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The McKenzie Ridge Series Book Bundle: Complete with books 1-5 by Stephanie St. Klaire (40)

Chapter 14
After several games of fetch with a very willing three-legged dog, Meg put Jax to bed for the night. He would sleep well after a night of chasing the dog and endless belly giggles. The two played so well together, and it was a fun way to fill the rest of their evening.
Megan had to admit to herself that she did indeed feel safer with Duke there. Not sure what it was about him that offered such security, she decided not to mull it over or dissect the issue. He was there, and she was happy for it.
Duke spent the evening going from window to window, room to room, sniffing at each door, as if making his rounds. Several times. She managed a little quiet time after Jax went to bed and put in a movie.
Negotiations with Duke began regarding his pouting and not being allowed on the furniture. He wasn’t allowed at home, so it wouldn’t be right there, either. He sat at her feet with his head in her lap, giving her puppy dog eyes. Of course, he had that down. He was a dog.
As the night wore on, she gave in and quickly had a 75-pound lap dog laying across her legs through the rest of her movie. He even whimpered and licked her tears during the sad scenes. Who knew one of her favorite new friends in this town would be a dog?
When she felt her eyelids drooping, Meg gave in to the exhaustion that had been hovering and made her way to bed – Duke on her heels. She was feeling a bit unsettled, despite the happily ever after she had just watched on TV. Her body was craving rest, so to bed she went, hoping rest would ease her brewing anxiety. Her plan to stay up late and exhaust herself in an effort to sleep long and hard through the night was only partially successful. She had the exhaustion down, but the rest was an epic fail.
Getting on her own nerves, she told herself to get it together, reminding herself of the same thing she had repeated for months—she had been in McKenzie nearly a year. She was careful. Nobody knew who she was. She was safe here. Maybe this was just her clingy subconscious wishing she had a big strong man beside her. Since when was she the needy type?
She settled in to bed and gave in to more thoughts of Colton and their night together. He was an amazing man—kind, thoughtful, nurturing, and protective. He was an equally amazing lover, putting her needs and wants first, seeing that she was thoroughly sated and completely taken.
He was what most girls wished for. She had him, and he wanted her…not for her money, not for her name. Granted, he didn’t know about that part of her life, but if he did, she knew he wouldn’t care. He just wanted her for her because he was one of a kind, special. She was falling…hard.
The butterflies that thoughts of him created quickly disappeared at the low growl coming from Duke. She lay still as a course of fear whittled its way in. Duke shot up and charged the door way, barking ferociously. She sat up and gathered her blankets around her, trying to find her way through the panic that was threatening, low in her gut.
“What is it boy?” She whispered, her voice shaking, barely audible. She waited for him to answer while Duke just looked at her, head tilted, likely thinking the same thing she was. “Seriously, Meg, get it together. This isn’t fucking Lassie!”
The growls continued with intermittent barking, causing her instincts to kick in and take over. She dialed Colton. Glad she wore yoga pants and a tank top to bed, she slid her arms into a sweatshirt and moved to the bedroom doorway, just behind Duke. While she was waiting for Colton to answer the line, her gut was screaming at her to run…run like hell and don’t look back. Her heart, however, said wait for him.
Sitting around the table, shooting the shit, the gang waited for their uneventful shift to finally end. Colton broke away from the conversation when his phone rang, startling him at such a late hour. When Meg’s name ran across the screen, an icy chill settled in. He knew something was wrong. He answered the call but was overwhelmed with the sound of Duke barking hysterically in the background. He turned to his friends, concern crossing his face, gathering everyone’s attention.
“Meg, what’s wrong?” He questioned. Only the sound of her breathing greeted him. “Meg, talk to me. What’s wrong, baby?”
The sound of his voice brought her comfort, and his endearing reference gave her a voice. She began to whisper, her fear evident by her shaky words.
“Colton? Colton, something is wrong. Duke. He is running from door to door. He is trying to get out.” She paused as reality set in. Her whisper became breathy and faint as she delivered her fearful assumption. “I think someone is out there.”
