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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (59)

Chapter Twelve

Cassie was standing by the window when he entered her room. Her hair cascaded around her and the glow of the moon caused it to shimmer a silvery gold. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach as she stared out at the dark night. She turned toward him; her eyes haunted and lost as she watched him.

"You will come back to me," she whispered.

Swallowing heavily, he managed a small, reassuring nod. "I will always come back to you."

She nodded as her arms fell back to her sides. "Really?"

He hated the doubt and apprehension he sensed in her. "Of course."

There was a defeated slouch to her shoulders as she turned back to the window. "You told me once I would have to join you, or you would have to leave me. You told me you didn't think you could continue to control yourself around me, and now it seems as if I will never be able to join you."

"We don't know that for sure," he reminded her.

"No, but it is a good possibility. Will you be able to stay around me?"

She looked up in startled surprise as he crossed the room to her. "I was a fool to say that to you Cassie. I was wrong, and I was being selfish. I can stay with you. I will stay with you, no matter what it takes. No matter what I have to do, I will not leave you."

"I felt your need; I felt your struggle Devon. You fed from me; you were a part of me, inside of me. I know how challenging it is for you to be around me, and I don't want you to have to go through that all the time."

He seized hold of her hands and pulled her forward a step. Clasping hold of her face, he pushed her hair aside to stroke her silken cheek. "Cassie I would go through Hell and back if it meant being by your side. We will get through this, I swear to you we will."

She bit her bottom lip as her gaze fell away. "But the fight you have to wage with yourself is..."

"Is easier now," he interrupted. "It is much easier now Cassie. Letting me feed on you helped to ease the hunger."

Her eyes flew back up to his as she searched his face. He tried to keep his expression as impassive as he could. Though it wasn't entirely the truth, it wasn't a lie either. When she'd given her blood, she'd helped to ease the demon inside him. However, it wouldn't be entirely appeased until she was by his side, safely immortal, but he wasn't about to tell her that. Not when there was a chance he would never be able to turn her.

He shoved the thought aside, unable to deal with it right now. The monster inside him didn't like that knowledge. Neither did the man. He couldn't stand the thought of her growing old and dying while he stayed young and alive. He wished the sun's rays were still deadly to him, because the minute he lost her, he would walk straight into them.


"It will be ok Cassie, everything will be ok," he promised. "Once the threat passes, we'll see if we can't find some more information, without drawing attention to ourselves again, ok?"

He could see the doubt in her gaze, but she managed a small nod. "Ok. You had better keep yourself safe."

"I will," he promised as he bent to kiss the tip of her nose.

Holding his face in her hands she dropped a tender kiss on his lips. "Will you feed from me tonight?" she murmured.

Excitement spurted through him as his hands clenched upon her. His jaw locked as he glanced out the window. He had almost lost her tonight, and there was still the very awful possibility he would lose her. There were so many people, and things out there trying to tear them apart or kill them. The thought was so tempting but he knew he shouldn't. "I don't think that's a good idea Cassie, it's too soon..."

"I feel fine, I swear, and we don't know how long we're going to be apart," her voice broke. "It will be all right Devon, but I need this tonight, and I think you do too."

Then, she leaned up and kissed him again. The subtle brush of her lips against his robbed him of all reason. He pulled her closer, and she melded to him, pressing flush to him as her legs gave out. He swung her easily into his arms as she burrowed closer to him. He refused to acknowledge this might be their last night together for a while. If he dwelled on it too much he was scared he may break and change her. It was the worst thing he could do right now. He didn't know what she would become if she was changed, or if he could stop her if she became something truly malevolent.

The thought terrified him. For all her faults, Cassie was still everything good and loving, for that to be taken away from her was something he couldn't allow to happen. No matter how badly he desired her with him, he had to come to terms with the possibility it could never happen. He just didn't intend to realize that tonight.

Tonight was simply about the two of them, and that was the way he was going to keep it.

He laid her down on the bed and followed behind as he pulled her against him once more. He lost himself in the touch and feel and scent of her as he shut out the rest of the world, and the far too many people trying to tear them apart.

