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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (37)

Chapter Thirteen

Cassie spent the next couple of weeks dragging herself to the homecoming meetings. She remained standing on the outside and any ideas she offered were immediately shot down. She hadn't expected any of them to be accepted, and she hadn't expected to be, but she couldn't stop herself from going and taking the abuse three times a week.

Her reception got colder every time she went, the iciness at school grew, but she continued to forge on. Continued to try and ignore it. Having Devon by her side was the only thing keeping her going consistently. Without him, she wasn't sure she would be able to drag herself out of bed in the morning, let alone drag herself into the school that despised her. It was taking a toll on her, beating her down. She was tired all the time, but she hadn't backed down. She couldn't.

"You look beautiful."

Dani stood in Cassie's doorway, a bowl of popcorn in her arms as she leaned against the doorframe. Cassie managed a wan smile for her. She wasn't feeling beautiful, and although she should have been excited for the dance, she wasn't.

"Thank you."

Dani smiled at her as she came into the room and dropped the bowl onto Cassie's bureau. Dani had been a little unsettled when she'd first moved into the house, but over the past couple of weeks she had become far more at home. Cassie had started to look at her like a little sister, and was grateful for her company during those few hours when Devon was away hunting, and Chris returned home to watch over his mother.

She was also glad for Dani's unwavering friendship, a friendship that had been given easily, and with no conditions. "Just giving you a heads up, Lily already has the camera set up and ready to go."

Cassie laughed as she smoothed the front of her deep violet dress. It was strapless and hugged her upper body before flowing out to her knees. When she'd seen it, she'd known instantly she had to have it. She didn't regret it, even if it was a little more daring than she would normally have liked.

She didn't know how Devon was going to react to the dress. She hoped he liked it, but she didn't want to test the boundaries of his control. Tonight she simply wanted to feel normal again, to be a normal teenage girl for once.

"You don't think it's a little too much, or actually less?" she asked nervously.

Dani chuckled quietly. "I think it's perfect, and you're wearing waaaaay more clothing than most of the other girls will be."

Cassie nodded, but she couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that had settled over her. "Yeah, but they're not dating a vampire," she muttered.

Dani laughed as she shook back her dark hair. The blood red tips had been replaced with white blond ones. "They all just wish they were dating him," Dani told her. Cassie chuckled as she twisted her hair into a loose knot against the nape of her neck. "It will be fine; the dress really isn't that revealing, Cass."

She nodded but she didn't feel as reassured as Dani had intended, but she decided not to stress about it anymore. It was too late; she was already wearing the dress and Devon would be here any minute. The second the thought crossed her mind, the doorbell rang. Cassie's hand fluttered nervously up to the pearls at her neck. They were her grandmother's, her mother had worn them on her wedding day, and one day they would be Cassie's. A wave of sadness washed over her, she loved her grandmother dearly, and would never trade a moment of her life with her, but sometimes she wondered what it would have been like to have her parents in her life.

With a soft sigh, she pushed the melancholy thoughts aside. There was no place for them tonight. Tonight was about her friends, Devon, and this dance. Tonight was for fun, and she was going to have it for a change. Taking strength from the pearls, Cassie grabbed her pea coat from the bed and draped it over her arm. She listened as her grandmother let Devon, Melissa, and Chris in. "I wish you could come," she said as she turned back to Dani.

The younger girl studied her for a moment. "I don't, I'm glad I'm too young. It's not exactly my thing."

"Mine either," Cassie admitted. "Not anymore anyway."

"Are you ok?"

Forcing a smile, Cassie nodded. "I'm fine."

"Come on then, you can't keep them waiting."

Dani grabbed her bowl of popcorn, and was fairly skipping as she led the way down the hall. Cassie realized the popcorn hadn't been made for a movie, but this was Dani's show. Shaking her head, she fought back a chuckle as Dani dashed down the stairs. Cassie made her way down and turned the corner into the living room.

Her breath froze in her lungs as she spotted Devon standing by the mantle. His hair had been brushed back from the rugged plains of his face. The finely tailored sports coat he wore clung to his broad shoulders. He looked magnificent, strong, powerful, and so handsome he made her heart leap in her chest. Need tore through her, along with the overwhelming impulse to touch him, to feel him, to never part from him again.

