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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (68)

Chapter Twenty-One

Cassie started awake and blinked rapidly against the drug induced sleep trying to pull her back under. An alarm was blaring somewhere; red lights flashed through the small window in her door. Her forehead furrowed as she tried to puzzle out what was going on, what all the commotion was about.

Shouts filled the air; feet slapped against the tiled floor. Cassie watched as two people raced by. Shoving herself up, she struggled against the drugged stupor clinging to her. She swayed a little and the flashing beams did nothing to help her disorientation and dizziness.

Moving gingerly, she turned toward Julian's room, but it was dark in there now and she couldn't see him. More shouts rang out as a siren began to wail. Fear curdled through her as she staggered toward the door and fell into it. Standing on her tiptoes she watched as another group raced by, heading in the opposite direction of the people she'd seen earlier.

An agonized scream rent the air. All the blood seemed to drop straight into her toes as the wretched scream continued on for a few more seconds before ending abruptly. A fierce shaking wracked her as she stepped away from the door. She didn't know what was going on out there, but it wasn't good.

Stepping back to the door, she rested her hands upon it as more shout's reverberated through the concrete hall. She turned back to Julian's room, but it remained dark and empty. The siren volume increased to the point where it became nearly unbearable. She placed her hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the horrendous noise as she backed up a few more steps.

Panic filled her, confusion and horror swirled through her as another tortured scream rebounded through the halls. She took a deep breath as she tried to stay calm. Maybe this was another form of torment they'd designed for her? Another scream echoed down the hall, and she realized this wasn't some new form of torture, but very real. No one could scream like that, unless they were in real, agonizing pain.

She turned and fled over to Julian's window, and climbing onto the bed she began to pound against the glass. She needed him to wake up and help her figure out a way to get out of whatever disaster was occurring right outside their doors. She beat against the glass and screamed his name until her hands throbbed and her throat was raw, but he didn't respond to her.

What if something had already happened to him?

True panic began to fill her as she turned back to the door. More people ran by, their shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor, and their footsteps echoed. She had to get out of here and find Julian. She crept back to the door and strained to see out the window again.

A face suddenly appeared before her. Cassie jumped back as it peered in at her. Its red eyes were filled with rage and insanity as it focused on her. Its lips pulled back from its teeth as it hissed at her. Long fangs cut into its lip and caused blood to pour down its chin, but it seemed oblivious as it stared at her ravenously.

She knew immediately it was one of those things stuck in-between, a monster with no soul and no rational thought. It was the same thing lurking inside of her. Nausea twisted through her, for the first time she was grateful for the thick metal door holding her within this room.

Drool slipped down its chin as it sniffed the air at the edges of the door. She remained frozen in place; she couldn't find the strength to pick up her feet and get away from it. It continued to sniff at her door as it moved across the window. Cassie's breath was trapped in her lungs as the door handle rattled. She waited to see if it could break into the room she hadn't been able to break out of.

The knob rattled more as the thing began to jerk upon it. Excitement radiated from the creature, along with hunger. Cassie braced herself for a fight as she became positive this thing would get into her room. The monstrosity ran on pure bloodlust and destruction, but she wasn't going down without a fight. Cassie's mouth dropped as a bolt of electricity shot down the hall, slammed into the creature, and knocked it back.

Dani appeared before the door, her gold streaked eyes were filled with dread as she met Cassie's gaze. The flashing red alarm lights brought out the blood red streaks in her hair. She fumbled with something before the handle turned and the door was flung open.

"We have to go!" Dani yelled at her when Cassie remained immobile. "Now Cassie! We have to go now!"

Cassie stared at her, puzzled and confused by everything that was happening. Then, her survival instincts kicked in. At the moment it didn't matter what Dani had done before, if this was her chance to escape this hellhole, she was going to take it. She stepped into the hall and took in the complicated twists and turns convoluting the place.

"This way!" Dani seized hold of her arm and pulled her to the left.