* * *

Cassie couldn't stop nervously ringing her hands as she paced before her window. She glanced back at Devon, who was still sleeping with his arm tossed over the spot she’d recently vacated. Though she'd only gotten a couple hours of sleep, she was wide awake. The sun would be up soon, Annabelle and Liam might also be here soon.

She didn't know how she felt about that. Though she didn't like the idea of leaving here, she wanted to get this over and done with. The sooner it was over, the sooner she could be with Devon again. Her skin crawled; her chest constricted at the thought of being apart from him for any significant length of time. If it hadn't been for the irrational anger fueling her, she never would have made it through the two weeks without him. How would she get through it now, when she wasn't enraged?

In fact, she was terrified. Terrified of losing him, of what she was now, and what she could become. What if something happened and he wasn't there to pull her back, and Annabelle was also unable to? She would be lost forever, a monster, a threat to everyone she loved. Cassie shuddered as she stared down at the deserted street.

Then there was Annabelle herself. She didn't know how to feel about meeting the woman who had so drastically changed Devon. The woman who had made him the man he was now. Though he had never truly loved her, Annabelle had been a huge impact on his life, and she was very special to him.

Cassie tried not to feel jealous, but she couldn't help it. Leaning forward, she rested her fingers against the window, enjoying the cool feel of it. Arms wrapped around her waist and caused a small cry of surprise to escape her. He had been completely noiseless in his approach. Devon hugged her close as he pressed her back firmly against his chest. His lips brushed over the fresh marks on her neck. Cassie shivered in response, her skin tingled all over as a feeling of rightness stole through her.

"Are you ok?" he inquired.


He ran his hands over her stomach as he kissed her once more. "Couldn't sleep?"

She shook her head as she savored his strength and comfort. She could stay like this forever, but they had such a short amount of time. "No."

Beams splayed across the road, illuminating the street as a vehicle turned onto it. Cassie stiffened as the silver Cadillac Escalade pulled to a stop in front of the house and doused the lights. "They're here," Devon murmured.

Cassie managed a small nod. "Yes."

"Come on." Devon pulled reluctantly away and took hold of her hand. Cassie followed behind; she fought to maintain her outward composure, while inside she was falling apart. Her hand squeezed around his to the point where she knew it had to be uncomfortable for him, but he didn't protest, or try to pull away. They were at the top of the steps as the doorbell sounded.

Chris appeared in the hallway, his hair was disheveled from sleep, his eyes bleary as he blinked up at them. Dani poked her head out from her room. Though her short, pink streaked hair was standing straight up, she didn't appear to have been asleep as she studied them with questioning eyes. "Your friends?" she asked.

"Yes," Devon answered as he started down the stairs.

Cassie was tempted to jerk him back and stop him, but she couldn't. Though she would have loved a few more minutes to get her thoughts together, and her rolling emotions under control, she knew she couldn't leave them standing on her doorstep. They were here to help after all.

Chris watched her with a sad gleam in his sapphire eyes. She scowled at him, disliking that he could sense the nervousness, jealousy, and uncertainty tearing through her. He managed a small nod and a listless smile for her as Devon strode past with his hand still wrapped around hers. She could only stare helplessly back at Chris while Devon threw the locks and pulled open the door.

Taking a deep breath, Cassie turned her attention to the two people on her porch. Her heart plummeted as it flipped over and a thrumming tension pulsed through her. "Devon!" the young woman, Annabelle, cried. Stepping forward, she moved to embrace him, only to halt abruptly. She grinned at him as she cocked a strawberry colored eyebrow in amusement. Her thick, strawberry blond hair tumbled in loose curls to just below her shoulder blades.

"Cassie." Cassie jumped as Devon turned to her, his emerald eyes gleamed with amusement. "You have to invite them in."

"Oh," she replied stupidly. "Of course, umm, come on in."

She took a step back, releasing Devon's hand as Annabelle moved through the door and embraced him. Cassie looked quickly away, her stomach twisting as she tried to keep her jealousy and uneasiness under control. Understanding and strength radiated from Chris as he met her gaze.

"You must be Cassie." Annabelle was suddenly before her. Cassie jolted as the girl clasped hold of her hands and enfolded them in hers. Her sea green eyes were vivid, a wealth of compassion and care radiated in them. Her features were delicate, perfect, and a hint of freckles spattered her tiny nose. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Cassie stared down at the woman, who was a good five inches shorter than her. She couldn't help but return Annabelle's radiant smile. She emitted warmth and friendship more than any person Cassie had ever met, and she couldn't help but instantly like her. "You also," she said softly.

