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Everything in Between by Melissa Toppen (10)

Gabe: I’m ready to cash in on my rain check. Can I take you to dinner tonight?

I stare at Gabe’s text that arrived over twenty minutes ago, my fingers hovering over the screen as I type out and delete what feels like my hundredth response. Letting out a low growl of frustration, I drop the phone down onto the office desk and run my hands through my hair.

Just say no, Rae. Just thank him for the invite and respectfully decline.

I know that’s what I should do, but what I should do and what I want to do are two very different things.

A knock on the open office door causes me to jump slightly, so lost in my thoughts I didn’t hear anyone approach. Looking up, the moment I see my dad standing in the doorway, I immediately sense the concern in his gaze.

“You okay?” He cocks a brow at me.

“Yeah. Fine.” I nod my head a little too enthusiastically.

“Someone’s asking for you out front.” He gestures his head toward the dining room.


The look he gives me tells me everything I need to know.

“He’s here?” I blurt, a thick knot forming at the base of my throat.

“I told him I wasn’t sure if you were still here but I’d check the office. Though I doubt he believed me, I wanted to let you make the decision about whether you wanted to see him.”

“Why?” I can’t stop the question from coming.

My dad has been eerily calm about this entire situation.

“You know how I feel about the guy, Rae.” He lets out a slow breath before continuing. “But at the end of the day, this is your decision. Landen is your son, and it’s up to you to decide what’s best for him and for yourself. If you want to give him a chance, then I’ll support that choice for my grandson’s sake. That boy deserves to know his father. If you’re convinced he will only disappoint him, then keep your distance. Within a few weeks, he will be gone, and this will be a non-issue.”

“What if I’m not sure either way?”

“Then I guess there’s only one way to find out.”

I hate that he won’t just tell me what to do, but I understand he wants me to own my choices. I hate it, but I get it.

“Trust me, I don’t like this any more than you do.” My father steps further into the office, sliding down into one of the chairs across the desk from me. “He hurt you. How would you feel if someone hurt Landen?”

“I’d want to kill them,” I answer without hesitation.

“Exactly,” he agrees. “It’s taking everything in me to not to walk out into that dining room and take his head off.” He chuckles like he’s still considering it. “But at the end of the day, I know that will only make things harder on you.”

“I don’t know, I think a part of me might enjoy that.” I can’t fight the smile that pulls up one side of my mouth.

“Rae.” My dad’s tone falls serious. “If you think there’s even a chance that he could make you happy, that he could make Landen happy, then you owe it to yourself and to your son to figure that out. And that’s not an easy thing for me to say.” He shakes his head like he almost wants to take it back. “Even if there’s no future for the two of you, having him in Landen’s life might not be the end of the world. It’s up to you, as his mom, to decide if the risk is worth the reward.”

“God, I hate when you’re the logical one,” I huff.

When I’m the logical one?” He chuckles, hitting me with an amused smile.

“You know what I mean.” I laugh. “Usually I’m the one who breaks everything down and analyzes it, coming up with the best solution for everyone involved. But with this situation, I’m operating blind.”

“You’re a smart girl, Rae. You get that from your father.” He tacks on with a smile. “I have confidence that you’ll figure this out and make the right decision for you and Landen.”

“Well, at least one of us is sure.” I sigh.

“So”—he pushes into a stand—“should I tell him you’re not here or what?” He hovers across the desk, waiting for my response.

“No.” I shake my head, standing as well. “No time like the present, right?” I give him a nervous smile before pushing past him into the kitchen.

When I enter the dining room moments later, I nearly lose my nerve at the sight of Gabe lounging against the counter, his muscular arms crossed in front of his chest as he stares out the front window of the diner, waiting.

I have to physically force my feet to move. Each step feels like it weighs a thousand pounds.

I consider turning around and making a bee-line to the office, but just as the thought takes root, Gabe flips his gaze toward me, the smolder in his eyes damn near melting me to the shiny tiled floor.

“Hey.” His smile sends my heart straight into my stomach.

Why, oh why, does he have to be so freaking gorgeous.

“Hey.” I manage to get the word out without it catching in my throat.

“I was convinced that scary as hell dad of yours was gonna come back out here and tell me you weren’t here, either before or after he mopped the floor with my face.” His smile doesn’t falter, his eyes playful as he turns to face me head on.

“Don’t count yourself lucky just yet. The floor is due for a good cleaning.” I can hear the nerves in my voice, and I hate that he probably can, too. “How did you know I was here?” I tack on, cocking a brow at him. “Are you stalking me?”

