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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (97)

Chapter Seven

"What did you see?" Melissa inquired. "And does this mean you have visions now?"

Melissa's onyx eyes were hopeful, but Cassie couldn't give her the answer she hoped for, simply because Cassie didn't entirely know what she was capable of. Not anymore. Instead, she avoided the question and hesitatingly told them what she'd seen when Matthew touched her. For the first part, she was able to look them in the eyes, but when she began to speak about the blood and horror she'd seen she couldn't hold their gazes.

She began to roll and unroll the sleeves of her shirt as she looked around the store. No one spoke, no one moved, but she could hear the increased pounding of their hearts. The rapid beat of their pulses triggered a strange response in her. At first she couldn't place it, didn't know what it was, and then she felt a strange tingling in her mouth.

Searching for an explanation, she ran her tongue over her teeth. She was startled to realize her canines had elongated, the points of them were sharp and aching as she experimentally pressed her tongue against them. The tingling increased as her mouth began to water. Closing her eyes, she shuddered as she curled her fingers into her shirt and tried to shut out the sound of their pulsating hearts and flowing blood. Her hearing and eyesight had always been exceptional, but she'd never heard hearts and flowing blood like this before.

She turned away from them as she fought against the burning growing inside her. "Cassie?"

She waved Devon away when he took a step toward her. Shuddering, she clasped her hands as she grappled to retain control of herself. Perhaps she should have answered differently when Devon had asked her if she was hungry. She should have realized she wasn't as stable and in control of herself as she'd thought. She didn't know how she felt about anything anymore, which way was up and which way was down. She most certainly didn't understand the strange new urges and sensations driving her.

She didn't know what the hell she was anymore.

She took a deep breath, but panic filled her when she didn't feel her lungs expand with the reassuring rush of air filling them. She almost started to scream, almost completely unraveled then and there. She needed fresh air, needed to be outside, but she couldn't breathe, and she couldn't go outside.

The sun was her enemy now.

She began to shake as she fought back tears. Devon pulled her against him. He wrapped his hand around her head and pulled it into his shoulder as he held her. "It will pass, it will pass. Just relax love. It will be ok. Liam get me some blood."

Cassie couldn't stop the small moan that escaped her, her fingers dug into Devon's back. Her stomach twisted eagerly in response to the word and the image it conjured. Devon pushed her back a step and turned on the light as he maneuvered her into the bathroom. She kept trying to breathe, if she could simply breathe she would feel better, but it was futile. Devon cradled her closer; he buried his head in her hair as he swayed her comfortingly back and forth.

A muffled knock on the door distracted him; he opened it and took something from someone. She listened as he closed the door again, a tearing sound filled the air, and then the sweet smell of something hit her. She knew what the smell was, knew what it meant as a rushing wave of thirst assailed her.

"It's necessary you drink this." Cassie kept her eyes closed as she fought against the dread crushing her. "Cassie, please, it will make you feel better. You have to do this."

Tears burned her eyes. What was wrong with her? She had craved this life, and now that she had it she was acting like a child. A confused, frightened, child. "What's wrong with me?" she choked out.

Devon took hold of her chin and lifted her face to his. "Look at me."

Cassie steeled herself and opened her eyes. His beautiful emerald eyes filled her vision, his fingers stroked over her face as his gaze searched her. "It's the shock," he told her. "It's an awful shock, but you will survive this. I swear."

The tears slipped down her face as she was acutely reminded of the reason she had coveted this so badly. It was him. It would always be him! For him she could do anything, including drinking blood, including giving up the sun, including quite possibly becoming a monster. He bent to kiss her tears away.

"I'll survive this," she promised.

He smiled tremulously as he bent to kiss her again. "Yes. Take this."

Her hand shook as he slipped the bag of blood into it. The tingling in her mouth increased, a small groan escaped her as she felt her canines spring free. She almost recoiled, almost threw the bag aside, but the twisting discomfort in her stomach and veins caused her hands to clamp down on it instead. "Devon," she groaned.

