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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (48)

Chapter One

"You going to stand out here all night?"

Devon slid out from behind the tree. Chris turned to him and shook his head slightly. Chris hadn't known exactly where Devon was, but he’d known he was nearby. "If that's what it takes."

Chris rolled his eyes as he shoved his hands in his pockets and came across his front yard toward Devon. "Cassie will be pissed if she knows you're watching over her."

"She already knows." Chris's dark blond eyebrows shot up questioningly. "She may not want it to be true, but we are still connected. Though it was only a few drops, her blood is still inside me. There has always been a bond between us, there always will be. How is she?"

Chris's face darkened as he glanced at Cassie's house. They had buried her grandmother today, the only family Cassie had left in this world, and the only woman who had given Chris an ounce of love and caring. "The same," he muttered. "Unfortunately."

Devon knew exactly how Chris felt. Since her grandmother's murder Cassie had been withdrawn, furious, and lost. She'd turned against the ones she loved, especially him; she wanted nothing more to do with him, or his love for her. It broke his non-beating heart, but he couldn't find it in himself to blame her for it. He hated himself for what had been done to her and her family. He may not have killed her grandmother, but this was his fault.

He had helped turn Julian into the vicious killer he was. When Devon had turned against his kind, spurning human blood, Julian had been infuriated with his decision and determined to turn Devon back, or exact his revenge. "Are you going to stand out here in the snow all night, or do vampires not feel the cold?" Chris inquired.

"We feel it," Devon replied with a wry smile. "The same as you."

"Good to know, why don't you come in? You can be scary stalker guy from my porch."

"Scary stalker guy?"

Chris grinned at him, but his smile didn't reach his haunted, sapphire eyes. "Yeah, you're definitely getting there."

Devon scowled at him, but he followed Chris as he trudged through the snow to his porch. The beat up screen door squeaked as Chris opened it. "Come on in," Chris invited.

Devon stomped his shoes off before entering the porch area, though once he got inside he didn't know why he had bothered to clean them off. The worn floorboards and sagging wood were covered with a layer of dirt. It was obvious Chris's mother didn't have the money for upkeep, or feel like being bothered to clean. Devon's gaze fell on the bags of cans and bottles piled in the corner, cases of empty beer bottles sat next to them. She would have a lot more money if she bothered to return the cans and bottles, which he realized now was the source of the smell. No wonder Chris had spent so much time at Cassie's house, Devon wouldn't like to spend much time here either, and he had only made it as far as the porch.

He turned back to the storm glass in the screen door, his gaze focused on Cassie's house. He refused to let it be out of his sight. "You can see her house from here." Chris strode over and pulled the cord on a set of curtains, revealing a few small windows in the enclosure. Chris grinned at him, grabbed an old chair and shoved it in front of the window. "Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to put on a pot of coffee. I don't suppose I could interest you in any?"

Though he didn't need the liquid for nourishment, he wouldn't mind the warmth. "Coffee sounds good."

Chris's eyes widened as his mouth parted. "You can drink it?" he blurted out.

Devon couldn't help but grin at him. "I may not have to have it to survive, but it's not going to hurt me."

Chris grinned sheepishly before nodding and ducking through the doorway. Devon leaned forward in his seat and folded his hands before him as he stared at Cassie's house through the dirty windows. The light in her room was off, but she was still awake. He could feel her presence, the anger and suffering filling her. He ached to hold her, or to somehow take it all back. But he couldn't do either of those things, so he had to settle for making sure she didn't do something crazy, like get herself killed. That wasn’t going to be easy.

Cassie suddenly appeared at her window, her hands fumbled hastily with the latch as she shoved and pushed at the glass. Devon rose swiftly, prepared to go and stop her. He would drag her kicking and screaming back into the house if that was what it took. She hated him already; he didn't care if she hated him even more as long as it kept her safe. If it came down to it he would handcuff her to her bed in order to keep her safe.

Cassie finally flung the window open, leaning out she inhaled deep breaths of the chilly night air. Her hands clung to the sill; her hair fell in golden waves before her. She was shivering fiercely, but he was certain it wasn't from the cold. Shuddering again, she hung low over the window as she slipped to her knees.

Devon's hands fisted as he fought the urge to go to her, to hold her and console her.

"She's not crying."

Devon turned, surprised to find Chris standing beside him. He’d been so focused on Cassie he hadn't noticed Chris's return. "How can you be sure?" Devon demanded gruffly.

Chris turned to him, his gaze bearing the haunted look that seemed to shimmer permanently in his eyes now. Devon was beginning to hate that look, mainly because it seemed as if Chris was losing hope for Cassie. And if Chris lost hope, he didn't know what he was going to do. For their entire lives Chris had been Cassie's shoulder to lean on. No, Chris couldn't lose hope for her, because if he did, then Devon might have to admit all hope was lost.

