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Believe Series box set by L Chapman (3)




One of the men does catch my eye. My gaze lingers, and I fear that he has clocked me looking at him. His eyes appear to sparkle, and his amazing smile reaches his eyes. He has neatly trimmed short brown hair, but it is long enough to play with. Where did that thought come from, I think to myself, as I let out a nervous giggle.

He is wearing a black shirt with the top two buttons undone. The shirt is tight, and I can tell that he works out. I can see his arms and chest are so defined from here. He looks strong. He’s also wearing dark coloured jeans, but with his companions standing between him and me, I can’t really see any more.

We are standing at the bar not too far from the three men, and I cannot keep my eyes off him. Once again, he catches me looking, so I quickly divert my eyes back to the bar.

I ask Jenny what she would like to drink, and she asks for a vodka and Coke. A barman, wearing a black T-shirt with the “Bar 3000” logo embroidered on the chest, comes over and I ask for a vodka and Coke for Jenny and a Diet Coke for myself. Jenny just winks at me, knowing what I am like when we are out. I never begin with alcohol, always a Coke first.

From the corner of my eye, I see that the stranger that had caught my eye is heading in our direction. Once more, I find my gaze drawn toward him, and I am unable to take my eyes off him. He is absolutely breathtaking, and his blue eyes are almost mesmerizing. As he walks towards us, he rolls up his sleeves showing off his tanned and well-defined forearms. I start to feel my heartbeat start to race as he closes the distance between us.

I look at Jenny, only half listening to what she is saying, all the while keeping an eye on him as he continues to walk towards us. I can feel my heart beating faster with each step he takes, and finally, he stops right next to us. I have never felt like this. It can’t be right.

We take our drinks from the barman, and I pay for them.  

“Good evening, ladies.” He smiles.

I am so glad Jenny is here. She is more confident than I am, and her being here is very reassuring.

“Hi,” Jenny replies, as she turns fully around to face him, moving closer to me and giving me a little nudge to say “hi”.

“How are you both this evening? My name’s Mark.” He looks straight towards me.

I look at him, unable to talk for a moment and thankfully, Jenny speaks up, thus avoiding an awkward silence. “We’re very well, thanks. I’m Jenny.” Jenny is friendly as always, looking at him and smiling.

I finally find my voice and introduce myself. “I’m Megan, and it’s nice to meet you, Mark.”

Jenny giggles and glances quickly at Mark and then at me and smiles. “Megan, I’ll be back in a minute. I need to ring Rich.” Jenny moves closer to me, giving me a little hug.

I smile, taking Jenny’s drink for her. “Oh, okay, honey. Tell him I said hi.” As Jenny walks off, she blows a kiss at me.

I should have known that she was going to leave me alone with Mark. Jenny knows the type of man that I like, and by leaving us, she has given me a push in the right direction. I am not happy about this, but I know she is trying to help me. I never used to back away from males, and I would chat and flirt a bit, but never make a move unless I really liked him. I now avoid all men, and Jenny knows I do.

“Now, that is better.”  He sounds so happy; he gives me a big smile and moves closer towards me.

“Why’s that?” I ask. My heart is beating so fast. I am so worried. Am I in danger? I look in the direction Jenny went in, but I can’t see her. Why did she leave me?

With that amazing smile of his, he looks me straight in the eyes and says, “Megan, it was you that I noticed, you and your beautiful eyes.” I could feel the flush of heat rise to my face. “Why has your boyfriend left you on your own on a night like this?”

I just shook my head and laughed. “That’s a terrible line, Mark. You’re only trying to find out if I’m in a relationship.” I sip my Coke before continuing. “Mark, I’m single and pregnant, which you will have already noticed. That means I’m going to be single for a long time to come,” I state as I place my hand over my small round belly.  “So, where’s your girlfriend on a night like this, or should I assume that you’re just a player?” I can’t believe I just said that, but Mark just smiles at my bluntness.

