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The McKenzie Ridge Series Book Bundle: Complete with books 1-5 by Stephanie St. Klaire (70)

As the sun was settling in its western resting place for the evening, Morgan found herself looking for Guy. The conversation with Blake, earlier in the day, left her more than uneasy. Her instincts were raising flags all along, but she couldn’t see past her budding interest in Guy, or her lifelong friendship with Dunny, to fully accept them.
That new awareness had her in an emotional spin she couldn’t quite resolve. A strange need to protect Guy was matched by a need to be protected by him. She was a cop, a damn good one who could hold her own if threatened, so this was different. It was more about how her heart felt and how vulnerable she was becoming where he was concerned.
She only knew what she knew, as cliché, conflicting, and irrational as the thought was. This man didn’t even have a name, a real one, anyway. As much as she felt she knew him and had grown to like him, he really was just a stranger, even to himself.
Perhaps that was the driving force behind needing to protect him. Hadn’t he suffered enough? He carried on as if he was mildly okay with his circumstance, but she knew he was hurting, broken even.
It went deeper than not knowing who he was or where he belonged, there was more than feeling alone or even being abandoned, because after so many weeks, not a soul was looking for him. As much as she saw him pained by that, she noticed a sense of calming relief. He may not remember who he was, but he seemed okay with that at times, even if he couldn’t remember why.
She wanted to protect him from that – whatever it was. But, like every good fairytale, she wanted her knight in shining armor – someone to make all of this go away, protect her from it too. As frightening as it was to put her heart on the line, with a virtual stranger, no less, she couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. His sweet and gentle way fed her soul, leaving it craving for more.
His strong, bold, presence left her body craving more too. Seeing him wet, half nude, in her kitchen only made that desire swell to a discomforting level. She was afraid to follow her desires, but couldn’t resist them either. The idea that someone was lurking around, sabotaging decades of work, had her heart weighted like a heavy brick of cement.
Who would want to see Pinecrest fail or her for that matter? Was Dunny really capable of such things? If so, why? Though she had a hard time believing it, Blake had valid suspicion. Dunny had always been protective, brotherly, but what if there was more? Dunny wasn’t shy about his feelings for Guy – he made it clear to Guy, even. Blake was convinced the destruction and subversiveness had something to do with Guy, too, and she was beginning to agree.
His role, however, wasn’t one of undermining malevolence, she was certain of that. She felt his role was that of an unknowing victim. Whatever it was, she had a watchful eye now, and would stop it in its tracks. Meanwhile, exploring this undeniable draw to Guy and findinga way to explore it without compromising her heart, was on the agenda.
Guy sat, legs stretched out in front of him, leaning against a rustic pine fence post on the wrong side of the fence that traced the ridge where Pinecrest rested. The view never got old. He and Morgan found themselves enjoying many sunrises and sunsets together, in the very spot he occupied.
They had talked well past the rise and beyond the fall of the sun each time, discussing the world’s highs and lows, and even at times, absolutely nothing. The topic of discussion was really irrelevant, he just enjoyed her company as they watched the world wake, or drift to sleep, which ever it may be.
The town below would be highlighted by the earliest rays, creating an awe worthy reflection off the crystal like morning frost, just as beautiful as the golden rays setting behind the trees in that very moment. An early peak at the evening stars and bright silvery moon were first teased in their glassy mirror like reflection across Bear Creek as it ran its course, tracing the town below.
The view was majestic, something he’d never experienced. He was sure of it because this view, which included his beautiful company, was something even he couldn’t forget. A peaceful sense of calm was welcome, and something he desperately desired, as it felt temporary and as if it had been elusive at some point. He didn’t know.
He chuckled at the idea of remembering, or sensing emotions from a life he didn’t remember. Even though he wasn’t aware of what he sought peace from, he was happy to find it. Guy tried not to dwell on the unknown, or the fact that he was utterly alone in his real life – that was made obvious over the past weeks as nobody came forward, looking for him.
Even if it was a temporary state, he decided to live in the moment. If he was entirely honest with himself, he was content with the idea this could be his forever. If nobody was missing him and his mind refused to remind him of anything, he could live here, as Guy, so long as the beautiful woman that stalked his every thought was part of that forever.
Before he heard or saw her, he felt her…walking up behind him. That had to mean something. Right?
“Hey there,” Guy said, without turning around. She stopped, ever so briefly, startled by his salutation, before smiling and making the short distance left between them.
“Hey there yourself. What are ya doing out here?” She leaned against the fence, one knee on the railing, looking over the bronze kissed valley preparing for sunset.
“Oh, I was just thinking, relaxing. You?” he asked, still facing the distant mountain ridges to the west.
She smiled at his question, shifting her stare down, to rest on him. “Looking for you.”