"It will make you feel better, more in control, and it will ease the pain."

Her hands shook as she lifted the bag. She stared at the blood, repulsed and ravenous all at once. The hunger won out over the revulsion as she seized hold of the bag and drained it in one greedy gulp. She thought it would be awful, that she would hate it, but it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted.

Seeming to sense her thoughts, Devon tore open another bag and handed it to her. She drained seven more bags before finally beginning to feel more in control, more like herself. She shook off Devon as he tried to hand her another bag. "No, I'm good." She melded into his embrace as she sought solace in his loving arms. "Will it always be like this?"

"No, you will gain more control of yourself. You are still new, your body is still adjusting and going through the transition. It takes a little while, but soon you will be able to control yourself better; soon you will recognize your hunger before the need gets out of control. You must remember you are different too. You are the first Hunter to make this change, and you were brought through the transition by Elder blood and Hunter blood. No one has done that before, your body is pulsing with a lot of power right now. I think that’s why the sun burned you so quickly and badly. You have to take things slow and realize it will not come to you overnight."

"Do you think that’s why I can absorb powers too?"

Devon was thoughtful, his eyes distant. "I don't know Cass; it's a learning curve for all of us right now. But is that what you feel like you're doing, absorbing powers?"

Cassie thought over what it had been like, what she had known she could do, without ever having done it. From the moment she’d felt Julian's power seep into her upon waking, giving her the knowledge of The Elders powers, and Devon's possession of two of them, she’d known she’d become a sponge of sorts. It had been a rushing thrill unlike anything she'd ever known. She felt more in control of herself now, more rational and human, but she knew the power lingered beneath the surface, waiting to absorb more.

"Yes, I believe so. Somehow, touching a person gives me insight into what they are able to do. I absorb that power into myself along with the knowledge of how to use it. Absolute power..."

"No Cassie," he said as his hands held her face.

She took hold of his hands and pulled them away from her face to hold them before her. "I know what Matthew saw Devon. I saw it myself; I felt the truth of it inside of me. I don't know what is inside of me now, what could become of me, or how to control it." She lifted his hands before him. "I know how you use your ability, and I have it Devon. I could use it too."

"That doesn't mean Matthew's vision will come true. You also saw a different version Cassie, a good one. I know you, I know what you are capable of, and it’s not evil."

"Isn't it though? When I killed Isla it was pure hatred and rage fueling me. You think now, that I have something more inside of me, I’m not capable of so much worse?"

"You may be capable of it, but you are also capable of so much good! It is that we have to focus on and strive for. We have thwarted visions before; Matthew's will be no different."

Cassie strived to believe his words, but she couldn't get the awful image of Matthew's visions out of her head.

* * *

"Stop doing that." Devon seized hold of Cassie's hand and tugged it away from the window as she stuck it into the beam of sun once more. Her skin sizzled, smoke rose from her, but she still frowned at him in annoyance. He hated that she continued to torture herself this way. "Stop."

She turned her hand over in his and nodded. "It's just so weird," she murmured.

"Yes," Julian agreed.

She managed a wan smile for him as her eyes warmed. "Maybe one day..." her voice trailed off as she looked longingly back out the window. Then she shrugged absently before turning her attention to Devon and the others. "Or not."

"Will The Elders come back tonight?" Melissa asked.

Devon shook his head as he pulled Cassie further away from the window. "No, they will regroup and try to get control again. They just lost three powerful members, they're unsure of Cassie, but Zane will seek revenge for those losses. They will come after us again, but not tonight, not until they're ready for us."

"How can you be sure?" Luther asked.

"I just am. Zane's not stupid, he wishes us dead, but he won't risk losing any more."

"What about the Halflings?" Chris asked.

"I don't know," Devon told him.

