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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (110)

Chapter Twenty

Cassie handed Gabriel over to Melissa and tried to get the car seat situated into the back of the Caddy. The windows in the van weren't tinted, and she intended to keep Gabriel with her. She hadn't realized how difficult it would be to get the thing to fit right though. She was pretty sure NASA scientists wouldn't be able to figure out how to buckle this thing down as she cursed and fought the urge to start yelling. Melissa bit on her bottom lip as she strained not to laugh.

"Need a hand Buttercup?" Julian inquired.

"I need a damn instruction manual," she retorted, but she stepped out of his way as he nudged her shoulder.

The rest of the children stood on the other side of the garage, talking quietly amongst themselves. Though they still seemed nervous about this trip, and them, Joey and Dani had made some headway as the children had agreed to the move. The four teenagers were the most suspicious, but the younger children seemed more curious.

A young girl of about six or seven was oddly fascinated with Julian and had followed him over to the SUV. She was holding a teddy bear as she watched him adjust the car seat. Cassie couldn't tear her eyes away from the little girl; there was something so familiar about her...

"The farmhouse," she whispered.

Melissa frowned at her before turning to look at the child. Her shoulders slumped and her lip trembled as she smiled. "We found her."

"We did," Cassie agreed.

Julian turned away from the vehicle and smiled smugly at Cassie. "Done."

"Thank you. You have an admirer," she told him with a nod to the child.

He caught sight of the young girl and shook his head. "If you're not an angel, then I am most certainly not someone to be admired. She should find another role model."

"Julian," she hissed.

"It's true." He walked over to the young girl and planted his hands on his hips as he frowned at her. She smiled up at him, giggled, and ran back to the other children.

"Little young for you isn't she?" Devon inquired as he emerged with a bag load of food from the pantry.

"Bite me," Julian retorted.

Chris took the bag from Devon and tossed it into the back of the minivan. Most of the children would be riding in the van, but it was going to be a cramped ride for all of them until they could get somewhere safer. Annabelle tossed a couple bags of clothes and some toys for Gabriel to her. He was the youngest of the children, and though she'd grown fond of him, she was glad he was out of diapers. She could only imagine how awesome that would be with her enhanced olfactory system.

Luther emerged with armloads of paperwork tucked against his chest and a bulging briefcase. "What is all of that?" Julian inquired.

"Reports and detailed journals on what was done in this home, in that town, and on the remaining known Hunters and Guardians," Luther told him.

"Do you really want to read that?" Chris inquired.

"Not even a little bit." Luther plopped it all into the back of the Caddy and glanced at the children in the corner. "But there might be a chance they could lead us to other Hunters and Guardians. Give me a hand, there's some more."

Melissa handed Barnacle back to her as he began to squirm and squawk. Cassie's arms ached from holding him most of the day, but she was more than a little infatuated with his chubby cheeks and puppy dog eyes. Barnacle grasped both of her cheeks with his pudgy hands and giggled as he pushed her lips into a fish face. Cassie couldn't help but laugh as he pressed his nose against hers and continued to make fish lips.

Ok, so she was a little more than infatuated with him. She met Devon's gaze over his shoulder as he kissed the tip of her nose and released her. Devon's eyes gleamed as he stepped closer to her. Resting his hand in the small of Barnacle's back he leaned around the child to kiss her cheek. Barnacle leaned his head against Devon's and closed his eyes.

Tears burned Cassie's eyes as she swallowed the lump forming in her throat. "I love you," Devon whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek and walking away to help Annabelle with more supplies.

She was so unbelievably lucky and blessed to have all of these people in her life. To still have a life. No matter how frightening and uncertain it was, she wouldn't change one thing about it.

Barnacle shifted in her arms, she went to take a step toward the car seat but froze in mid-stride. The Caddy disappeared as the garage walls faded into nothing. All that remained was Gabriel, the children in the corner, and Zane.

Zane stood across from her, his honey eyes gleaming as a wicked smile curved his full mouth to reveal his glistening fangs. Woods sprawled out behind him, a pond, and the remaining four Elders.

Zane lifted his fingers and gave a brief wave before lifting them to his mouth and blowing her a kiss.

Cassie inhaled and took a staggering step back as the walls of the garage descended around her again. "Cassie! Cassie!"

She blinked as Devon seized hold of her cheeks and cradled them. Gabriel shook in her arms; his tiny hands fisted in her shirt as tears slid down his face. She'd been able to bring Gabriel into her dream, had she somehow managed to bring him into her vision?

She had her answer a few seconds later when Gabriel spoke, "He's come for your soul."

The color drained from Devon's face, his hands trembled briefly before his eyes turned to lava. "They're here," Cassie said, though he already knew it.