"Wait! Wait!" Cassie dug her feet in and pulled away from her. "I must find Julian, where is his cell?"

Dani gawked at her. "Cassie we don't have time! We must go!"

Cassie defiantly met Dani's horrified gaze. "I'm not leaving here without him!" she yelled over the roaring alarm. Dani shook her head. Cassie grabbed hold of her shirt and pulled her forward as she thrust her face into Dani's. "You helped put me in here! You will help me get him out of here!"

Dani's eyes widened as dread flashed through them. "He's a monster."

A sneer curved Cassie’s upper lip. "No more than you! Take me to him Dani, or I will kill you."

Dani's mouth parted on a small breath as she searched Cassie's face. Cassie stared ferociously back at her, she'd meant every word she'd just said. This girl was the cause of her imprisonment, and she had no problem returning Dani's betrayal with death. Loathing burned in Cassie's stomach, it raced through her veins as her grip on Dani's shirt tightened. She knew she was on the verge of losing all control, and she didn't care.

"Now Dani!" she barked.

Dani licked her lips nervously as she managed a small nod. "Yes, ok, come on." Cassie didn't like putting her faith in the girl again, but she had no other choice. Dani grabbed hold of her hand and squeezed it briefly. "You can trust me Cassie."

A bitter laugh escaped her. "I doubt it."

She released Dani and pushed her back. They stared at each other for a moment before Dani turned and headed in the opposite direction. Cassie followed noiselessly behind, her attention riveted on the hallways. Though the only sound now was the blaring of the siren, she knew there was evil out there, hunting them. Dani broke into a brisk jog and Cassie stayed right on her heels. She was terrified she wouldn't get to Julian in time, and they would all die in here.

Dani skidded around a corner and came to an abrupt halt in front of a door. She nearly dropped the keys on the ground as she searched for the right one. Finally, she slid a key in and turned it. The door swung open to reveal a darkened room. Cassie pushed Dani forward; she didn't trust her enough to leave her in the hall alone.

The red lights pulsated around the room and lit it in disconcerting flashes. Her heightened vision picked out Julian's prone form lying upon his bed. "Give me a hand," she ordered briskly.


"Now!" she snarled.

Dani jumped a little but nodded briskly. Cassie hurried toward the bed and grabbed hold of Julian's arm. It was a surprise to actually touch him after all the nights they had spent with a piece of glass between them. His skin was supple and firm beneath her palm, and the fine hairs covering it were somewhat bristly.

He was cooler to the touch, and radiated power like Devon, but unlike when she touched Devon, she didn't feel a rushing sense of rightness. She did, however, feel a sense of relief that nearly choked her. Touching Julian didn't make her feel whole like Devon did, but it did give her a sense of comfort that helped alleviate the suffering and loneliness that had encompassed her in here.

He groaned as Cassie pulled him up and kept a firm hold on his limp form. Readjusting him, she draped his arm around her shoulder and drew on her strength to lift him to his feet. "Help me," she growled to Dani.

Dani hesitated and her terrified eyes flitted to the door. Taking a deep breath, she hurried to Julian's other side and draped his arm around her. "We have to hurry!" Dani said urgently. "They're coming!"

Cassie strained to hear anything above the roaring siren, but it drowned out all other sound. She thought of the monster outside of her room and knew what was coming. Dragging Julian forward, she rushed from the room as quickly as his dead weight would allow her to. She let Dani lead them through the twists and turns with an ease that only infuriated Cassie more. The girl was very comfortable in this hideous place.

Julian's hand twitched in hers, but he showed little signs of rousing. The alarm cut off as the blaring noise ended as abruptly as it had begun. Cassie froze; the sudden hush was more unnerving than the loud blaring had been. "How much further?" Cassie whispered, hating how loud her voice sounded amidst the unnerving hush.

"Not much," Dani murmured. "Come."

