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Dirty Little Secret: A Billionaire Romance Novel by S.J. Mullins (5)


We pulled up to One 57, a famous building for housing millionaires and billionaires in New York. I wasn’t surprised. Of course he lived on Billionaire’s Row. He had played a moving rendition of Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 and the sound system in that limo was not a distant second to the acoustics in David Geffen Hall.

I had closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. When we stopped, I opened them and saw Christopher leaning back in his seat, watching me with interest. There was arousal in his eyes, yes but was there also something else there? I think he respected me. I smiled both at him and at my success in reeling him in.

He helped me out of the limo and we made our way into the building. I had never been in any of these buildings before, so I had to steel myself at the grandness of the lobby. It had a simple, streamlined and elegant design but the materials used were of the highest quality and it was just so large in scale.

My gaze remained unfazed and I walked through as if I had seen this kind of design every day. I looked up at Christopher and he was smiling as he put his arm up for me to take it. I linked my left arm with his and we walked to the elevator, which was also incredibly fancy. He handed a key to the attendant. This was out of hand. It was almost annoying.

“So, your building has a restaurant somewhere?” I asked mockingly but I wouldn’t be surprised.

“Yes, my dining room. It is just as good as any Michelin Star restaurant you could find.”

“Interesting. Very presumptuous.” I leaned back against the back of the elevator and gave him a coy look.

“Eating in my dining room is not presumptuous, at all, Miss Bishop. I have had many people the world over who came to have dinner in my dining room and then left without a scratch.” He had a humor in his eyes that was both attractive and contagious. Why did this man have to be so attractive in every way?

“I see. So instead, I should see this as me being in good company?”

“You should see this as me wanting to feed you dinner and that’s all.”

“Oooh, Mr. Ward. That is saucy.” I laughed as the elevator doors opened, straight into his penthouse.

I walked into a palace. He had floor to ceiling windows, a panoramic view looking out onto Central Park, simple yet obviously very expensive furniture and beautiful, crystal light fixtures everywhere. The foyer had a touch of classical mixed with abstract art. I spotted both a Picasso and a Dali. It worked, the way it was designed. I would never have put the two together but it worked. His designer helped him get out-of-the-box and there were classical elements mixed with modern throughout his place.

I looked around but was careful not to show any awe or any other kind of impression on my face. I was not about to give him anything to go on. My real feelings about the place was both; thinking it was a bit too much and feeling giddy that I was in a hundred million dollar penthouse. The news of the sale of this place had been all over the business and real estate trades. Christopher must have bought it with an LLC to keep his name out of it because nobody had known the identity of the purchaser. It was like I was let in on an incredible secret. I quickly tried to think how I could use it to my advantage.

Christopher led me to his dining room, which had a gorgeous mahogany dining table with four pillars in a middle row underneath. The dining chairs were made out of crushed black velvet. Just like my dress. The table was already set with beautiful endive salads ready at one end and a bottle of red wine breathing between the settings.

“It seems you were prepared for this. This doesn’t look like something you just put together at the last minute.” I commented as I sat down after my chair was pulled out for me. Such a gentleman, he was. A gentleman whose family had no problem ruining and killing people. I wondered what his ruin and kill count was.

“You should see what it’s like when I actually do have time to prepare.” He sat cattycorner to me at the head of the table to my left. I had a view of the floor to ceiling windows and the sparkling lights of the buildings of New York surrounding Central Park.

“Well, I would love to come back sometime when you have the time to prepare it yourself. To dine on a billionaire’s own cooking. Now that would be a treat.” Looking at him coyly as he poured our wine, I took my class and took a sip. I had to be careful as I already had champagne and couldn’t let myself lose control.

“I have been trained by the best, you would be surprised. Unfortunately, I can’t be everywhere at once, so we are just going to have to suffer as we eat my personal chef’s cooking.”

“Well, somebody has to do it, I guess.” I got a laugh out of him as I cut a piece of endive. The dressing was sweet with a hint of savory and it was divine. I savored the taste as I chewed. This was definitely a luxurious life. It was at many people’s expense but you couldn’t deny how wonderful it felt.

The meal was outstanding. The salmon we had was brilliantly seasoned and cooked to perfection. We sat with our empty plates and I slowly drank my wine, careful not to go too fast, though the conversation was light and fun and did make me want to relax and drink more.

“Would you like to see the rest of the place?” Christopher asked as we had our plates taken away and were left with only our wine. He had offered dessert but I was not in the mood for sugar. That would have made me want to drink more.

“I would love to, Mr. Ward.” I put out my hand in jest, for him to help me up as if I were a waif. He obliged with a smile and piercing eyes. I wasn’t naïve. I knew where the tour would take us. So did he.

The whole place was gorgeous, of course. It was huge with two floors, a twisted modern staircase and its own elevator. I carried my wine with me and nursed it as he held onto the bottle and his own glass. He was constantly looking at me for signs of any kind of reaction. He was proud of his place, it was obvious.