"Get in the cars!" Luther commanded.

"It's too late for that," Cassie told him. Devon's jaw clenched, his hands slid from her face as he straightened away from her. She took another moment to gather strength from the sight of Devon before she spun on her heel and hurried toward the group gathered in the corner. "Do you know where the room in the basement is?" she asked the oldest teen, a boy who appeared to be about sixteen.

He took a step back as he shook his head. "We're not going in there."

"You have to. They're coming for you too, and what they will do to The Hunters amongst you is far worse than death. If they somehow manage to get through us that is the safest place for you and the others to be," she insisted.

She was half worried the kid might throw up on her sneakers, but he took a shaky breath and managed a small nod. "We'll come for you, I promise," Cassie said. "We won't leave you in there."

Gabriel's fingers fisted more firmly in her collar; he refused to let go when the teen tried to take him. Cassie was struggling not to cry as she grabbed hold of his tiny hand and attempted to pry it free. "You have to go with them," she told him.

Devon stepped forward to help her. "Angel," Gabriel murmured before allowing Devon to pull him from her arms. Cassie felt empty without him, but she stepped away as Devon gave the child a brief hug and handed him over to the teenage boy.

"If they somehow manage to get past us you must know Zane can walk about in the day, but the others cannot. He will take hold of your mind if he has the chance to change you, and he won't let go. He can astral project, but the only way to kill him is to kill the original version of him."

The teen became increasingly more ghostlike, but he nodded agreement to everything Devon had to say. "Don't come out unless it's one of us," Julian commanded.

Cassie turned toward Luther; she had to force her next words out of her mouth. "I think you should go with them."

"Absolutely not," he protested immediately.

"I know we're your priority Luther, we always have been, but you've already raised us, trained us, and been the father figure we were all missing." She glanced toward the doe eyed children and the tiny Barnacle sucking on his thumb. "But they've had no one. If something happens to us, they'll require someone to protect them, to guide them and lead them. They need you more than we do now."

The last thing she desired was to upset Luther, but they couldn't leave these children alone and vulnerable if they were all destroyed. Luther wouldn't be much against the remaining Elders, but he would be something, and he would defend the children with his life.

Luther stared at her before turning toward the children. His eyes flickered, she could feel the torment radiating out of him, but she also felt the acceptance of her words. "You're right, but if they get past you..."

"There is some way out of that prison down there, maybe more than one, that's how Anne got into the pantry. It may take you a while but you'll be able to find an exit. If they do get past us, they won't do so without losing a few of their own, if not most of their own. We'll impair them enough to buy you some time to hopefully get away with the children."

Cassie grabbed hold of his arm when he went to turn away and embraced him. She was able to keep her face impassive as his emotions slid over her skin. This was the hardest thing he'd ever agreed to do. "They'll need you to make them as strong as you've made us. They'll need your love, most of them have never had any," she whispered to him. "I love you."

He patted her back awkwardly. "I'll keep them safe," he vowed.

Cassie stepped away from him and braced herself for what was about to come next as she turned toward her friend. "I think you should go with him." She held up her hand to forestall Melissa's protest. "You're still hurt, and they should have a Hunter with them."

If she'd had any breath she would be holding it as Melissa helplessly looked at the others. Chris opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again and shook his head. He pushed back his shaggy blond hair and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"She's right," Julian inserted. "You'll only be a distraction, and the children need protection."

"You should have as much help as you can get," Melissa insisted. "They still have five Elders compared to your two, and no matter what Cassie is capable of, we all know there is a reason Matthew had that vision about her. You need me here."

"This is your choice Melissa," Luther said. "Though I believe you will do more good up here than you will with us."

Devon's hand slid into Cassie's and squeezed as they all focused on Melissa. "I'm staying," she said firmly.

Cassie swallowed the heavy lump in her throat. She would have made the same choice, but she still wished Melissa had decided to stay hidden with the children and put herself first. "Well, then let's kick some ass." Julian flashed a feral grin that caused his eyes to sparkle. "I'm a little hungry anyway."

Cassie shot him a look as all the children took a step back from him. They couldn't have looked more horrified if Julian had just told them there was no Santa. But then, she wouldn't put that past him either. He just smiled as she shot him a disapproving look. "Hurry," she urged.

She followed them to the door of the basement and stood by as they filtered down the stairs. The boy holding Gabriel paused as the small child held his hands out to her. She leaned forward to press a kiss against his cheek. "We won't let them get to you, and Luther will keep you safe," she promised.

The child held his fists against her cheeks before releasing her and relaxing in the teenager's arms. Luther finished hugging Chris and Melissa and stopped before her. "You can do this."

"I know; I had an amazing teacher."

