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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (54)

Chapter Seven

Devon threw the door of the bathroom open and winced as it rebounded off the wall. He still wasn't used to the strength of Cassie's blood inside of him. In all of his hundreds of years, and thousands of victims, he had never tasted anything, or experienced anything, as delicious and potent as she was.

It was more than just the power inside of her, and the thrill she gave to him. It was also her openness; her trust and unadulterated love for him that made him feel as if he could take on the world. He could do anything with her at his side, and he hoped one day she would choose to stay by his side forever.

Though they hadn't discussed it again, it was something they would have to confront sooner rather than later. Tasting her today had eased the fiery appetite of the beast inside him, but she was still human, and that was the biggest problem. He wanted her to be safe from the world of death she resided in.

He knew she was his mate. It was a rare thing for a vampire to find, but once mates were discovered they could never be separated. If she had continued to rebuff him, he would have let her be, but eventually it would have destroyed him. He couldn't be certain he wouldn't have come back for her anyway.

He wasn't willing to tell her about being mates yet. He desired her to change because she wanted to be with him for eternity, and not because she felt obligated in order to keep him stable and happy. He was also afraid of what may reside within her, and the distinct possibility he may never be able to change her.

Her head turned toward him as he emerged and her shoulders slumped. A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and her golden hair cascaded around her in disheveled curls. Her face had been ashen, but color flooded into it the minute she saw him. "Are you hungry?" he inquired as he glanced at the clock. It was almost eight; she'd slept most of the day away.

"Famished," she admitted.

He smiled as he moved toward her. "Let's get you some food."

Taking hold of her hand, he helped her to her feet. He searched her face for any sign he’d injured her in any way. He'd taken more blood than he should have, more than he had intended, but she'd tasted so good, and been so willing that he'd become lost in her. Her love had ensnared him in a web he'd feared he wouldn't be able to break free from. But he’d controlled himself far better than he'd thought he could. He was beginning to realize that when it came to her, he was able to do almost anything.

"Are you feeling ok?"

She glanced up at him from under her sweeping dark lashes. "I feel perfectly fine. Stop worrying so much." Pulling the blanket from her shoulders she dropped it on the bed. "Is everyone else downstairs?"

"Yes." A troubled look crossed her delicate features. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head as she flashed him a fleeting grin. "I just hope they're not mad at me."

"Of course they're not."

"I treated them badly."

"They understand Cassie."

"I hope so."

She moved past him and gathered clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. Waiting patiently he sat on the edge of the bed until she returned. The black turtleneck she wore highlighted her creamy complexion and golden hair, while clinging to her lithe figure. He marveled at her beauty as she moved gracefully across the room and grabbed her hair brush.

He rose and came up behind her as she finished brushing her hair. Her eyes caught his in the mirror, a small smile played across her full mouth. He pulled down the collar of her turtleneck, his body tightened at the sight of the two marks on her neck. His marks.

A thrill of possession raced through him. She was his completely, and always, even if he couldn't change her. She flinched briefly as he rested his fingertips against them. "I can get rid of those for you," he murmured.

He should have done it to begin with, but he had liked the idea of her bearing his mark. But now that she was going back into the world, it would be safer for all of them if he closed the wounds.

Cassie rested her hand over his. "That's ok, I like knowing they're there, and they probably won't last. I heal..."

"Fast," he finished for her, hating the reminder of the frightening abilities she possessed.

She smiled innocently at him in the mirror; she had no idea the direction his thoughts had taken. He shuddered as he fought the consuming urge to pull her against him and never leave this room. She turned into him, and wrapping her arms around his waist she rested her head against his chest. His fingers entangled in her silken hair as he held her against him.

All of the torment he had been living with for the past couple of weeks was gone. She calmed every ragged piece of his soul. The rumbling of her stomach brought him back to reality. Releasing her, he pulled the turtleneck up and covered the bite. She smiled up at him as her fingers easily slid into his. She fidgeted with the collar of her shirt as they left the room. He leaned close enough that his lips brushed against her cheek. "It will be ok."

Hushed voices drifted from the kitchen, and the scraping of silverware on plates could be heard. Cassie nervously glanced up at him as he stepped through the door, and pulled her behind him. She stood half behind him as a small tremor shook her hand.

Chris, Melissa, and Dani looked up as they entered. Worry flashed briefly across their faces as they glanced from Devon to Cassie. Chris's eyes remained locked on Devon's before he turned his attention to Cassie. She managed a wan smile for them as her fingers fiddled with her shirt once more.