Hunger blossomed in the brilliant depths of his emerald eyes. His mouth parted as his gaze raked leisurely over her and caused heat to burn through her everywhere his eyes touched. An inner quaking took root in her and shook through her muscle and bone. Her mouth was a desert; her heart hammered as her skin began to tingle.

His gaze returned to hers, it burned with a fire the likes of which she'd never seen before. Cassie's tremors left her weak kneed. No, the dress hadn't been a good idea at all. But then, she felt she could be wearing a sack and he would still look at her like she was a treat he’d like to devour.

His movements reminded her of an animal stalking its prey as he moved toward her. She didn't know if she was more frightened to be his prey, or excited to be it. Stopping before her, his gaze perused her once more. Cassie shivered, her breath exploded from her as he took hold of her hand. His touch seared into her skin and burned its way into every molecule of her body as she was branded by him for the rest of her life.

She would always remember how he felt against her, the delicious way he made her feel. She would never forget how perfect his skin was against hers, how right and true it was. Even if she couldn't have him forever, she would have the memories.

He bent low over her hand; his eyes never left hers as he placed a kiss upon the back of it. Cassie's mouth parted, her pulse pounded in her temples as liquid lava pooled through her. His head bent over her hand, his lips pressed so gently against her skin was the sweetest, most debonair thing she'd ever seen.

He kept hold of her hand as he rose again. "You look exquisite," he whispered.

Heat flooded Cassie's face; she looked away from him, unable to take the overwhelming sensations his very presence caused her to feel. Her body was a tumult of emotions and feelings crashing riotously against each other. The stroking of his thumb over her hand did nothing to ease the flames of an already simmering fire.

"Let me get a picture of everyone," her grandmother's voice was slightly strained.

Cassie met her grandmother's amused gaze. Devon moved to her side and his arm encircled her waist. The feel of him caused her skin to hum with electricity. "Everyone smile!"

Dani munched on popcorn and watched in amusement as everyone was moved around and ordered to smile repeatedly. Cassie's face ached by the time her grandmother was done taking pictures, but it was worth it to see the glow on her pretty face, and the happy gleam in her eyes.

"Ok, you guys can go now!" her grandmother announced as she let the camera drop back around her neck.

Devon approached with her coat in hand. "Will you come out in those pictures?" she inquired.

A small chuckle escaped him as he slipped the coat around her shoulders. "Not all the myths are true, love." His lips brushed against her skin and sent a shiver throughout her whole body.

She had to get control of herself around him, or this was going to be a tortuous night. Slipping his hand into hers, he led her toward the door. "Cassie, wait!"

She turned as her grandmother hurried over with a small box in hand. Cassie frowned as her grandmother handed her the box. "I think it's time you had this."

Cassie took the box from her and opened it. A small gasp escaped at the delicate emerald ring. Surrounding the emerald were four petite, perfect diamonds. Cassie's hand shook as she pulled the ring free and carefully handled the small gold band.

"It was my mother's wedding ring and was meant for your mother."

Cassie glanced up at her as tears welled in her eyes. "Grandma, I don't think I should take this."

Her grandmother's hands enfolded hers. "Of course you should. Your mother would want you to have it. She would be so proud of you dear, just as I am."

A single tear slipped down Cassie's cheek, but her grandma wiped it away. "I'm not giving it to you to make you cry," she said happily, although a strange sadness enshrouded her. "You're a woman now; you should have the things that mark you as such."

Cassie could only nod as her grandmother took the ring from her and slipped it onto her right hand. "Perfect fit!"

Rapidly blinking back tears, she threw her arms around her grandmother and hugged her close. Her grandmother's slender frame shook as she patted Cassie's back. "I'll always be proud of you, always love you dear."

Cassie pulled away to stare questioningly into her grandmother's sky colored eyes. It seemed like such an odd thing to say, but then again it was a big night, for most people at least. "I'll always love you," she whispered as she dropped a kiss on her grandmother's cheek.

