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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (87)

Chapter Nineteen

Cassie watched Devon make the bed with startling speed and agility. Robert had been wrong when he'd said he was the better looking brother, he had been very wrong. Devon fluffed up the sleeping bags, before unrolling them on the floor. Cassie realized he was stalling as he set everything up, biding for time before facing her.

There were a million questions she had, the foremost of which concerned his brother. She knew there were things he tried to keep her sheltered from, and she understood that. But unfortunately, some of those things had walked into their lives today and thrown them even more upside down. However the questions could wait, right now all she desired was Devon.

He finished fluffing the blankets/pillows. She could tell he was looking for something else to do, some other way to stall, but unless he planned on fluffing the down right out of the blankets there was nothing left for him to do. His shoulders were stiff as he turned toward her, his body braced for the onslaught he suspected was coming. His beautiful emerald eyes were wary as they hesitatingly met hers.

"Are you ok now?" she inquired. "Can you stay around me?"

Guilt and anguish surrounded him as his gaze darted away. "Cassie…"

"It's ok Devon. I understand more than you think I do, but I have to know."

"And why is that?"

Cassie braced herself for rejection as she readied to hand herself over to him completely. "Because I would like to spend the night with you, and I mean really spend the night with you."

She fought back the red blush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks and heating her skin. She couldn't seem childish and insecure right now, she had to sound confident and determined, but she couldn't stop the flush in her face.

She could feel the need radiating from him, but she could also feel his hesitance. "Cassie there is nothing I want more, but not here, not now…"

"Then when?" she interrupted quietly.

"When this is over…"

"We may not survive this."

He recoiled from her words. "I will not allow anything to happen to you."

Cassie squeezed her hands in her lap. "I know you will try Devon, but there are some things you can't control. There are some things you cannot stop. No one knows what will happen to me when this change occurs; no one truly knows what the outcome of this battle will be. All we know is we have right now, and I have to know what it is like to be with you."

Devon shook his head, but she could feel his defenses crumbling. He glanced around the dusty, cobweb filled attic. Shaking his head he turned back to her as his arm swept around the room. "You deserve better than this, you deserve so much more than this."

"It's better than the backseat of a car," she replied, trying to sound airy, but knowing she’d failed miserably. "It doesn't matter where Devon, as long as it is with you."

His eyes burned into her with an intensity that shook her. "This may be our only night," she continued to push at his weakening defenses. "I'm not going to pass it up because you feel this is not good enough."

"I may hurt you."

"You won't."

Red fire filled his eyes, it startled her but she didn't react. If she did she knew he would shut her down completely. "How can you possibly know that?" he demanded. "After yesterday, after what I wanted to do to you, what I still want to do to you, how could you possibly know I won't hurt you?"

"Because you love me," she whispered. "You left so you wouldn't hurt me; you cared nothing for your own safety when you left, only mine."

"I left you unprotected," he said.

"You left me in a building full of fighters, strong ones too. I hardly feel that is unprotected. You were the one who was out there alone, exposed and vulnerable. You are too tough on yourself Devon. You’re a good man."

"You have no idea what kind of a man I am, or was. No idea what goes through my mind when it comes to you."

Though she knew he was trying to push her away, she didn't back down. "I know you Devon. I may not know everything about your past, but I don't have to know it all. There are things I may never know about you, and I accept that because I love you! I know who you are. I know what you want from me far more than you think I do, because I want the same things from you."

His eyes were hooded like a snake’s as he studied her. Beneath his lowered lids, they shone as clear as rubies in the dim illumination of the room. And then he was on top of her, moving so fast she only caught a blur, before he seized her. His hand wrapped around her neck as he pulled her head to the side. Cassie gasped, her heart leapt as his finger trailed over her frantic pulse.

She could sense the wildness in him, the instability, but she didn't move. She knew if she did he would withdraw from her. He would leave her within this room, alone and lost if she reacted in any way. She didn't care what he did to her, or what he needed from her now, because she would give him anything he asked for. No matter what it was. She knew it was for the best to wait for the change, but if he lost control and it happened now, then she wouldn't regret it, and she wouldn't fight it.

"Right here." His voice was hoarse and grating as his finger stilled upon her vein. She could feel his struggle for restraint battling against his ever present, driving hunger. She remained frozen, her eyes half closed as she fought against the trepidation and excitement tearing through her. He was unstable right now, but he wouldn't hurt her, no matter what he thought. His touch was thrilling, enchanting. Her heart danced, her body quaked with the urge to touch him, but she remained immobile. "Right here is the pulse of your life, and I crave it."

Cassie's eyes closed, she had to fight back the tremble working through her. It was not a tremble of fear, not anymore. Her heart didn't leap in terror, but in anticipation of what was to come. He brushed her hair aside as he pulled her closer. His lips pressed to her throat, his fangs skimmed over her neck before pressing briefly against her throbbing artery. She couldn't stop the low moan of pleasure that escaped her. She waited breathlessly for him to bite down and take what he wanted from her.