"She doesn't cry, or at least she hasn't yet. She's too infuriated for that." Chris handed him a cup of steaming coffee. "I figured you would be a black kind of guy."

"I am. If she's not crying, then what is she doing?"

"Trying to breathe." At Devon's questioning glance, Chris waved briefly at the window. "It's too much hatred; she doesn't know how to handle it. She can't breathe through it."

"I see."

"I don't." Chris pulled up another chair. Sitting down, he blew on his coffee as he propped up his feet. "She thinks she can push us all away, but she's wrong. I don't get how she doesn't understand that. You do know she has a death wish right?"

A chill swept down Devon's spine. He knew what Chris said was true, but the thought didn’t sit well with him. He would do everything in his power to keep that from happening. She would survive this, even if she didn't want to. "Yes," he managed to grate out.

Chris sipped his coffee as he stared out at the night. Devon returned to his seat, but he was ready to take off again if Cassie tried to escape. Finally, she retreated back to her room, and slid the window back down before locking it. Devon's shoulders sagged as he relaxed again.

"That's not Cassie you know."

Devon glanced sharply at Chris. Had Chris sensed something inside of her, something off? Did Chris know something about what he and Luther had been searching for? "What do you mean?"

Chris shook his head as he took another sip. "She's just not the same Cassie I've always known." He shook his head again, seemingly trying to shake off the persistent feelings holding onto him. "I've known her my entire life, but I've never known her like this. I never thought she could even be capable of it. But I guess we never know what people are capable of, do we?"

Devon leaned forward, his gaze was still focused on Cassie's window, but his mind was on Chris's words. "No, we don't."

"She'll come around. She'll realize this isn't your fault."

Devon thought over Chris's words, and his own role in everything that had happened. "Isn't it?"

"No." Chris set his coffee mug down. "It's no one's fault, unfortunately things just happen and we can't always stop them. You didn't kill Lily."

"I helped to create the monster that did, and I did create Isla," Devon reminded him. Julian had once been his best friend and greatest companion. Isla, well Isla he had simply enjoyed. He shrank away from the reminder of what he’d once been, what he’d once enjoyed, and that relationship in particular. Isla was exactly the twisted individual he’d once desired immensely.

Though Isla hadn't killed Lily, for only Julian would have known of Lily's relationship to Cassie, Devon was certain she’d helped in Lily's demise. "I'm the reason he’s here. That they’re both here."

Chris pondered this as he swayed in his chair. "But you did not kill Lily."

Devon turned away again. "Splitting hairs," he muttered.

Chris's impatience with Devon was evident as he scowled at him. "The truth is it's not you she's really mad at."

"Of course it is."

Chris leaned over to take the mug from Devon's clenched hands. He hadn't realized he’d cracked it from holding it so tight. Coffee dripped down the side of the crack. "No, it's not. She's mad at herself, she's mad she was with you that night, instead of with her grandmother. She's mad she didn't see it coming, that she didn't realize Julian, or Isla, would go after her grandmother. It's not you she hates; I don't even think she truly hates Julian."

Though Chris was far younger than he, Devon suddenly sensed a wealth of wisdom in him that was a little unnerving.

"It's herself she hates right now. She hates herself so much she doesn't want to keep going. She hates herself so much she doesn't want anyone's love right now. Not yours, not mine, nobody's. She doesn't feel she deserves it, not anymore."

Devon sat in confounded silence as doubt swamped him. Though the two of them had developed a friendship of sorts, Devon had always suspected Chris was in love with Cassie. Why was Chris willing to help him by telling him this stuff now?

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked.

Chris's eyes were shadowed by dark circles. "To help you understand."

"But why?" Devon demanded. "With me out of the picture, you can make your move on her."

Though the thought made his blood boil, it was something that had to be said, and explained. Chris's mouth parted and then, to Devon's vast annoyance, began to laugh, loudly. "Make a move on Cassie?" he sputtered in disbelief.

Devon frowned at him. "Yes."

Chris's laughter died off, but his eyes still twinkled with amusement. "You think I'm in love with her!"

Despite their strange friendship, he was very close to punching that maddening grin off of Chris's face. "Aren't you?" he growled.

"Good god no! That would be like being in love with my sister." He managed to gasp out between bouts of laughter. "You really thought I was in love with her?"

Devon's scowl only caused him to laugh louder. Chris nearly toppled from his chair as he rocked backward. Slowly he began to regain control of himself as he leaned forward in his chair again. "You acted like it, in the beginning," Devon amended.

Chris brushed back a strand of unruly sandy blond hair from his eye. "I was worried she would be hurt by you. Until you arrived Cassie had never felt anything for anyone, I wanted her to be careful and not rush into something, when she had no idea what she was getting into." Chris snorted as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair. His eyes were mischievous when he turned his attention back to Devon. "None of us knew what we were getting into with you."