Her eyes were sad as Cassie pulled away, but she was smiling brilliantly. "Go on now; I've held you up long enough."

She patted Cassie's shoulder as she all but shoved them out the door. Cassie flashed a grin over her shoulder as they made their way to Devon's sleek Challenger. He held the door open for them, Chris and Melissa piled into the back. Taking hold of her hand he helped her slide into the passenger seat. His hand lingered on hers before he shut the door and hurried to the driver's side.

Arriving at the school, they piled out into the crush of students making their way through the doors. Cassie handed her coat over to the parent running the coat check. Without the material around her shoulders, she felt more exposed and vulnerable. Sensing her distress, Devon slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side.

"It will be ok," he assured her.

Swallowing heavily, she managed a nod. She kept her shoulders straight as she allowed him to lead her into the heavily decorated gym. Marcy and company had decided to make the theme of the party Cape Cod in the fall. Though it was neither creative nor original (as it had been done three years ago), it was pretty.

The walls were decorated with a vast array of leaves in every color of the rainbow. Play box sand was spread across the dance floor, there were already groups dancing without their shoes on. Scattered amongst the sand were leaves that had been sorted through and brought in from outside. Hurricane lanterns, with tapered white candles, had been set out on the tables. Sand, seashells, starfish, and sand dollars were spread out around them. Banners hung from the ceiling in the school colors of blue and gold, and the annoying disco ball was in place.

Cassie winced as she shaded her eyes to block out the sparkling light. At the back of the large gymnasium the band was playing. She recognized John Parks and Lyle White playing bass and drums. They'd graduated last year, and their band was one of the few in town that was actually decent. The slow song they were playing switched and one of their own, faster paced songs blasted from the large speakers set up beside the stage.

Cassie winced again as the noise pounded into her ears. She'd forgotten how uncomfortable dances could be for her. Forgotten about the noise and the lights, or at least she'd tried to forget anyway. Digging into the black clutch purse she'd brought, she pulled out her sunglasses. Slipping them on, she was able to ease at least one of the annoyances.

Devon was studying her with concern, but she shook her head as she smiled reassuringly at him. With the pain in her eyes eased, she was able to take in more of the students milling around, and greeting their friends as they talked eagerly. Dresses sparkled in an array of colors from the reflection of the ball.

Cassie couldn't help but smile. These people may not like her anymore, but she'd grown up with them, had once been a big part of their world, and she was happy they'd been given this night. Devon's hand on her elbow was tender as he led her over to one of the tables tucked against the back wall.

Though the gym was packed, Devon parted the crowd easily. Either that or they parted away from her. Pulling a chair out, he waited till she was seated before pushing it in. Bending low, he kissed her cheek. Cassie smiled up at him, and slipped her glasses off as the table was far enough away for the ball not to irritate her as much anymore.

"It looks good in here Cass," Chris said as his eyes scanned the decorations.

"I didn't have much to do with it."

He shrugged absently as his attention returned to the crowd. "I was hoping there would be some new girls here," he muttered.

Cassie lifted an eyebrow. "If there were any, they would probably be here with their boyfriends."

"Like they'd be any competition," he replied with a cocky grin.

Cassie laughed as she shook her head at him in disbelief. "There are other girls here."

"Yeah but they're all from our school, and I'm not that fond of them anymore."

His eyes were severe as they met hers, his jaw clenched. Cassie ducked her head, she opened her mouth to apologize, but she knew he wouldn't appreciate it. Melissa appeared at his side and placed three drinks on the table. The sleek black dress she wore emphasized her caramel colored skin and onyx eyes. It hugged her slender body and showed off her curves. Her black hair had been pulled into a twist at the nape of her neck and her long hair flowed from it in curls.

"Too bad the people weren't as nice as the décor," she muttered.

"No kidding." Chris grabbed one of the drinks and sipped it as he continued to survey the crowd. Cassie settled back in her seat and leaned into the arm Devon had draped around the back of her chair. He rubbed her shoulder as he sought to ease the tension inside of her.