He smiled and squeezed her shoulder. "That you did."

She closed the basement door behind him and leaned her forehead against it as she tried to gain control of her escalating panic. The grain was rough and cool against her forehead; it helped to keep her grounded. She could do this, she could keep control, and she could beat them. She was not going to allow any more loss or unhappiness to be inflicted on those children and her friends.

She hurried back to the kitchen to find Chris and Melissa tearing through one of the bags they had just packed. There were a few crossbows and stakes gathered around them. Some of the more high-tech looking weapons The Commission had housed under the school were lying in another pile. Joey was holding one of the flamethrower looking things in his hands. Cassie didn't entirely like the idea of him holding it, but he was probably the only one who knew how to use it, and just what exactly it did.

She took hold of Devon's extended hand; bliss seeped into her as for a fraction of a second she allowed herself to take solace in him. "How much time do you think we have?" Liam inquired.

"Not much, they were already at the pond."

"They're going to come right at us. They're not going to hesitate this time. We may have more on our side, but they are stronger." Julian tossed a crossbow and a few arrows to Melissa.

"We should meet them outside," Liam said.

"What if they circle behind us and get into the house?" Dani demanded.

"There's something they crave more than the children, and that's me. They'll go wherever I am," Cassie said.

"Cassie..." Devon's voice trailed off, his head lifted as he scented the air. Julian's eyes turned red as the stake in his hand snapped in half.

Cassie took a step forward as the air around her seemed to shift and shimmer. She could smell and feel The Elders power as it pulsated in waves; it reminded her of a rock being thrown into a lake. She had been subconsciously unaware of the animals in the woods until they became still. Liam took a step closer to Annabelle as something began to pelt the windows.

"Robert," Cassie muttered.

"No," Julian growled. "Elspet. She can control water."

"There's no water around here," Chris said.

"Snow is water," Melissa reminded him.

"What are they going to do avalanche us in here? Oh crap," he muttered as his shoulders slumped.

"I think it's their way of telling us to come out." Julian rose to his feet and thrust the last of the arrows into Dani's chest. She fumbled awkwardly with them as he strode toward the window behind the sink. He jerked the curtain back with enough force to rip it from the rod. A solid wall of white already coated the cracked glass all the way to the top of the sill. "Son of a bitch. I'm going to kill her."

"They really are going to bury us in an avalanche," Joey said in awe.

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Julian assured him. "I hate the cold. Solar girl, why don't you heat something up and clear us a path out of here?"

Cassie glowered at him. "I really don't like that one."

Julian grinned at her, but it didn't reach his eyes. "They're coming for you, so let's hope your batteries are as chargeable as a solar panel."

Cassie could only hope the same thing as she stepped up to the kitchen door. She pulled the kitchen curtain aside and almost shrieked as she jumped back. A pair of vivid red eyes stared back at her. Cassie blinked, the eyes blinked. Something inside of her shifted and slithered, she felt cold and hot, hot and then cold again. Sweat trickled down her back, goose bumps broke out on her flesh as her mouth went dry.

Freaky eyes, that's what Zane had called them. They're a little different, Devon had said. But they were more than a little different, they were most certainly freaky, and they were hers. She knew that even before her hand touched the corner of them in the glass across from her. She knew it was impossible, unless she decided to Oedipus herself, but she wanted them out of her head right now!

How were they all not running and screaming in the opposite direction from her?

Because they had faith in her, she realized as her hand slid down to her side. They had faith her eyes weren't a clear indication she was a monster, and she was going to live up to that faith no matter what it took. Cassie squared her shoulders and set her jaw as she placed her hands against the glass.

"Can you clear a path through that?" Chris asked.

"We're about to find out."

"Please don't burn the house down around us."

Cassie smiled grimly. She refrained from commenting as she focused her attention on the cells vibrating within her body. She drew upon the knowledge that had come with the acquisition of Adon's power. Heat spread out from the center of her chest, seeped into her arms and pooled in her hands. She was reminded of a glass blowing exhibit she'd seen on a field trip as the tips of her fingers started to heat and glow. Glass began to shift and meld beneath her hands, it flexed outward as she continued to focus the heat away from her body.

Beyond the glass she could feel the cold press of the snow as it began to melt. The Elders hadn't buried them in the house with the intention of killing them, but Cassie worried about the water beginning to drip around her feet. No, they didn't plan to suffocate them beneath this snow and water, but they were hoping to burn her powers out.

Chris stepped back as more water seeped around the melting window and into the kitchen. Small flames sparked and flickered to life out of the tips of her fingers. She could feel the heat of it, but she found the sensation pleasurable as it warmed her flesh and danced over her skin. Though Chris had been kidding, she was a little afraid she may set the house on fire.

