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Believe Series box set by L Chapman (9)




It’s seven fifteen in the morning, and I can’t remember the last time I slept for so long or as comfortably. I can feel Mark's breath on my neck. His arm is still around me, with his hand resting just above my bump. I wonder what time Mark has to be at work. I hear Mark's phone go off again. That is the third time since I woke up. I move slowly onto my back, and Mark moves over. 

He looks so peaceful in his slumber, almost angelic. I could lie here and watch him sleep all day if I had my way. 

“Mark, wake up. Your phone keeps going off.”  

Mark groans, “Morning, beautiful, what’s the time?”   

“Morning, it’s seven twenty.” 

Mark reaches over to his phone and checks his messages. I slide out of bed, grab the dressing gown and slip my arms through the sleeves before heading to the bathroom. I return to the bed about five minutes later. I slide back into bed, keeping the dressing gown on. Mark is sitting up in bed, studiously looking at his mobile.

“Is everything okay?”  

“Sorry, yeah, everything’s fine. Just another busy day.”  

“Don’t apologize if you need to get a move on and go to work,” I state.

“I will.  I just want to cuddle with you first.” Mark smiles, putting down his mobile. Mark slides his arm around me, pulling me closer. I smile, moving to him.

“So, what are your plans for today, Megan?” 

“Jenny and I are off shopping.”   

“For the wedding?” Mark asks, and I nod my head. 

“Don’t you need to get going, Mark?”  

I don’t want to appear to be pushing him away, but he’s needed at work by the sounds of it.  

“I do. Is it okay if I use the shower?” Mark smiles and kisses me on the forehead.  

“Of course.”

Mark jumps out of bed, walks across the room to the bathroom without covering anything. I shield my face after having a sly look. Wow, what a bum. I can feel myself starting to flush. He is so fit.

“You don't have to hide, Megan. Have a good look.” Mark laughs, going into the bathroom. I feel my face turning red. My phone goes off, and as I expected, it’s Jenny messaging me yet again.

Morning, meet me downstairs at about nine and we’ll get some breakfast. Hope you are well. I need the gossip. Xx 

Morning Jenny, that sounds perfect to me. I am starving. X 

Mark walks back into the room, wearing a towel around his waist. What is it with men looking so sexy when they are wet? He sits on the side of the bed and pulls on his jeans, and I realize I’m still wearing his T-shirt. I slide off the dressing gown, being in the bed I don’t feel so exposed.  

“Do you want this, Mark?” I pull his T-shirt over my head. Mark keeps his eyes on me as I remove it, seeing his face light up while that cheeky smile appears. 

“Wow, Megan.” I feel myself turning redder.  

“Get dressed, Mark. You better get your cute bum to work,” I state as I throw his top at him. 

“Megan, did you check me out?” he asks playfully. 

“Of course, I did.” I cover my face with the sheets. I can’t believe I took my top off in front of him and admitted to checking him out.

“Do you want to have breakfast before I leave?” Mark asks.  

“I’m meeting Jenny for breakfast.” 

“Okay, sexy, I’ll get something at work,” Mark replies, winking at me.  

“You best do. You need to eat.” Mark climbs onto the bed and crawls towards me. He plants his lips on mine, and I let his tongue slide into my mouth. Our tongues dance within each other's mouths.

Mark leaves, giving me time to get ready to see Jenny. I opt for jeans and a cream jumper. I have fifteen minutes until I meet Jenny, and I head down to the lobby, find a seat and decide to look up Reed Enterprises on my phone. I need to know more about the man who spent the night in my bed.

Reed Enterprises 

Reed Enterprises was created by the youngest son of Andrew Oliver Reed and Heather Elizabeth Reed (nee Glenn). Mark Oliver Reed is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Mark’s siblings are Amelia and Craig Oliver Reed. The family resides in the plush suburbs of London.

Mark Reed created Reed Enterprises at the age of twenty after graduating university where he obtained a degree in Business & Business Finance.

Reed Enterprises is a rapidly growing concern which currently has a wide network of business interests beneath its corporate umbrella.

The young and enthusiastic entrepreneur is always on the lookout for his next deal though. He is taking time out later this year to concentrate on charity work.

I look up from my phone to see Jenny. I’m so happy to see her, and I thrust my phone at her. “Jenny, please read this.” I sit there while Jenny reads. 

“Is that the Mark from the bar? The one you spent the day with?” Jenny asks while smiling at me. 

“Yes, it is.”  