They sat for an hour, watching the people milling about, mingling and dancing. Melissa and Chris occasionally strayed away, but for the most part they stayed close. Though they weren't as disliked as Cassie, their close association with her had definitely lessened their popularity. Devon leaned close to her, his nose brushed against her cheek as he caressed the nape of her neck.

She studied him with wide eyes, he studied her as if he were about to devour her. Shivering in delight, she leaned closer to him. "Would you like to dance?" he asked.

Excitement blazed forth as she eagerly nodded. She couldn't imagine anything better than being wrapped in his arms as they danced. Helping her from her chair, he led her out to the dance floor. Reaching the edge of the dance space, Cassie kicked off her heels and allowed her toes to dig into the fresh sand.

Wrapping his arms around her, Devon lifted her briefly off the ground as he pulled her close. Cassie forgot all about the decorations and the catty whispers as she lost herself to the sensational feel of him. Resting her hands against his chest, she traced the rigid muscles beneath the thin cotton shirt he wore. His eyes sparked as his nostrils flared.

Cassie's breath escaped her; she was unable to look away from the burning intensity of his emerald gaze as he moved her. The disco ball didn't bother her as every ounce of her was focused upon him. She could see nothing else, feel nothing else. Deliberately, tantalizingly he bent his head, and his lips brushed over hers. Cassie's hands clenched on his shirt, she stood on tiptoe as she met his butterfly kiss eagerly.

Heat flamed through her, her toes curled as her eyes closed. Bliss spread over her as heat raced through her whole body. His hand wrapped around the back of her neck, the kiss deepened as his tongue flickered against her lips. Opening her mouth, Cassie eagerly accepted his heady invasion. The heat burning through her built to a boiling point as his tongue ravaged her mouth.

She couldn't get enough of him, she wanted all of him, and at the moment she didn't care what had to happen in order to have him. Pulling her more firmly against him, she gasped in pleasure as their bodies were pushed firmly against each other as seamlessly as two puzzle pieces. Her fingers dug into his skin as she struggled against ripping his shirt from him, and ridding him of the annoying hindrance of clothes separating them.

He pulled away suddenly; his smoky gaze was dark and bewildered as it met hers. Loss consumed her, she coveted more than his kisses; she required more. She needed all of him, forever. Ducking her head, she knew there was only one way that could happen, but for the first time the idea of it didn't petrify or repulse her.

Devon wasn't a monster; she didn't have to be one either. She would have to drink blood, which was repulsive to her, but she was sure she could eventually get over that. Maybe, after a few centuries, she would be able to go out in the sun again. Sighing, she rested her head against his chest.

She realized she would give up anything for him rather than lose him, even her mortality. Was it really such a bad thing to give up?

Suddenly a floodgate opened inside her. Hopes and dreams rapidly bubbled forth and shot out like an erupting geyser. No, they weren't normal dreams as there would be no college, and no children, or at least she didn't think there would be children; she wasn't entirely sure how that worked. But she and Devon would be a family; she would be loved and cherished, for eternity.

They could share so much together, and though she would have to give up some things, she would be gaining so much more. Besides she hadn't had any dreams of college, and a home or a family, for the past four years. She'd given them up when she'd learned about her Hunter heritage. Devon had returned some of her other dreams to her, and given her more than she'd ever dared to hope for.

A lump formed in her throat, tears burned her eyes. His hand cradled her neck as his thumb stroked her skin, in his arms she was enshrouded in a cocoon of love and warmth. Her world became one of peaceful bliss as all of her insecurities and doubts were brushed away by his tender touch.

His lips were tender as they brushed over her hair, touched her cheek, before pressing against her neck. Her hands clenched on the firm muscle of his arms and curled into his skin. She could be with him forever. She knew it in every one of her cells. She had no concerns their love would dissipate, she believed it would grow stronger every day.

She would tell him tonight that when school was over, she would join him. Though she had no need for high school, she felt she had to finish it. She'd come this far already, and it would mean a lot to her grandmother. She also had to stay human until Julian was taken care of. She couldn't disappear from town during the day, only to be seen lurking through the shadows at night. That would open up a can of worms she wasn't willing to deal with.