Colton knew something had been off earlier that day – for days really. He should have trusted his gut and not left her. Hell, he should have listened to his fucking dog! He turned to the group, who was already giving him their full attention from his few concerned words and body language.
Blake, the least surprised by this call, stood and moved closer to his friend. If his suspicions were correct, he was about to go and arrest a bad guy. He radioed Dawson and Carigan, who had been out on an invalid assist call, to see where they were en route. They would likely be the closest.
Although not protocol, this was personal, and that’s what they did in this small town. They took care of each other, crossing the lines of career when needed. They were all highly trained as search and rescue – they all trusted each other in any capacity.
“Have you seen or heard anything outside?” Colton asked.
“No, I was starting to fall asleep. He insisted on lying at my feet, was fine, and then sprung up out of nowhere. I’ve never seen him like this, Colton…I’m so scared,” she admitted with a small sob.
“Okay, honey, stay put. I’m comin’,” he replied as he moved toward the door, Blake following. “Where’s Jax?”
Her voice back to a barely there whisper, she replied, “Sleeping. I’m grabbing him now.”
As Colton gathered his things while keeping Megan calm on the line, Blake had reached Dawson and Carigan on their way back to the house and only a short mile or so from the sparsely developed area both Megan and Colton’s houses populated. With a quick update from Blake, they turned around and headed east to see if they could intercept the problem for their friend.
“We are pulling up now, Blake,” Carigan reported. “We can see the property now. All looks dark at Sparks’ and Megan’s houses. We’ll do a drive by and circle back so we don’t spook anyone,” she finished.
“Sounds good, O’Reilly. I’m headed that way with Sparks, five minute ETA,” Blake updated, certain that there was more going on, and Tayler and O’Reilly were about to stumble upon it.
“Be careful. Watch your backs. I don’t feel good about this,” he finished before turning his attention back to Colton.
They made it to the door when Dawson radioed in, changing a suspicious hunch to an emergency. “Guys, we have flames lighting up the garage—see it through the side window! Appears contained to the garage. Get out here! We’re getting them out…” Dawson shouted, the waiver in his voice indicating he was running.
The gang suited up and took their places, headed to help one of their own. Organized chaos ensued as they made their way the short trek across their small town. Carigan could be heard over the radio, yelling at Megan to open the door, her ferocious pounding heard while Duke’s frantic barking made its way through too. Emotions ran high as they listened to the events unfolding just miles from them.
“Meg, open the door. Dawson and Cari are there to get you out. There’s a fire, Megan. You need to get out! I’m on my way!” Colton pleaded, trying to remain calm. He could let the terrified emotions run later when both Megan and Jax were safe in his arms.
Right now, he just needed to get to them. If anything happened to them, he wouldn’t forgive himself for leaving them alone. They had become his world, his everything, and now their lives balanced in peril.
He could hear her jagged breathing, but she wasn’t responding. “Baby, please, answer me. You need to get out! Where are you? They’ll come in and get you. Megan…”
He was cut off by the last thing he would hear her say before his world shifted upside down.
“Fire…” was all she got out before she heard the deafening sound coming from the front of the house. It was a loud, ear-piercing bang that left her ears ringing in sharp pain.
Colton heard the explosion through the phone, but more so, outside the vehicle he was traveling in. He was close enough to hear it but not close enough to help her. What was worse was that he no longer heard Megan or Duke over the phone.
He picked up the radio and called to Dawson and Carigan. The line was dead, no response. A feeling of angry panic filled him. His girl and his friends were off the radar. He was paralyzed by the fear and the idea that each of them could be badly hurt…or worse. Tears stung his eyes as he accelerated, willing his truck to get there faster. He knew loss, knew abandonment by those he loved, knew loneliness and not having anyone to love or love him back…he wasn’t ready for a repeat of those lessons.
His attention was brought back to the radio when static, followed by Carigan’s voice, brought him some relief.
“Colton, we’re almost inside. Dawson broke through a window. We’ll find her!”
That was the last he heard from the scene until he came upon it himself. Just moments later, the cavalry quickly jumped into action, battling the wicked flames.
