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Two Bad Bosses: An MFM Menage Romance by Sierra Sparks, Sizzling Hot Reads (48)

Chapter 6 - Callie


I shouldn’t be doing this. Earlier today I was debating whether or not I wanted to see Declan and now I have him inside of me. I’m not drunk, but I’m definitely buzzed enough to be more reckless than I would be were I sober. I’ll admit, I’m enjoying every bit of it but I feel as though I shouldn’t be.


Sex with Declan is amazing. It was perfect the first time, and this time might even top that. But I feel like I’m rewarding him without him having done much to deserve a reward.


He has done the bare minimum to repair the damage he had done last time we hooked up, and I’m still allowing him to take me to his place, undress me, and use my body as if nothing had happened. To reiterate, it’s not that I don’t want to be having sex with him, but I may have pressed on the gas pedal much faster than I should have, and having my inhibitions lowered isn’t helping.


Declan isn’t bothered by anything though. He’s enjoying me and very clearly showing me how much he missed me. His fingers pull on my skin desperately as he delves deeper between my legs. He’s been wanting me since I left his bed and I can feel it. When we first had sex, it was my first time being with someone sexually and the intensity I exuded was reflective of that. This time around, it seems as though Declan is the one losing his virginity.


He screams at every thrust, like some sort of animal. The force with which he’s holding on to me makes me wetter than any erotic novel could make me. No fantasy that I’ve thought up on a lonely night could measure up to the raw sexuality that Declan was forcing into me. After some powerful thrusts in the missionary position, Declan grabbed my ass and turned around so he’d be sitting up on his bed, moving his cock upwards into me. I felt as though he would tear right through me were there not a dead end to keep his penis from fucking me in half.


Being seated on top of him, gave him a better angle to suck on my tits. He does so enthusiastically whilst also trying to make eye contact with me. He smiles and tries not to laugh when I finally look down and catch his eyes staring back at mine.


“That’s right. Look at me when you fuck me”, I moan.


Declan fucks me harder immediately after hearing me say this, and never breaks eye contact. Until the penultimate moment of our love making. He closes his eyes, throws his head back and widens his mouth into an open smile.


“Fuck, this is it”, he says with a shaky breath. “You’re so fucking perfect.”


I feel him beat inside of me quicker and quicker until it stops and the walls of my pussy are nearly hit by a voluminous load of his semen, blocked only by the thin layer of latex wrapped around Declan’s cock.


He takes a break from fucking to recharge, but I stay on top of him grinding against him, moving my hips in circles around his.


“You like that?”


“After cumming as hard as I just did, I have a feeling you’re trying to send me up to heaven, moving your hips like that. I thought you were a virgin”, he comments.


“I am. But I know what a man likes”, I tell him, thinking that’s something a porn star would be scripted to say in my situation.


I continue moving my hips in a circular motion until I feel the moment coming for me. For the second time in my life, I feel the world around me disappear and waves of red-hot pleasure washing over me, making my body pulse along with the rhythm of my heartbeat.


“I’m almost there”, I tell him.


“Shit, yes. I might cum a second time.”


No time to think about how selfish his response to my announcement was. The moment is here. My heart is making my whole bodies quake, but the shaking is concentrated mostly on my legs and tits. Declan watches my chest bounce uncontrollably while the walls of my vagina close tightly in on his engorged member. My legs start to clench over his.


Then it happens.


Not only do I find myself reaching the climactic moment of sex, but I find a thick substance forming between Declan and I.


“Wow. You… You didn’t just cum. You creamed”, he says, surprised.


I hop off of his dick, too quickly, immediately falling on the floor. I apologize profusely for having creamed on top of him but he laughs it off.


“It’s totally fine. More than that, actually. I’ve never been with someone who creamed themselves while we fucked. It’s actually really hot”, he says. “Now, uh, how about we clean ourselves up?”


After cleaning up, he seems content. I, on the other, am anxious. Every inch of me wants him to ask me to stay. That would truly remedy everything. He basically told me to get out of his place last time we had sex, it only makes sense that he should make a thing of asking me to stay this time around.


But instead, Declan just smiles, yawns, and turns to his side for a good night’s sleep.


If he doesn’t want me to stay, it stands to reason that he wants me to leave. I hate referring to myself as a fool, but I do it more and more often as of late. Probably because I keep making shitty decisions like fucking Declan immediately after he apologized, saying that’s not all he wanted from me. What a liar.


Not even a good night kiss, or a turn in my direction so we could cuddle. How am I supposed to take his apology seriously when he just goes and does the thing that split us up in the first place? I bet he pulled that apology right out of his ass. He has no idea why I was upset and just wanted to get me in his bed again.


Being in bed with him is a great experience but I’m more than fine with never experiencing it again if it means having to deal with this bullshit afterwards each time.


For the second of two times, I storm out of Declan’s place. The walk of shame. But I don’t feel shame as much as I feel fury. Fury and betrayal... And confusion.