She hoped Devon could wait that long, and it wouldn't be too much stress on him. But maybe once he knew her decision, things would be easier for him. She hoped they would anyway. The last thing she intended was to cause him anymore distress.

She was so entrenched in the feel of him she didn't realize the music had stopped until the loud tapping of the microphone pierced her lovely haze. Lifting her head she blinked blearily at the stage. The band was standing in the background now and Mrs. Dickson had taken the microphone.

"Excuse me everyone, it is time to announce the homecoming king and queen!"

Cassie groaned inwardly as she rolled her eyes. She may be a nominee, but she didn’t think they’d read her name. She had no prayer of making queen, and no matter how much she told herself she didn't care, she did. Especially since Devon had a good chance of being king, and Marcy queen. The idea of Marcy getting to share even one dance with Devon was enough to make her blood boil.

Reluctantly pulling away from Devon, she kept her arm around his waist as they made their way to the edge of the dance floor. Wiping her feet on one of the mats at the edge of the sand, she slipped her heels back on. Devon led her through the crowd toward their table.

The buzz about the coming announcement had quieted the buzz about her, and for the first time people didn't scatter to get out of her way. Chris was still standing by the table, and off to the left Cassie spotted Melissa's dark head coming through the crowd. Chris grinned at her and folded his arms over his chest as they approached.

"I thought I was going to have to get a fire extinguisher for you two."

Cassie's face flamed red, Devon shot him a warning glance that only caused Chris's smile to grow as he chuckled. "Just what I've been waiting for all night," Melissa muttered sarcastically as she arrived at their side.

"Do you already know who's going to win?" Cassie was unable to stop herself from inquiring.

Melissa grinned as she shook her head. "Nope, only had a vision about the nominees, this one is a complete surprise to me. Well, as much as it could be anyway. I think we all know who's going to win."

Devon frowned at her. "Who?" The three of them just stared at him until he got the point. "Me?"

"Yes, you," Chris replied, laughing as his tone took on that of the childhood cookie jar song.

Devon glanced over the three of them. "Humans," he muttered, causing the three of them to laugh. "What is this thing anyway?"

"A tradition, I suppose," Melissa answered.

"Hmm," he grunted, clearly still not getting it. Cassie didn't try to explain further, she wasn't entirely certain she understood it either, not anymore anyway.

The gymnasium became silent as Kara made her way onto the stage and took the envelopes from Mrs. Dickson. Kara grinned as she stepped up to the microphone. "Hi everyone," she greeted. "As Vice President of the student body I have been chosen to announce the winners." She unfolded a piece of paper and read off the names of the male nominees. Chris and Devon shifted beside her as their names were called.

"And the winner is…" Kara paused for dramatic effect as her eyes scanned the crowd. Melissa rolled her eyes. Turning her attention back to the envelopes, Kara eagerly tore one open. "Devon Knight!" she announced happily.

Cassie closed her eyes as pain bloomed in her chest. She had no reason to be upset, but she couldn't help it. She didn't like the idea of him dancing with some other girl. "Devon, where are you Devon?" Kara cried eagerly into the microphone as a spotlight blazed from the stage.

Cassie blinked as it flashed into her eyes and burned her retinas. She turned away from it as she tried to block it with her hand. Devon stepped in front of her, his sleek body shielded her far better than her hand did. "Cassie?"

She blinked him into focus as she admired the masculine beauty of him highlighted by the glow around his edges. "Go on, get up there before they blind me with that thing." Her tone was far more cheerful than she felt, but the faster he went up there the faster this awful experience could be over.

He grabbed hold of her, a desperate urgency radiating from him as he drew her against him. Cassie didn't have time to react before his mouth descended upon hers and ravaged her with an intensity that left her boneless and limp. When he pulled away from her, Cassie managed to wheeze in a ragged breath.

"You'll always be my queen," he whispered in her ear.

A lump formed in her throat as she nodded. Reluctantly releasing her, Devon turned and made his way through the oddly silent crowd. Cassie rapidly glanced around as she realized their kiss had been the center of attention. All eyes turned away from her as Devon climbed onto the stage. The silence was suddenly broken by loud clapping, shrill shrieks, and whistles from the girls. "Really?" Cassie muttered.

