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The Twelve Mates Of Christmas: The Complete Collection by Sable Sylvan (49)

Chapter Eleven

Christmas Day, 2010

“Wh-what happened?” asked Cain.

“You hit the candy cane on your way back to The Workshop,” said Krampus. “You’re going to be fine.”

“Going to be?” asked Cain. “What’s going on?”

“You need to stay here for a few more hours until the doctors here say you can leave,” said Krampus. “The medicine at The North Pole is superior to that available to humans and shifters.”

“What exactly happened to me, to my body?” asked Cain.

“Well…you managed to break both your arms when you knocked yourself out, and, when the sleigh came down, your legs got kinda…crushed,” said Krampus. “I’m afraid you’ll never walk again.”

“I’ll what?” asked Cain.

“I’m kidding,” said Krampus. “Merry fucking Christmas, you’re going to be fine, kid…although, you did break all four of your limbs. You just need to wait a few hours until the bones are strong enough for you to leave The North Pole.”

“You don’t understand,” said Cain. “I have to leave, Krampus. I need to go to her, to —”

“You can’t go to anyone, least of all Candy, until you’re healed,” said Krampus. “You know I can bind you here, Cain, so don’t try to escape.”

Cain waited in the hospital bed. A doctor came by and confirmed what Krampus had said. Cain watched the news. It was filled with feel-good Christmas day stories, about adopted puppies finding homes, about food drives for the needy, about all kinds of Christmas miracles. The question was, did Cain still have time to make his Christmas miracle come true?

After a few hours, a doctor finally came by to check on Cain’s status. The doctor used her tablet to scan Cain’s limbs and the rest of his body and make sure that everything that needed to heal had been healed.

“You’re ready to go,” said the doctor. “The injuries shouldn’t be detectable to any medical professional outside of The North Pole. In your world, if a doctor does ask what the heck happened…just say you got real drunk one night in Bozeman. That’s what I’d say, and trust me, I’m a doctor.”

“Alright, kid, wait for me,” said Krampus. “I’ll be right back. All that Christmas tea ran right through me. Here. Pandora left this for you. Before you ask, no, I don’t know what’s in it. But, I do know this. Pandora’s gifts are either what you want or what you need or both. That’s how giftomancy works, at least, for her. I do know this. Every other bad boy from your Clan has found the same damn thing inside of Pandora’s box…and used it successfully.”

Krampus passed Cain a box. Once Krampus was gone, Cain ripped through the wrapping paper. Inside the box was a ring box.

Cain popped it open. Inside was a sparkling diamond and ruby ring, forming a heart made up of two striped candy canes.

“I owe you one, Pandora,” said Cain.

Cain got out of the bed and got changed. He pocketed the ring box in his clothes.

Vixen, how can I get to The Wreath within an hour? Cain asked Vixen. I don’t suppose I can fly, can I? Not without the harness.

Well…technically the harness just helps you pull the sleigh, admitted Vixen.

Wait, said Cain. Are you serious? I could’ve flown back and forth to see Candy this entire time? Never mind. Okay. Do you know the way back to The Wreath?

You’re asking one of Santana Claus’ top reindeer if they know their way around the world, said Vixen. You figure out the answer to that.

Cain exited the room.

“Wait!” called a voice.

Cain turned. Krampus was walking toward him. Cain walked faster.

“Kid, are you serious?” asked Krampus.

“I have to go,” said Cain. “Don’t try and stop me.”

“But —” started Krampus.

“No,” said Cain. “I’m going. Now. I’m sure you’ll manage to find a way to come capture me and take back Vixen, but just give me a twenty-four head start, Krampus. I’ll cooperate peacefully if you just let me do what I have to do.”

“Whatever,” said Krampus, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms before turning to walk down the hall, throwing his arms up in the air. “Kid, you wanna do that, you do that.”

Idiot, said Vixen.

I know, right? said Cain.

No, because — started Vixen.

Not now, ordered Cain.

Cain found an exit. He got down on the ground, shifted into Vixen’s form, and took off through the air. Unbridled, he could fly as fast as his shift was capable of flying, as he didn’t have a team of seven other reindeer or a Santana in a sleigh to worry about.

Cain flew past the candy cane. The candy cane’s top had fallen off and was lying on the ground in pieces. Chefs in white hats were taking the shards of red and white candy away in wheelbarrows. There was a big red splat on the ground, like a giant’s booger. Cain assumed that must’ve been the gumdrop. The Christmas elves were shoveling that gunk into big trash bags. Apparently, The candy cane had been made of real candy.