"There aren't many left, we can handle them. It's just a matter of finding them," Julian murmured. He placed a finger against his chin as he rocked back on his heels and studied the shadowed interior of the store. "I don't think they'll fall for a trap again, we are probably going to have to hunt them down."

"I don't know about you guys, but I would really like a shower. A real shower, instead of a sponge bath in a sink," Chris muttered.

"I have to agree," Annabelle said.

"The hotel..."

"No!" Melissa interrupted briskly. "I am not going back there!"

"Ok, ok," Luther soothed. "There are houses in this town."

"We don't know what's in any of them!"

"I'll look through them," Devon volunteered.

"Not by yourself," Cassie interjected.

"I'll go with him," Chris volunteered.

"Why don't we wait a little bit," Luther suggested.

Cassie turned away from them, and before he could stop her, she stuck her hand in front of the window again. "Cassie!" he hissed and pulled her back a step.

She shook her head and twisted her hand before her as she studied her burnt flesh. He watched as the burns began to heal themselves. "Sorry." Devon held her hand in his and caressed it. "I'm going with you to look for a new place."

"Absolutely not."

"Maybe if I expose myself to it also..."

"No, you are having an especially strong reaction to the sun. I don't know if it's because you were a Hunter, if it's because you were changed by Elders, or if it's because you are more powerful than most new vampires. In most vampires the power increases with age, but yours are accelerated and rival that of The Elders. No matter what has caused it though, you shouldn't be exposed to the sun."

Her golden hair cascaded around her shoulders as she shook her head forcefully. "I'll be fine. I'll bundle up and keep myself protected from it."

"It's not that easy Cass..."

"I've seen Annabelle do it. If I just run to the car, once I get inside I'll be fine."


"I can't stay in this store anymore Devon!" She broke off as she visibly tried to gain control of herself. He didn't know if it was the newness of the change, the vast quantities of energy running through her, or the whole uncertainty of their situation, but she seemed more volatile and unstable. He hated to admit it, even if it was only to himself, but he was terrified of this whole situation, and terrified that after all of this he would still lose her in the end. "Please don't make me stay here anymore. Too many awful things have happened here."

Julian dropped his head into his hand and shook it. Devon hated the idea of her out there, but he'd told her he'd never leave her behind again, and he'd meant it. "Fine," he relented.

It was a bad idea, he knew it, but when she grinned at him and wrapped her arms around his waist, he found himself not caring. His fingers threaded through her hair as he pressed her close to his chest and took solace in holding her again.

Chris, Dani, and Luther went out to get the car while he helped Julian and Annabelle bundle Cassie up. He was halfway through wrapping a blanket around her when he realized she was going out of her way to avoid Julian's touch. He paused, frowning at her as she closed her eyes and winced away from Julian.

He was about to ask her what was wrong, she'd never avoided Julian's touch before, when Julian subtly shook his head at him. There was a deep sadness in his ice blue eyes as he turned his attention back to Cassie, careful not to touch her as he moved.

Julian draped the blanket over her head and adjusted it so her face was still exposed, but could be easily covered when the time arose. Devon stepped away and folded his arms over his chest as he studied the mummified version of Cassie. There was so much material draped over her she looked like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Devon would have found that amusing, but there was no amusement in this situation.

Julian turned to walk away, but Cassie moved surprisingly fast for someone who could barely lower her arms. Julian jumped slightly when she took hold of his hands. "I'm sorry, I know you understand. I'm sorry."

She released Julian almost as quickly as she grabbed him. Pain twisted her features before she seized hold of Devon's hands. "What is wrong?" he demanded.

She trembled as she clung to him. "There are some images better left unseen," Julian whispered as he stared at her bowed head.

Devon fought the urge to rip his hands away from her as understanding filled him. There were so many things he never wanted her to see about him, but it was already too late. Julian's ability of psychometry could be useful, yet overwhelming, dangerous, and heartbreaking. Julian briefly met Devon's gaze before turning and disappearing into the shadows of the store. A single tear fell onto Cassie's hand as she stepped closer to him.

