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The Complete Kindred Series Bundle (Books 1-5) (The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens (89)

Chapter Twenty-One

Cassie tried to peak out from behind Devon, but he stood firmly in front of her and had no intention of moving even a little bit. She bit back a sigh of impatience. The testosterone level in the room was running high, and she was frightened one of the strong, super powerful men in this room would crack.

She suspected it might be Devon as Robert had nearly sent him into a rage the minute he walked into the room. Robert had taken one look at Cassie, and his eyes had lit with maliciousness. "Don't you smell interesting. Looks like someone is a woman now, does that finally make you a man, Devon?" he’d inquired flippantly.

Cassie's face flooded with color; her body burned with the heat of embarrassment suffusing her. She'd been unable to meet any of the startled gazes directed her way. Julian had grabbed hold of Devon, holding him back when he'd been about to pounce on his brother.

Devon had held back from destroying Robert all these years because Robert was his brother, and to Devon that meant something, but it didn't matter anymore. Not if it meant her safety, and her life. Nothing mattered more to him than that. Robert was now fair game, and it seemed Robert had finally realized that as he'd remained blessedly quiet ever since those first few comments.

"How do we draw them out?" Zane inquired.

"They'll come to us," Devon answered. He thrust his arm behind him when Cassie tried to move to get a better view. She frowned at his back, but he didn't bother to look at her in order to get the full force of her displeasure.

"They'll lay a trap if we allow them to."

"Outside will be better," Luther said. "In the open where we can see them coming, and where they will have less of a chance to divide us."

Zane's gaze slid over the boarded windows, and then around the store. "Yes, perhaps you are right. There is no room for movement in here. We draw them out into the open and with all of us…"

"They will not be a part of this. There is no reason for them to be," Devon interrupted.

Anger spurted through her as Chris, Melissa, Dani, and Luther spun on him. "You can't leave us behind again!" Cassie interjected. Devon turned toward her; his emerald eyes blazed as his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. "Not after last time, and you will need us."

"I'll make sure you are kept somewhere safer…"

"Absolutely not!" Chris interrupted Devon sharply.

"There is no need to discuss this. They will be involved. I intend to see what they can do, what they are capable of." Zane's honey eyes landed upon her, and a spark of amusement filled them. "I especially would like to know what your little sweetheart is capable of."

Cassie glared at him as she folded her arms over her chest. Devon's hands fisted; the corded muscles in his arms stood out. "I do not want them involved in this!"

"It doesn't matter what you want. We had an agreement, and this is going to be part of it. No matter what happens these creatures must be destroyed, and I will take all the help we can get on this. Also, I must know what she is capable of, how strong she is. She killed Isla; we have to know if she is capable of killing us too."

Devon glanced back at her. He'd told her they couldn't trust them, but she'd still been holding out hope everything would work out, until now. Julian bristled beside Devon, his ice eyes were troubled as they met hers. "That wasn't part of the arrangement," Julian replied coldly.

"It was an unspoken part," Zane replied flippantly. "And it is a part that will be carried out. Now, where should this battle take place?"

Cassie's heart thumped loudly, she stared at Devon's back as Zane and the other Elders hatched a plan. She was acutely aware her side remained completely quiet.

"It is settled then."

Cassie's head shot up; she peered around Devon's back as Zane folded his hands before him. The pleased look on his face caused a chill to slide down her back. Devon remained stiff before her, his back ramrod straight. His gaze remained ruthlessly upon Robert, who smiled back at him. Julian's shoulder brushed briefly against hers as he stepped closer to her. She'd worried he would hate her, or at least avoid her after what had happened between her and Devon. Instead, he stood beside her loyally, his faith in her absolute.

When he glanced down at her, she saw an understanding in his gaze that left her breathless. Without thinking, she seized hold of his hand and enfolded it within hers. She knew what he might see, but she also knew he would see how much she loved him and appreciated everything he'd done for her.

His hand tightened around hers as a small smile played across his mouth. How he understood and still cared for her was something she didn't understand, but she knew he did and he wouldn't abandon her, or Devon. She held Julian's hand as she turned back to the others.

The Elder's gazes were fixed upon their joined hands. "This is far more entertaining than I had imagined," Robert purred. Anger and hatred boiled through Cassie. Devon glanced briefly back at them, but he showed no signs of a reaction as he spotted their entwined hands. "Maybe we should just allow them to kill each other over her."

"Now, now, Robert, what fun would that be? Come along, we have some disdainful creatures to hunt." Anastasia's mouth curved into a cruel smile as she sneered at Cassie.