Vixen gave Cain directions to The Wreath. Cain passed over Candy’s house and didn’t see her car.

Cain landed in the backyard. He shifted back into his human form and knocked on the door. He peered inside the house. There was movement inside.

“Cain? Can I help you?” asked Avery, opening up the door to the yard. “What in the name of Christmas are you doing?”

“I’m looking for Candy,” said Cain.

“Oh. I see. I told her about everything, Cain — Christmas magic, The Ride, Santana. I told her you’d come back, but…she seems to think you don’t want her anymore. I guess actions speak louder than magic. Candy already left,” said Avery. “She had to leave early if she wanted to miss the Christmas traffic. She has to get back to her other job in a few days, and it’s about a twenty-hour ride back to San Francisco during a good week.”

“I can still find her,” said Cain. “Do you know what route she took?”

“Yeah,” said Avery. “She used my computer, back at the bakery, to print out directions. I can see if the route is still in the web browser’s history.”

“So let’s get to the bakery,” said Cain.

“Foolish humans,” said Avery, shaking her head. “Give me two seconds. Don’t frikkin’ move.”

Avery waved her hand. She was gone in a poof of Christmas glitter. All that was left behind was the smell of fresh sugar cookies, a scent that reminded Cain of Candy. Then, within ten minutes, there was a cloud of glitter and tinsel. Avery was back, documents in hand.

“Am I the only person on The Wreath who can’t teleport?” asked Cain sarcastically. “Thanks, Avery.”

“Just pocket these and shift if you get lost. Just like your clothes, the paper shouldn’t get messed up when you shift,” said Avery. “Remember — she’s got a bright purple SUV. You can’t miss it. There’s a bunch of yellow and green bumper stickers on the back. Now, are you going to keep bugging me while I clean, or are you going to go and tell Candy how you feel?”

Cain looked over the route and committed it to memory. He pocketed the map and then, took off into the air, shifting as he jumped into the sky.

Cain followed the route, looking down at the cars, flying pretty slowly, but still faster than the traffic. He saw some kids looking up at him in awe, but none of their parents turned to see the magical flying reindeer.

Cain flew for hours. He’d seen SUVs. He’d seen purple cars. He’d seen a dozen purple SUVs, none with yellow and green stickers.

Cain turned to follow a sideroad the online map program had recommended. It led to a rest-stop. Cain found the rest-stop and descended onto the nearly empty lot, before turning back into his human form. He pulled the map out and looked to see how far he had until he reached San Francisco. If he didn’t find Candy’s car, he would find her in that city, even if that meant visiting every dang Bear Claw Bakery in the Bay Area.

Cain, said the reindeer.

Not now, Vixen, said Cain.

Cain! Vixen shouted.

What? Cain asked. Can it wait?

No, you loon, because Candy is here, over there, by the bathrooms, said Vixen.

Cain turned. He didn’t see the restrooms. He finally saw the dinky sign signifying the bathroom area. There was a purple SUV, with yellow and green stickers on the back, and in it, Candy.

Cain ran up to get to the car, but the car had already started pulling out. He couldn’t catch up to it, and the vehicle drove off onto the road.

Cain shifted, letting the map fall to the ground. He chased after the car. He didn’t bother to gallop on the ground. Flying was faster. He flew over the road, eye-level with the car, and soon, caught up with Candy.

* * *

Candy thought she saw something in her rear-view mirror again. She had to be seeing things. Maybe she was more tired than she thought, and she’d have to get off the road to nap in her car. She’d sworn she’d seen a man run at her car when she was driving away from the rest-stop. She’d pumped the gas to get away from him — what kind of weirdo chased after single women at a rest stop?

Then, Candy saw it again. She saw a blur of brown. She looked out the window and nearly swerved off the road.

It was big. It was brown. It had a big rack – of antlers. It wasn’t a moose. It had spindly but strong legs, with thick hooves that looked like they could tenderize a whole Georgia hog in under a minute.

There was a frikkin’ flying reindeer outside her car…and yes, it was flying — not walking, trotting, or riding a unicycle, but, flying.

“Okay, Candy, get it together,” said Candy, pinching herself. “You’re just tired. You were tired at the company party last night. That’s why you think Avery showed you some real Christmas magic. Magic’s not real. Flying reindeer, not real. Just focus on driving, Candy.”