Going against protocol and ignoring his responsibilities as part of the team battling the inferno, he raced to the window, yelling Megan’s name. He was met by Dawson, who obviously took a hit by whatever just happened. He had superficial cuts on his face, a nice gash on his forehead, and bloodied arms that appeared to be minor at first glance.
“We found her. Cari is with her…sort of…hurry!” Dawson led Colton to the back of the house, both running and coughing as the smoke offended their lungs. They finally stood in Megan’s bedroom, only to find Carigan knelt down, one hand out in front of her, sweet talking a growling, teeth baring, pissed off Duke.
“She’s in there,” Carigan said in a soft calm voice, slowly pointing to the closet door Duke was bravely guarding. “He’s guarding her, protecting them. I called for her, but she won’t come out.”
“Are you sure she’s…” Colton began to question.
“We cleared the house. All that’s left is that closet and our brave boy here,” she responded, cutting him off.
Colton moved closer, not sure how to approach his own dog. He had never seen him behave in such a way. He said his name a couple of times, called him a good boy, and even told him to come. Duke did not budge. He called for Meg and didn’t get a response.
Relief struck when he heard Jax’s faint cry and Megan consoling him, rather loud for someone hiding, when it struck him…the explosion. She couldn’t hear them, which meant Duke probably couldn’t either. Instinct set in, and he decided in that moment there really was purpose in everything. Having a deaf dog at home, who only responded to hand signals, he thought surely this could help with Duke.
All of the animals had witnessed the communication between Colton and Boss. He hoped like hell this was the answer. They needed it to be. The smoke was thickening throughout the house, and breathing was becoming somewhat labored.
He knelt down before Duke, gaining his direct attention. He put up a hand, signaling him to heel. Duke remained where he was but stopped growling, tilting his head in confusion. Colton raised his hand again, giving the same signal. Duke paused before finally moving to where Colton was kneeling. Slowly Colton reached for Duke and quickly scratched his ears before signaling him to sit and stay. Duke obeyed.
He made his way to the walk-in closet where he found Megan curled up with Jax in the back corner, tears staining her cheeks, pale from fear. He moved toward them, quickly sweeping them up in his arms when she finally let out a defeated sob that broke his heart. Carigan moved in behind, reaching out for Jax, waiting for permission to remove him from her petrified grip. She reluctantly let him go, and Colton lifted her, carrying her to the large window Dawson had cleared so they could safely leave the home and avoid the smoke.
Dawson carefully helped Carigan out, holding Jax until she was on the other side and could carry him to the ambulance. Colton wasn’t letting Megan out of his arms. Dawson, completely understanding, having been there before himself with his now wife, Sam, simply supported him. He offered balance as Colton escaped the near tragedy, grateful to have his life in his arms.
Making their way around the smoky house, opposite the side the fire was blazing, Megan and Jax were taken to the waiting ambulance to be checked over. As they rounded the corner of the home, Duke turned around and took off at a dead run, barking, making his way toward the nearby wooded area. Obedient to a ‘T’, this was out of character, and Blake had a hunch that he was chasing more than a squirrel or nighttime creature. Reading his expression and body language, Morgan knew exactly what her partner was thinking.
Tapping his shoulder as she passed him, she ran after the dog, hand on her weapon, her flashlight illuminating the path before her. They finally came to a stop in a clearing where Duke had halted. He was whimpering, first stepping left, then right, he seemed unsure which way to go next. He sat at their feet, looking to them for answers.
“Shit, he’s fast for only having three legs!” Morgan said, hunched over with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.
“Christ, no kidding. It’s not like either one of us is out of shape, either!” Blake replied, just as winded from their chase through the forest.
“What do you think he was chasing, and how did he lose the scent, right here, there’s nowhere to go but on foot,” she questioned, although she had a hunch she already knew the answer.
“Fuck if I know, but I think it’s a who, not a what,” he admitted. “I don’t think our friend here lost the scent at all—he’s just not sure which one to follow.”