We walk to the café next door, order our food and sit down. While we wait for our breakfasts to be made, we spend time gossiping about Mark and what happened yesterday. I find out all about what Jenny and Rich did yesterday. Our food arrives, and we start to eat. I hear my phone go off.

Hey Megan, how was breakfast? Is Jenny all right? X 

“It's Mark. He’s asking if you’re okay?”  

We are so close and tell each other everything. I can trust her with everything because she’s like the sister I never had. She seems to like Mark. Why do I still have these doubts? I know I need to protect myself. I need to think of “Bump”, and then there’s the fact that we live at other ends of the country. In the real world, this wouldn’t work, no matter how much I want it to.  

Jenny and I leave the café and spend a full day shopping. We find everything we need. We are having lunch with Rich, and I plan to leave Jenny and him after lunch so that they can have some time together. 

After a very nice lunch, I say my farewells and head back towards the hotel. As I walk, I can’t help myself, so I check my phone to see if Mark has texted me. I see several alerts and smile when I see that he has indeed been texting me. It feels good to be wanted. 

10:10: Megan, it does not matter to me what I do in my life. I like you. Okay? X 

11:30: Megan are you ignoring me or just busy X 

12:50: Where are you? I need to talk to you X 

13:34: Please meet me. X 

It’s two in the afternoon, and my wandering the congested streets of the capital has left me lost. I have no idea where the hotel is, and I stop and look around and realize where I am. Whether I knew on a subconscious level, or it’s just a coincidence I know not, but I am outside Mark’s workplace. I notice his car, parked nearby and I start to worry. I don’t want Mark to see me. It’s the last thing I want. Right now I just need to think, to clarify my thoughts and feelings. We are meant to be just friends, but I know I have feelings for him, that I like him. The thought of being hurt again is a constant reminder of why I am reticent to get involved romantically. 

“Hello, Miss, how are you? Are you here to see Mr. Reed?” A voice asks from behind me. I slowly turn around to see it’s Connor. He looks all business in a black suit, white shirt, lilac tie and polished shoes.

“Hi, Connor, and please call me Megan. I... ah, I’m okay, thanks. How are you?” I ask, avoiding what he wants to know. 

“Great, thanks for asking. I think you should come and see Mr. Reed. He’s worried about you.”  

“That’s okay, Connor. Really, I’ll just send him a quick text.” 

"Okay, Miss, I better get going,” Connor says, and I absentmindedly wish him a good day as he disappears into the building. 

I send Mark a quick text.

I’m fine, why do you want to meet?

I start walking slowly down the street. I can see why he has chosen this part of the city to have his headquarters. The view is spectacular. It’s not built up like the rest of the city. It is quiet. There are so many little benches around a waterfall and a nice little grassy area farther ahead. Overall, it’s a very tranquil place to sit during your lunch break. My phone goes off, and I see Mark has replied. 

Megan anywhere just to talk. Please x 

I’m near your workplace right now. 

Wait for me please Megan. X 

I sit down on one of the benches near the waterfall and wait. I soon see Mark walking towards me. He’s wearing what he left the hotel in earlier this morning, and he looks sexy as all hell. 

“Oh, God, baby.” Mark sits next to me on the bench.  

“Hello, Mark,” He looks so relieved and yet so worried. 

“Okay, let's get this over with...yes, I’m loaded. I can afford anything I want, and I suppose it would be easy to use my wealth to get any woman I want. From the moment I saw you walk into that bar, I knew I wanted you. I understand we live hundreds of miles apart and that you’re pregnant. It’s not an ideal situation by any means, but I want to at least try. Please?” 

I do not say anything. I place my head down, and I can’t look at him. I feel my eyes start to well up with tears, and then they slowly roll down my cheek. Mark tries to place his arm around me and bring our bodies in. I will not let him move me. He sits, rubbing my back and asking me to talk to him, to let him in, begging with me. “Oh, Megan, please, talk to me, please. Baby, I need you.” 

“I should have told you to start with, who I was, that I own a huge company. I never meant to hurt you. Please, Megan, I'll finish work now, and we can go do what you want.” 

I take a deep breath, “No, finish work. I'll be okay. Yes, you should have told me, but it will not work, the distance, the fact you’re needed here, I am needed there.” 

“Come in, please. Wait inside for me, please. I want us to talk. It’s getting cold out here. I am not letting you go back to the hotel alone. Mark places his hand on mine.

“Okay,” I state. I have no energy to argue with him.

Mark takes hold of my hand and my bag and takes me into the building up to his office. Neither of us says a word; I can’t even look at him. We take the lift to the seventh floor, stepping out into a large lounge walking through it to his office. Inside his office is exactly the same layout to his one at home. It has an equally as good view from the window.