My question pulls a deep laugh from him, the sound vibrating all the way to my core.

“What if I am?” His smile turns cocky, his tongue darting out across his lip ring.

“Then perhaps I should be getting my scary as hell dad  out here instead of standing here talking to you.”

“Ouch.” He flattens his palm over his heart. “Most women would die to be stalked by me.”

“I’m not most women.”

“That you are not, Raelyn Abbott. That you are not.” His smile falls for a split second, but he recovers so quickly I find myself questioning if I just imagined it in the first place.

“So, dinner?” His abrupt change in conversation confuses me for a moment.


“I texted you about dinner. You know, one of the many messages that you have chosen not to answer.” He’s teasing me, that much is clear, but I can sense that this fact bothers him.

“Oh yeah, dinner. Um, I can’t tonight,” I stutter.

I hate being put on the spot. Guess that’s what I get for not just texting him back.

“Why?” he interjects, not giving me anytime to form a real excuse.

“I have a son,” I blurt it out, not sure why I even said it.

I mean, of course, he already knows this fact, given that he has seen me with Landen, but for some reason, it’s the only thing I could come up with.

“I know.” He chuckles, clearly amused by how flustered he’s making me.

“I have to get home soon.” I glance at the clock to see it’s already after seven. “My sister is watching him right now, and she probably has things she needs to do.” The words rush from me so quickly they all run together making me sound like a rambling idiot.

Truth is, Rylee would probably have no problem watching him for a little longer, but for whatever reason, I feel the need to make excuses rather than just accept his invite.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re just trying to give me the whole gotta get home and relieve the sitter excuse to get out of going with me?”

“What? Why would I do that?” I stutter, surprised by how well he apparently can read me.

“Come on, Rae. One meal. Hell, we don’t even have to eat. We can just sit across from each other and talk.”


“Yeah, you know, have a conversation.”

“I know what talking is.” I hit him with an annoyed glare.

I hate how pathetic he makes me feel. Like, get your shit together, Rae. He’s just a guy. So what if he’s the hottest guy on the face of the planet or that he just happens to unknowingly be the father of your son; that shouldn’t make you want to crawl into a hole and never come out… Right?

“Come on, Rae. One hour.”

God his persistence is unwavering.

I consider his offer for a few long seconds. As much as I want to, I know I can’t resist him forever. Might as well just get this over with. Even with my mind made up, I still have to physically force the words out of my mouth.

“One hour,” I agree, melting a little at the incredible smile that spreads across his handsome face. “Let me call my sister and grab my things from the back.”

“Of course.” His smile doesn’t fade even the slightest.

If it’s possible for your heart to skip a beat, mine just skipped twenty at the sight of how happy he looks right now. It’s enough to keep me from regretting my decision to accept his invite.

Spinning on my heel, I take off toward the office, not looking in his direction  despite the overwhelming urge I have to do just that. I know he’s watching me. I can feel his eyes on me without having to turn around to verify it.

My dad looks up from the seat I was just occupying minutes ago when I walk into the office with flushed cheeks and a little off balance.

“It went that well huh?” he asks, letting out a small laugh.

“I guess we’re gonna go grab a bite to eat.” I can feel the heat creeping up my face as I speak, my nerves suddenly hitting me full force.

“I need to call Rylee.” I fumble with my cell phone seconds after picking it up off the desk, the shake in my hands evident.

“No need. I’m getting ready to head home now. Let Pop Pop handle it. You go, take your time.” He gives me a warm smile, which calms me slightly.

“Are you sure?”

I always feel guilty leaving Landen with my dad. I know they both love their time together, but I hate feeling like I’m pushing my child off on someone else. Of course, I know my dad doesn’t look at it this way. If it were up to him, he would have Landen all the time.

“I’m sure,” he reassures me. “Don’t rush home. If you’re late, just let him stay in the main house with me and you can come grab him in the morning.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I instantly interject. “I said I’d give him an hour.”

“I’m just saying, should you change your mind, you don’t need to worry about getting home at any certain time.”

“Thanks, Dad.” I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

Any normal girl would be hella nervous to be going anywhere with a man like Gabe Preston, but for me, the stakes are so much higher which only intensifies my anxiety.

“You two have fun. And, Rae”—he calls to me just as I turn toward the door—“if you need your scary ass dad to take out some trash, don’t hesitate to call.” His words send me spinning back to face him.

“You were listening?” I hiss, somewhat embarrassed by the thought.

“Had to make sure my little girl had it under control.” He chuckles.

