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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (90)

Chapter Twenty-Two

Power flowed through her; Cassie relished in the influx of it as the thrill of the fight, the eagerness for the kill descended upon her. The fear inside of her was buried as adrenaline pulsated to the forefront. She felt the change come over her, knew when her eyes turned red. She braced in preparation to launch herself at them. The others had already descended upon The Elders who eagerly embraced them in battle. Before the monsters could reach them, before Cassie could leap into the fray, Julian spun on Devon. Grabbing hold of his arm, he roughly pulled Devon toward him.

"Matthew is insane," he rushed out. "He has seen what could become of Cassie, but he hasn't told anyone yet because he almost hopes it will happen." Cassie's mouth went dry, her heart thumped riotously in her chest. Julian looked crazed as his gaze latched onto her. "It's not good, none of it is good, we have to get out of this somehow. We have to get Cassie away from them."

Cassie briefly forgot about the creatures rushing toward them as Julian's words sank in. The broken, crazed man had seen something that had to do with her! Something that had terrified Julian, something that put all of them in peril.

They had finally gotten here; she was finally going to join Devon. But now, whatever Julian had seen from Matthew had left him so torn and horrified he was shaking before them. Cassie wanted to assure him Matthew was wrong, that not all premonitions came true. Melissa was living proof of that, but she couldn't do that when they were about to be attacked.

"Julian…" Cassie broke off as Julian's ice blue eyes swung toward her. She could see the love in his steady gaze, but his pouty mouth was pinched as his platinum blond hair fell around his chiseled features. "Oh," she breathed.

"We will discuss this later," Devon interrupted. "Now is not the time."

Cassie was torn away from the horror of what Julian was saying, and back to the horror of what was rapidly unraveling before them. Watching the rushing horde barrel toward them, Cassie decided to sheathe the stake and go immediately for the crossbow. She loaded it with the ease of someone who had done it hundreds of times before. Lifting it high, she took aim at the one in the lead and closest to Chris.

She squeezed the trigger. The arrow let loose with a reassuring rush of feather and air that sped it toward its target and hit home with a reassuring thud. The kill would have made her smile, if it hadn't been for the monsters scrambling easily over their fallen brethren.

Cassie swiftly reloaded as the first one leapt at Annabelle and Liam. They fell back from the weight of the creature clawing and spitting at them. Cassie had attributed more reason to them, but they appeared to be in the midst of a blood frenzy that made them crazed and unpredictable.

Raising the crossbow, she took aim at the one barreling toward Luther. She fired, but was off target as it slammed into the creature's collarbone and knocked it back. The injury hindered its progress but didn't stop it. Cassie swore as she scrambled to grab another arrow, but it was too late. They were already on top of them. She tossed the crossbow aside and grabbed hold of her stake.

But the attack didn't come from the way she'd been expecting and was prepared for. Instead, it burst free of the woods on their left hand side. Cassie caught the flurry of movement at the last second. No matter how prepared they were, or how strong they were, they were outnumbered and nowhere near as frenzied as these creatures were.

Red eyes filled her vision; the stench of putrid flesh assaulted her nostrils. Hands seized hold of her, claws curled around her upper arms as it jerked her forward. Years of training took over as she managed to rip one arm free of its grasp. She drove her fist straight into its nose, knocking its head back as its nose shattered beneath the force of her forceful blow. Blood sprayed over the both of them, but it continued to come at her until she slammed her fist into its cheek forcing it backward.

Taking advantage that it was off balance, Cassie leapt forward and knocked the creature back further. She twisted the stake in her hand and spun it around as she drove it forward. The creature howled as its fingers clawed at the wooden protrusion jutting out of its chest. Cassie ripped it free and shoved the creature back. It writhed and made strange gurgling noises until all its movements finally ceased.

She didn't have time to study the creature, didn't have time to take in what she had just done as another one grasped hold of her and knocked her back. She stumbled beneath the force of its weight and nearly fell over. Devon's shout filled her ears as the creature managed to claw one of her arms open and spill her blood. Its nostrils flared as the scent of her blood agitated it.

Its misshapen jaws snapped together eagerly as it pulled her closer. There was flesh clearly visible within its teeth. Cassie fought to keep her balance against its anxious, frantic aggression. She didn't find much satisfaction as her foot connected with its shin. There hadn't been as much force behind the blow as she would have liked. Devon appeared behind it; his eyes were a fiery blaze as he seized hold of the thing’s head and roughly jerked it to the side. The loud crack of its neck echoed through the night. Its arms flailed as it tried desperately to claw at its distorted head. Devon's ruby eyes briefly met hers; she turned away, unwilling to watch what happened next. She tried to block out the sickening sounds of bones breaking further as flesh was torn from the creature's body.