Devon shook his head at him. "Thanks," he muttered.

"No problem." Chris's foot tapped on the wooden boards. "I have never felt anything remotely romantic for Cassie, and I never will. What you two feel for each other is something so good and true it has to be stronger than what she is going through. It has to be able to push past her walls and save her, again. I know it can, and it will."

Devon digested this information as he leaned back in his chair. Chris didn't love her. It was a strange thing to realize, it was stranger to realize he’d come to accept the thought that Chris was in love with her. It hadn't bothered him, he hadn't been jealous. Cassie had been his, then. He’d known her heart belonged to him, and that he was all she would ever need or want.

Things were different now. She wasn't his anymore, and he was relieved Chris wasn't in love with her. Devon didn't need the competition now, and he was surprised to realize he wouldn't like their odd friendship to be affected by it.

He turned his attention to Cassie's window again. With his mind he brushed briefly against hers. He came up against a staggering wall of fury. The fact Chris said it was directed at herself was enough to make his stomach turn. He would have much preferred it be directed at Julian, or himself.

He took a deep breath as the weight of the world seemed to rest upon his shoulders. "There has to be something we can do," he whispered.

"Time," Chris answered. "I think that is the only answer. She must have time to come to terms with everything, time for her to realize she’s not to blame."

"What if there isn't enough time?"

Chris bit his bottom lip as he shook his head. "We're going to have to make sure there is."

Devon leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest as he glanced at Chris again. He was surprised to realize Chris was perhaps the first true friend he'd ever had. It was a weird thing to realize. It was a weird thing to have. But Chris was on his side. Devon didn't fool himself into thinking Chris would choose him over Cassie, but Chris would fight for him, and he would not turn against him. It was a good thing to know, and something he was exceptionally grateful for.

"Thank you," he told him.

Chris flashed him a smile. "Don't go getting all sentimental on me you big bad vamp." Devon chuckled as he propped his feet up beside Chris's. Though he would have preferred to have been in Cassie's bed, curled up next to her, this was far better than standing outside in the cold. At least he wasn't alone here. "You know, before all this happened, I’d thought she would end up joining you."

Devon nearly toppled out of the chair. "What?"

Chris grinned at him as he shrugged absently. "I'm not a fool, I see what goes on between you two, and no matter how hard I try to keep the emotions blocked out, some things slip through. I know how difficult it is for you to be around her."

Devon stared unblinkingly at him, unsure how to respond, unable to believe what Chris was saying to him. "You don't think I would harm her?"

Chris's shake of his head caused his shaggy hair to become further messed. "Not at all. I think you love her more than you realize. You wouldn't harm her."

"And it wouldn't have bothered you if she decided to join me?"

Chris smiled wryly at him. "Before I met you I would have destroyed her myself, if such a thing had happened to her, even though it would have killed me to do so. But now I know you, and I know she won’t be a monster. All I want is for her to be happy, and you make her happy."

"Not anymore," Devon mumbled.

Chris shrugged absently. "It will work out."

Devon wanted to believe him, but he wasn't too sure himself. "She didn't intend to join me."

Chris's frown intensified. "You talked about it?"

Devon tried not to recall the horrified look on Cassie's face when he had broached the subject with her. "Yes."

Chris made an hmm sound in the back of his throat. "She never mentioned it."

"She had made up her mind not to join me. She probably felt there was no reason to mention it."

Chris's eyes were distant as he thought over Devon's words. "She will come around."

Devon chuckled as he turned to him. "Are you always this optimistic?"

Chris grinned at him. "No, I just know how she feels about you..."


Chris's eyes narrowed upon him. "No, it is how she still feels; it's just buried beneath self hatred and grief right now. She needs time to work it all out. I know Cassie as well as I know myself. I know she's still in there somewhere and she will come back."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Are you always so pessimistic?" Devon couldn't help but smile at him as he shook his head. "I can't let myself think like that. I just can't. It would mean I've lost her too, and right now I can't deal with that. So yes, I have to believe Cassie will come back to us, you should too."

Devon ran his hand through his hair as he mulled over Chris's words. He was right; Chris had to have hope Cassie would come back to him. However, Devon knew it was better if he didn't. He couldn't allow himself to have such hope, not when he knew Cassie's decision was probably for the best. In the end they couldn't be together, and there was a good possibility he would end up hurting her, no matter what Chris believed. No, Chris had to have his hope, but Devon couldn't share it.

"Why didn't she intend to join you?" Chris asked.

Devon shrugged absently. "Her parents, and now her grandmother, have all been killed by vampires. She was bred to hate what we are. You were all created to destroy my kind."

"Yes, but she doesn't have to be a murderer."

"I know that, and so does she, but it's still frightening to her. Plus, she would also have to give up the sun and the warmth of its rays."