The unease Blake was radiating hit Morgan like a brick wall. Blake was highly trained, ex-military, although no one knew exactly what branch or the extent of his service. They didn’t know much about his past. He didn’t talk about it, probably couldn’t. What they did know was that he was never wrong. Blake could feel trouble miles away and weeks in advance. If he was so certain there were too many paths to chase out here, she knew they had someone to look for.
“We aren’t going to find what we are looking for out here tonight. They could be anywhere by now. We don’t have a team or enough to justify one. Low-key eyes on everyone, Jameson…got it? We have a problem on our hands.”
She nodded, and they headed back in the direction they had come. They had their work cut out for them. They were chasing ghosts.
Megan and Jax were being treated by Dawson and Carigan back at the ambulance when Blake and Morgan returned. Colton was at her side, quickly joined by Duke.
“How are they?” Morgan asked, studying Megan, wondering who would be after her. Random act or someone from her previous life?
“Baby Jax seems well. She must’ve had him cradled just right – his ears look good,” Carigan responded. “But our girl here can’t hear over the loud ringing in her ears!”
“We’re taking them in, let Doc Charles give them a once over at the ER,” Dawson chimed in.
Colton stepped closer, hand on the gurney Meg was sitting on, and said, “I’m riding with you guys. I’m not leaving them.” The defensiveness, or perhaps protective nature he had, rang loud in his tone.
“I figured you were, buddy,” Dawson replied with a smile. “Can’t say I blame you. What about this guy?” He asked, pointing to Duke.
Morgan reached down to give him a long rewarding pet and said, “We’ll take him back to the House with us as soon as we are done here. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to be left alone so soon...poor guy. We’ll get him over to Dr. Bain for an ear check, just in case”
“Thanks, guys. Appreciate it,” Colton said while bending down to scratch Duke’s ears. “You were a good boy tonight. Good boy, Duke.”
“We’re about to get crowded. Sparks. You’re a trained medic. You’re riding in the back with our two guests,” Carigan ordered, giving Jax a quick tickle to the tummy. “Tayler, shotgun. Grab a kit and clean up those wounds. Looks like you’re getting some stitches on that big forehead of yours tonight. I’m driving.”
“I have a big forehead?” Dawson asked, rubbing his head.
“Just get in, ya jackass,” Carigan scolded, getting a laugh. She wasn’t one to swear, but when she did, it was smothered in her Irish dialect.
Dawson fired back, “Such an angry leprechaun, O’Reilly!” then ran to his side of the truck to avoid her wrath.
She closed the doors to the ambulance, jumped in, and drove off. Blake and Morgan watched the ambulance leave with their friends inside. They were glad their injuries appeared minor and were hopeful they would check out as such.
“Did you notice how she wouldn’t even look at us?” Morgan asked. “Of course, you did. What am I saying?”
“Yeah, I noticed. Something is going on there. She had a chance to say something and didn’t. She’s afraid. Really afraid,” he said, scratching his chin.
“Victim or perp?” she asked, hoping it wasn’t the latter. She had really come to like Meg and didn’t want to find that she was a criminal.
“I want to say vic. Remember that day, on the side of the road, with the flat tire?” He questioned, jogging Morgan’s memory. She nodded in response, acknowledging the incident.
“When I went to pull the jack and spare from the trunk, there was a suitcase and a bag of money.”
“On the run,” she stated, rather than questioned. She was trained to recognize that as a classic symptom or behavior of an abuse victim.
“It gets better. It wasn’t a random flat tire. It was intentional or appeared to be,” he offered. “I noticed a dark sedan off to the side of the road, just beyond where we were. It was there when we arrived but turned around and left after we got there,” he finished.
“If they were already there, why didn’t they offer to help?” Morgan questioned, catching on.
“Exactly. I wasn’t sure it mattered until now. I think we need to look into Megan Johnson a little closer. We may have trouble in our town, and our friends are in the line of fire,” Blake said, obviously worried.
They would do their job, follow the clues, and not say a word until there was something to share or someone to arrest. Blake’s intuition ran deep, almost too deep for his liking, and he didn’t like the weight this left in his gut.