Annabelle's smile grew; her eyes twinkled as she squeezed Cassie's hands once more before letting go. The tall, slender man who had come with Annabelle stepped forward to take hold of Cassie's hand. His dark brown hair fell in waves around his handsome, open face. His startling, oddly silver colored eyes burned into her as he studied her carefully.

"It's nice to meet you," he said in a lilting voice that held the hint of a Midwest accent.

"You too," she whispered, surprised by the man with the strange silver eyes. He seemed pleasant enough, but there was a shy reservation in him that didn't seem to fit in with the open warmth Annabelle radiated.

"And this is Chris." Devon drew their attention away from Cassie. Chris shook hands with them as he exchanged quick, pleasant greetings.

"Where are the others?" Annabelle inquired.

"Dani should be coming down soon," Cassie answered, surprised to realize she hadn't followed them downstairs. "Luther and Melissa went home to pack, but they'll be back before daybreak. Though I suppose we can't go anywhere till night anyway."

"Of course we can," Annabelle replied airily. "The windows are fully tinted so if I stay in the back I'll be fine. Besides, Julian won't be able to watch us if we depart during the daylight hours."

Cassie felt dread set in again as she glanced at Chris, who looked just as surprised as she felt. It was too soon to leave; she'd been expecting another full day in her home. Devon stepped closer to her and encircled her waist as he pulled her against him and pressed his lips against her ear.

"It will be ok," he promised.

Cassie managed a small nod, but she couldn't shake the knot of tension wrapping through her chest. Annabelle was watching them closely, amusement evident in her eyes. "I think the sooner the better," she told him.

Devon's arms tightened around Cassie before he nodded briskly. "You're right."

Closing her eyes, she buried her head against his chest as she labored to keep on breathing. "Hello."

Cassie lifted her head as Dani appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Her gold streaked eyes were narrowed as she surveyed Annabelle and Liam. "Hello!" Annabelle greeted as she glided over to the tiny girl. Even with as petite as Dani was, Annabelle was smaller. Annabelle seized hold of Dani's hands as she flashed her radiant smile. "And who are you?"

Dani managed a feeble smile. "Danielle," she answered. "But you can call me Dani."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Dani. This is my mate, Liam."

"Mate?" Cassie couldn't help but inquire.

Annabelle flashed a grin back at Cassie. Liam moved behind Annabelle and rested his hands upon her delicate shoulders. "Yes, my mate. You haven't explained this to her yet Devon?"

Cassie was surprised by the severity of Devon’s eyes as he stared at Annabelle. "No," he grated.

Annabelle's frown intensified; her eyes became dark and turbulent as she glanced between the two of them. What was it he hadn't told her? What could he possibly be keeping from her? "I see," she whispered.

"What is a mate?" Chris inquired.

"It is what a vampire takes, or the bond they create, when they find the person or vampire, they choose to spend eternity with. It is a very profound experience." Annabelle's forehead was furrowed as she met Devon's gaze again. "And it's binding."

"So, it's like, vampire marriage?" Chris asked in surprise. "Cause that sounds a little strange."

"And why is that?" Liam inquired in a low, gravelly tone.

Chris shrugged as he ran his hand through his hair and tugged at it. "I don't know. I mean you're dead and all, and you do live forever. Seems a little strange you would choose to be with the same person that whole time; I can barely contemplate thirty years with the same person, never mind an eternity with them."

"Chris!" Cassie scolded as she shook her head at him. What Annabelle was describing seemed like an intense, private experience. It didn't sound like something that should be talked about so flippantly, or mocked, and it sounded like something she desperately wanted to experience with Devon.

"What?" he inquired defensively. "It's true!"

Annabelle merely grinned at him while Liam shook his head. "When you find the one person you can't spend the rest of your life without you will understand, and believe me thirty years will seem like a second," Annabelle replied. "And the taking of a mate is not something that is entered into lightly. As I said it is binding, and unbreakable. You are tied to a mate forever."

"So both mates have to be vampires?" Chris inquired as he stared at Cassie, and then Devon.