Cassie winced as Julian's feet squeaked across the floor; the sound seemed as loud as a gunshot in the unending silence. Another blood curdling scream rent the air. The hair on Cassie's neck stood on end as she glanced behind her. The scream broke off, and then a series of shorter ones began to reverberate through the hall.

Julian twitched again as his head lolled to the side. Cassie glanced apprehensively at him. How much drugs had they pumped into him, and just how much damage had the UV rays done to him? She could only see a few darker burns still marring the skin along his hairline, and his eyes were no longer swollen, but she was certain there were still more marks on him. Cassie's attention was ripped away from him as Dani started down another hallway, briefly pulling Julian behind her. Cassie found her feet again as fright spurred her forward faster.

Julian's hand constricted briefly on hers again. "Wha's goin' on?" he muttered in a slurred voice.

"We're getting out of here," Cassie answered.

His head lolled toward her. "Cassie?" he blurted.

"Shh, we have to be quiet Julian."

He continued to stare blearily at her, and then he shook his head. "No, this isn't real. I must be dreaming, or they've figured out some new experiment."

Sorrow for him filled her. She jerked Dani to a halt as she stopped abruptly. Grasping hold of his chin, she turned his head forcefully toward her. "This is very real Julian," she whispered fervently and squeezed his chin to reinforce her words. "I am real, and I need your help. You have to start walking otherwise we're not going to get out of this alive!"

His dazed gaze finally focused on her completely. "This is real?"

"Yes, and we have to get out."

He blinked again and his shoulders straightened. He seemed to realize someone else was holding him as he turned away from her. His body became rigid, his grip constricted on her hand as a feral hiss escaped him. Dani's mouth dropped as her eyes flew toward Cassie. Cassie briefly contemplated letting Julian do whatever he wanted to Dani. But no matter how much she disliked the girl, she couldn't allow that to happen. They needed Dani to get out of here, and her conscience wouldn't let Julian kill Dani in cold blood.

"No, Julian," Cassie said as she tugged on his hand. "We need her to get out of here."

Dani's nostrils flared as she grasped the unstated threat behind Cassie's statement. Once they were free, there were no promises. "Let's go," Dani said.

Julian used his own feet, but he still leaned on her shoulder as they continued forward. He had pulled away from Dani, but continued to watch her with a curved upper lip. They arrived at a set of elevators, but Dani turned away from them and headed to the right. "We must use the stairs," Dani explained in a hushed voice. "I don't trust the elevator to stay working."

They followed her down the hall until they arrived at a set of swinging doors. Dani fumbled with the keys again and unlocked the doors with a shaky hand before shoving through them. Flights of stairs steeply wound their way up. Cassie's shoulders slumped as she stared at the twisting mess before them. She was exhausted, still slightly drugged, and every muscle in her body throbbed from dragging Julian, but she could do this. She would do this.

Staggering a little, she helped Julian forward as Dani quickly relocked the doors. Her hand grasped hold of the banister as Julian rested his other hand against the wall. Working together she was able to lead him swiftly up the first two flights before the strain began to truly weigh on her. She labored up the next flight before tripping over a step.

With a muted cry, she fell forward and smashed her knees on the landing. Pain lanced through her, but she shoved it aside as she fought not to let it get the best of her. Julian grasped hold of her arm and helped her back up. "You can do this, Princess," he murmured in her ear.

"Don't call me princess," she retorted.

His familiar cocky grin flitted over his handsome features as his eyes sparked with amusement. "Come on," Dani urged. "There's only one more flight."

Cassie shoved herself back to her feet. Julian kept hold of her arm as they struggled up the last flight of stairs. Dani hesitated at the top to peer out the window in the large metal door blocking their way.

Taking a deep breath, Dani set her shoulders as she fumbled to get the keys out of her pocket. Cassie watched impatiently as Dani shakily inserted it into the lock and turned the key. They waited breathlessly as she pulled the door open and peeked out. "I think it's safe," she whispered.