“I’m single, Megan, just like you are.” I feel myself starting to blush a bit, so I look down to the floor. “Yes, I noticed that you are pregnant, but I am still drawn to you. You’re beautiful. I had to come and say hello.” I take a sip of my drink, not looking at him. “Shall we go sit down? I heard once, that standing for a long time is not very good for women who are expecting.” Why would he want to talk to me? I have heard of men hitting on pregnant women, but I never thought it would happen to me.

I smile as Mark picks up his drink and makes his way towards a table near one of the windows where the seats are front to back. I pick up Jenny’s glass and follow him. Mark waits for me to slide into the seat farthest from the window, and he sits down opposite me.

“I’d better let Jenny know where we are. I don’t want her to worry.” I laugh softly. 

“Good idea,” Mark agrees.

I take my mobile out of my bag and message her.

 Jenny, how hot is this guy? I just don’t know what to say to him. We’re sitting near the window. Xx

“There, done. Why’d you leave your friends to come talk to me?” I am so nervous. I don’t know what to expect, and I wish Jenny had not left me.

Mark smiles, sipping his drink and setting his glass down without taking his eyes off me. I look at his glass. When I look back up, his gaze is intense.

“They’re all off to meet their partners soon. They’re work colleagues rather than actual friends, and I wanted to talk to you to find out more about you, Megan.” Mark smiles reassuringly at me.

“So, Megan, tell me about yourself. I already know you’re beautiful with eyes that sparkle like diamonds and a smile that’s magnetic.” Is this one of his lines? I just giggle.

I can’t look at him; my face is on fire. My phone vibrates on the table, and I look at it.

He is totally your type. He’s totally hot and I knew that you’d never talk to him if I stayed with you. Xx

I want to know all about you, Megan.” I can’t believe how confident this man is. Who would hit on a pregnant woman? I just don’t get it.

I struggle to think of what to say and finally settle on. “I have lived in Yorkshire my entire life.”

Mark looks at me, smiles, and leans forward in his seat. “If you live in Yorkshire, what brings you to London?”

I take a sip of my Coke using the straw. “I’m down for a few days to help Jenny with her wedding shopping.” I’m getting a little uncomfortable talking about myself, so I attempt to turn the tables. “Tell me about you, Mark.”

Mark leans a little more towards me across the table, smiles an almost wicked smile, and as he does, he touches my leg with his foot. I can’t believe he has just touched me. I jump, which gets a bit of a chuckle out of him.

“I’m twenty-five, grew up in London, but now live out in the suburbs. I work here in the city. Anything else you’d like to know, Megan?” Mark takes another sip of his drink, keeping one of his eyes on me.

When he says my name, it seems softer, almost seductive. I watch his lips form each letter, and I can almost imagine how soft they would feel. “So, I don’t have to worry about Jenny then?”

Mark’s words enter my train of thought. “Excuse me, worry about Jenny?”

“I said Jenny’s taken, so I don’t have to worry about her.”

I smile shyly. “No, you don’t have to worry about Jenny.”

“Who doesn’t have to worry about Jenny?” Jenny has returned and sits down next to me. “So, what have I missed?” Jenny asks, sounding all excited. She is up to her little trick, trying to set me up. Jenny has been so supportive of me. She has come to every appointment for “Bump” since I found out I was expecting her. She does not want me to go through it all on my own.

Mark smiles at Jenny and then winks at me. HE WINKS AT ME!

“I hear you’re getting married, Jenny. When’s the big day?”

“In six months,” Jenny tells him. “July the twenty-eighth and I can’t wait. I’m so happy. We found the dress today, and I can relax a bit now and enjoy London while we’re here. Oh, Megan, I almost forgot.  Rich and I are going to go to that place tomorrow. I’ll come back as soon as we’re done though.” I love how excited Jenny sounds when she is talking about her wedding, her big day. She has dreamt of this for years. I can’t wait for her to finally have her day.

Mark slides his hand over the table and takes my phone. I look at him questioningly as he picks up my phone, looks at the screen, and then frowns.

