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Darkest Sin by Ashton Blackthorne (39)

Thirty Seven


Rolling over on the couch in the study, I reached out to clutch the coat Amber had left behind. If she left, I’d expected she would come back for it seeing how it was so chilly outside. She must’ve still been in my room.

The light blue cashmere coat smelled of her perfume. Cradling it beneath my head, I thought of her. She was so soft, so warm and so beautiful. Was I an absolute idiot for pushing her away? She’d been right there in my dungeon so willing, so ready to play.

As much as I’d wanted to, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Amber was much too important to me to risk losing. I just wasn’t ready to allow myself to feel again after Veronica.

But God, how I wanted her.

Curling up to her coat, I fell asleep dreaming of her beautiful smile, her silky hair, and her submissive pose…

The next morning, traffic was miserable as usual on Fifth Avenue. After being stuck for nearly an hour, I made it into the office. As I exited the elevator, Becky, my new receptionist nearly barreled me over.

“Mr. Blackthorne! Mr. Blackthorne! You have to come here!” She waved her short, stubby arms around like a crazy woman.

“Becky, what is it? Where’s Amber?” Noticing her desk empty, I looked around.

“That’s just it, Mr. Blackthorne! She’s not here. No one has seen or heard from her since yesterday.” Becky panted in hysterics.

“Calm down, Becky. It’s only…” I glanced at my phone. It was after 10:00 AM. Shit, Amber was never this late! “She hasn’t called in at all?” I flipped through my phone checking my missed calls. Nothing.

Becky swallowed hard shaking her head.

“No, Mr. Blackthorne. She hasn’t called anyone. She’s always here in the office no later than—”

“—8:30, I know.” I bit my lip thinking about what might have happened. Perhaps she was still upset by my refusal of her last night.

I walked over to Amber’s desk and flipped on her PC. There was nothing on there. Nothing to indicate she’d been in or that she would be absent. In all the years she’d worked for me, she’d never done anything like this.

“Mr. Blackthorne? What’s going on?”

I waved my hand at her. “I’ll find her, Becky. I’m sure she’s fine. Please go back to work.”

Becky nodded as she waddled off to her desk.

Walking into my office, I flipped on my PC. I began to scroll through my voice messages.


As the minutes ticked by, an overwhelming sense of panic began to set in. Amber was never late. She must’ve been upset over what happened last night. Quickly, I dialed her number.

It went straight to voicemail. I dialed again and again with the same result.

Sighing heavily, I grabbed my suit jacket and threw it back on. This wasn’t like her. I drove across town.

After I arrived at Amber’s apartment, I opened it with the key she’d given me. The apartment was completely dark and silent. Walking around, I flipped a few lights on. Everything was still. Nothing appeared out of place.

My God, what if something had happened to her? My heart caught in my throat as I envisioned all the awful possibilities. Then a horrifying thought…


My phone vibrated as I glanced at it.

Unknown number.

“Hello?” I tentatively answered. I loathed telemarketers anticipating an annoying automated message.



“Is this the Ashton Blackthorne? The son of Ashler Blackthorne?”

I sighed with irritation. “Yes. Who wants to know?”

“I do,” a raspy male voice replied.

“Who are you? I’m not interested in whatever you’ve got to offer.” I scratched my neck as I walked around her apartment.

“Oh, I think you are very interested in what I’ve got.”

“Look, buddy, I’m in the middle of something. I’m hanging up now.” Before I could click the hang up button, his voice changed.

“DON’T HANG UP, ASH! Not if you want to see her again.”

I froze holding the phone. My mouth went dry. “Ayden?” I whispered. God, I thought he was dead. I saw his car in flames. How could’ve he have survived that crash?

“For a smart guy, you’re really quite stupid. You didn’t get that until now? Tsk, tsk, Ashton. I expected better from Manhattan’s biggest and baddest shark.”

My stomach churned. It was my worst fear. “Is she okay, Ayden? Let me talk to Amber!” I demanded.

“Oh, Ash, calm down. She’s just fine. You know she was mine long before she was yours. Such a pretty little thing. Long legs, delicious tits, and a sweet, perfect pink pussy—”

“DON’T YOU LAY A FUCKING HAND ON HER!” I roared, smashing my fist against the wall.

His maniacal laughter lit up the other end. “Calm down there, Ash. I haven’t done a thing to her she didn’t want. Nooooo, I wouldn’t do that. She’s safe and sound right next to me. In fact, I can see her delicious tits pressing against her blouse her nipples sticking out. Isn’t she amazingly sexy, Ash? Have you tasted her sweet pussy? The way she wiggles when your tongue flicks her clit? Or when you slap her ass with a whip?”

His voice was so husky and deep it made my skin crawl. I could only imagine Amber’s terror. “Look, Ayden, I don’t know what you hope to accomplish by doing this. Amber ended things with you years ago. She’s not my girlfriend. She’s my business partner and my friend. That’s all. Please just let her go and I’m sure she won’t report this to the police. Just tell me where she is and I’ll come pick her up.” I hated trying to bargain with this deranged asshole, but Amber’s life was on the line.

I stood in the middle of Amber’s bedroom gazing at a black lace teddy lying on her bed. All I heard was silence on the other end that seemed to go on forever. “Ayden?” I spoke in a calm, but firm voice.

“Ashton? I’m still here. No, I don’t think I’m ready to finish the game yet. We’re just getting started.”

I sank down onto Amber’s soft bed. The whole room smelled of her sweet perfume. “I didn’t know we were playing a game, Ayden.”

“Of course we are, Ash. A game I like to call ‘Fuck You’.”

Rage began building inside me threatening to overtake me. I wanted to slam my fists into his face. “Why are you doing this, Ayden? Amber’s through with you.”

He laughed hysterically on the other end. “This isn’t about her, you fucking idiot. It’s about you and me.”

“Me? I just met you last night.”

“Oh, really, Ashton? I’m very close to you. You just never knew it.”

His voice turned dark and sinister. It made my skin crawl. My mind raced as I tried to place him in my memory. Business clients? A colleague? An old college buddy? A frat brother? Someone I had done wrong? There was nothing there. “I don’t recall knowing you, Ayden. If I’ve offended you in some way then that’s between us. Let Amber go.”

“Oh, Ashton, the fun is just starting! Now that I have your attention I’m not about to call it quits. As for Amber, you’ll just have to find me to get to her.”

Bile began to rise in my throat. I swallowed its bitterness reluctantly. “Let me talk to Amber, Ayden.”

There was a slight scuffling on the other end. Then I heard a female voice faintly at first.

“Ash! Help me, please!”

“Are you okay, Amber? Where are you? What did he do to you?” Frantic, I jumped up and paced the floor.

“I’m okay, Ash. But please help me!” Her voice was hoarse as if she’d been screaming.

My heart felt as though it would break.

Her voice was muffled as Ayden’s gruff voice came back, “All right, Ash. You know she’s alive at least for the moment. I will call you back with further instructions.”

“WHEN?” I demanded.

“Tonight. I told you, Ash, we’d be seeing each other again soon.”

“No, Ayden, wait! Please!”

The line went dead.

Throwing my phone down on the bed, I smashed my fists against the wall. Swearing as my knuckles crackled painfully, I blinked away my tears of frustration.

Where the hell was Amber? And what the hell was Ayden planning?