Dani opened the door further and slid through it. Cassie stepped through the doors and her breath exploded from her as she took in the locker lined hallway. "What is this?" Julian demanded.

"Cedarville School," Dani answered.

"Where is Cedarville?" Cassie demanded.

"Upstate New York."

Cassie glanced rapidly up and down the hall. "You put that monstrosity down there beneath a school?" she grated.

"I didn't put it anywhere!" Dani retorted. "And I think we had better get free of here before we have this conversation, don't you?"

Cassie glared back at her, her hands fisted as she fought the urge to punch Dani in her traitorous face. Julian grasped hold of her arm and shook his head at her. "Not here."

Her hands relaxed as she nodded briefly. Dani was watching them in wide eyed fascination. "What are you staring at?" Julian grumbled as he stepped protectively in front of Cassie.

Cassie touched his arm as she sought to soothe some of the rage vibrating through him. Julian relaxed as some of the tension eased from him. Dani's eyes shot back and forth between them as horror crept into her gaze. Cassie knew what Dani saw, knew she thought Cassie was betraying Devon, but she couldn't bring herself to care what Dani thought of her. Cassie tilted her chin and glared back at Dani.

Dani's mouth closed as she shook her head. "Come on."

Cassie didn't know if Dani meant the monsters that had held them captive, or the creatures like the one that had tried to get into her room. Either way she didn't care, she just wanted to be free. She followed behind as Dani crept cautiously past the lockers and empty classrooms. Julian was able to move on his own now, but he stayed close enough to Cassie his arm brushed against hers as they moved. They turned a corner and hurried past a gym before making their way into a small cafeteria.

They were halfway through the tables when the hair on the back of Cassie's neck stood on end and a shiver slid down her spine. Her gaze scanned rapidly over the darkened tables and benches as she stopped moving. "Cassie!" Julian barked.

"There's something here," she whispered back.

His eyes flashed briefly red as he moved closer to her. "Where?"

She shook her head and turned helplessly back to him. She couldn't see any threat in the room, but she knew it was there, stalking them. She could feel it amongst the shadows waiting to pounce upon them. Dani was impatiently waiting for them a few feet away. Cassie shook her head as she tried to rid herself of the feeling.

And then, she knew.

Ever so slowly, she tilted her head back. Her heart hammered in trepidation as her mouth instantly went dry. A gasp escaped her when she spotted the thing amongst the beams. Its red eyes gleamed down at her as it watched them with hungry fascination. Julian seized hold of her arm and shoved her out of the way as the thing launched itself from the beams with an eager mewl.

Cassie's hip slammed into the corner of a table. Julian seized hold of the creature's throat as it landed upon him. Flipping the monster over his head, he effortlessly threw it away from him. It flew a good ten feet through the air before crashing into one of the tables. It released a low grunt as it bounced off of the table and slid into the shadows again. Julian turned with the creature as it scurried through the benches and tables with an inhuman agility that stole Cassie's breath.

Dani edged closer to them and huddled by Cassie's side as they all followed the creature's furtive movement through the dark. A bench was knocked aside, and then it seemed to disappear once more. Julian took a step closer to her, blocking her with his large frame. "Stay close!" he commanded.

A table to their left skidded backward causing Dani to brush against her side. Cassie fought the urge to push her away, but Dani was the only reason they’d even made it this far. No matter how cruel Dani had been to them, Cassie couldn't bring herself to be so vindictive to the frightened girl.

A shadow reared up out of the night as it launched itself at them. A scream caught in Cassie's throat as it snagged hold of Dani's arm and an eager hiss escaped it. Dani screamed loudly, and threw her hands up in a useless attempt to dislodge the creature. Cassie tried to pull Dani away as the thing clawed at her arm and tore her sweatshirt to shreds. Strange noises escaped from it, its misshapen teeth snapped as it tried to latch onto Dani's neck.