Maybe I’m not meant to have a romantic relationship with Declan. He offers some good sex but I don’t have to be in a relationship with him in order to take advantage of that service. While I’m fucking him, I could be on a dating app looking for someone to actually date and be with. Not someone who’s going to waste my time and his own money.


I get an Uber to drive me back to my place so I can actually get some proper rest. Angry as I was, I was able to fall asleep rather easily. Unfortunately, I was woken up in the worst possible way. A loud, hard, repetitive knock on my door. I drag myself out of bed and open the door. Still not fully awake, I squint to get a more clear look at my visitor.


“Miranda”, I exclaim. “What are you doing here?”


“Just visiting my dear step sis”, she says as she walks into my home, uninvited.


I slam the door behind me and sit down on my couch next to one of my sleeping cats. “I’m serious, Miranda. What are you doing here?”


“How long have you known Declan”, she asks, avoiding my question.


“How… What business is that of yours? How do you even--”


She smiles. “I saw you two together last night. Eating. Laughing. Dressed up. Seemed like you two were having a good time. So you finally have a boyfriend, huh?”


I repeat, “What are you doing here, Miranda? What do you want?”


“I just want to know how your date went. Did you have sex with him? Did you finally lose that pesky virginity of yours? Or did you two just kiss and call it a night?”


There’s a look in her eye that says she’s brewing something. She knows something I don’t and wants me to blow up before she tells me what it is.


“Get out of my house”, I demand.


“This is an apartment, not a house”, she deviously retorts. “And I’m not leaving until you give me some hot details on what happened last night.”


“Why do you care”, I shout. “What is it you actually came here to tell me?”


Miranda sits down next to me and stares into my soul, never breaking her smile. “I know you and Amber talk every now and again, but don’t you ever talk about me? I know Dad talks to Amber a lot about what goes on in my life. She should at least know who Declan is.”


“What are you saying?”


“Oh, Callie. You’re getting my sloppy seconds. Declan and I were an item for… some time. Didn’t he tell you about me?”


“He told me he dated a huge bitch he hates now”, I grumble, unable to contain my rage.


This entire time I’ve been dating -- no, fucking someone who dated one of the worst people I’ve ever met. My hands start shaking at the thought of him and Miranda in bed together. Miranda notices this and starts cackling like some sort of Bond villain.


“Don’t tell me this is the first you’re hearing of us. That’s impossible.”


“Not only is this the first I'm hearing of it. This is all I want to hear about it. Please, leave”, I angrily insist.


She refuses to leave, increasing my anger exponentially. Every second she remains seated next to me has me thinking of the many household items I could use to throw at her until she finally leaves and the ones I could use as a shield.


“You don’t want to hear about the hot nights we used to have? I mean, if there’s one thing he’s good for, it’s definitely dicking. There were some days we spent doing nothing but fucking, it was--”




Her smile finally breaks.


“You know, last night I was wondering if he’d leave your table to come say something to me. I know he saw me. And then, I started thinking, could it be possible that the only reason he’s come back out into the real world is to get back with me?”


“Oh, get over yourself”, I sneer.


“Think about it, Callie. He’s dating you. You of all people. My own step sister. You think he didn’t know this? Why would he be doing that unless he was thinking of trying to win me back. He can’t just come back into my life. He needs to have a reason. And what better reason than accidentally seeing me again when you decide to introduce him to our family. Doesn’t that make a bit… or a lot more sense than a rich guy coming out of nowhere to date a random baker?”


“You’re done”, I assert.


“I’m done here. But I might not be done with him”, she whispers as she gets up from the couch.


“What in the goddamn hell do you mean by that?”


Again, she cracks her devious smile. “That little boy is wrapped around my finger whether he knows it or not. I’ll let you have fun with him for now, but don’t think that I can’t get him back by just asking him.”


Driven purely by anger, I grab an unused candle by its top and throw it as hard as I can at Miranda’s head. She screams in response, calling me all sorts of names as she starts walking towards the door, but none of them hit my radar. I’m seeing red and all I want is for that skank to leave the only place I can go to hide from the outside world and people like her.


With the door slammed closed, my blood pressure started going back to normal. I picked the candle off the ground, kicking some of the wax flakes underneath my rug and setting it back down on the table. I can’t believe I acted like such a child and threw something at Miranda. She deserved it, no doubt, but I could have kicked her out of my place in a more mature manner.


Now that she’s gone, I have nobody to talk to. My only source of companionship is my cats and they don’t do much for me in terms of conversation. I could call Sheila but she’s probably doing her own thing right now.


I need help, though. Advice. Miranda isn’t lying about having been with Declan. I can tell by the way she was so eager to rile me up before admitting it.


When Declan and I met, it was completely random. I don’t think there’s any way he could have known that I was Miranda’s stepsister. If he didn’t know that while he was dating Miranda, how would he know that now? He told me that his sister’s baby shower was the first time he had stepped out into society in months, and I doubt that those months he spent as a shut-in were spent looking up who he could date to get back with Miranda, that’s ludicrous.


Talking to myself isn’t going to give me any answers.


I grab my phone and call Declan.


“Hey, you want to meet up for lunch today? We have a lot to talk about.”