“Who was your designer?” I was looking at a particular chaise placement in his library under a stack that I never would have thought of and realized that it worked well.

“It was me, Miss Bishop. I designed the whole thing myself. I used contractors and people to do it for me, but I came up with the plans. I studied architecture and design as a minor at Yale, something my grandfather wasn’t too excited about, so I put it on the backburner for business.” He looked around the room wistfully as he spoke. “But I never lost my zest for it, so I design every residence and office I take on.”

“Wow, Mr. Ward. Now that is truly impressive. I have to admit, I am surprised. That is a tidbit you don’t see in the tabloids.”

Christopher looked at me, his eyes getting dark.

“The tabloids don’t know me at all. They sell you an image of a person. Nobody knows who I really am. Especially if they read the tabloids.” His face lightened up as he continued. “However, I am pleased to see I finally impressed you.”

I took a mental note that tabloids were a huge trigger for him. I couldn’t believe how quickly that got to him. That was important information.

“Well, don’t get used to it, Mr. Ward.” Smiling, I walked past him to look at some books in his art section. His library actually had labeled sections.

I felt him come up behind me. I stayed exactly where I was to see what he was going to do. He brought his hand up to the back of my neck and slowly but confidently put it on my shoulder as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

“There’s one room left to show you.”

I couldn’t deny that my body was on fire. I turned around and we were face to face.

“I would love to see it. ‘Seeing it’ being the operative phrase there.” I tried to let my breath out slowly but my arousal was obvious and I was breathless with him right there in front of me, a kiss so easily taken. He brought his right hand up and let it slowly trace down the side of my neck as he looked at my lips and licked his.

“You’ll see it. You’ll definitely see it.” He brought his head down and I closed my eyes as he very gently brushed his lips on the side of my neck. That subtle touch sent bolts of electricity through me. 

I leaned my neck to the other side to give him better access and he peppered those very light kisses up to my chin and then gently nibbled my ear. A moan escaped before I got control of myself and pulled back to look at him with lustful eyes.

He smiled, seductively and brought his lips just to mine without actually going in for a kiss. I decided to take control and went in hungrily to his lips and pushed my tongue through. He stopped being so subtle and I could feel the fire coming from him as he kissed me back just as passionately. He brought his hands up and grabbed both sides of my face as he continued to kiss me.

My arms went around his waist and pulled him closer to me. We both grabbed each other as if we wanted to meld into one.

“I still only want to see the bedroom. In case you think this has persuaded me another way.”

“Miss Bishop.” He gently pulled my head back by the back of my up do so that I couldn’t look away. “I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to do.” Then he kissed my neck again. This time with much more eagerness and less holding back. It was carnal. It was passion. I was intoxicated and started wagering with myself whether I would be able to say no to this man in the bedroom.

He then pulled back and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the library, down the hall to double doors. Opening the doors, he turned around and looked at me; his face full of lust. He gently pushed me through the doors and had me against the wall, immediately going in for a kiss. I eagerly kissed him back and moaned at his aggressive display of lust.

I felt his hands at the bust of my dress. He tenderly outlined the line of my breast with his fingertips through the material as he kissed me.  I gasped and moaned in arousal and he kissed down my neck to my cleavage. My head fell back as he expertly caressed my cleavage and neck with his tongue until I couldn't take it. I pushed his hands down and pulled back.

He had the look of a predator as he looked at me with a dominance that shot arousal through me. I smiled an insolent smile, letting him know I wasn’t going to make it easy. In one quick move, he pulled my arms behind me with one hand and held them there as he let his fingers travel down from my neck to the line of my breasts. He went further down the flatness of my stomach, ending in the area below, with just a little bit of a caress through my dress. 

He came in for another kiss and. I arched my back as he held onto my hands and grabbed my waist forcefully, pulling me into him by grabbing and pulling my hip. It was hot, it was raw and it was pure passion. I hadn’t expected a turn like this so quickly but the arousal in the air was definitely primal. I felt too much of it. I was so turned on that everything that mattered to me left my brain. I was operating at a base and carnal level.

“I should go. This is going to a dangerous level.” I panted at him as he was sucking on my collarbone.

He stopped and looked at me, his eyes taking me in with an animalistic energy. My knees went weak and I melted into his body as he held me up. His tongue joined with mine. I felt light headed and couldn’t deny that all of his ministrations were causing a fluttering in my belly. He pulled back from the kiss and looked down at me, releasing my hands and gently taking hold of the back of my up do again, which was getting quite messy at this point. 

"I'm going to have you one day and I want you to imagine how it is going to feel." He leaned in and whispered this to me as his other hand grabbed my waist firmly.

His breath against my ear as he said this felt incredible. He let go of my hair and focused on both hands holding my waist firmly towards him. He kissed me hard and my body became wanton. I didn’t know how I would continue to resist him if this went on. 

"You will. I’m not denying that but not tonight. You need another lesson in not always getting what you want." I flashed him a cocky smile and grabbed both of his hands, moving them up to my shoulders and away from any danger zones. 