Chris was thoughtful for a minute. "Eventually she could return to it though."

"Maybe, but she would have to spend hundreds of years in the dark with no guarantee she could ever go back into the day. Just because two of us have been able to do it doesn't mean others will be successful."

Chris nodded as he placed his coffee cup down. "That would be awful for her, but I'm sure she would adjust."

"There will be no need for her to."

Chris smirked at him as he shook his head. "Man you're depressing."

Devon grinned at him. "There's nothing more depressing then being dead, which I am."

Chris laughed as he nodded his agreement. The faint patter of footsteps turned both their heads toward the door. Chris's mother rested her hand on the doorframe as she steadied herself, the ice in her glass of scotch rattled as she moved. "Christopher, what are you doing here? I thought you would be staying with Cassie, and your people."

Chris's smile dissipated as his feet plopped onto the floor. "Luther and Melissa are with her. I thought it best if I returned home."

"Oh, this is your home now? You never act like it. It's more like a storage area where you keep your clothes."


"I have company," she interrupted briskly.

"Of course you do," Chris mumbled.

"What did you just say?" Her voice took on a nearly hysterical edge.

"Nothing, Mom."

"Don't you talk to me like that! I gave you life; I took care of you even after I discovered what abominations you and your bastard of a father were!"

Chris's face colored, his eyes flitted briefly to Devon as his head bowed down. His look in Devon's direction caught his mother's attention as she finally realized Chris wasn’t alone. She turned toward Devon and the furious, alcohol induced glaze slipped from her eyes. Disgust twisted through him as the heady scent of lust began to emanate from her.

"You didn't tell me you had a friend here," she hissed to Chris.

Chris's jaw locked as his nostrils flared. She might be one of the most repulsive women Devon had ever come across as she sauntered forward. "You didn't give me a chance," Chris muttered.

She chose to ignore him as her gaze remained pinned on Devon. "What's your friend's name?"

Chris glanced apologetically back at him. "This is Devon."

"Hello Devon," she purred, thrusting her hand out. He chose to ignore it.

"Cassie's boyfriend," Chris added pointedly.

She licked her lips as her eyes raked over Devon once more. "Whoever would have thought it from little Cassie." Devon's hands clamped on the arms of the chair. "I'm sure you've taught her a thing or two. I could teach you more."

Revulsion curdled through Devon's stomach. Chris launched to his feet with enough force to make his chair skid back a few feet. "That's enough!" he barked. "Don't you have a stranger to entertain?"

Her sapphire eyes cleared as her upper lip curled. Devon rose and rested his hand on Chris's shoulder as he stepped forward. Chris's muscles trembled beneath his hand, his shoulders were set, and his jaw locked as he glared at his mother. "I assure you, I’m a far worse abomination than your son," Devon informed her in a low voice.

His words finally pierced her alcoholic stupor. The ice in her glass clinked loudly as she took an abrupt step back. "What do you mean?" she whispered. Her heart thumped loudly as she glanced wildly at Chris. Chris gave her a brief nod, confirming the apprehension and doubts rolling through her.

"Why don't you go back inside now," Devon suggested. Though he didn't use his power of mind control, his tone was compelling enough to make her step further away. Nodding rapidly, she ungracefully spun around and hurried inside.

Chris ran a hand wearily through his hair. "Sorry bout that," he muttered.

Devon squeezed Chris's shoulder briefly before releasing him. He turned back toward Cassie's house. "Lily's death really hurt you too."

Chris couldn't meet his gaze as he stared out the window. "She was an amazing person."

Devon shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yes, she was."

"Not to mention you and Cassie are killing me. I can't keep her tuned out, and you wandering around like a kicked puppy is really starting to get on my nerves." Devon wasn't at all amused to be associated with a puppy. "The both of you are enough to drive a person crazy."

"And you can't deal with your own grief."


Devon watched as the snow drifted down. It was beginning to stick to the sidewalks and roads now. From inside, music started to play. Apparently Chris's mother had decided to bury her anxiety in a party. Digging into his pocket, Devon tugged his keys free. He slipped the key to his apartment off and handed it to Chris.

"Stay at my place tonight." Chris's his eyes flitted down to the key in Devon's hand. "It's quiet there, and maybe it's far enough away you can escape mine and Cassie's emotions for the night."

Chris shook his head. "I can't leave Cassie."

"I'll be here. She'll be fine. You should rest; you're starting to look like crap."

Issuing a harsh bark of laughter, Chris shook his head. "That's the pot calling the kettle black." He took the key from Devon's hand. "Don't you ever tell her I did this."

Devon grinned at him. "I won't."

"Are you going to stay outside all night?"

"My car's at the end of the road. I'll be fine."

Chris nodded and shoved the key into his pocket. "So, where do you live?"




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