stella’s confusion. “How would they react…if they learned…about…Kevin?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t care,” said Stella. “They’re probably going to meet him one day, maybe even one day soon.” The last part was a lie. Stella knew it was wrong to lie, especially on Christmas, but she had to call Nivek’s bluff. The truth was, Stella could get hurt if Nivek told her family about Kevin — because she’d have to explain to them why he wasn’t with her.

Stella still hadn’t decided how she felt about Kevin.

She’d been bluffing to Nivek to get him off her back. The words were lies, but they felt as right on her tongue as Kevin’s lips felt on her skin. She had no idea how she really felt – that was just how she felt in the moment.

No, that was wrong — she knew how she felt. She could lie to herself all she wanted, jump through logical hoops like a reindeer jumping onto a roof, but…the truth was, she knew how she felt.

She just wasn’t sure what she could do about it. She loved Kevin — that hadn’t changed. But, there were still some fundamental incompatibilities keeping them apart. Not only had she chosen not to get married over Christmas, she hadn’t managed to find a husband of her own choosing over the holidays. It was more ammo for her family to use against her whenever they wanted to make her feel smaller than a baby’s first Christmas stocking.

But now that she was Kevin’s mate, things were even weirder.

Only one thing was sure — that no matter what, Stella would rearrange her stars, and Nivek would never be part of her new family’s constellation. Even if Stella didn’t end up with Kevin, there would be no place for Nivek in her life.

“Then that leaves me one option,” said Nivek.

“Giving up and leaving before Kevin learns about your threats?” asked Stella, a hand on her hip.

“I’ll be leaving — but not without my lottery ticket,” growled Nivek. Nivek was fast. He jumped toward Stella, who moved out of the way. Nivek hit the dresser, knocking down a basket of guest toiletries.

* * *

“We’re making a pit stop in The Wreath,” said Santana. “Something’s happening at Avery’s. One of my elves is detecting abnormal activity — a hurricane of something worse than Naughtiness.”

“At Avery’s?” asked Kevin aloud, in reindeer, a language Santana was fluent in but that ironically, Kevin was not, even as a reindeer, which meant he had to rely on Donner to translate what the other were-reindeer had said that night. “Wait — no! Stella!”

“Hold your horses — err, your reindeer,” ordered Santana. “Squad — the elves are going to give you new orders via your earpieces. Listen to them. We need to stick this landing, and with the blizzard brewing over The Wreath, we’re going to have a tough time of it as it is. Dasher, Dancer — get ready to turn. Prancer, Vixen — you follow after them.”

The two ice elementals who were hosting Prancer and Vixen grunted their agreement.

“Comet, Cupid — you know what to do, and Donner — I mean, Kevin — you keep that temper of yours in check. When we get in there, you do what you’re doing now — stick close to me,” demanded Santana. “Blitzen, you do what you have to do to make sure that boy doesn’t get himself on The Naughty List again. Last thing I need is more paperwork.”

Keep it together, boy, ordered Donner.

But Stella — started Kevin.

Stella can’t get our help if we’re stuck in a tree because you couldn’t listen to the elves and follow the route, Donner reminded Kevin. Now, are you Naughty, or are you Nice? Because I know what’s on your chest, and it’s what’s in your heart, Kevin. You can do whatever you want to get back here, but you know what you are, and why you are that way. You can keep it together for Stella, the woman who helped you change, now, can’t you?

* * *

Stella watched Nivek and moved slowly, so they were always directly facing each other, so that Nivek wasn’t able to get closer to her, one way or another. She realized that her previous position, by the door, had been better than her current position, by the window. She could’ve run out the door, but now, the window was her only possible exit.

Before Stella could pull back her elbow to break the window, a ringing sound filled the house.

* * *

Kevin’s hooves hit the ground. He watched the reindeer in front of him. As soon as they shifted, he had the go-ahead to shift. The ice elementals turned from reindeer into tactical ops team. They rode through the icy blizzard and took their ordered positions around the house.

“What’s going on?” asked Kevin.

“No time to explain — and the elementals are watching the house in case he tries to escape,” said Santana.

“Nivek,” cursed Kevin.

“Shut up, Kevin,” demanded Santana, who was already out of his sleigh. “You saved my Christmas. It’s fuckin’ time we save yours.” Santana grabbed Kevin’s arm and walked with Kevin over the snowy roof. Through the blizzard, Kevin couldn’t see a darn thing, but suddenly, he felt Santana lift him up.

“What’re you doing?” asked Kevin, panicking as he felt something hard hugging his body from all four sides. Before Kevin could get an answer, Santana pushed him through the chimney, just as Krampus had pushed Kevin through the magic portal leading to Camp Kringle. One second, Kevin’s legs were in the chimney, and the next, they were sticking out of an empty fireplace, his ass stuck in the fireplace, on a pile of powdery logs.

* * *

The grandfather clock in the hallway struck midnight, twelve dinging dongs and donging dings ringing out throughout Avery’s house. As the twelve bells rang out, the room filled with soot.

Of course, given it was Avery’s house, the soot managed to smell of sugar cookies and sprinkles. Stella swore she spotted rainbow glitter mixed in with the ashes.




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