“Relax, baby,” Mark says, placing my bags onto the floor beside the sofa. I don’t look at him. “Make yourself at home.” I do as he says and sit myself down on the sofa. Letting Mark get on with his work, I realize I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to talk to him. I reach into my bag and get a book out, sitting there reading. “I did not publish that book if that helps,” Mark adds. I laugh, not looking up at him. “No, she is a self-published amazing author. Great friend, great story, too.” 

“I didn’t know you had a passion for reading, Megan,” Mark states. I look up to see him, sitting on the corner of his desk and looking at me. “There is a lot of stuff you don’t know yet. I love to read. It is one of my many passions,” I tell him before letting my eyes drop back down to the book. I feel slightly uncomfortable. I bring my legs up onto the sofa and curl up. Gazing up at Mark, he is typing on his laptop, looking busy. I want to leave, but I know he is not going to let me go. 

Next thing I know, I see Mark is not at his desk. He is standing at the door, talking to a female because I can hear her voice. I look down and see his jacket covers me. I must have fallen asleep. It was nice of him to cover me. Mark walks back into the room with a folder and places it onto the clear desk, smiling at me. “I did it again. Fell asleep. Sorry,” I admit as Mark sits on the edge of the sofa. “It’s okay. I have finished all the work I need to do. We can go back to the hotel now.” Mark places a kiss onto my forehead. I don’t move. 

Mark drives up the gravel driveway to his house. He stated he needs to drop something off here.  Refusing to take me back to the hotel, he is so determined that we should talk. I still cannot believe the size of this house.  I love this house, such a fantastic building and view. I would hate to clean it though. Questioning Mark on the way to the house, needing to break the silence, I find out his house has eight bedrooms all with an en-suite bathroom, two other bathrooms, two studies, one on each floor and a large lounge come kitchen come dinner. Mark wanted to cook for me, no way of doing that at the hotel. It is somewhat sweet. I am feeling funny, and I do need to eat something. 

We head into the house. I sit on the bar stool in Mark’s kitchen on one side of the light wooden island while Mark is on the other. I watch him take off his jacket, leaving just his white tight shirt on. The same T-shirt I had worn the night before.

“What would you like to eat, Megan?” Mark asks. 

“Anything, just no eggs or cheese. I am not allergic to anything to my knowledge,” I state.

“Right, no eggs or cheese, so my special dish is out the window until after the baby is here. Pasta it is then. I do a lovely pasta dish with tomatoes.” I smile. The thought of food right now is making me feel sick. 

“Perfect, anything I can do?” I cannot believe what he just said. That means he intends to see me after “Bump” is here. 

“Yes, sit there and carry on looking beautiful.” I feel myself starting to blush. “I am not beautiful, Mark, but thank you.” 

Mark carries on going around the kitchen, getting the ingredients he needs for the meal, stretching and bending to get the things, and showing off his fantastic body. I cannot believe how lucky I am. He is not phased one bit by the distance or pregnancy. The smell of the food permeates the room with heavenly aromas. Mark places the cutlery, plates and glasses onto the dining room table, yet another large table. I know it must be for the size of his family. It must seat at least ten people. Mark continues to refuse my help.

We sit at the table and begin eating Mark’s wonderful cooking. He has made it a bit spicy, but totally mouth-watering. “It is amazing, Mark. Who taught you to cook?” I question him. 

“My nanny, Annabella, from when I was a child. With my parents being busy at work, she brought us all up. She taught me to do everything, to be independent. She is my role model. I go and see her every week. She is retired now. You should come with me tomorrow. I would love for you to meet her and her to meet you. She will absolutely adore you.” 

Annabella sounds like a lovely woman. “She sounds amazing, Mark, a lovely role model for you,” I state.

“She is lovely. She told us that as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything in life. I believed in myself and had her as a huge support and look where I am. Please, come and meet her tomorrow at whatever time suits you.” I sit there, looking at my half-eaten pasta. 

I take a deep breath. “Mark, why do you want me to meet her? I am a nobody.” Mark takes hold of my hand. “Look at me, Megan.” I do as he asks. 

“Megan, don’t say that. You’re a loving and caring person. I want you to be happy. I intend to make you happy, either you accept it or not.” 

“I will come with you if you want me to. I am happy that she helped you believe in yourself. I might never have met you otherwise. It will be nice to find out all about the troublesome little boy you were.” I give Mark a cheeky wink. 

“Fate brought us together. I was an angel, never trouble. Okay, maybe I was trouble, sometimes. Thank you, baby. What time is best for you?” 