"Yes," Annabelle continued. "The bond is created through the sharing of blood and sex."

Cassie felt as if someone had kicked her in the gut as the air rushed out of her. Everyone else remained silent as Annabelle's words sank in. Cassie turned toward Devon and tilted her head to look up at him. He had taken her blood, but she was acutely aware he hadn't shared his, and neither had they forged a bond through sex. It wasn't that she was afraid to anymore, or that she still had doubts she wouldn't be enough for him, because she knew she would. She just wanted it to happen when there was no one out there trying to kill them.

Although, she realized that may be the impossible dream. It was likely there would never be a time when someone wasn't trying to kill them, and she didn't want to die without having shared the experience with him. But the sharing of blood was something they may never be able to experience. She was surprised by how disappointed she was by the realization. She thought she should be repulsed by it, but she wasn't. Not if it was Devon's blood.

Why hadn't he told her about this? Had he kept it from her because he didn't feel she was his mate? Didn't he feel the same way about her, as she did about him? A cold chill curdled in her belly; her skin turned to ice as everything in her went numb. But that couldn't be true, she’d felt his emotions, she knew how intensely he felt about her.

He seemed to sense her distress as he pulled her closer against him. Annabelle's eyes were questioning as she studied them and Cassie didn't like the scrutiny she found herself under. "I'll get my things," Dani interrupted before she turned and hurried up the stairs.

"I uh... I should go get my things too, and say goodbye to my mom," Chris said.

"She's not coming with us?" Cassie blurted out, forgetting all about her fright and confusion in the face of Chris's statement.

He shook his head sadly. "No, she doesn't want to leave, and I suppose there is no reason for her to. She's not one of us after all."

Cassie felt the sorrow behind his words. He may not have been close with his mother, but he still loved her, and he always would. When they left here though, there was a good possibility he may never see her again. "Would you like me to come with you?" Cassie asked.

He hesitated before shaking his head. "No, I'd better do this alone."

Cassie nodded reluctantly. Chris moved past Liam and threw the door open to the sun breaking on the horizon. "I'll put your car in the garage." Devon stepped forward to claim the keys from Liam.

Cassie watched as he hurried outside, leaving her alone with the two strange vampires studying her. She swallowed nervously as she tried to shove aside her rising turmoil. "I should grab my things too," she said hurriedly.

She quickly scooted past Annabelle and Liam, feeling only a little guilty about leaving them to fend for themselves. She needed a few minutes to herself in order to gather her scattered thoughts and swaying emotions. She had packed two suitcases already, but she still had to gather her toiletries.

Heading into the bathroom, she began tossing things into her small travel case. She tried not to think as she moved, but all of her doubts and insecurities reared back to life. Zipping the case closed, she slid down to sit on the edge of the tub. Why hadn't he told her about the mate thing?

"Cassie." She lifted her head when Devon appeared in her doorway. "What's wrong?"

She hesitated, unsure of how much to say to him. But in the end, her curiosity and doubts won out. "Why didn't you tell me about the mate thing?"

He sighed as he moved into the room. "It's not the reason you're thinking."

"And how would you know what I'm thinking?" she retorted.

The grin he gave her only caused her irritation to crank up another notch. "Because I know you," he whispered. "You wear your emotions on your face, and I know how you think. I didn't tell you about it because I didn't think you were my mate, because I know you are. The reason I didn't tell you was because it is only one more thing for you to be troubled about. It's only one more pressure you do not need right now. Your safety is the only thing I can be concerned about now."

Cassie stared at him as he knelt before her and took hold of her hands. His eyes burned into hers, the need in them nearly broke her heart. "How can you be so sure I am?" she asked.

He gave her a wry grin as he leaned forward on the balls of his feet. "I've known since the second I saw you, I may not have admitted it to myself then, but I knew then. And there was something else..." his voice trailed off, his eyes fell from hers.

"Something else?" she prodded when he didn't continue.

He rose to his feet and settled himself on the tub beside her. "I've never used my ability for mind control over you Cassie, at least not on purpose."

For a moment she couldn't find her breath. What was he talking about? He had taken control of her mind? Chills raced up and down her spine, he wouldn't look at her. "What do you mean?" she croaked.