"He's like the freaking Beatles," Chris said as he shook his head in disbelief.

Melissa stepped closer to Cassie and draped her arm around Cassie's shoulders. Kara looked like she was going to explode with excitement as she gestured Devon down to slip the crown onto his head. Cassie bit her lip, trying not to laugh as a look of utter disbelief crossed his face. It was a look that could have been mistaken for humility, but she knew he simply didn't understand this human custom.

A full bodied laugh began to rumble out of Chris. Despite herself, Cassie couldn't help but join him. Melissa rolled her eyes again as she began to chuckle. "He looks so lost," she laughed.

"Yeah he does," Chris agreed enthusiastically. "Big bad vampire taken down by a crown!"

The three of them burst into loud laughter that drew the attention of the few students closest to them. They didn't pay attention though as they embraced each other. At some point through it, Cassie realized they weren't laughing at the situation. They were laughing because they needed to. It had been awhile since she'd heard their laughter, and she'd expressed any of her own. The release was wonderful.

Kara stepped up to the microphone again. Wiping back the tears forming in her eyes, Cassie was able to regain control as she focused on the stage. Devon was watching her with a raised eyebrow as amusement shone in the depths of his emerald eyes. She waved at him, unable to completely rid herself of the silly grin she wore.

"And now nominee's for Homecoming queen!" Kara announced eagerly.

That was enough to make her smile slip away. Melissa's hand tightened on her shoulder as the names were read off. Cassie felt a small jolt of surprise when she was mentioned. She'd expected her name to be as eradicated as she'd been in the eyes of the student body. Well not completely eradicated, as she was still the center of attention. She was just the most hated person in school now.

"And the winner is…" Again the dramatic pause as Kara ripped into the envelope. Her dazzling grin caused Cassie's stomach to roll violently. "Marcy Hodgins!"

Loud applause exploded through the room. Cassie didn't move, didn't even breathe as she watched Marcy eagerly climb onto the stage. Marcy's grin was so big every one of her teeth showed. She waved like a queen to the crowd as she eagerly accepted her crown and flowers. "Thank you everyone!" she announced into the microphone. "Thank you so much!"

"They love me, they really love me!" Chris said with a high falsetto as he fluttered his lashes and folded his hands demurely before him.

Despite the sick feeling in her stomach, Cassie couldn't help but laugh again. Chris always seemed to know exactly what to do in order to get a laugh from her. He grinned back at her as his sapphire eyes twinkled merrily. Without Chris, she would have been lost long ago, adrift in a world she didn't understand.

The band began to play again, catching Cassie's attention as the melodious song drifted from the speakers. The lead singer moved forward to reclaim his microphone. "Now it's time for the king and queen to share a dance!" he announced.

Cassie ran her hands up and down her arms as her skin began to crawl. This was the part she'd been dreading. Devon glanced helplessly at her as Marcy seized hold of his hand. Cassie managed a wan, reassuring smile as she gave him a quick wave. Marcy practically pulled him down the steps of the makeshift stage.

"Could she be any more desperate?" Melissa muttered in disgust.

"She's been looking forward to this for months. If I hadn't fallen from grace I think she would have stuffed the ballot box just for this dance," Cassie said.

"I have to agree."

They stepped onto the dance floor and Marcy released Devon's hand as she practically threw herself into his arms. A disapproving frown marred his attractive face as he took a step back. Marcy chose to ignore it; stepping close once again, she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest.

The tingling of Cassie's skin became worse as her heart lumbered in her chest. She couldn't stand to watch this, but she couldn't bring her frozen legs to move. Devon rested his hands on Marcy's shoulder and held her back when she tried to get closer. Which Cassie didn't think was possible.

Groaning, Cassie tore her gaze away when Marcy's hands drifted down to his ass. Devon wanted nothing to do with this dance, or Marcy, but she couldn't stand to watch anymore. "I have to go to the bathroom," she blurted and spun out of Melissa's flimsy hold.