The Elders exchanged a small smile before they slipped outside to stand by the door. Cassie found herself able to breathe easier as their revolting presences left the room. Devon turned and grasped hold of her shoulders. "You are to stay near me; for once in your life, do not do anything foolish. For once in your life, please listen to me Cassie. Please, for me, do this."

She bit on her bottom lip as she fought back the tears clogging her eyes and throat. "I will," she vowed, knowing she would do anything to ease his troubles.

Julian squeezed her hand before releasing her to Devon. She stepped into Devon's arms and buried herself against his chest as she savored what may be their last moments together. She didn't see Matthew until he was upon them, a tall shadow of a broken man, a wraith who had soundlessly moved away from the others. A hiss escaped Devon; his fangs sprang free as he swung her away from Matthew. But Matthew didn't come at them; instead he seized hold of Julian's arms. "My son, you should not covet another man's mate. They haven't sealed the bond, but you know it is wrong to do so."

Julian threw up his arms to dislodge the man. Matthew stared at him, his hands folded before him and his eyes distant. "I am sorry my son, but you must walk a different path than the one you have chosen."

"Don't touch me again you crazy freak," Julian snarled as his eyes flashed a ruby color.

Matthew bowed his head as he nodded briefly. "Julian," Cassie whispered. She reached for Matthew, a man who had been beaten and broken by the cruelty of his fellow vampires.

Julian seized hold of her hand before she could grasp the wraith. "Don't touch him!" Julian barked. "You do not want to take the chance of him learning anything about you, Cassie."

Cassie recoiled; Matthew retreated toward the others. Zane's gaze was focused and questioning, but he said nothing as Matthew rejoined them. Julian watched them go, his eyes troubled and distant. He didn't turn back to them though as he stiffly moved toward the door.


"I know," he said.

They both watched Julian as he slipped out the door. The slump to his shoulders revealed something had just passed between him and Matthew. Whatever it was, Julian didn't like it.

She glanced over as Chris, Melissa, Dani, and Luther moved to join them. Annabelle and Liam hung back, hugging each other as they whispered to one another. "They're going to turn on us," Luther stated.

Devon's hands constricted on Cassie's back. "The first chance they get."

Cassie shuddered, her eyes closed as she hugged Devon. Her heart was breaking, terror filled her, but she shoved it all fiercely aside. If she started to break now they would never survive this, and they had to make sure the creatures in this town were destroyed before they could wreak havoc upon the earth.

"All of you have to be prepared to defend yourselves as soon as this is over. You also must be prepared to run, to flee, when this phase of the battle is over," Devon told them.

Though Cassie didn't protest, there was no way she was leaving him behind.

* * *

Devon kept Cassie behind him and Julian. He knew she resented it, but he was going to make sure she survived this night. Beside him, he could feel Julian itching to reveal what he’d glimpsed from Matthew. Julian glanced back at Cassie. She met his gaze, her beautiful eyes troubled as she watched him. "It was about me, wasn't it?" her voice was so faint Devon barely caught her words.

Julian turned away as his hands fisted at his sides. Small tremors shook Cassie's delicate frame. He had to know what Julian had seen. He couldn't take the chance of losing her. "Julian." Julian remained unmoving. "Julian!"

"Shh." Julian’s gaze flickered toward where the others were gathered, not far away.

It took all he had not to grab hold of Julian, drag him from here, and demand to know what he had learned. But he couldn't do so. It was obvious Julian had no intention of letting The Elders know what he had learned. A shadow amongst the woods drew Devon's attention away.

He wasn't fooled into thinking this would be an easy battle, even with The Elders on their side. He wasn't fooled into thinking the remaining creatures would all come at once, or that they wouldn't have a plan of their own. Devon was certain Zane's only true plan was to attempt to lure the creatures out and slaughter them as best he could.

Devon turned suddenly. Dani issued a small cry as he roughly pulled her forward. Bending close to her, he pressed his lips to her ear. "There isn't a Grounder amongst them, they might not know what you are, don't use your power until they are the only ones left standing."

Dani's gold flecked eyes flitted toward the group of Elders. Devon released her abruptly and met Zane's curious and amused gaze with defiance. The head Elder was far too smug for Devon's liking. Another shadow moved rapidly amongst the trees as it hunted them.

He turned his attention to Cassie, who was watching the woods attentively. "Remember your promise," he reminded her.

Her attention remained riveted upon the forest as she nodded. They stood upon the street in front of the mercantile, away from the area Robert had destroyed. They were exposed to the stalkers in the forest. The first one burst from the woods and five others emerged behind it. They barreled down on The Elders who were closest to them. Melissa spun toward the building as ten more of the monsters emerged from inside. Devon didn't know how they'd gotten into the building, but he was certain they'd always known how to do so.

"I love you," Cassie whispered, seconds before they were besieged.