Devon rested his hand on her shoulder as he pressed closer to her side. "You can do this."

Cassie swallowed heavily as the flames flickered higher and began to encircle her wrist. They seemed to be staying close to her body but a small ember leapt up to catch at the curtain. Devon yanked it off the door and stomped on the small flames. Annabelle pulled a fire extinguisher from underneath the kitchen sink.

"Just in case," she muttered as she aimed the nozzle at Cassie.

That would be the perfect topper, Cassie thought as she shifted her stance and pressed more firmly against the glass. Incandescent colors twirled and spread through the melding glass as it slid further into the massive snow bank outside. "Water drowns fire," Cassie murmured as water began to seep into her sneakers.

"I'm going to drown Elspet," Julian muttered as he tapped a stake against his palm. "I never did like that girl."

"She used to be so subdued," Devon commented.

"That was a front. Believe me, there's more to that sea monster than meets the eye."

Cassie gritted her jaw and narrowed her eyes. She hoped Julian was right, as much as she hated the nickname she hoped she was like a solar panel, and she had enough energy stored to carry them through this battle. "It won't be me," she whispered.

"What won't be you?" Dani inquired.

"What Matthew saw, it won't be me."

Devon pressed a kiss against her temple. "It won't be," he murmured before turning away. "Julian, come with me."


"They won't be able to get in through the windows but they can make it through the front door."

* * *

Devon hoisted the crossbow against his shoulder as he pulled back the curtain to reveal the mound of snow piled against the front door. "They're trying to burn her out," Julian said.

"I'm not sure they can," Devon told him. He dropped the crossbow to his side as he stared at the wall of white.


"You were right Julian. She's going to get through this, she's stronger than all of us, and she's most certainly stronger than them. Even if she does burn out, they won't be able to break her spirit. No matter what happens though, Robert is mine."

Julian's mouth curved in a smile as he leaned back on his heels. "Are you ready for that?"

"I'm more than ready. It should have been done years ago, and after what he did to her... He's mine Julian."

Julian spread his hands before him. "I won't object, though I wouldn't mind getting a few good blows in too."

"Be my guest."

"No matter what Zane plans, Robert will still try to kill her."

"I'm counting on it," Devon assured him.

"Devon!" Melissa's shout from the kitchen drew his attention back that way. "I think she's almost through!"

Devon set the crossbow against his shoulder again. "I think it's time to play."

"I've been waiting to play for a while now." Julian cracked his knuckles as his lip curled back to reveal one of his gleaming fangs. "This is going to be better than cotton candy."

"You are the strangest being I've ever met," Devon informed him.

Julian was still smiling as he brushed past him and headed toward the kitchen. A puddle of water about a half an inch deep coated the floor and part of the hallway rug. The fire had spread to Cassie's elbows, it didn’t burn her, and the sweater she wore remained untouched by the flames. It seemed that if the flames stayed against her they wouldn't burn anything, but the sparks that shot off burned whatever they hit. He'd never seen anything like it. He knew Adon never would have been able to create such a thing without setting everything on fire or being engulfed and consumed by the flames.

He could only stand and stare as pride bloomed in his chest. She was so determined and focused. She wasn't the teenage girl who had shied away from him outside of B's and S's. She wasn't the frightened woman who had escaped the school with Julian; she was no longer the uncertain and terrified vampire that had risen from death. She was confident and proud, and there would be no stopping her.

He stepped forward as the last of the glass melted beneath her hands and water poured in around her. A muscle twitched in her cheek as she took a step back. "Oh no," she whispered seconds before Elspet took control of the water and it rushed up from the floor.

Devon lunged forward and grabbed hold of Cassie. He pulled her against his chest and covered her with his body as the droplets drove against them in ice cold shards that nearly pushed him to his knees. Screams filled the kitchen; he could barely lift his head against the stunning tumult. Cassie's fingers dug into his shirt, her hands still radiated heat as she clutched at him.

Water splashed against the floor in a cascading echo that reminded him of hundreds of water balloons bursting. The ensuing silence echoed in his ears as he straightened up. "I must have that power," Cassie ground out between her chattering teeth.

Devon brushed her tangled wet hair over her shoulders. "You're going to have to beat Julian to her."

Julian looked like a drowned rat as he pushed the hair back from his forehead. "I'm going to rip that mermaid to shreds and flush her down a toilet. She's mine Buttercup, stay away from her."

"At least one good thing came out of the ice bath." Chris wrapped his arms around himself as he shivered. His lips were already turning a shade of blue. "We can get outside."

"Two good things came out of it, she's tired," fresh flames flickered from the tips of Cassie's fingers and circled back up around her hand to her wrist. "I'm not."