“Can you unlock your phone, please?” Mark asks smiling at me.

“Why?” I question. I have not known him long enough for him to read or use my phone.

“I just wanted to add my number,” Mark states while Jenny nudges me and smiles. I unlock my phone, place him onto add contact and pass him my phone. At least if he is adding it to mine, then I am in control.  I have nothing to hide, so I sit there watching him as he types something out before handing the phone back to me.

Mark smiles at me, and I look down at the screen. He’s added his home, mobile and work numbers. I look up at him, saying nothing but giving him a gentle smile of my own.

It reads “Mark Reed” next to his number.  

I hold the phone, looking between my newest number and the gorgeous man who has given it to me. Jenny excuses herself, leaving me alone with Mark once more. 

“What are you going to do tomorrow, Megan?” He looks at me as if there is a right answer and a wrong answer, but I just reply honestly.

“I’m not sure yet. I have plenty of things to do, and I never find it difficult to keep busy.” We are quiet again, and I take a deep, cleansing breath and sit straight in my chair, “Mark, I’ve had a lovely time, and it was so nice meeting you, but it’s been a long day. I think it’s time for me to say goodnight.”

I stand up and grab my bag. Mark gets up and stands in front of me. We are so close I can smell his aftershave, and he smells so wonderful. If it is possible for a man to be beautiful, Mark is, and once again, I feel my heart race.

“After you,” Mark says as he points his hand in the direction that Jenny has gone.

I walk towards the exit, just a step or two in front of Mark. In the background, a love song by a male singer I love begins playing.

I close my eyes, “Oh, I love this song,” I say softly, little more than a whisper.

“Dance with me, Megan.” Mark takes my hand in his, pulling me to a stop.

“Here?” I look around the room, noticing no one else dancing yet. Mark turns towards me, and our eyes once again meet. His eyes make me stop. I love his eyes.

“Yes, Megan, here and now.” His hand is bigger than mine.

I feel as if the rest of the bar and its patrons have melted away. The only ones left are the two of us. We walk towards the dance floor, holding each other’s hand.

“Wonderful song to choose,” I softly say into Mark’s ear as he lifts my hand with our fingers clasped together, holding them to his chest. His other arm wrapped around my waist, my belly-bump close to him. I don’t know what to do. I want to run, but I am enjoying it. I feel so nervous.

We begin to dance. It’s a hard song to dance to with someone you have only just met, but I want to stay close to him. I want him to hold me; I want to feel his body tight against mine. I don’t know how I can be thinking like this about someone I have just met. I have not even known him for an hour.

I find myself humming along to the song as we move.

As the song ends, Mark places his other hand around me. We stand toe-to-toe in an embrace, and I look into Mark’s eyes. I feel his body press closer yet when he leans in and places a small butterfly kiss on my head. 

“So, you like him?” I ask.  

“Yes, but I’d deny it if asked by my friends. It would be no good for my street credit.” We both laugh.

He knocks me out with the smile I am now privy to behold. He releases his hold on me, and my body feels the immediate emptiness of just the smallest distance.

We walk back towards the exit with Mark keeping my hand in his. I feel almost sadness at the thought of our parting. However, I will say my goodbyes and return to my hotel.

“It was very nice to meet you, Mark.”

Mark smiles, revealing a hint of sadness.

“It was wonderful meeting you too, Megan.” Mark squeezes my hand a little bit, but this is not goodbye for us. I feel myself start to blush, and he smiles at me. “I intend on seeing you again very soon.”

I begin to feel anxiety well up in my stomach. I hope I see him again, and I know that the probability is not good. He’s probably just a player, a very hot and sexy player.

“Goodnight, Mark.” I start to walk away from him and once again he brings his lips to me. This time he kisses my hand. I turn to walk along the path down to where Jenny is standing waiting for me with a huge smile spread across her face.

“Goodnight, Megan,” he calls after me, and I turn briefly to wave as he watches me walk away.




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