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Two Bad Bosses: An MFM Menage Romance by Sierra Sparks, Sizzling Hot Reads (84)

Chapter 8 – Asher


Cameron Sanchez— who I call Ron and who has been with me since I started this firm many years ago— gives his introductory talk about the firm’s history, philosophy and values. I’ve heard this fucking speech many times and it’s not aimed at me. So I keep my attention on Madilyn, who sits beside me taking notes on her laptop.

She’s conscious of my presence. I can feel it. She does a good job of trying to be intent on her note- taking, but she has her tells that let me know that she knows I’m here. She taps her foot now and then before catching herself.

She smooths down her luxurious dark brown hair that I plan to run my fingers through, just as soon as she lets me. And I know she’ll let me. Her hands shake a little bit as she types.

She is everything I love in a woman. Studious, intelligent, confident, yet eager for approval. And sexy as fuck.

I can’t stop staring at her curves. Her black skirt hugs her lovely hips perfectly, just like I plan to. Her blouse reveals just a tiny peak of cleavage but I know she’ll show me more eventually. Her dark brown eyes are inquisitive and curious but they’re also mysteriously beautiful.

When I first sat down next to her, she looked surprised that I know who she is. Then when we started talking she looked even more surprised to find out that I had essentially hired her.

Damn right I do.

Damn right I had.

This is my firm. Some lawyer friends helped me with the logistical details of getting it off the ground and they run the place during my frequent absences— I’m an outdoors guy and can’t stand the confines of a year- round office— but everyone knows that it wouldn’t be a fucking firm without me. None of the partnership shares would be as big.

Nothing gets done without my say so. And no one gets hired without my input.

I wanted to hire Madilyn St. Clair from the moment I saw her resume. I didn’t interview her, but I saw her walk through the office on her way to Ron Sanchez’ office, and I was glad I had listened to my initial gut feeling to bring her in.

I can feel my cock growing hard just from thinking about fucking her. I know everything about her except what she looks like with her naked ass up in the air while I spank it. But that’s about to change.

“And now I’d like to introduce Asher Marks, without whom nothing you see here would be possible,” says Ron, from the front of the conference room. “Asher, I’ll let you take it from here.”

I’m annoyed that my fantasy about Madilyn was interrupted. But I can wait to indulge myself in pleasure until after my business obligations are concluded. My job is calling, and I always do what it takes to answer, even though I’d love to languish in my thoughts of all the things I want to do— and will do— to Madilyn St. Clair.

I stand up and head to the front of the conference room, conscious of some female associates at the far end of one of the tables, who appear to be salivating over me. Candace Smith, Mandy Calderon and Tara Mason.

They were all decent candidates for associates, but none of them are made of the stuff that Madilyn is— intellectually or physically. I don’t want any of them in the same way I want her. Joseph Miller, a mediocre recruit from an out of state law school, sits by them, wanting to do to any of those three girls the same thing that it’s really fucking obvious all of them want me to do to them.

I nod in Joseph’s direction, and he straightens up, a shit eating grin on his face that says, He noticed me.

What I wanted to convey to him with the look I threw him was more along the lines of, Good luck, buddy. They’re all yours.

I pat Ron on the shoulder and he sits down.

“Thank you for that introduction, Cameron,” I say, using his full name that Ron goes by at the firm and with everyone other than his close friends like me. “That was too kind.”

I look out at the audience: twenty- five new associates eager to rise to the top. Some of them eager to get there by any means possible, including, for the female population, being mentored by me, and everything that might entail.

I know that some of them— including Candace, Mandy, and Tara— and maybe Joe, too— would want to be my mentee even if it isn’t a surefire path to partnership or lateraling to another good firm. Which it is— because I make sure it always is— but some just consider the career benefits a bonus and what they’re really after are my domineering ways and my larger than average cock.

I know I have a certain reputation. I like it that way. Nothing happens here that I don’t fucking want and like. Everyone knows that.

What I want right now— and for the foreseeable future— is Madilyn St. Clair. And everyone is about to find that out.