The reindeer flew closer to Candy’s car and tapped on the glass with its antlers.

“Okay, Candy, I guess it’s time for that nap now,” said Candy out loud. The road was quiet, running through the woods, and there were no cars in front of her or behind her. She pulled over to the side of the road and looked at the wheel.

“Just breathe,” Candy told herself.

Then, the reindeer tapped on the window again.

“Go away, hallucination!” shouted Candy, looking out the window.

If Candy wasn’t sure she was hallucinating before, she was sure now. There was no way she’d just seen a giant flying reindeer turn into Cain frikkin’ Pellichero.

“Candy, please, just let me explain,” said Cain.

“Cain, is that really you?” asked Candy rolling down her window.

“Yes,” said Cain, taking Candy’s hand and pressing it to his chest. Candy could feel Cain’s beating heart. She knew this was no hallucination, no dream.

“Okay, this is insane,” said Candy, getting out of the car. “First of all, how the heck did you find me? Second, you’re a reindeer? But you’re also a bear?”

“Well, that’s…complicated,” said Cain. “Avery said she told you everything.”

“She did,” said Candy. “I believed her at the time, but, then I thought it over, and was sure I must’ve imagined the conversation because it was so nonsensical. Santa Claus is real, flying reindeer exist, and Christmas magic is a thing?”

“And I’m on The Naughty List, which is why I don’t have my bear shift or my mate mark,” said Cain.

“The what?” asked Candy. “The Naughty List is real?”

“I should know — I’m on it,” said Cain. “Look. You know I was a playboy romance novel cover model who went around the world without intending to claim a mate. You must know that.”

“I had an inkling that was the case,” admitted Candy. “It made me very unsure of our relationship.”

“If I were you, I’d be unsure too,” admitted Cain. “My Clan, Clan Marron…they have a deal with Santana Claus, the man you know as ‘Santa.’ My Clan sends their bad boys up to The Wreath, one a year, so that the bad boys have time to think about what they did.”

“What did you do?” asked Candy.

“I didn’t take my search for a mate seriously,” said Cain. “Unless I got off The Naughty List, I wouldn’t get back my shift or my mate mark.”

“Then what’s that?” asked Candy, putting her hand on Cain’s shoulder. He was wearing some sort of black turtleneck, but she knew where that brilliant red series of scarlet letters lay, and what it read.

“That’s a reminder of why I was sent to The Wreath so that I’d have to face the fact that it was me who got me into this situation, me who’d have to get myself out,” said Cain. “I tried, Candy, and…”

“And what?” asked Candy.

“I know I’ve lost my shift, my mate mark,” said Cain. “By the end of tonight, I’m going to be human again. Krampus’ll track me down, take my reindeer shift — it’s a rental, I can explain later — and I don’t know, probably whip my hide with birch switches or something. All that, I can handle, as long as I don’t lose my mate. Well, my true love, because if I’m not a shifter anymore, I guess I don’t have a mate.”

“Cain, what are you saying?” asked Candy.

“I was given about a month to get off The Naughty List. Nothing I did got me off the list,” said Cain. “I wouldn’t change what I did up at The Wreath for the world, because the most important thing in my life happened when I was up there, Candy. I met you.”

Cain went down to the ground, on one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box.

“Candy Cassis, you and are, we’re like the two stripes on a candy cane,” said Cain. “Without both, well, it’s just not a candy cane. You and I, we belong together. You bring sweetness to my life. I can’t imagine trusting any other person on this Earth to protect you the way you deserve, to care for you, to be there for you when you bruise your knee and need someone to wipe your tears. Candy…even though I’m going to be a human, without a shift, I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you. I’ll fight more furiously than any shifter, just to make sure you’re safe and happy. Will you take this ring, and agree to marry me?”

“Cain…I thought I was dreaming before, but now, I’m sure I have to be dreaming,” said Candy, her eyes welling up with tears. “Were you serious about that whole ‘I’ll wipe your tears’ thing?”

“Of course,” said Cain.

“Then get to wiping, because of course, I’ll marry you,” said Candy. “Cain…last night, I missed you. I worried. But I’m not mad. I had to leave because of obligation, but…this is silly.”

“What?” asked Cain.