A satisfied grin crossed his face while he looked up at her from over his broad shoulder. He extended his hand, after patting the ground next to him, “Come here, and sit with me.”
Happy for the invite, she crossed between the top and bottom fence railing, taking a stretch of soft overgrown grass beside him. They sat in silence, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, watching the final few golden rays slip away in the distance. Though the sky darkened, the bright moonlight provided a means to see the valley and their surroundings from a night time lens that was just as beautiful as that of day.
“What has you so distracted?” she asked, breaking the silence. His response would likely only confirm what she already knew as the silence already spoke volumes.
“Oh, this and that. Thinking about today. Blake’s visit.” He turned to look at her before finishing his thoughts, “He’s a good guy. Comes across as a hardass, but I like him.”
Although it shouldn’t matter, it pleased Morgan to hear that Guy liked Blake. Her friends were more than that; they were family, especially Blake. “Yeah, he is, don’t let him hear you say that though,” she laughed. “He likes being mysterious, and in the background. A loaner really.”
“I gathered that. He looks after all of you. Big brother like,” Guy found that quality endearing honorable even. “He speaks very highly of all of you. Especially the kids and Lou Shaw.”
“He does. It’s just in his nature I guess. About the only time I see him smile is when he’s with the kids, and he turns to butter when Granny Lou dotes on him – real tough guy,” she laughed, with an exaggerated tone.
“He wasn’t here to check on me. Well, not entirely. He was here to check on you,” Guy said.
Morgan opened her mouth to speak, but her words were absent. Guy was right, but she hoped he hadn’t misread Blake’s intentions, or taken anything personal, if Blake even did anything at all. “He…uh, tell you that?” Better to play it safe than sorry, she decided vague questions were her answer so as not to run Guy off. She wasn’t ready for that.
“He didn’t have to. Though I appreciated his help today – and the company – I don’t think it’s too often he plays cowboy rancher on his day off. If he was just checkin’ in with me – he could’ve done that without saddling up and working through splinters and blistered hands. He was being a cop.”
“Ahhh, whose being a cop now?” she laughed, “You gathered all that mending a fence?”
“Mostly. I’ve been paying attention too. Something’s wrong…around here. Isn’t it? He’s worried.”
Morgan didn’t know how to answer him. Sure something was peculiar, but neither she, nor Blake, had an ounce of evidence. Just a lot of speculation and deep rooted intuition.
“Um, he’s concerned, not worried. A few things have been out of sorts, he’s curious, that’s all. Nothing to worry about.” She wasn’t entirely lying, “And I don’t want you to think any of his nosing around has to do with you.”
Guy laid a hand over hers as it rested on her leg. “He doesn’t think I’m the source of concern, but I know he thinks I’m somehow connected. Morgan, those fences – they were intentional. They were fine when I rode the perimeter of the pasture and they aren’t random breaks.”
“Did you tell Blake that? He knows it isn’t you. It’s been happening a while now – before you…got here,” she finished in a whisper.
“I thanked him for his help, and then told him everything I’ve been noticing ‘round here.” Guy turned away, shifting his gaze elsewhere while he mustered up the courage to finish his thought, “I also told him…I’d never let anything happen to you. That the only time I don’t have eyes on you is when you are at work with him. Or…asleep in the next room over, but even then…I check on you.”
Morgan’s heart skipped a beat at his admission. It seemed as though he was doing exactly as she desired, protecting her. With all the worry he must carry, given his situation, his main concern had been her. As much as it warmed her heart, and threatened to break through the wall she had built around it, a rampant, angsty, fear harbored that temptation just as quickly.
As much as his words were hopeful, they were frightening. He had feelings for her. That was now clear, but that knowledge launched a subtle sense of panic. It meant her feelings were reciprocated and she was scared of where that could lead and how it would inevitably end. It was easier when it was a one-sided day dreamy infatuation.
Guy let go of her hand, and placed a hooked finger under her chin turning her to face him. His stare was warm and penetrating, flooding her with a sense of calm. “I could never hurt you, Morgan. I wouldn’t. I know your heart isn’t available, but apparently mine is.”
Her eyes searched his as if the words she was seeking rested there. She went to speak, reply to his divulgence, but words escaped her.
“I may not know who I was before I came to Pinecrest, but I’m learning who I’m meant to be, every day, here with you. It feels…right. And the thought of anyone, or anything, hurting you or anything important to you, brings out something in me I can’t explain. Just let me be at least that for you – let me keep you safe from whatever it is that’s lurking in the background.”
He reached in and gently kissed the center of her forehead, followed by a sweet kiss to the tip of her nose, and finally a simple, but warm gentle kiss to her lips. Guy waited for her to open her eyes when he gave her a smile that reached his eyes.
“Let me show you that I’m not into nurses…” His jesting reference to her previous relationship that ultimately closed off her heart, lightened the mood and made her giggle. That was something he did well, and did often.