“I have plans with Jenny till around two, depending on how much talking we do. After that I am free.” 

“So, I will come get you from your hotel at say, three, giving you time if you are running late.” 

Mark lets me help him load the dishwasher. It is the least I can do after our lovely meal. I yet again turn down dessert, even though I have a very sweet tooth. I have to keep away from sugary treats; otherwise, I will end up being a beached whale. I cannot remember the last time I had a dessert. Mark goes off and gets some things he needs. I stand at the French doors in the lounge looking at the amazing view; this shows the other side of the house to what the view in his study is. There is nothing much in the garden at this side, just what appears to be a rose bush in the middle. Behind the garden, you can see the picturesque hills. Mark appears back in the doorway with a grey overnight bag; he’s wearing black jeans and a black T-shirt with a black jacket in his hand. 

“Hey, are you ready to go back to the hotel, beautiful?” 

“Are you talking to me? I am not beautiful. I am just me. Yeah, I am ready."

“You are beautiful,” Mark firmly says as he moves closer, placing a little kiss onto my cheek.

Mark continues to be a gentleman, holding the door open for me. The drive back to the hotel is illuminated by the stars shining down to light the way. The moon is so big and bright in the night sky. I can’t believe it is eight at night. Time has gone by so fast. Mark takes me up to my hotel room, leaving his overnight bag in the car.

“Thank you for dinner. It was lovely,” I go onto my tip toes and place a kiss on Mark’s cheek. 

“You are very welcome again. When do you go home?” 

“In two days’ time, we leave at six p.m.” 

“Can you stay any longer?” Mark takes my hand, walks me over to the sofa, and we sit down. 

“I wish I could, but I have a midwife’s appointment at lunchtime the next day.” 

“Okay, what are you going to do with yourself for the rest of the night?” 

“No idea. Have you got work to do?” 

“No, why?” 

“You can come stay for a bit then if you want. You don’t have to.” 

Mark smiles, kisses me on the cheek, and walks out of the hotel room, without saying a word to me. I take off my shoes. Oh, I have wanted to do that all day. I hear the door open, and it is Mark with his overnight bag.  He places his overnight bag on the side with my things. Taking out his folder, he places it onto the sofa.

Hi Hun, How are you? Are we still up for in the morning? Have you heard from Mark? Xx 

Hi Jenny, I am okay. Yeah we are up for the morning. Yeah we have had dinner together. Mark cooked, back at hotel now with him. Xx 

The rest of the night I spend in Mark’s arms, watching him do some work and drawing. I cannot believe how talented he is. Time is going by too fast; it will soon be time for me to leave London and leave Mark. At least, I have two days with him. I get to meet Annabella tomorrow. I wonder if she will like me. Mark is asleep next to me on the sofa. His breathing so settled. I sit there watching him. 

“Mark, you fell asleep.” 

“Mmmm…” Mark opens one eye, looking at me. 

“Come on, sleepy. It’s bedtime.” 

“It’s your job to fall asleep, not mine,” he says cheekily. 

It’s only six in the morning.  I don't know why I am awake so early, and I am not tired. I have no plans of waking Mark up this early. He is in the same attire as last night, and I am wearing his black T-shirt. I could get used to this. I watch Mark’s bare chest rise and fall. I pull the cover over him; I do not want him getting cold, even though I could watch his naked chest all night. Sitting up in bed, I check my messages. 

Hi Hun, can we cancel today? I have a sickness bug. Xx

Hi Jenny, of course get well soon. Let me know if you want or need anything. Xx

Thank you. Can you go with Luke, collect the rings and suits, I do not trust him on his own? Xx

Of course I will. Message me the details and get some rest. Xx 

I do not know Luke very well. I know he is an actor, one of those actors that loves himself more than he loves others, and thinks he is the best at everything he does. I have enjoyed some of his films, but not because of him. He just happened to be in them. I might find out more about him today while we are out. I would prefer the day with Mark, but if I get going, I can spend more time with Mark.

Hi Luke it’s Megan. Let me know what time and where you want to meet. X

“Morning, beautiful.” 

“Morning, did I wake you?” I place my phone on the side, turning and facing Mark who is sliding himself up in the bed so he is sitting up. 

“No, you did not, baby. How long have you been awake?” 

“Over an hour.” 

“You should have wakened me.” 

“You looked so peaceful asleep. No point in us both being awake at silly times.” 

“True, so you’re off shopping with Jenny today?” 

“No, off with Luke. Jenny has a sickness bug, so Luke and I are off to collect the things.” 