Julian lurched toward them in a rushing blur, but Cassie was quicker. Reacting on instinct alone, she drove her fist into the creature's cheek and knocked its head to the side. With it temporarily knocked off balance, Cassie was able to rip Dani out of the away and shove her aside.

Cassie relished in the anger boiling forward and the powerful surge that came with it. Leaping over the table, she caught hold of the thing’s leg before it scurried into the darkness again. It howled as it rounded on her. For a moment it seemed to hesitate as its eyes caught sight of her. Cassie hesitated as confusion swirled through her. Devon had said these things had no reasonable thought, no survival instinct but this thing seemed rational for a brief second.

Then it was coming at her, moving with inhuman speed as it lashed out with inhuman looking claws. Cassie dodged the blow, and jerked the monstrosity back by the ankle. It howled as it clawed at the floor for purchase to get away from her.

"Cassie!" Julian shouted.

She felt him at her shoulder milliseconds before she drove her fist into the thing’s chest. Bone crunched beneath her hand and was driven in as it gave out completely. The creature screamed, and its hands shoved at her as it tried to dislodge her.

Julian leapt over the top of the monstrosity in one single leap. Landing behind it, he seized hold of its head and ripped it to the side in a violent, jerking motion. The loud sound of bone shattering echoed throughout the room. The thing squealed and staggered back as its head twisted disgustingly to the side on its broken neck.

Julian's eyes were bright red as they met hers. "Turn away!" he snarled at her. Cassie blinked in surprise, but she was unable to move. "Cassie, turn around!"

She came out of her haze as she turned away. She stumbled as she fought the desperate urge to flee this place and never look back. Lingering remnants of adrenaline and revulsion coursed through her. For one horrifying moment, she had truly enjoyed fighting the creature and destroying it. For the first time since she'd been placed in this awful place, she was finally feeling the real Cassie bubbling beneath the surface again, and she was appalled and terrified by it.

Dani grasped hold of her arms and pulled her forward as the thing began to squeal again. Cassie hugged herself against the inhuman squeals of pain and terror. A sickening crunch and a squishing noise finally silenced the pathetic thing.

"Are you ok?" Cassie glanced up as Julian appeared at her side; his reddened eyes were narrowed as he surveyed the cuts marring Cassie and Dani's arms. Cassie gazed down at the scratches on her arms, but she barely noticed the blood seeping from them. Julian cast Dani a scathing look as he pulled Cassie gently away from her. Turning her arms, he tenderly fingered the jagged gashes.

"I'm fine," she assured him.

His eyes were still a violent shade of red, but there was a softening in his features. "You're in control?"

She frowned at him. "Of course I am."

His hands cupped her face and lifted it toward him. "Your eyes are red."

Cassie's mouth parted on a breath. Instinctively, she jerked away from him as she backed up a couple of steps. She needed to flee; she needed to get far away before she injured one of them. "What?"


Dani came at her, but Cassie kept back peddling until she came up against a chair. Her knees gave out; she sat heavily on the chair as her breath rushed out of her in a loud whoosh. "Get away!" she cried.

Julian gripped her arms so tight she winced in response. "Cassie, stop!"

She fisted her hands and closed her eyes against the impending wave of hatred that would soon swamp her body. It would consume her again and leave her twisting in agony, useless, and on the verge of becoming a monster. "You can fight against this," Julian told her as he placed her palms against the solid muscles of his chest.

She was braced for the pain to rise up, but it didn't come, and the longer Cassie sat there the more she realized it wasn't coming. Though she'd been frightened and angry, she didn't feel the loss of control that had enveloped her when she'd killed Isla. This time she'd been motivated by survival instinct, it had been pure reaction and adrenaline filling her.

But she'd been fueled by those things before, and her eyes had never turned red. She'd never exhibited the same kind of physical strength she had when she'd demolished the creature's chest, at least not before Isla.

A cold chill swept down Cassie's spine as ice filled her veins. She couldn't breathe, and she truly feared she might pass out. Then, the air came back into her chest and the feeling returned to her muscles. Her hands clenched upon Julian's as she met Dani's troubled gaze.