Her friends were being herded further away from the store. Chris's nose was bleeding, his shirt was torn open to his belly button, and more blood marred his chest. Melissa's hair had been ripped free of its braid and hung in a tumbled black mass around her shoulders. Liam and Luther were fighting off three creatures, Luther was bleeding from a cut on his cheek, and Liam was losing ground. Annabelle and Julian were just finishing off two of more of the Halflings.

Cassie looked rapidly around, but none of them seemed to have noticed her standing alone. She spun toward Devon, he’d been swamped by three of them. He was the one who required her help most right now. She clutched her stake as she threw herself back into the battle.

A woman, or at least what had once been a woman, came charging out of the fray. Her jaws bit up and down so forcefully, her fangs sliced into her lower lips. Blood trailed down her chin and soaked the tattered remains of her shirt. Cassie swung her fist into the woman's cheek, but she dove forward and wrapped her arms around Cassie's waist.

The force of the thing's momentum carried them both backward before they tumbled to the ground in a scattered heap. Cassie's breath rushed out of her; she barely managed to keep her head from slamming off of the pavement. For the first time all of her confusion was burned away as the comforting swell of rage rushed to the forefront. Blood sprayed across Cassie's face as the woman's teeth clacked loudly, and she clawed at Cassie.

Clinging to her stake, Cassie used her anger and strength to brace her legs. The woman tried to cling to her, but Cassie was able to toss her off. Cassie's wrath escalated as the scent of her own blood hit her. Using her arms and legs, she sprang easily off the ground. The woman hadn't quite recovered yet, and she was just getting back to her feet.

Cassie leapt on her and drove her down to the ground. There was a time when Cassie's guilt over killing something, even if it was a monster, would have made her hesitate, may have even cost her own life. Those days were gone. There was no remorse anymore. She had people to protect; she had Devon to think of. No matter that this creature had once been a woman, she may have even had a family, Cassie didn't hesitate.

She drove the stake into the woman's back. Bone shattered, the woman screeched an inhuman mewling sound that caused Cassie to recoil slightly. She felt a tug of pity for the poor creature, but she didn't regret her actions. If this woman had been allowed to run free, the destruction she would cause to innocents would be on Cassie's hands.

Cassie jumped to her feet and spun quickly. She leapt forward as another creature leapt onto Devon. They seemed determined to take him down. Panic tore through her, she couldn't lose him. She would not lose him.

Arms suddenly wrapped around her. A strangled cry escaped her, the arms squeezed forcefully enough to knock the breath out of her. Cassie panted for air as she struggled against the iron hold crushing her against someone's chest. Her legs flailed but came up against nothing as whoever held her stood with their legs braced apart.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

Hatred tore through her as she recognized Robert's voice. She swung her head back but came up with nothing as he moved out of her way. She was preparing for a different method of attack when she felt it. Whatever breath she had left rushed out of her, as the stabbing pain tore through the center of her stomach, just beneath her rib cage. She choked as she tried to get some air into her lungs but received none as fiery agony tore through her.

"Robert no!" Zane bellowed.

Cassie was briefly confused by his command. Weren't they all going to turn on them anyway, and just what had Robert done to her?

A rush of something warm against her skin suddenly punctured the agony. Her mouth dropped as she stared in dismay at exactly what Robert had done. A silver dagger handle jutted out from her belly, the warm rush she’d felt was her own blood oozing from the wound.

Her pain was forgotten as the battle for her life was renewed. "Such a little fighter," Robert purred. To her utter disgust, he leaned forward to brush a kiss against her cheek; his tongue flickered lightly over her skin. Though he had just stabbed her, this was a far worse atrocity as she shrank away from his hideous touch. He chuckled in her ear as he ran his tongue over it. "Oh what I would have loved to have done to you, what I would have loved to make my brother watch me do to you. Just in case I was never able to get that opportunity, I'm taking this one."

Cassie grasped hold of the handle of the knife and tried to pull it free. His hand remained locked around the handle. Her hands clenched as she tried to keep her blood inside of her body, tried to keep her life from rapidly flowing out of her. Robert spun suddenly with her in his arms. A new wave of fire scorched through her entire body as her legs swung out around her.

