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The McKenzie Ridge Series Book Bundle: Complete with books 1-5 by Stephanie St. Klaire (35)

Chapter 9
Not much of a baker, Megan grabbed a variety of goodies from her shop, remembering how fond Colton had been of the delicious delectables at the tasting. It was a small thank you for all that he had done in the passing weeks, like staying with her when she didn’t want to be alone. Reality was, it was an excuse to go see her guy. She had missed him. He was finally off shift. It was the longest 48 hours she could remember.
If she were really honest, she even missed the animals. She stopped at Paisley’s Pupcakery before leaving town for the day to grab some special treats for Colton’s animals. A clever spin off of the trendy cupcakeries popping up everywhere, Paisley’s was a fun shop that posed as a pet bakery. It was known for its organic treats that were even suitable for humans, or so Meg was told. It was a little different than your typical pet shop but perfect for the tourist town, appealing to just about every demographic.
Excitement shot through her at the sight of Colton’s truck – he was home. She knocked but received no answer. He told her before to let herself in, so that’s what she intended to do. Greeting her furry friends first, she passed out mini pupcakes to each, followed by “Bruno Bars,” which were the equivalent of animal friendly biscotti.
His house was quiet, drapes still drawn, not a single sound, not even the shower. She crept to the kitchen where she could leave the treats as a surprise, assuming he must be napping. Duke had followed her in, distracting her with one-sided whispers. When she looked up, she was startled, nearly running into six plus feet of wet, solid muscle wrapped in a white towel at the waist and with one around his neck. Stunned, she dropped the box of goodies at his feet, needing her hands to pick up her jaw, followed by a, “Holy shit!”
He was hot, more than hot. There wasn’t a word yet invented that described what he was. His perfectly molded, tan physique was something right out of an art museum. Something to celebrate and appreciate. The water drops were like little drops of desire, tempting her to take a taste. His hair was messy, but even that added to the sinful thoughts dancing around in her head.
So much was said without a word exchanged. He knew he was getting to her and enjoyed every uncomfortable minute. He bent over to pick up the box at his feet, causing her to catch her breath, as if his closeness singed her skin, startling her. When he stood, pink bakery box in hand, her eyes were heavy, lids slow to open, while her mouth remained open. He was giving her a show it appeared, and her body was betraying her every dirty thought.
Fully aware of the effect he was having on her, he played off the moment, milking it for all it was worth. With a wicked grin, locking eyes with her, he slowly lifted a brownie to his mouth, taking a bite. He did his best to torment her with the motions, making her wish she was that brownie. He licked his lips, slow and purposefully, before asking, “Want a…taste?”
Her eyes fluttered quickly, but no words escaped. He moved closer, placing one hand under her chin, tossing the box of baked goods on the table behind her with his other, and pulled her in for a slow, sweet, chocolate flavored kiss. He walked her backward ever so slowly until the back of her legs met the table.
With his free hand, he grabbed her ass, picking her up in quick motion and seating her on the table. He stood between her legs, still keeping a tight hold on her ass while his kiss became hungry and wanton. Her hands glided up his wet body, landing around his neck and then in his hair where she ran her fingers in motion with their kiss.
The rolling muscles and tightness of his body, combined with an assaulting kiss, had her hungry. Relieving the pressure he was creating in her aching core, she lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist pulling him in closer. She could feel his excitement through her clothes, ready to remove the towel that stood between her and what he had to offer.
His hand slowly made its way down her neck to her collarbone, finally finding her breast. He massaged and tugged through her thin t-shirt, driving her desire to pleasure of epic levels. He was good at this. He was damn good.
An abrupt end to their kitchen escapade fell quickly in her lap in the form of Duke. A whine and chirpy bark had their attention when he divided them. Unsure if he thought he was protecting her or just jealous, Colton laughed as he moved back ever so slightly.
“Seems you have an admirer, or maybe a protector?” Colton laughed, scratching the dog’s head.
With a winded tone, she replied with a chuckle, “It appears so. I think he wants another pupcake.”
“A what?”
“A pupcake from Paisley’s. I brought them treats. They’re super healthy and good for fleas, shiny coats, and organic…we could even eat them,” she said proudly.
“But I don’t have fleas,” he joked with a serious look.
“Yet. You don’t have fleas, yet. And now you won’t. You’re welcome.”
“Go out with me. Dinner. Tomorrow night,” he said, quickly changing the subject.
She looked around the room as if the answer, or excuse, was lying around her. She wanted to say yes, but the doubt and hint of fear she had been battling was nudging at her to say no. What they were doing was safe – a date changed everything. It made it harder to protect his heart as well as her own.
