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Believe Series box set by L Chapman (45)


I’m so excited for this Christmas. I have always dreamt of the Christmas season where I would have my little baby with me, someone for me to spoil and spread Christmas magic. This is Lucy’s first Christmas, and I’m trying to make sure everything is perfect. I’m lucky that Mark and Jenny have decided to spend Christmas with us. After the past few months, Jenny doesn’t like the thought of spending Christmas around her family and listening to them talk about Rich. Her family hasn’t gotten over it yet. They keep having a go at her and telling her she should have done what was right for the family. He still agreed to marry her, and they think she should have been willing to just do it. Her mum says, “Marriage is not just love; it’s friendship. It doesn’t matter if you love the person.”

Jenny’s Christmases have always been the opposite of mine. All the family, including cousins, go over to one house on Christmas Eve and stay there until the day after Boxing Day. Enjoying the full family thing, the men assemble the self-build gifts and children’s toys while the women and young girls cook. They are taught from a young age how to prepare the food. At our house, it’s just close family for Christmas, and everyone goes to Nan’s on New Year’s Day. She cooks the family meal, and we sit, play games and have fun.

I am doing things my way this year. Today is Christmas Eve. The tree is up, and it looks beautiful. I wanted to make the extra effort with this being Lucy’s first Christmas. After years of having it drummed into me that you can’t put up your tree early, only for the twelve days of Christmas, I stuck to it. I didn’t want bad luck. Mark wanted it up earlier, but I made him wait, and it took a lot to keep saying no. I did let him have a few things his way though. We bought a new seven-foot tree and decorations, too.  For outside, we bought some icicle lights to hang at the front of the house. I love them, but I won’t admit that to Mark.

Mark has only placed a little tree up at his house. He wanted Christmas with me, so he didn’t go crazy decorating his place, even though he has had it up since the first of December. He has been driving me mad by playing his special Christmas CD in the car since November, and if I hear one more Christmas song, I will scream. It is a good thing that I love him.

Mark is curled up beside me as I quietly crawl out of bed and creep along the landing into Lucy’s room. I gently push open the white door a little bit more to see her lying still on her cot. I walk slowly into the room, as I don’t want to wake her. I just need to check on her, so I place my hand on the beech wood cot and look down to see Lucy with her eyes wide open, followed by her little giggle.

“Oh, good morning, princess,” I say as I tickle her tummy. She giggles even louder.

I slowly peel back her pink cover with a white rabbit embroidered on it and pick her up. “Come here, baba,” I say as I lift her. I walk on the cream carpet towards her large bedroom window, looking at the frost that has fallen over night.

“It looks cold out there, little miss.” I place a small kiss on the top of her head. “Shall we get dressed for our busy day?” I question before turning around and walking over to her wardrobe and drawers. I open the drawers first, choosing a clean baby gown, before grabbing a white top with a picture of a reindeer and some red and white striped leggings from her wardrobe. Annabella got her some cute little Christmas-related outfits. I plan for her to wear them all over the next few days. She looks too cute in them. Annabella isn’t joining us for Christmas; she plans to spend the time with Mark’s family.

I turn around to see Mark standing there in just his black underpants. “Good morning, sexy,” he says as he leans on the door frame with his arm. He’s running his fingers through his hair.

“Morning,” I reply, feeling myself start to redden. This man still manages to make me blush.

He walks into the room, coming over to us, as I lay Lucy down onto the changing table. He places his lips on my neck. “Mmm.”

“Mmm, indeed,” he whispers. “Hello, Lucy Doo,” he says, moving around me and placing a kiss on her head.

“She is just getting dressed. Then, we are going to have breakfast. Aren’t we, princess?” I say, tickling her. I love her giggle.

“Sounds like a good idea. I’m just going to take a shower. I believe Connor is up. He could keep an eye on Lucy while you get dressed,” he replies.

“Do you think he would mind? I don’t want him thinking I’m going to use him while he’s here.”

“He will not think that. I will go and ask him. You finish getting Lucy Doo dressed, and I will inform him,” he says, tapping my bum as he leaves.

“Thank you,” I reply before finishing dressing Lucy.

“Morning, Megan.” I turn around to see Connor standing there in blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a logo I have never seen before. I have never seen him dressed like this before. It is unreal how relaxed he looks. I love this natural appearance.

“I’m here to take Lucy off your hands while you get dressed. Take as much time as you want. You know I love spending time with Lucy,” he says.

“Thanks, Connor.”

“While you’re busy, I will give her some breakfast. Is that okay?” he questions.

“Yes, that’s fine, if you want.”

“I do. I have it ready on the side, baby food and milk. I’m well-trained. Annabella made sure I knew everything when I was expecting Kate. Now, go and get dressed.”

























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