"Look up!" Robert hissed in her ear. Cassie couldn't look anywhere but at the hideous knife causing so much torment inside of her. "Look up!"

At this command, Robert shook her violently. She gasped; her head came up as tears filled her eyes. She would do anything to make the torture stop, anything to make it better. Then she realized exactly what he meant for her to see, and she knew instantly she would have taken the pain a thousand times over rather than have listened to him.

Her gaze locked on Devon's fiery red one. He'd frozen, oblivious to the battle that continued to wage around him. Hopelessness tore through her as she fully realized she wouldn't be walking away from this. Robert was going to kill her.

Devon's eyes flickered briefly, their beautiful emerald green shone through as love blazed from them. Tears, that had nothing to do with her agony, spilled down her face. "Don't worry; you'll see my brother again, in Hell," Robert whispered in her ear before kissing her again.

Her body bucked as Robert ripped the knife upward. He broke into the bones of her ribcage, tearing through her organs and skin before roughly tearing it free. A gurgled scream ripped from her, her hands clawed at her gouged flesh as she uselessly tried to close the gash.

Robert released her and shoved her roughly away. Cassie stumbled before falling to her knees and slipping forward. This was it, this was the end, and though she'd always known it would come at a young age, she hadn't expected it to be this young. All she yearned for now was more time with Devon. She wished she could have been there for him, and her friends; they wouldn't take well to this.

Devon's roar of fury filled the air. She managed to turn her head enough to see him amongst the creatures. He tried to get free to reach her, but they had taken his inaction as an excuse to pounce upon him. His eyes were more than on fire, they were pure molten lava as rage buried him within its grip of insanity.

She suddenly understood why Zane had yelled at Robert, why he hadn't intended for her to be killed just yet. They hadn't planned for her to go down until they at least had Devon under control in some way.

But now… Now, he was going to kill them all. Including her friends.

The thought caused her to tremble, but she couldn't move as weakness seeped into her muscles, and her life poured out of her veins. "Cassie! Cassie!" Chris skidded across the ground toward her.

Grasping hold of her shoulder, he pulled her attention away from Devon. Chris's face drained of color as he gazed at the blood spilling from her battered body. The sapphire depths of his much loved eyes bloomed with tears as knowledge slammed into him. "It's ok, I think this was meant to be," she managed to whisper.

Determination blazed through his eyes. "No it isn't."

He was bending over to scoop her up when Julian swooped down upon them. He grasped hold of her and easily pulled her into his arms. Cassie groaned as the movement caused fresh fire to burn through her body. "Hold on, just hold on," Julian commanded.

He curled Cassie against his chest and used his shoulders as battering rams against whatever creatures came at them. Chris shoved and punched his way through the crowd as they ran through it. Cassie could feel the weakness seeping into her, and the hurt wasn't so bad anymore. "Annabelle!" Julian bellowed. "Annabelle I need you! Now!"

Cassie caught a glimpse of the small girl fighting to get free of the crowd. "Julian." His ice blue eyes came down to hers. "Julian it's ok."

"Yes, you will be ok," he barked as he broke free of the melee.

"No, Julian, it's ok. I always knew…" a rough coughing spree broke through her; suddenly the pain was back in shooting waves. Julian's eyes widened, and though he was tormented at the thought of losing her, his pupils dilated at the sight of her blood. "I wouldn't live long," she finished on a hoarse whisper.

He tore his gaze away from her as he bolted across the street. "You'll be fine, you'll be fine. Annabelle!" he bellowed again.

Sensing the impending end of her life, Cassie touched his arm. "Julian, you can't let him die. Promise me you won't let him die, not because of me."


"Please Julian," she pleaded. "Please. My life is not worth his too."

This time when his eyes met hers, there were tears spilling down his cheeks. He may want to deny it, he may still hope Annabelle would be able to help her, but she saw now that he knew the truth. She would not survive this. "I will do everything I can to keep him alive," he vowed.

Tears spilled down her cheeks. "And yourself too?"

He hesitated before nodding briskly. "And myself too."

"Thank you."

Cassie's head slumped against his chest as he shoved into the store door. Darkness seeped over her, a strange sense of peace embraced her. She'd thought she would be scared in the end, but she wasn't, not for herself anyway. Warmth seeped into her outer limbs to replace the cold chill that had taken up residence there.