"Hi guys," she greeted.

"How are you feeling?" Melissa inquired anxiously.

"Much better."

Chris rose and strode across the room to her. "It's good to have you back."

He enfolded her in a bear hug as he lifted her up. Devon felt Cassie's jolt of surprise before she wrapped her arms around him. Devon fought the jealousy and possessive urge coursing through him as Chris swung her back and forth, shaking her legs in the air until she laughed. Chris was her best friend, he knew that. Hell, he was Devon's best friend now, but he still didn't like other men touching her.

Cassie beamed up at Chris as he dropped her down and took a step back. "It's good to be back."

"You're feeling better?"

"Yes, I'm sorry for the way I've acted," her gaze flitted to Dani and Melissa. "To all of you."

Melissa was grinning from ear to ear as she hurried over to hug Cassie. "It's ok, we understand. I'm just so happy you're back."

Tears shimmered in Cassie's eyes as Melissa took a step away and Dani embraced her. "Are you hungry?" Chris asked anxiously. "Melissa made baked ziti, and I have to admit it's not half bad."

Melissa shoved his shoulder. "Not half bad? You're on your third helping."

He grinned back at her, before turning on his heel and hurrying to grab a plate. Cassie took hold of Devon's hand again as she made her way to the island everyone had gathered around. Chris slapped an overflowing plate of food in front of her. "You've got a lot of catching up to do," he explained.

Cassie laughed as she picked up her fork and dug in. Devon watched her carefully, relieved to see her eating with such gusto, and that he hadn't taken too much blood. He had planned to give her a little of his blood, not enough to change her, but enough to give her some strength after the blood loss she'd experienced.

However, he'd decided against it almost immediately. He wanted her to have his blood inside her, and to know what it would be like to have her feeding from him. But he couldn't take the risk something might happen to her if he did give her his blood. Not when he and Luther still had no idea exactly what Cassie was.

* * *

"Apparently they weren't being indifferent to me because of my grandmother's death, but because I had stopped dating you."

Cassie glanced up at Devon who rigidly stood behind her in the lunch line. His hand tightened on her waist as his gaze disdainfully raked the cafeteria. The buzz about her, which had died down after her grandmother's death, had now returned tenfold. The nasty whispers were rapidly flying around, the irate glares and waves of hatred were once more pounding against her. Though she had tried to become accustomed to it all, she still didn't like it, or understand it. She knew the girls desired Devon, but so much hatred because of jealousy was something she would never understand.

His mouth was warm as he kissed her neck through the material of her dark green turtleneck. Cassie pressed closer as her toes curled and her breath hitched. He nudged her forward as the line moved. She made a face over being interrupted but grabbed a tray. She was grateful Devon was with her. None of the girls would dare be catty or cruel to her in front of him, and after Devon had lifted Mark with one hand and slammed him into a wall, none of the boys were willing to risk having his wrath and strength turned on them either. His presence also helped to keep her stable and grounded, helped to ease the sting the cruel comments inflicted.

Reaching the front of the line, Cassie grabbed her food, paid for it, and hurried free of the confining lunch line. Dani and Chris were already at the table. Cassie slouched into her chair and took a deep breath of relief. "How's it going?" Chris inquired.

"Just peachy," she replied but she managed a wry smile.

Chris's eyes were troubled as he scanned the cafeteria. "Bunch of jerks," he mumbled.

"I'm used to it by now."

Melissa dropped her lunch bag on the table, slid into her chair and dug out an apple. "What an awful day," she muttered.

"I second that," Chris agreed.

Cassie shrugged as her gaze fell on Devon. He was back in her life now, so no matter how bad the day was it could never be as terrible as the past couple of weeks. Her fingers flitted up to her neck. Though she was a fast healer, the marks were still barely visible upon her skin. Touching them now, she was once more swept away by the rush of love that had encompassed her when he’d been feeding upon her.

Cassie didn't realize she had stopped breathing until he sat back. "Eat," he whispered.

She lifted her pizza up and began to pick at her food. "When is Luther coming back?" Chris inquired.

Melissa shrugged as she eyed her sandwich with a curved upper lip. "I don't know, I haven't heard from him in a couple of days." Devon shifted beside her, his hand idly rubbed the back of her neck. Though he appeared nonchalant she sensed a sudden tension humming through him. "Probably soon."

Cassie forced herself to swallow the soggy pizza. "You know we should probably go out hunting tonight."