He smiled as he immediately removed them, grabbing my wrists and holding them above me this time. Standing there and watching me, under his gaze, I loved struggling against his grip. He then slowly brought his head down, gently kissed me, moving his tongue around my lips before penetrating them slowly.

I tried to kiss him back more aggressively but he used his other hand to keep my head still and dominated the kiss. It was so tender and gentle. It was almost affectionate. Eventually, I pulled away from him and wriggled my wrists free of his grasp. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him quickly and started to undo the top button.

"I should get a bit of a preview. Just a bit. Just a preview." I rubbed his chest under his shirt to give myself an idea of how he was sculpted before I got his shirt off. I felt solid pecs. He was muscular but he wasn’t a body builder. He was perfect. I moaned, wanting to get his shirt off as soon as possible.

"It would be helpful for you to get an idea of what you’re working with, yes." He smiled and took off his jacket, letting me have better access to his shirt as he watched me intently.

I smiled at him impishly as I continued unbuttoning his shirt. I eagerly pulled his shirt away so I could see the toned chest for myself. I looked back up at him and we made lustful eye contact.  He watched me as I went back to finish undoing his shirt and got to the last button. I felt his chest and rubbed is abs to feel the supple skin around his muscles. Moaning in lust, I kissed him again. He started to undo the zipper of my dress. I escaped his grasp, pushed his arms down and away from my zipper as I began to kiss down his neck to his chest.

I rubbed my hands around the muscles of his back as I continued to kiss his chest. He wasn’t furry but he did have a little bit of hair there. I liked that.

He stood there moaning and moved his hands to his sides to give me more access. I looked up at him in excitement as I grabbed his belt and inhaled deeply with arousal, wishing I could go further but knowing I couldn’t.

“I better stop.” I started to take my hands away but he stopped me and put them back.

“You have too many rules for yourself. And they don’t make any sense. If you want to keep going, keep going.” He was looking at me through a fiery lust as he said this and his hand went back to my zipper. I stopped him and came back to my senses.

“I have to go.” I knew that if I succumbed tonight, I could ruin everything. I had to seduce him with more than just sex. I had to make him respect me and trust me. The respect he already had for me would wane if I just plunged in the first time he had me all to himself.

“Why? We’re having fun, aren’t we?” His hands went back to my waist and had a firm grip. It felt so good. I was losing my will. If I didn’t leave right then, I would lose my upper hand.

“Yes, and now I have to go. The fun went as far as I wanted it to, Mr. Ward.” I smiled at him sweetly and pulled away from his grasp as I straightened my dress and my hair. I walked towards the door, not looking to see if he was following me. I wanted him to. I wanted him to stop me and just take me right then and there. That was fantasy, though. Reality was much more sobering.

“As you wish, Miss Bishop.” He followed me out the door and we both slowly descended the staircase, neither of us wanting me to go but I had to insist. I had to get myself out of there.

When we got downstairs, I noticed he had put his shirt back on. I was disappointed to see that. I was hoping he would walk me out shirtless so I could have one last look at his chest and his abs. Sighing on the inside, I put my clutch under my arm and walked towards the foyer.

I turned back around to see Christopher standing right there.

“Are you sure you have to go? If it’s work, you can be late, you know. I have some pull there.”

I laughed and brought my hand up to feel his pecs through his shirt which he had only halfway buttoned.

“No, it’s not work. I just have to get home. That’s all.” I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders as I gave him a coy look.

“Well then, let me give you a proper send-off.” He grabbed my waist again and arched his eyebrow. He kissed me again and as it was a goodbye kiss, there was less seduction and more passion with a feeling of both of us trying to leave the other wanting more.

“Let my driver take you home.” He still held onto my waist as if he never wanted to let go. I liked that. I knew I was making the right decision. I’m pretty sure I was leaving him wanting more than I was leaving myself.

“I can get home just fine but thank you.” I smiled sweetly as I took my phone and ordered a car from an app on my phone.

“Stubborn one, aren’t you?” He leaned in for another kiss.

“I prefer determined.” I moved my head back to avoid his kiss and he followed me, smiling.

“I prefer ornery.” He continued to follow my head, determined to kiss me and I relented for a second, pulling back quickly and getting out of his grasp again.

“Thank you for a lovely evening, Christopher Ward.” I went towards the door. “See you around.”

I turned around and burned the image of him standing there with his shirt half opened and lust in his eyes. The look on his face changed from lust to thoughtful and he twisted his mouth as if in thought.

“No, no. This doesn’t work for me. He buttoned his shirt up and started to tuck it in and straightened himself up. “I’m taking you home. Cancel your car. No arguing.”

I started to open my mouth to object but realized he was just as stubborn as I was and it was going to be a waste of energy and turn into a pointless argument. I closed my mouth and nodded my head in acceptance. I would let him have this but it in no way gave him any kind of upper hand.




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