“I was planning on contacting you when I got home, finding some way to get back to you,” said Candy. “Last night, I was the loneliest I’d ever been, surrounded by fun and food. I always thought Christmas was about those things — about spending time being silly and eating a ton of sugar, opening presents, having fun with new gifts. You taught me that Christmas is about more than experiences and things. It’s about the people spend it with. Flying reindeer apparently exist, and so does Santa — I mean, Santana — Claus, but, what I felt last night, missing you…that taught me the true meaning of Christmas. And that? That was true Christmas magic.”

“There was a puff of smoke and glitter. Cain and Candy coughed as Krampus and Avery walked out of the cloud,” narrated a deep, demonic voice.

There was a cloud of dark mist and rainbow glitter. The newly engaged couple wheezed in the cold winter air. A certain demon and a certain Christmas elf appeared out of nowhere.

“You’re here to take my shift,” said Cain, putting his hands up. “You got me. I did what I had to do.”

“Yup,” said Krampus, taking the snow globe out of his pocket. He pressed it against Cain’s hand. Cain closed his eyes.

Good luck, Cain, said Vixen. Don’t get into too much trouble without me.

Goodbye, friend, said Cain.

Oh, by the way, Krampus could’ve — but before Vixen could finish his sentence, he was gone.

Cain felt an emptiness for the first time in a long time. He inhaled and took in the scent of sweet peppermint — of candy canes — and swore he heard caroling, although they were in the middle of nowhere.

And then, a bear attacked him.

The bear pounced right into Cain’s soul and roared.

“I…I don’t understand,” said Cain.

Cain looked down. The reindeer hoof print marks were gone. Now, his palms had the familiar paw prints of a bear on them. Everything seemed to be back to normal — as normal as things could be when Santana Claus, Krampus, and The Wreath were in the mix.

“Oh, you didn’t look at your shoulder, did you?” asked Krampus.

Cain took off the sweater, revealing a tank top underneath. The red letters on his shoulder had turned bright green. The word ‘Naughty’ was replaced by the only four-letter word one can say on Christmas — ‘Nice.’

“You mean…” started Cain.

“You made Candy believe in Christmas magic,” said Avery. “That was a good enough deed to get you off The Naughty List and onto The Nice List. Just as you had to learn something, so did Candy.”

“Speaking of learning things, I’m surprised you didn’t learn to listen to me,” said Krampus, fingering the chain around his neck. “You know I could’ve teleported you right into the passenger seat of Candy’s car, right?”

“Really?” asked Cain. “Shit.”

Cain winced, expecting the mark to burn, but it didn’t. He smiled.

“It’s a good thing you didn’t — I would’ve flipped out and driven off the road for sure,” said Candy. “Seeing a flying reindeer was scary enough.”

“Don’t forget the lessons you learned at The Wreath,” said Krampus. “Here.”

Krampus reached into his pocket.

“Are you serious?” asked Krampus, feeling around. “Really?”

“Looking for this?” asked Avery, taking a green velvet bag out of her purse.

“Yes, thanks,” said Krampus. “Here. For you two.”

Candy opened the bag. Inside was something big, green, and weighty, that looked like it belonged on the shelf of an adult store, not underneath a Christmas tree.

“Err…thanks,” said Candy. “What is it?”

“It’s a pickle,” said Avery with a giggle.

“Hang it on your tree every year,” said Krampus. “One day, Cain…The North Pole might need you. You saw what happened this year. Christmas is never an easy holiday to slap together. If we need you, will you answer the call?”

“Yes, sir,” said Cain, shaking Krampus’s hand.

“Oh, what about the mark?” asked Avery. “The seal?”

“Shit, I almost forgot,” said Krampus. “Here.”

Krampus showed Cain his mate mark. Cain hadn’t seen it in what felt like ages. Krampus put one hand on Cain’s shoulder, removing the green word ‘Nice,’ and another on Cain’s chest, stamping Cain’s mate mark back on Cain’s torso.

“There’s one last thing,” said Krampus. “Remember the rules?”

“If I got off The Naughty List, I can get my shift and mark back,” said Cain.

“But…you also have to claim your fated mate by Christmas,” said Krampus. “Otherwise, you still lose your shift and your mark. The clock is ticking, you two.”

“I can find a motel —” started Candy.

“I have a shortcut,” said Krampus. “Are you in the mood to trust a demon? You might as well be charitable. It’s Christmas, after all.”

“What kind of shortcut?” asked Candy, crossing her arms.