“Oh, you have never mentioned Luke.” 

“Have I not? Luke is Rich’s best man. You will have heard of Luke, Luke Galloway. Yes, the Luke Galloway, the actor.” 

“Oh, wow! I loved his last film. You will have fun. Should I be worried though?” 

“Did you? I cannot remember it. No, Luke and I only met at the engagement party. He seems weird to me.” 

“Good.” Mark leans forward, placing his lips onto mine, “Mmmm… perfect lips you have, Megan.”

“So do you, Mark. What time do you need to be at work?” I cannot let things get too far away. I am not going to sleep with him while I am pregnant. I know you can, but I do not want his first memories of us together having ‘little lady’ in the middle. 

“How about breakfast in bed, Megan?” Mark suggests.

“I think I can do that.” 

Shopping with Luke could be fun. Luke is the same age as me, just famous and makes sure everyone knows about it. He has been acting for the last five years. I think he can sing too, from what Jenny has said about him. Mark treated me this morning to breakfast at a café then kindly dropped me off where I am meeting Luke. As always, Luke is late, just as Jenny warned me he would be. 

“Hi, sexy, you’re blossoming well.” Luke pulls me close in a tight hug. 

"Hi, Luke,” I reply in a pissed-off manner. 

“Right, do you have the list of what to do, sexy?” 

“Yeah, shall we get on with it?” 

“Indeed, sexy.” If he calls me “sexy” once more time, I will scream. Luke is cute, but he does not do anything for me. The next three hours we collect all the things on the list. Luke is actually so sweet, helping people, people who don't know who he is. He must call women “sexy” all the time, because he has not stopped all day. 

“That’s us done, Luke.”

“Brilliant, sexy, finished with plenty of time to get to my business lunch date. Thanks for a good day. You definitely made shopping easier.” 

“Have a good lunch date, Luke. I’ll see you before the wedding.” 

“I hope we do. I can't wait to meet the ‘little lady’,” Luke replies. 

“Bye, Luke.” 

“Bye, sexy,” Luke pulls me in close, giving me another hug and placing a little kiss onto my cheek.

Now, that everything is sorted for Jenny, and it is only lunchtime. With Luke having plans, it saves the “do we go out for lunch” decision. I think I am too nervous to eat. I can’t wait to see Mark, but I don't know if Annabella will like me. I am just a normal person; there’s nothing special about me. I choose not to let Mark know I have finished early and head back to the hotel to pick out what to wear. I am thinking hair down, leggings, ballet shoes, and a float top. Mark said I had to be me, not posh, so this will do. I change and settle down onto the sofa. There is just over an hour until Mark is coming for me, so I’ll relax here. 

Hi Megan, have you finished shopping? X

Hi Mark, yeah we finished just after 12. I am at the hotel, changed ready to go. 

You should have said I could have finished early. X

I know Mark, but you need to do some work. The hotel door is open, just let yourself in. 

I will do Megan. X 

“Hey, baby.” 

“You were quick. Did you get your work sorted?” 

“I was in the car in the parking lot. Yeah, it’s all sorted for now. You look very pretty, Megan.” 

“Thanks, will it do?” 

“Of course, let’s go.” Mark takes hold of my hand and places a little butterfly kiss onto my lips. Perfect, his lips are so soft. 

“Let’s go.” I grab my jacket and bag off to the side. The journey to Annabella's is in the same direction as Mark’s house. Annabella's house is a little house with plenty of grass. It has a little white fence surrounding the garden with a garage to the side. Mark parks up in front of the garage. 

“Are you ready?” 

“Yeah, let’s do this before I change my mind.” Mark gets out, opens the car door and takes my hand. We walk towards the house. There is a hanging basket full of flowers at either side of the door. He opens the door, and we walk straight in. A little black Labrador comes running towards us.

“Hey, Jessie, awww… you are getting so big!” Mark goes down onto his knees. 

“You like that? You like your belly being rubbed? Awww, shall we go find Mummy?” 

Jessie seems to love Mark, licking him like crazy, so cute to see. Mark takes hold of my hand. “This way, I forgot to warn you about Jessie.” 

“It’s okay. She is cute.” The house is just like a normal house, no oversized stairs and some pretty pictures on the walls. We walk into the lounge. It has two dark brown three-seater sofas and a television in the corner with a dog bed in front of the big window. There is a big open fireplace with wood burning in it. I can see the fire is about to go out. 

“Hi, Annabella, how are you?” 

“Mark, you are here! I have been looking forward to seeing you and finally meeting Megan. I am okay.” 




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