"What did they do to us in there?" Cassie breathed.

"Cassie..." Dani started.

"What did they do to me in there?" she demanded as she rose off of the chair.

"I don't know," Dani answered. "But we must go Cassie. There are more of them, many more. We need to go."

Cassie looked back at Julian as she fought the tears filling her eyes. "Come on Cassie," he said forcefully.

She blinked back the tears and nodded. She was unable to stand this strange new world without his comfort. She kept both of her hands wrapped around his right one as he weaved gracefully through the tables. Dani reached one of the emergency doors and flung it open on the winter night. Cassie's scrubs were little protection against the howling wind, her bare feet froze immediately, but it was the most fantastic thing she'd ever felt in her life.

Free! They were free! Stumbling outside, Cassie nearly fell to her knees. She almost sobbed with joy as she inhaled heaping gulps of blessedly fresh air. Julian turned toward her, a radiant smile on his magnificent face. The moon played over his handsome features and lit the beautiful blue of his eyes.

She couldn't help but return his jubilant smile as her heart leapt in her chest. Julian's brilliant smile made him appear so innocent and joyful. He pulled her forward and drew her flush against his chest. Before Cassie could react, his head bent to hers and his lips seized hold of hers. Cassie's gasp of surprise allowed his tongue access to her mouth.

Unable to move beneath the tender press of his lips and tongue, a fresh rush of emotions tore through her. She wanted to pull away from the wrongness of his kiss, but there was something that didn't feel so wrong about it. Desire and belonging didn't pool through her like it did with Devon, but a strange swell of love bloomed within her as tears slipped down her cheeks. Though this was not right, in a strange way it was, which only served to confuse and unnerve her more.

Julian pulled away, and his hand caressed her cheek. Cassie stared at him wordlessly as awe and anguish filled her. She was an awful person, horrendous. Devon never would have kissed another person. He never would have considered it. Yet she'd just kissed Julian, or he'd kissed her, but she’d returned it with more feeling than she'd thought possible.

He was staring at her with such sadness and understanding, it broke her heart.

Anger and self-loathing washed through her as she met Dani's appalled gaze. She was so awful she was even being judged by Dani now, one of the worst forms of human life Cassie had ever encountered. Her fingers lingered over her lips as she glanced helplessly back at Julian. She loved him, she truly did, but it wasn't the same as Devon, it could never be the same.

Julian's fingers stroked over her cheek once more. His forehead rested against hers. "Julian," she breathed.

His eyes closed as his hand briefly tensed on her face. "I know Cassie, I know. I just needed it."

She was glad he knew, because she sure didn't. As wispy as a butterfly’s caress, his lips brushed over hers once more before he reluctantly pulled away. She remained staring up at him, unaware of the cold wind beating against them. He smiled as he pinched her cheek lightly and used his humor as a defense again.

"Come on, Princess let's get as far away from this shithole as we can."

Before she could respond, or stop to think what that kiss had meant to her, what Julian knew, or what her feelings about this situation were, Julian was tugging her forward. They sprinted across an open baseball field before finally reaching the sanctuary of the woods. She didn't know what was awaiting them out here, nor did she care. She was just happy to be free, to be breathing fresh air, no matter how cold or uncertain the world surrounding them was.

She clung to Julian's hand as they plunged into the forest. They had to get free of this town, and she had to find Devon, soon. She had to know he was safe, and she had to ease the torment she was certain he was going through just as she required him to ease the tumult of emotions and confusion within her.

She studied the man before her as he led her easily through the trees, his hand strong and sure in hers. Though she tried to deny it, she knew her feelings for him were not entirely platonic. She may not feel the same way about him she felt about Devon, but there was definitely something there. She could only hope she wouldn't be more confused about her feelings for Julian when she finally got the chance to see Devon again.

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Inferno, Kindred Series book 4




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