"Cassie." Melissa grabbed hold of her hand and halted her progress. "He doesn't want this."

Cassie nodded as she tugged her hand free of Melissa's. "I know, but I also don't have to watch it."

"I'll come with you."

Cassie shook her head as the crawling of her skin became more intense. She couldn't see what was happening anymore, but she was certain Marcy was still doing her best to grope Devon. "I just need a few minutes. I'll be right back."

Melissa's eyes were sad but Cassie didn't stop. Hurrying through the crowd, she ignored the stares and mutters following her. She also ignored the satisfied smirks on the faces of Marcy's friends, girls who had once been her friends too. The only one who didn't look completely smug was Kara. Cassie met her gaze for a brief moment, a burst of hope shot through her at the regret filling her old friend’s gaze.

Then Kara's eyes flitted to the girls surrounding her and she turned away. Anger at Kara, and anger at herself, surged through her. She should have known Kara wouldn't risk the censure of the rest of the school. She wouldn't go against the grain by alienating herself, and becoming the outcast Cassie had become.

Turning away, she hurried through the rest of the crowd as she forced herself not to bolt from the room, and the people inside it. She burst out of the gym and took a deep breath of the cooler, fresher air.

Her hands clutched at her arms as she tried to stop the shaking seeping into her bones. Heels clicking on the linoleum floor, Cassie made her way to the bathroom as she attempted to regain control of her emotions. Pushing the bathroom door open, she poked her head inside.

Kelly Jackson was at the sink washing her hands. She froze as her eyes met Cassie's in the mirror. Cassie gave her a brief nod before continuing onto one of the stalls. Closing the door, she leaned her forehead against the cool metal as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. She listened as Kelly left the bathroom before popping the door back open and stepping outside once more.

Making her way to the sink, she turned the cold water on and splashed her face with it. Her control was returning as the water shocked her out of the dull haze suffusing her. Grabbing some paper towels, she dried her face. The door opened and closed again, but she didn't look up; she couldn't take the shunning and loathing anymore.

Footsteps rang across the floor and stopped behind her. Cassie frowned, a chill swept down her back as her heart leapt into her throat. A shimmering wall seemed to come down upon her as she froze like a deer in the headlights. Her heart lurched and leapt as her muscles and locked them in place. She knew who was behind her, knew who had come in, but her body refused to react to such knowledge.

Slowly, ever so achingly slow, she lifted her head to look in the mirror. Julian stood behind her; a cruel smile twisted his beautiful face as his icy blue eyes clashed with hers in the glass. His white blond hair was spiked up in disarray, and showed off the hard angles of his perfect face. Petrified into immobility, her mind somehow managed to process that the just out of bed style looked good on him, but there probably wasn't much that didn't look good on him.

For a moment they gazed at each other as they silently assessed the competition. He was enjoying playing with her like a cat with a mouse, practically salivating at the thought of draining her dry. She was simply trying to get her brain to work again as she struggled to grasp the ramifications of this situation.

"For what it's worth, you definitely had my vote."

Cassie's mind lurched into action as his melodic voice pounded into her ears. The terror tearing through her was pushed aside as her survival instinct finally kicked into high gear and years of training poured through her. He would kill her if he got a hold of her, and there was no one around to help her. She was extremely grateful she'd turned Melissa down and her friend wasn't here now. At least they wouldn't both be killed tonight. Melissa could go on with her life, even if Cassie couldn't.

No matter what happened, no matter how this all turned out, she wasn't going down without a fight, and Julian wouldn't walk away from this without injury.

"Though you aren't a queen, you can be my princess."

With those purred words, Julian launched at her.




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Becoming Dragon (Dragon Point Book 1) by Eve Langlais

The Wolf's Bride (The Wolfe City Pack Book 3) by Sophie Stern

Unteachable by Leah Raeder

Breaking Giants by L.M. Halloran

Heart in Hiding (The Six Pearls of Baron Ridlington Book 6) by Sahara Kelly

Baby for the Kingpin by Melinda Minx

Trusting Bryson (Wishing Well, Texas Book 6) by Melanie Shawn