To her surprise, he kissed her softly. His lips pressed against her vein, his fangs receded as he touched upon her neck. Cassie's head spun, her legs quivered as his arms enfolded her and pulled her against him. "You foolish, foolish girl," he breathed in her ear.

Her trembling increased, tears burned her eyes as she melted against him. Maybe she was foolish, but she didn't believe so. No matter what he thought she had absolute faith in him that he would never hurt her. That the man in him would always win out over the demon when it came to her.

The tender kisses he placed across her skin left her completely weak. Her legs gave out when his tongue swirled over her ear. He held her up as her heart leapt as crazily as a bird trapped in a cage. "Cassandra," he whispered. "Are you sure?"

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life," she managed to get out through the constriction in her throat and chest.

He lifted her effortlessly; his hands skimmed under the baggy flannel she wore. His touch upon her bare flesh was almost her undoing. She was trembling as he carried her to the makeshift bed he had created. Laying her down, he followed her as his mouth seized upon hers. Though Cassie had expected his kiss to be desperate, frantic, it was surprisingly gentle and achingly loving.

Her whole body reacted as he leisurely pulled her shirt from her. Cassie's mind swam with pleasure; she forgot everything and everyone else as her entire world became focused upon him, and the joy he brought to her. The beautiful new sensations he created in her, sensations that might have been frightening if they had been with anyone other than him. However, with him, there was only joy and a sense of awe she'd never thought to experience.

All of her concerns and doubts from the past, all of the things that had held her back completely faded away. She never thought of the women of his past, never wondered if he would compare her to them and find her lacking in the end. For she knew now, he would never find her lacking, never cherish anything more than her.

When they finally joined together, she knew true bliss. She knew what it was to belong and fit. She knew nothing of misery and uncertainty as she clung to him, riding out the storm of their love. She didn't know she was crying until he kissed away her tears and whispered words of love as he touched her reverently over and over again.

Later, when she offered him her vein, she knew she'd been right. He never thought about other women with her, and he could never find her lacking. For him, when he’d met her, it was as if every other woman had ceased to exist. It wasn't that he didn't think about them, they had simply faded from his mind. He didn't compare her to them because he couldn't recall them. She lacked experience but she’d brought him more joy and pleasure than he'd ever known, or ever thought to experience in his extensive life.

Cassie drifted to sleep, blissfully content within the strong embrace of his arms.

* * *

Devon padded down the stairs, trying to be as soundless as possible so as not to waken anyone, especially not Cassie. After what they had just exchanged, he didn't want her to awaken alone, but there was something he had to do. He moved through the empty front of the store. Joey and Patrick had been placed in the back room, untied from their chairs, but retied to some of the wooden beams.

He reached the open cellar door and rapidly moved down the stairs. Julian was standing by one of the windows. The sun wasn't bright enough for him to move away from the glass yet, but it would be soon. Devon knew Julian had retreated here hours ago; before Cassie had offered Devon the greatest gift he'd ever received. He was still awed by her openness and willingness to trust him, especially when he didn't even trust himself. She had far more faith in him than he deserved, far more love and understanding than he had ever thought to receive, and it humbled him. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her; nothing he wouldn't give her.

The faint light filtering through the windows lit Julian's ice blue eyes and warmed them to an almost ocean hue. Julian's face was blank, but his eyes flickered when he scanned Devon quickly. "Is she ok?" he demanded, his voice oddly hoarse.

Devon nodded as his hand clenched on the thin railing of the stairs. Devon had known Julian would be aware of what had passed between them, he still didn't like it. Not only would Julian smell it upon him and Cassie, but a simple touch would reveal all to him. That was why Julian had retreated here when Devon had taken Cassie upstairs. "You knew what she intended."

Julian nodded. "I saw it when I touched her, yes."

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you stop her?"

Julian tilted his head. "Why would I?"

"Because you knew there was a chance I could lose control and hurt her."

"Was there?"

"Julian," Devon growled, not in the mood to deal with his friend's cavalier attitude.

Julian moved away from the window as the rays became too much for him to stand. "I admit I worried for her safety, but she didn't. The amount of faith and trust she has in you is staggering."

"You know what we have done to other human women," Devon whispered. He didn't like to think of those atrocious acts while the glow of what had just happened still surrounded him, but he needed to hear what Julian had to say.

"I may not like to remember, not anymore, but yes I know. However, this was something that she had to do, and I couldn't bring myself to stand in her way. I believe she’s right. You both needed this night; she deserved this night. Her love for you, your love for each other…"

Julian broke off and shook his head as his gaze drifted away. Devon could sense the emotion welling up within him, the hurt, and yet the awe flooding him. "It is staggering Devon. Believe me, if I thought there was any chance you would hurt her, I would have warned you. I would have stopped it, but I knew you wouldn't. The demon inside us is strong, but no matter how close you get to snapping, it is always her you put first and protect. You may not have faith in yourself, but she does, and I do too."

