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Two Bad Bosses: An MFM Menage Romance by Sierra Sparks, Sizzling Hot Reads (125)

Chapter 15 – Belinda



I couldn’t believe I was saying the words, but there I was.  I was in love with three men.  I probably should’ve waited to be in front of all of them, but it seemed like a moment best lived through Theo.  AKA:  Mr. Romance.

“Let’s drink to our new found happiness, darling,” he smiled.

Theo topped off our champagne glasses.  Between the hot water and the alcohol, I was getting kind of tipsy.

“To love,” he toasted simply, clinking glasses.

“To love,” I said back.

We drank and then kissed.  Theo was a romantic kisser.  It was a light kiss that felt spontaneous and full of energy.  It was like you never knew when it was going to happen.  That’s what was so great about being around him.

“So, did I miss anything at lunch?” he asked.

I must’ve blushed and I definitely looked away embarrassed.

“Why?  What happened?” he laughed.

“It got very sexual,” I laughed.  “I’m so embarrassed now.”

“It got very sexual?” he said, confused.  “How?  Where?  Did you guys get a second room?”

“No, in the restaurant,” I said giggling.

“What kind of restaurant is this hotel running?” said Theo, pretending to be outraged.  “I have to talk to the manager or see about having condoms brought to every table.”

I was laughing so hard, I snorted.  This caused me to laugh even more.  That was the most embarrassing story now.  I felt I owed it to Theo to tell it.  I mean, I wasn’t just going to be Miles and Franklin’s girl, I was going to be his too.  He should know everything.  Not that I thought he’d object, but I thought he might be weirded out by the entire event.

“Okay, so Franklin asked me about sexual fantasies I had and I couldn’t think of one,” I began.

Now Theo laughed.


“You’re basically having a sexual fantasy, I thought,” he laughed.  “It’s like you’re in the middle of one and he asks you what your fantasy is.”

“No, listen,” I said, trying not to laugh.  “That’s not the weird part, okay?  Plus the waiter was there.”

Theo laughed even harder.

“He didn’t do anything, he was just---  Will you let me tell this story?” I insisted.

Theo composed himself.

“All right, all right, I’m sorry,” he said trying not to laugh.  “What happened?”

“You make it sound worse than it was,” I laughed.  “I’m trying to tell you!”

I was wheezing a bit and laughing at the same time.  Finally, I composed myself and started the story over again.

“So Franklin asked me what my sexual fantasy was---“

Theo started laughing.  Then I started giggling.  We had the giggles now.  I was never going to get through this.

“Let’s have some more champagne,” I suggested.

“Yes, that’ll help!” Theo said sarcastically.

He grabbed the bottle and poured.  It was just about gone at this point.  Jeez, we knocked out a whole bottle between us.  I must’ve been drunk.

“So Franklin asks me about my sexual fantasies and I wimp out.  Can’t think of any,” I explain.

“Even though you’re living it.  Right,” agreed Theo.

“Right,” I said finally getting past this point of the story.  “Then the waiter comes over—  No wait, before that.  Franklin’s like, can I finger you under the table?”

Theo burst out laughing again.

“No, wait.  You’re gonna make me laugh.  Let me tell it, just let me tell it already.”

“Sorry, sorry,” he said composing himself.

“So Franklin wants to finger me at the table,” I continued.

“In the restaurant?  In public?”

“Yeah, I think that was the appeal for him,” I explained.  “So he starts doing it and part of it is, I can’t let on that he’s doing it.  So the waiter comes back.”

“You people are insane,” said Theo, making a face.  “I am so glad I missed lunch, now.”

Theo said that, but it was all in good fun.  I almost started laughing, but I forced myself to finish the story.

“So, he’s fingering me under the table while we’re ordering the food and Miles is whispering to me not to cum, but it was kinda hot.”

“You are a maniac,” said Theo.  “Such a voyeur.  I never suspected.”

“It wasn’t my fantasy, but it really got me going,” I admitted.  “That’s why we ran back to the room to have sex.”

“Wow, it’s good to know,” laughed Theo.  “I feel like I dropped the ball here, that I at least should’ve fingered you in the hot tub.”

“You can if you like,” I invited.

“But what is your fantasy?” he asked.

“I’m too embarrassed,” I said.

“After that story?” laughed Theo.  “After having sex with three men at the same time?”

“It’s still embarrassing.  I can’t.” I insisted.

“Oh, come on, darling.  Seriously,” he said.  “What happened to honesty?”

“Promise you won’t think it’s weird,” I said.

Theo laughed uproariously.

“You let Franklin finger you in front of a waiter.”

“He didn’t see. You have to promise.”

“I promise and I can’t imagine I would,” he said.

“I want two men inside at once,” I admitted. 

It was something I’d always fantasized about and heard about, but I’ve never done.

“Darling, you’ve had three men inside you!”

“No!” I said lowering my voice a little.  “The same hole.”

Theo got very quiet and looked away a moment.

“Oh, God, you think it’s weird,” I said, worried.  “Do you think it’s weird?”

“No, I’m actually very turned on by this,” admitted Theo.

“Oh, I can, uh, see that,” I said.

Theo now had a very visible erection.

“You want me to take care of that for you?” I asked seductively.

“Yes, but not here,” said Theo.  “I want to be one of the guys that double ups inside you.”

“Absolutely,” I said.  “God, I’m getting all worked up again, just thinking about it.”

“Let’s go back to the room!”

We quickly got out of the tub, got dried off and headed back to the penthouse.  I was about to live another sexual fantasy.