“Oh God,” I groan, letting out a loud, frustrated sigh before quickly exiting the office.

“Have fun.” I hear the laughter in my father’s voice as he calls after me.

Throwing my hand up in a wave, I quickly enter the dining room, finding Gabe in the exact spot I left him in just minutes ago.

“Ready?” He gives me an excited smile, pushing away from the counter.

“Ready.” I take a deep breath before following him outside and then to the curb where a large black SUV is parked.

Pulling open the back door, he gestures for me to climb in. My butt no more than hits the leather sit before he is scooting in beside me, his hand grazing mine as he does, causing heat to flush through my body from the contact.

I quickly scoot further over, putting the entire center seat between us. Gabe doesn’t miss this fact and instantly hits me with a knowing smirk.


“Where to?” A rumble from the front seat startles me and I look up to see a large man, dark sunglasses pushed up on his bald head, staring at me through the rearview mirror.

“Larry, this Raelyn Abbott. Rae, meet Larry. He’s one of the unfortunate souls hired to keep my ass out of trouble.”

“I can’t imagine that’s an easy job.” I give Larry a sweet smile and nod.

“It’s Eddie.” He corrects Gabe. “And it’s nice to meet you, Miss Abbott.”

I hit Gabe with a questioning look.

“I have trouble keeping their names straight so I nicknamed them Larry and Moe. I don’t think he appreciates it much, though.” He shrugs like he couldn’t care less one way or the other.

“It’s nice to meet you, Eddie,” I emphasize his name, ignoring the sudden shift in the seat as Gabe moves.

“What are you in the mood for?” His voice, which suddenly sounds much closer, pulls my attention back to him. My entire body tenses when I realize just how little distance is now between us.

“Um, I, uh, whatever’s fine,” I stutter, feeling overly self-conscious with him sitting just inches from me, our legs so close that a slight jerk of my knee and they’d be touching.

“Are you hungry?”

I can’t rip my eyes away from his mouth as he speaks, the cocky smile I’ve seen on the cover of countless magazines now so close I could lean forward and suck that sexy bottom lip into my mouth if I wanted to.

“Rae?” A deep chuckle sounds from his chest, pulling my gaze back to his.

“I could eat.” I don’t know how I manage to push the words out, but they come out sounding a lot more controlled than I feel at the current moment.

“Anything in particular?” He reaches out and pushes a stray strand of hair away from my face, his hand lingering on my jaw just long enough to let me know the contact is intentional.

My heart clamors so hard in my chest, I’m convinced there’s no way he can’t hear it. I swallow hard, trying to push down the lump that has suddenly formed in my throat.

“Whatever you want is fine.” I turn my face toward the window, certain that if I don’t I’m going to give in to the sudden trance his touch seems have put me under.

“Larry, take us to Adamonde’s.”

That gets my attention, and I whip my head toward him, eyes wide.

“What? You said whatever I want.” He shrugs innocently.

Adamonde’s is a small Mexican restaurant about fifty minutes from town. I know this because he’s taken me there once before. The twinkle in his eyes tells me his mind knows exactly where mine has gone. Considering the last time we went there together, we ended up naked in his back seat after one too many margaritas, I’d say his choice is very intentional.

How far away it is also doesn’t get past me. He’s trying to trap me in this car with him for as long as he can… But why?

“I said one hour,” I weakly object.

“Yeah, one hour for dinner. We didn’t specify on how long the drive would take.” He squeezes my leg just above the knee causing me to squirm in the seat before pushing his hand away.

I’m so distracted that I don’t even register the vehicle pulling away from the curb until it’s speeding down the road, eliminating my ability to change my mind and run for the hills.

As much as I want to object—um hello, I have a child to take care of. You can’t just kidnap me for hours on end—I hold my tongue, knowing it would likely do me no good. Besides, I know Landen is taken care of and time is thankfully not an issue tonight.

I’ve spent two years wondering what would happen if Gabe Preston ever found his way back into my life. Guess it’s about time I put such questions to rest.

I don’t know his intentions or what exactly it is that he wants from me, but one thing I know for sure is tonight will definitely give me some insight into the hundreds of unanswered questions swirling around in my head.

Did I ever mean anything to Gabe?

Did he feel for me even an ounce of what I felt for him?

Was I just another notch in his belt? An itch he needed to scratch? Or was I more?

Knowing that the answers I find will not only determine my future but Landen’s as well only makes the stakes that much higher. But I’m ready…

I just hope I can live with whatever the outcome is.