Devon was staggered by Julian's confession and absolute belief in him, which Devon now realized was just as much as Cassie's. "Julian…" his voice trailed off as Julian turned toward the growing daylight. "You really do love her, don't you?"

Julian turned back to him. "Yes, I do."

"Then how, why…?"

Julian shrugged as he ran a hand through his disordered hair. "You know when you first met Annabelle I understood your obsession for her, understood you loved her because I'd been there once before too. I got it, I really did. I even sort of understood why you stopped feeding from humans because of her. I never understood how you could just hand her over to Liam like you did. I thought you were crazy, weak, a complete and utter fool.

"But I understand it now. You loved Annabelle enough to let her go. You loved her enough to realize you didn't love her enough. That you didn't love her the same way she loved Liam and that he loved her. I love Cassie enough to realize the same. I love her enough to know what I feel for her is a pale comparison to what you feel for each other. I would die for her, but I would not die without her. I do want her happiness more than I want my own, and you are her happiness."

Devon was staggered by Julian's admission, rattled by the keen insight his friend had developed. "I see."

"I guess I'm the crazy, weak, fool now."

"No, you're simply more of a man than a monster once again."

Julian's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Is that what this feeling is? Humanity?"

Devon laughed as he slid down to sit on the stairs. "It's a bitch," he muttered.

"It is," Julian agreed. He moved over to sit on one of the crates stacked in the basement. "We can't trust them you know. I may not have seen any plan for betrayal in them, but we can't trust them."

"I know."

"Especially not Robert."

Devon's hands clenched as anger shot through him. Julian's hatred toward Robert was apparent in the rigid set of his shoulders. "No matter what the others believe, or what they plan, he will try to kill her."

"Yes," Julian agreed.

"I'll kill him first."

Julian's eyes grew distant and thoughtful. "No Devon, if he goes for her, I will take him out. I owe him for the last time we met, but this time I’ll be prepared for the battle, and not ambushed."


"You can't kill your own brother, Devon. Even back then, you were unable to destroy him, though you knew he would kill you in a heartbeat."

"If he goes for her…"

"I will take care of him. I owe it to him."

Devon thought over Julian's words before nodding. Julian was right, Robert would kill him if given the opportunity, but Devon had never been able to kill his brother, until now. But Julian would take great pleasure in destroying Robert, in paying him back for the ambush he'd executed on Julian all those years ago.

"Brother," Devon said on a snort of disgust. Growing up they'd never been anything close to brotherly, but once Robert had been changed, he'd grown to hate Devon more. Devon had never understood his brother's hatred of him. Robert had always been the favored son, the one who had stood in the spotlight while Devon slunk through the shadows hoping to go unnoticed at home. "He must be kept away from her."

"Yes." Folding his legs before him Julian leaned forward. "Are you going to go along with their plan?"

Devon's head slumped as his hands folded before him. "I don't want to condemn her to this life," he whispered.

"It's what she wants."

"I know that, but the consequences…"

"Are something that can be dealt with after. You know this has to be done, Devon, if you fight it they may kill us all."

"What if things go wrong?"

Julian folded his arms across his chest. "We all know that is a possibility, but this is something that has to happen Devon. Whether they make it happen or you do it willingly."

"I know."

They sat together as they listened to the odd hush of the deadened town, interrupted only by the small snores or shifting from the sleeping people upstairs. Devon rose slowly; he had to get back to Cassie before she woke. He wanted to hold her and find the solace only she could bring to his tormented soul. Julian's eyes were oddly alight in the warm glow of the sun.

"You will find your Cassie one day," Devon told him.

Julian's mouth quirked, he shrugged as he rose to his feet again. "Maybe, but I'm not going to start looking for her anytime soon."

"I didn't either, but one day she'll just be there." Julian looked as if he was going to argue, but he remained quiet. "You really have changed."

"So have you. I actually like you again."

Devon grinned at him. "Same here, but if you kiss her again I'll rip your throat out."

Julian laughed loudly as he shifted on the crates. "It was a moment of celebration only."

Devon wasn't as amused as Julian about it, but he didn't blame him, Cassie was irresistible, and Julian loved her. He also knew that, to Julian, the kiss had been a way of expressing his love and saying goodbye to her. To Cassie, it had simply been something sweet and celebratory. It had also been a way of sorting her feelings out, of knowing where she belonged, and that was with him.

"She told you about it?"

Devon shook his head as he leaned against the thin rail. "I saw it."

Julian's forehead furrowed. "During the blood exchange?"


"I've never opened myself up to another person."

"Neither had I, until her."

Julian's electric eyes were back on him, a small smile curved his mouth. "No, you hadn't."

"I have to get back up there." Julian nodded, but he didn't look back at him. Devon padded up the stairs, leaving his friend to his sorrow, while he returned to his greatest joy. Guilt tugged briefly at him, but he forgot about it as his eyes landed upon Cassandra curled within the blankets. Her golden hair spread around her, and her tiny hands were folded beneath her cheek. She was so astonishingly beautiful, sweet, and loving.

She was so wonderfully his and always would be.




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