“Well, you’ve seen Christmas magic, but…demoncraft is a-whole-nother beast,” said Cain.

“Get in the car,” ordered Krampus. “And for the love of Christmas…have a Merry fuckin’ Christmas, you two.”

“Merry Christmas!” said Avery. “In the end, you didn’t just get off The Naughty List, Cain. The two of you both learned the meaning of Christmas. Home isn’t an address. It’s where the heart is, and where you hang your Christmas stocking.”

Candy and Cain got in the car. Krampus took his chain necklace off his neck and tossed it in the air. It expanded into a full circle that came down around Candy’s SUV. The loop hit the ground and filled with flames. Krampus and Avery waved at Candy and Cain one last time before they went over to the SUV and pushed it down through the portal.

Candy blinked. One second, she’d been in Montana, and the next, well, she was in her parking garage in San Francisco.

“Are you kidding me?” asked Candy, looking around.

“Do you know where we are?” asked Cain, frowning.

“This is the parking garage for my building,” said Candy. “Heck, we’re even in my space!”

“So does that mean you’re going to invite me upstairs for some hot cocoa?” asked Cain.

“Only if you carry me,” said Candy.

Candy and Cain left all of Candy’s stuff in the car. Cain took Candy in his arms and carried her (according to her instructions) to her apartment. He only put her down to let her open the door. Then, he shut the door behind them, locked every last lock on the door, and stripped off her coat and tossed it onto the couch.

“Fuck, I missed you last night,” admitted Cain. Cain picked Candy up with one arm, using the other to figure out where the heck her room was so he could get down to business. He found her room and put Candy down on the bed. Her room was a mess, but that didn’t matter to Cain…although he couldn’t help but look at what exactly was scattered around her room.

“So you are a fan of my work,” commented Cain, looking at the book on Candy’s nightstand, where he was at the helm of a ship, wearing a billowing white shirt that was open at the front.

“I just really like pirates, okay?” asked Candy.

“And law enforcement…and firefighters…and vampires, weirdly enough,” said Cain, looking over her room at the paperbacks strewn on the floor.

“This is so embarrassing,” said Candy, turning bright red. “It’s not like I knew you were going to be coming over.”

“Hey. It’s always nice to meet a fan,” joked Cain. “Candy, I heard a rumor recently, that you have a fan of your own. A big fan. A huge one. One that’s thick, throbbing, and wants to enter you.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call you ‘throbbing,’” said Candy.

“Wouldn’t you?” asked Cain, putting Candy’s hand on his crotch.

“Oh,” said Candy. “Oh.

Cain pressed Candy down on the bed, pushing her down so that she had her back to the sheets. Cain tore his clothes off like a wild man and then, went to work on Candy. Cain got her baggy driving jeans off, and then, ripped her panties off with one hand.

“Hey!” squeaked Candy. “I liked those!”

“I didn’t,” said Cain. “They were in the way. Fuck panties.”

“No,” said Candy, pulling Cain close. “Fuck me.”

Cain pressed his cock into Candy’s hole while he kept on undressing her. He undid her Christmas cardigan and tossed it aside, revealing a soft t-shirt. Cain slipped that over Candy’s head and threw it to the side. Finally, he removed her bra. He held it up to his face and inhaled Candy’s scent as he kept on thrusting into her. He threw it into the clutter of the room. Cain ran his hands through Candy’s hair and then, over her curves.

“You’ve got that soft caramel center I’ve been craving,” said Cain, gripping Candy’s curves in his hands. “I can’t wait to make you round with my cubs.”

“Slow down, cowboy — err, lumberjack,” said Candy. “Who said anything about cubs yet?”

“You, the night that I first had you,” said Cain. “You want to be claimed by me, don’t you, Candy? You want to start a family with me.”

“Fine, whatever,” said Candy, turning away, blushing. Cain used his hand to gently push Candy’s face back toward his.

Cain leaned in and whispered into Candy’s ear. “Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to look away from someone when they’re talkin’ to you?”

Cain’s dominant side always made Candy wet. She mewled beneath Cain as he thrust into her, hard, filling her with nearly a foot of pure cock.

“Look at me,” ordered Cain. “Look at me when I’m fucking you.” Cain pressed his forehead against Candy’s and then, kissed her cheek, before pulling up.

Candy gave Cain what he wanted, what he was practically begging for — her full, undivided attention. Her attention was undivided, but her legs were not. Cain was pumping in and out of her like a machine, her legs hiked up around his waist as he thrust in and out of her, making her curves jiggle as he pounded her over and over again.