His head came up and his eyes finally focused on her again. "There was a night, a time when my ability went beyond my control, while I was sleeping. It sought out your mind and ensnared it in a dream..."

Cassie's hand flew to her mouth as she recalled the dreams she'd had about Devon, and there had been so many of them before she'd accepted him into her life. But out of all the dreams, there had been one so vivid, so real it had haunted her. That it had all but driven her into his arms. "The lake," she breathed.

"Yes, the lake."

"It was so real." Cassie's fingers brushed against her lips. It had been the first time she'd ever kissed him, and though it had been amazing, it had been nothing compared to the real thing. "Why?"

"I didn't do it on purpose Cass; I promise you I would never do it on purpose, not to you. If I was ever going to do it on purpose you would have been out of this town months ago, and we never would have been apart for two weeks." Cassie hated the reminder of the weeks they'd spent apart, and how awful she'd been to him. "I think I was growing so frustrated of your continuous refusal of me that it seeped out in my sleep."

He bumped her knee and squeezed her hand. "The hunt was growing tiresome," he said teasingly, though she could hear the strain in his voice. "I went to sleep that night and my power sought you out. It did so because even though I didn't realize it until after I awoke, my subconscious recognized you as my mate, and it had to connect to you in some way. I didn't know I was in your dream until you told me you’d spent your summers there as a child."

Cassie's fingers fell away from her mouth. She could only stare at him, barely able to move, barely able to breathe as he turned toward her. His eyes were intense, his gaze steady and yet fearful. "That's when I knew you were my mate. Don't get me wrong, I continued to try and deny it. I did not want you placed in that situation; I didn't want you to know what I was, what my world consisted of. I had no way of knowing you already knew far more of my world than I'd ever suspected."

He leaned forward and clasped her face between his palms. Cassie relished his touch and feel, and the words he spoke. "And after I finally admitted it to myself, finally allowed myself to acknowledge you were my mate, I didn't want to tell you."


His fingers brushed over her face. "Because, I would like you to make the choice to join me on your own without any pressure from me or because you feel obligated."

"And now that I have, it may be impossible," she whispered morosely.

His head bowed, his forehead pressed against hers. "Once you're safe, and all of this is past us, then we can sort out the rest of the details, and we will Cassie. I promise you, we will."

She nodded as she blinked back the tears burning her eyes. She wished she could make this all different or that she’d made the choice earlier. Maybe if she had she could have been turned by now. Maybe, just maybe there would have been no ill effect, and the bond between them could have been forged.

But then again, something awful may have happened. She could have become a monster, and Devon never would have forgiven himself, even if he’d been unaware of the consequences at the time. No, as awful as it was, it was a good thing she hadn't made the choice earlier.

"Yes, we will," she agreed. She frowned at him as a new thought took root inside of her. "Devon, with what Annabelle described, wouldn't you and Isla be mates?"

His hands constricted on hers. "No Cassie, there is more to it than just blood and sex. The bond is also forged through love. There was never any love with Isla, it was never like that. It has never been like that with anyone but you. Once I turned Isla, I never shared blood with her again and mates tend to share blood on a daily basis."

"I see," she said. His gaze was doubtful and questioning. "I do."

He managed a small smile for her as he wrapped his hand around the back of her head. He pulled her against him for a demanding kiss that robbed her of all sense and reason. She lost herself to the feel of him as he swept away all of her doubts and concerns. She matched the frantic need of his kiss, knowing this may be the last time they were alone together for a while.

She didn't realize she was crying until he pulled away and tenderly wiped the tears from her face. "Don't cry," he whispered as he kissed her cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you so much," she said, unable to keep the hitching sob from her voice.

He kissed her again and rested his forehead against hers. "I'll join you as soon as I can," he vowed.

She swallowed heavily. "You'd better, and you'd better stay safe."

"I will Cassie, don't worry about me, you have to take care of yourself."

"Of course I worry about you. I love you."

He grinned at her and kissed her again before pulling away. "I love you too. Melissa and Luther are here."

He waited as she threw her travel bag into her suitcase. "Devon." He paused in the doorway with her suitcases as he turned back to her. She swiftly moved toward him and threw her arms around him as she kissed him forcefully. Her suitcases thudded to the floor as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her against him.




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