It wasn't ok she was leaving everyone; she would have loved to stay with them forever, but she wasn't afraid. There was something else waiting for her, and in the end she’d always known fate would never be denied. It could never be changed, and this was her fate. It always had been.

She heard Julian screaming for Annabelle's healing ability again, and then she heard nothing more.

* * *

Chris was numb as Julian burst into the store. He nearly broke the door off its hinges as it slammed against the wall with enough force to shatter the plaster behind it. Chris had heard Cassie's whispered words; he could feel the strange sense of comfort and peace settling over her, and he hated it.

He couldn't lose his best friend, he could not lose her, and she was ready to be lost. Please, he begged silently. Please just hold on.

"Annabelle!" Julian’s voice was so loud the windows in the store rattled but Annabelle was already racing through the door. Her strawberry colored curls were a mess, blood smeared her cheeks, but she appeared unharmed as she bolted toward Julian. Chris shut the door and propped a chair against it as its bent frame wouldn't allow it to close properly.

"Hurry," Julian pleaded in a hoarse whisper.

Julian knelt on the floor and placed Cassie gently upon the ground. Her hands slid limply away from her stomach to fall upon the ground. Chris got his first good look at the hideous injury. Bile rushed up his throat as he stared at the brutal tear in his friend. The strong pulse of her blood had slowed to a near stop. Her shirt was torn open and her flesh was covered by the deep red color of her life's blood.

A small moan of despair escaped him. Cassie was a fast healer, but even with Annabelle's powers he couldn't see how they could do anything to heal that. It was too deep, too brutal and cruel to ever be healed. They were going to lose her, he was certain of it; he was going to lose his best friend.

Tears clogged his throat and made it almost impossible for him to breathe. "What are you waiting for? Do something!" Julian snarled at Annabelle. She remained frozen, her hand over her mouth as she gazed at Cassie. "Annabelle!" Julian barked.

Annabelle shook her head and turned toward Julian; her shoulders slumped in defeat as she huddled in on herself. The hollow look to her eyes made her appear somewhat shrunken. "I cannot heal the dead Julian," she whispered forlornly.

Chris felt as if he'd been punched in the gut; pain clutched at his chest as tears instantly sprang forth. "No," he moaned.

He took a step toward Cassie, unable to believe she could be so savagely ripped from their lives, that her inner light could so easily be doused. He froze though, unable to go forward as his gaze landed upon her face. Cassie's eyes were halfway open, her pupils dilated and unseeing as she stared at the ceiling. Her mouth was parted, her face lax. Knowledge strangled him with its intensity as he turned away. He choked for air as loss engulfed him.

Julian and Annabelle remained unmoving, but he could feel their sadness and loss even through his own sorrow. Julian swore loudly; turning away, he slammed his fist down on one of the metal shelves. It crumpled beneath the blow and spilled its contents across the floor. Before Chris could even blink, Julian lifted up one of the cases, and heaved it across the room as if it weighed no more than a feather. Glass and materials shattered across the room. Chris wrapped his arms around himself as he took a step away from the cans rolling toward him. Julian bellowed before lifting another shelf and heaving it across the room.

Fresh misery swamped Chris, but this time it was so intense it knocked him to his knees. He couldn't breathe, couldn't see as his vision blurred, and his head pounded with the torment pulsing through him in never ending waves that nearly caused him to pass out. His forehead almost touched the floor as his heart shattered into a million pieces, and destroyed everything good and right inside of him. His humanity burned away to leave only scattered pieces of nothing that were quickly buried by rage. The blood in his ears was a loud rush blocking out nearly all other sound. A thirst for vengeance, for destruction and brutality, swamped him. Both of the emotions were so intense he labored to breathe as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Julian stop," Annabelle pleaded.

Julian's shoulders heaved as he stared at the back wall. His hands fisted at his sides, his body shook, but he’d regained some control over himself again. "Devon can't know about this, not yet. Not until we can contain him in some way. I promised her I wouldn't let him die, and I am going to keep that promise," Julian said.

"How are we going to do that?" Annabelle whispered.

"I don't know."

Chris tried to find his voice, tried to rise up against the tidal wave of emotions crashing over him. He was certain if he couldn't get control, he would be buried beneath the debris of Devon's wrath and grief. Forever caught up within the whirlpool now controlling the vampire. For Chris was keenly aware there was nothing left of the man within Devon. The man had been destroyed by Cassie's death; the monster inside had finally burst free of its cage to take Devon's place.

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Phoenix Rising, Kindred Series book 5




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