The door opened and Dani and Luther reappeared. "Chris is waiting for you," Luther informed them.

Cassie nodded, but before she could hurry forward Devon grabbed hold of her arm. "You'll go out with me," he ordered gruffly.

She hesitated before nodding her agreement. Melissa slipped out the door ahead of them, and hurried toward the SUV idling by the curb. Cassie pulled the blankets over her face, before slipping on a pair of thick, oversized sunglasses. He helped her to slide on a pair of mittens and checked her carefully to make sure no skin was exposed.

"We're going to do this quickly."

She nodded her agreement. Wrapping his arm around her, he waited till Melissa had the back door of the Cadillac open before he scooped Cassie up in his arms. She was wearing too many layers to be able to make the run fleetly or safely. She burrowed against him, keeping her face against his chest as he bolted into the warmth. He practically threw her inside the vehicle in his rush to get her to safety.

He hurried in after her and slammed the door closed against the detrimental rays. The tinted windows had been specifically designed for Annabelle and Liam, but he was still hesitant to expose any of her skin. She, however, was not. Almost instantly she was tugging off her mittens and pulling the glasses from her face. He tried to stop her, but it was already too late.

Her hands didn't burn, but she blinked rapidly against the daylight before slipping the glasses back on. He could feel her frustration, sense her need to not be so crippled by something, but her vision had always been sensitive to the light. It would be overly so in her new state. Her hand slid into his.

"Are you ok?" Chris had turned in the driver's seat, his arm rested across the back of Melissa's seat.

"Yes," Cassie answered.

Chris's sapphire eyes were thoughtful, his sandy blond hair in disarray as he studied her. His mouth was pinched, and there were fine lines around the corners of his mouth. When Devon had first met Chris he'd been mature for his age, but he’d retained a relative innocence about him that had been surprising considering the events of his, Cassie, and Melissa's lives. That innocence didn't exist in him anymore, and the events of the past few weeks seemed to have aged him ten years.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Cassie's forehead furrowed. "Are you picking something up from me?"

"Of course, you're radiating confusion and power like a damn nuclear plant." Devon's eyebrows shot up at that comparison. "But that's not why I'm asking. I'm asking because this is the first time it's just been the four of us, and I want to know how you're doing."

A small smile flitted over her full mouth. Leaning forward, she seized hold of Chris's hand, apparently unconcerned about absorbing his ability of picking up on what people were like and what they were feeling. "I'm ok, I really am. A little disoriented, but time will ease that."

Chris squeezed her hand before turning back around. Melissa remained unmoving, her onyx eyes questioning as she studied Cassie and Devon. Her long black hair hung over her shoulder in a French braid. Due to her premonitions Melissa had always appeared older, now there were also dark shadows under her eyes that aged her further.

Chris shifted into reverse and turned around in the street to avoid the large gully Robert had created in the road. Cassie's hand slid back into his as she turned toward the window. He was curious about her ability, curious to see what she could do, and how much she could control it, but he wasn't going to push it until she was more certain of herself. He was unwilling to do anything that might push her in the direction of Matthew's vision.

Chris turned off the main road and began to make his way through the side roads of the small town. It was unbelievably hushed, not even a bird chirped in the trees. Nothing stirred amongst the shadowed woods as all the animals had been hunted or chased off by the Halflings roaming them.

They examined the houses as they unhurriedly drove by, but most of them still had cars parked in the driveway, and Melissa refused to go anywhere near those homes. She'd been hesitant to enter anywhere since the premonition she'd received about what awaited them in the motel.

Cassie sat up in the seat and knocked some of the blankets from her. Devon went to fix them, but she waved him away as she grabbed hold of the back of Chris's seat. "What is it?" Devon asked.