“Colton, I…”
“Just dinner, you and me. I even have a babysitter! Come on, tomorrow night?” He didn’t yet have a sitter lined up but had a handful of willing and able bodies with a single call. “I’ll pick up Jax at the shop so you can get done without distraction. We’ll have a guy’s day, and then I’ll take him to the sitter and pick you up by seven o’clock.”
She smiled at the idea of “her guys” spending the afternoon together, just the two of them. He made it all seem so simple, carefree, not a single worry. She wished like anything that she could feel as optimistic as he did. Her conversation with the ladies crossed her mind, and Lou’s voice recalled first. She said to live a little, have fun. Maybe it was just that simple.
“Okay…seven it is.”
Colton had picked up Jax as planned, and they were off to do whatever “guys” do in small towns like McKenzie. He had arrived before she was completely ready for the day, caught off guard by her attire – yoga pants and a tank top. His reaction was priceless. He was in fact speechless . She would have to remember that. She had asked him what she should wear for the evening so she could leave, dressed accordingly, and all she got was “casual and warm.” Interesting.
She was spending the slowest three hours at the shop she had ever counted. Fed up with the day’s lagging way, she closed up early so she could get her end of day paperwork completed and the shop ready for the next morning with time to spare. Jason, the high school kid she had working in the coffee shop, was pleased to cut his shift short. High School football was the place to be on a Friday night in the fall, and he was headed there to meet the rest of the town.
Finally making her way through the mundane paperwork that typically didn’t phase her one way or the other, she let her mind wander. McKenzie was a delightful town, charming but small. She had been to every eatery in town and tried to decide which would be his choice.
She was rattled from her thoughts when a loud noise from the back caught her attention. She called for Jason, assuming it was him, either making his way out still or just returning for something he had forgotten. The hair on the back of her neck began to rise when Jason didn’t reply. More noise sounded, causing her alarm. Colton was due shortly but wouldn’t come in the back, and Jason surely would have heard and responded by now.
Nerves getting the best of her, she called out, asking who was back there, voice wavering, revealing her fear. She turned to look outside through the front shop windows. It was near dusk, but plenty of people were out doing the Friday night thing, should she need help.
Slowly making her way to the back room, she scolded herself for making such a brazen move. She paused at the entry, scanning the space, finding everything in order from a distance. Phone in her hand, she moved forward, seeking out the source of the noise.
A sudden movement from behind a large storage rack signaled her that she was not alone. Feet cemented to the floor by fear, she couldn’t move. Hopeful that her stillness would leave her unseen, she held her breath until her intruder began to move her direction. All she could see were shadows and perhaps dark clothing. She couldn’t make out a face or even see if it was a man or woman – based on general size, it was more than likely a man.
Taking small silent steps backward, she was aiming to turn and run for help when she ran into a solid wall. Large arms encircled her, preventing her from running. The shadowy movement in the distance became frantic. She kicked and screamed as loud as she could before landing an elbow to her captor’s gut and stomping his foot in an attempt to get away.
She turned to the winded voice of her captor when he said her name.
“Oh, my God, Colton, I am so sorry!” She looked behind her to where the shadow had danced behind the shelf, but it was gone.
“Remind me never to follow you down a dark alley,” he joked, standing upright, still trying to catch his breath.
“I…I…someone was back here, or so I thought,” she said, glancing over her shoulder again. “I was going for help, and it was you, but I thought it was someone else…I’m so sorry.”
“Someone was in here? Where’s the kid?” he asked, with a look of concern as he moved in the direction she had indicated with flailing arms.
“I shutdown early, so I let him go to the game while I closed up. Please be careful!” She alerted.
She stood there petrified, wondering what he was going to find. Had someone truly been there, or was her imagination antagonizing her again with the fear that had been brewing of late? Eyes wide, a tremor coursing through her, she realized her past wasn’t left behind at all. It would likely follow her everywhere, forever.
“There’s nobody there. The door was open, a few flower buckets were knocked over along with a box of those paper coffee cups, but that’s it. Are you sure you saw someone? We can call Blake…”
“No! No need to bother him. Maybe Jason just didn’t close it all the way. I bet a…stray cat got in here or something.” She pasted on her best fake smile and grabbed for his hand. “Let’s just go. It’s fine now.”
He pulled her close and landed a sweet kiss on her forehead before leading her to the front of the store so they could leave. Walking through the doorway to the front of the store, she looked back one last time. There may not be anyone in there now, but there was. Someone had been in there.