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Two Bad Bosses: An MFM Menage Romance by Sierra Sparks, Sizzling Hot Reads (74)


Yesterday was so amazing that I’ve spent the first half of today thinking about what happened. I still can’t believe Scarlet let us spend the night… in her bed… with her. Oliver and I agreed that we’re going to make sure to stay in communication with Scarlet this time. This way we won’t potentially lose her a second time. Oliver and I had parted ways earlier after taking care of business for the day. I’d gone home to take care of some of my own stuff.

About halfway through the day, I got a bad feeling, but I couldn’t quite place where it was coming from. As it got later, I started to wonder about our dad. Yesterday illuminated the suspicions I had about him. It’s one thing to think your father is a cruel, horrible person. It’s a whole other beast to actually have proof of him being that cruel, horrible person. When Oliver and I spoke about our notions, it still felt extremely theoretical and even possibly untrue. For most of my life, I didn’t really like my dad, but I also didn’t always believe he was capable of such heinous acts. That took years to formulate in my mind, but even when confronted with Scarlet’s proof, I wanted to believe there was still a chance for him. Because despite everything, he is still my father, and as his child, I wanted to look up to him, confide in him, be close with him. All these feelings are making me feel guilty. I’ve never spoken to Oliver about this, because he was always more lenient with Winston. He wanted Dad to like us, so he worked hard to please him. I just wanted him to be a decent person, but I guess it’s too late for that now.

Winston’s supposed to be on a business trip to Hong Kong; it’s a deal Oliver and I are also supposed to be working on. Winston said not to worry if we don’t hear from him calling to check in, which is strange, and now I’m starting to wonder. I mean, I don’t expect him to call us; he would never make the effort. But usually he has Oliver and me call him to discuss game plans. Especially since we’re doing the work on the campaign. With each passing minute, I grow more and more fixated on this little detail. By late afternoon, it’s bothering me so much that I call Oliver.


“Hey, Oliver. Did Dad ask you to call him at any point?”

“What are you talking about, Caden?”

I can hear the confusion in his voice. I haven’t done anything to prime him. “He didn’t ask either one of us to call him when he always asks one of us to call.” While I’m talking on the phone, I get on my computer and start searching for something. “Something is up, Oliver. Something isn’t right. I might drive over to Scarlet’s and check up on her.”

“Don’t be paranoid, Caden. Dad is in Hong Kong on a business trip.”

“I don’t know. Do you think it’s possible he’s gone after Scarlet? What if he lied to us so he could go and do something to her? You know what he’s capable of.”

“Yes, I know, but he’s in Hong Kong for an important meeting that he wouldn’t blow off. He can’t do anything to her from there.”

“Are you sure? I’m trying to find him but I can’t.” I’ve checked online in all the ways I know how to locate a person, but Winston is nowhere to be found.

“If it makes you feel better, I will call his hotel in Hong Kong to confirm he’s there for you, okay? But seriously, you’ve got to chill out. Hold for a sec.” Oliver’s managed to calm me down. He’s right. I’m probably being crazy. There’s nothing to suggest he isn’t in China. Just my stupid theory revolving around one small detail. While I wait for Oliver to switch back to my call, I go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat. Cooking will help keep me relax.

I go downstairs and look in the fridge to figure out what I’m going to make. I’m about to decide when his voice comes in full force.

“He’s not in Hong Kong, Caden! He never arrived. He never even boarded the plane.”

Oh no… “What?”

“Winston did not go on the business trip. He never took the plane. He’s in Coldgrove. I called his hotel, called the airline and they cross-referenced his name, and you were right… he hasn’t left.”

I almost drop my phone. All my worst fears come rushing back. I knew it. Our dad is past redemption. We need to stop him; we need to stop him now.

I go to grab my keys and get ready to leave. “I’m going to drive to Scarlet’s. We need to make sure she’s okay.”

“I’ll rush over as well. Everything is probably fine, but we just need to be safe, right?”

Now I have to comfort my brother. We both know it’ll just be superficial but anything to make us feel more at ease. “She’s probably fine. We’ll get there, and she’ll scold us for not calling.”

“Right. I’ll see you there.”

We hang up and I go to my car. I drive as fast as I can. I’m not going to let anything happen to Scarlet.