"It's just so awful, all of it," she whispered. "It's a modern day ghost town. We have to find somewhere to stay, and we have to take care of those Halflings so we can get out of here."

"We're working on it Cass," Chris said. "But The Elders..."

"We have time before they come back for me."

Devon glanced at her, not missing that she’d said they would be coming back for her. "What do you mean back for you?"

She turned toward him, her expression blank, and her eyes hidden behind the glasses. "Zane wants my ability of course, whatever it may be. He has always wanted your ability, but he couldn't get to you. He thinks he might be able to take me because of my youth, and if he can take me then he knows he can also take you, and possibly Julian."

Devon was never going to allow that to happen, no matter what Zane thought he could do, and no matter what Cassie feared might happen. Zane would not take her; she would not become one of his pawns. As long as he lived he would defend her with his life, it didn’t matter she may be the catalyst who brought him to the end of his life.

"Zane will not survive if he tries," he vowed.

Cassie smiled wanly at him, but he saw no confidence behind it. "Zane also knows if he takes you, or anyone else, then he also has me. We have to be prepared, Devon."

"We will be Cassie, I promise."

"I have to learn more about what it is I can do, no matter how much it scares you, all of you."

"I never said it scared me Cassie," he replied instantly.

"You've never lied to me before Devon; omitted things yes, but never lied. Don't start now."

Melissa and Chris watched him in the mirrors. They were riveted on the conversation; so riveted they were barely breathing. Cassie had possessed Julian's ability, she would have seen part of his thoughts and feelings, and though he wished to deny it he knew he couldn't.

"Yes, I am scared of what might happen, but not of you Cassie. Never of you."

For the first time since she'd awakened, she gave him a real, honest to goodness smile. "No, never of me," she agreed.

"Stop here Chris," Melissa ordered.

Devon's attention was drawn back to the town. Melissa had instructed Chris to stop in front of a small farm house. Behind it was a large snow covered field, but unlike the other homes on the road there were no cars in the drive, and no garage. The lights were off and the curtains were open.

"Melissa?" Chris inquired.

"It's the only one that doesn't frighten me," she replied.

Cassie's smile faded as she studied the house. "We should check it out."

"I think you should stay in the car." Devon was unwilling to expose her to the deadly rays of the sun anymore than she had to be.

She opened her mouth to argue, but something on his face must have silenced her as she nodded her agreement. "Ok."

Relief filled him as he leaned over and kissed her. He relished the feel of her supple lips against his as he slid his hand across her cheek. There was a moment where she didn't trust herself, and then she melted against him. Her mouth parted for his invasion, and she welcomed him eagerly as her fingers curled into his back and she lost herself to him. Devon tugged the blanket back from her face in order to curl his hands into her thick, silken hair.

He completely forgot about Chris and Melissa until the car doors closed. Cassie jerked slightly before pulling away from him. She grinned at him as her cheeks colored, and she bowed her head. He pulled the glasses from her face; he had to see her eyes again. They sparkled back at him, warmth and love radiating from them. Whether Hunter or vampire, she was spectacular and she was his.

She gave him every bit of herself she had to give, and more. She'd given up her entire world for him, even if it had been sooner than planned, and in a far more brutal way than he’d planned for. He would have eased her into the change; he would have tried to take some of the pain of the transition from her, and he would have been there for her. But one thing he'd learned in his lengthy existence was life never went as planned.

He would have given anything to take back the traumatic death she'd experienced. When he saw his brother again, Devon was going to make him pay for what he'd done to her. "I think we embarrassed them," she murmured.

He stroked her silken cheek and bent to kiss the tip of her nose. "They'll survive. I love you."

Her grin widened. "I love you too."

He reluctantly pulled away from her and was careful to only open the door a crack as he climbed out. "Lock the doors."

"We will," Melissa assured him before climbing back into the passenger side.

Devon could feel their eyes following them as he and Chris made their way to the small house. He led the way around the back when he discovered the front door was locked.




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