Devon's hand momentarily constricted on the back of her neck. "Cassie..."

"We have to go back out," she insisted. "They're still out there. They're going to start killing people again. I just wish I knew where they've been hiding out." That was the worst of it, she knew they were out there, but they had been laying low for so long she was becoming truly apprehensive about what they were planning. Devon began to caress her again when she shuddered with dread. "Do you know where they are?"

Devon's dark hair fell across his forehead as he shook his head. "No, Cassie."

"But they are planning something big?"

His forehead furrowed. "I don't know what they're planning Cass, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to go back out there right now."

Her eyes narrowed. "I'm much better now."

"But you're still angry and..."

"Of course I'm angry," she interrupted hotly. Taking a deep breath she forced herself to remain calm, being flustered and bitter would get her nowhere. "But something has to be done before they destroy more families."

Devon's shoulders sagged. "I know how you feel Cassie, but why don't you wait until Luther comes back?"

"Why? We've gone out since he left."

"I know that, but I still think it would be best if you waited. Give yourself a little more time to regroup, and Luther is your Guardian."

She glanced around the cafeteria as she took in all the people who had turned against her. Though they hated her now, the last thing she wanted was for one of them to experience the heart wrenching loss she felt. They may hate her, but she was the only protection they had against the monsters stalking their town, and she was going to do everything she could to keep them safe.

Swirling flakes of snow spiraled lazily outside the cafeteria windows. "Why have they been so quiet?" she whispered thoughtfully. Out of the corner of her eye she caught the fleeting glances they all exchanged. "What's with the look?"

Melissa placed her tomato sandwich down and leaned back in her chair. Her onyx eyes gleamed in the harsh radiance of the cafeteria. "They haven't," she answered.

"Excuse me?" Cassie asked.

"They haven't been quiet," Chris said more forcefully. "They are out there."

"I don't understand what you're saying; no murders have been reported..."

"Cassie, when was the last time you read the paper or watched the news?"

Her hands fisted, her eyes flickered to Devon who was watching her intently. Swallowing heavily, she turned her attention back to Chris. "I... I don't know," she reluctantly admitted.

"They have been out there Cass. There have been murders, or animal attacks, or whatever the police are coming up with to help them sleep at night. There have been more missing people reported."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

They all shifted uncomfortably as they glanced at each other. Chris leaned across the table and rested his hand on hers. "Because we didn't think you could handle it."

"Yes, I could have!" she retorted.

"Cassie, you could barely handle crawling out of bed in the morning."

Tears burned the back of her eyes; guilt filled her as she shook her head. She tried to deny his words, but she knew they were right. She was an idiot, she realized with a silent groan. She should have known Julian and Isla wouldn't go into hiding, especially not after the blow they’d dealt to her. They would be relishing in their victory over her, and reveling in her inability to stop them. Her failure to handle her grief and anger had caused more people to be killed. Guilt and self-hatred nearly choked her with their intensity.

"It's my fault then."

"Of course not," Devon responded as he shot Chris an irritated look. "You're human Cassie, you lost a loved one and you had to grieve. It's Julian and Isla's fault, not yours."

Cassie turned away from him, it didn't matter what he said she was going to blame herself. "But I'm not human," she lamented. "So that's more of a reason to get out there in force now."

"We'll figure it out Cassie."

She frowned at him, but nodded just to keep him satisfied. The snow outside began to swirl more rapidly as the wind howled against the glass. Cassie shivered in response and huddled deeper into her turtleneck and sweater. The sky was an oppressive steel gray that hung heavy in the air.

Cassie searched the dark day as she recalled the cloudy day on the beach when they'd first felt Julian's twisted presence. It had been overcast, making it possible for him to move about in the daytime, much like today. A knot twisted in Cassie's stomach, a feeling of foreboding raced down her spine.

Glancing around the cafeteria, she briefly envied everyone their simple, ignorant lives. They had no idea what lurked out there, what hunted them, what cruelty resided in the world. They knew football games, dances, and parties. It was a simple life, one she should have had, but was glad she didn't.

For every twist and turn in her life had brought her to Devon, and there was nothing she would change about that outcome.

"They're planning something bad," she whispered.

"Do you have premonitions now too?" Chris inquired.

Cassie forced a smile to her lips. "No, just a feeling."

She pushed her plate away as she gave up on eating anymore. The knot in her stomach killed her appetite completely. Devon took hold of her hand and began to massage the back of it with his thumb, and Cassie lost herself to the comfort of his touch.




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