Candy had never been one for rough sex before, but Cain made her feel a certain way — a way no other man had made her feel when they had done her roughly. He made her want it even harder, even faster, even rougher.

Candy reached up and pulled Cain close to her. As soon as their faces met, she took his lower lip into her mouth and sucked on it before grazing it with her teeth and then, biting down, not exactly gently.

“That hurt,” muttered Cain.

“Then I’ll kiss it better,” said Candy, pressing both her lips against Cain’s lower lip. “There you go, you frikkin’ crybaby.”

Candy ran her hands over Cain’s body. He looked good on the romance novel covers, but that body had been built in a gym. Cain’s new body had been made in the woods. It was thicker, stronger, and altogether sexier in a primal way.

“That’s your mark?” asked Candy, stifling a laugh. “Really?”

“You can see why I went into the modeling industry,” said Cain. “Wouldn’t you, if you were me?”

“Yes, but only because I’d be smokin’ hot,” said Candy.

“You are smokin’ hot,” said Cain.

“You know what I mean,” said Candy. “Can I —”

“Yes,” said Cain. “Do whatever you want. The mark doesn’t bite.”

Candy touched the mark. It was bright red, in a familiar shape — a heart. It was a simple mark. Candy could understand why it hadn’t quite led Cain to her sooner. In the end, it didn’t matter — Fate had led them to each other, even though the mate mark hadn’t done a thing.

“That’s right,” said Cain. “Touch me, babe. Enjoy the view.”

“You’re lucky you’re so hot, or else you wouldn’t get away with being so cocky,” said Candy.

“Babe, how do you think I got this cocky?” asked Cain. “It’s from being this hot…and being this good at what I can make your body do.”

Cain rocked his hips so that the base of his cock rubbed up against Candy’s pussy, spreading Candy’s wet juices up her slit. Cain slid his cock out and ran it over Candy’s clit. Candy shuddered and grabbed the sheets.

“Three,” counted Cain, thrusting back into Candy and using his fingers to play her clit like a piano. “Two…one.”

Candy and Cain came around the same time. Cain’s eyes flashed amber as he claimed his mate. Candy looked to Cain’s shoulder before remembering that the mark was actually on Cain’s chest now. Candy touched the mark, and as soon as she did, the room filled with red and white light.

“Well, I’ll be,” said Cain, looking down at his mark. “That’s what it’s supposed to be?”

The heart shape had changed. The center of the bright red heart had disappeared. The edges glowed white in stripe-like forms. The heart was still a heart — but now, it was made of two candy canes, their ends and crooks touching. The crooks of the hook-like candy curled inward at the top. There was no mistaking it as a mere coincidence.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” asked Candy.

“I told you — I don’t need some mark to tell me what I already know,” said Cain. “You’re my fated mate, Candy. You’re all the sugar I’ll ever need.” Cain ran his hands over Candy’s curves as he pulled out and lay down on the bed next to her.

“You must feel so relieved,” said Candy. “You know, being worried about the shift and the mark and all that.”

“How many times do I have to tell you?” teased Cain. “I don’t care about that, babe. When I was flying, looking for your car, I was worried about losing only one thing — you. But hey — thanks for helping me out. Given a choice…I would rather have my shift, my mark, and my Clan.”

“Wow, you almost lost your Clan?” asked Candy.

“The keyword is ‘almost,’” said Cain. “You and I have nothing to worry about, Candy. We’re here, together, and that’s what matters. Merry Christmas, babe. Thanks for my gift — y’know, you, and my shift.”

Candy sighed, relieved. She couldn’t believe that all the craziness of the last month was finally over. Maybe now, Candy could actually have a normal Christmas with Cain.

“What happens next?” asked Candy.

“Well, have you ever wanted to live in Los Angeles?” asked Cain. “That’s where my place is, in the hills.”

“I supposed I could put in a request for a transfer,” said Candy. “Although…you know what happened the last time I switched bakeries.” Candy held her hand up and looked at the ring on her finger.

“Trust me,” said Cain. “I know that fairy tale romance…by heart.”




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Scotland Christmas Reunion by MacMeans, Donna

by Mila Young

Southern Riders (Scars Book 1) by Robin Edwards

Ghosts of the Shadow Market Book 1: Son of the Dawn by Clare, Cassandra