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Dirty Little Secret: A Billionaire Romance Novel by S.J. Mullins (8)


I was a wreck when I got home. I had gotten pretty tipsy at the bar and now I was questioning what I saw. Did I imagine seeing Matthew Ward? I had never hallucinated when I was drunk before. It happened. I was just in shock.

I made sure my door was double locked and that all my windows were too. I was on the 20th floor but that's how paranoid I was. I wouldn't put it past this man to get some sort of Spiderman suit and climb up my building to get into my apartment.

I sent a friend who was working over in Europe for a few months an email asking if I could stay at her place. I knew she wouldn't mind. I had helped her a lot and she owed me a huge favor. It was time to pay up. I would have to cash a few favors in early that I would rather save but I felt a sense of urgency at the moment.

After I settled down, I sat on my couch with a bottle of wine. I was going to drown in my bottle of wine and forget about what a terrible and life-changing day this had been for me.

I started to think about Christopher and how much he could be involved with all the evil things his father had done. Surely, a man's father would contact him when he came to town. I had no idea what the dynamic in a family of monsters was like, though.

My thoughts started changing and morphing to remembering what Christopher looked like without a shirt and all the sexy faces he would make when he was obviously lusting after me. I thought about how good he looked in a suit and how my stomach fluttered when he pulled my hair and kissed me.

Before I knew it, I was grabbing my phone and texting him. I had stopped in the bar fairly early, so it was only around 10:45. I had a feeling he was home. He hadn't been shown partying in the tabloids for years. He preferred a quieter life and he hated the tabloids, odds were good that he was home or not doing anything too wild.

I wasn't going to text him, though. No, I wanted him to hear my voice. It's so easy to blow off a text. I should know. It's so much harder to resist when you hear a voice. Especially if I let myself be just a little vulnerable.

I dialed his number, at first feeling a knot of anxiety in my stomach but then pushing that away with my faux feeling of confidence. I even nodded my head as I put the phone to my ear. I had this. Drunk or not, I had this.

"Hello?" Christopher answered on the third ring. That was a very good sign. His voice sounded a little amazed and definitely amused.

"Hi, Christopher." I put on a bit more of a slurred voice and let myself relax and sink back into my leather couch.

"Hello, Alison. I am surprised to be hearing from you." He sounded pretty sober. I wondered where he was.

"Yeah, well I just needed a bit of time...and wine. What are you doing tonight?"

"I'm enjoying my Saturday night, Miss Bishop. And it sounds like you have been, as well." The amusement in his voice was so irritating. I was so torn between hating this man and wanting him more than I had ever wanted anybody.

"Yes, Mr. Ward. I may have imbibed in a few glasses of Cabernet. I have some left. It's a decent bottle, too. It would probably be best if I shared it with someone." I put a little bit of a teasing tone in my voice.

"Is that right? Miss Bishop, is this a booty call?" He put on a tone of faux shock and still sounded so amused.

"Mr. Ward, this is just a friend inviting another friend to help her with a bottle of wine. If you're busy, or maybe a lightweight, I will just have to give it my all and finish it by myself." I laid down the challenge. I knew him, he was too much like me and he wouldn't be able to resist a challenge.

"No, no. I don't want you to do that. I'll be right there." I heard him give directions to my apartment to his driver.

"Oh, so you're already out? I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"You would never be an interruption, Alison. I'll see you in a minute."

With that, he hung up. I smiled involuntarily and felt a flutter at the way he used my name. I couldn't help it. This man was so sexy and irresistible. I was a human woman, after all.

I jumped off my couch to go put on some sexier underwear. I wasn't sure what would happen but I was up for anything. It was reckless, I knew that but I would keep myself from getting too wasted so I could have some semblance of control.

I was starting to wonder how much control I really had and if I was fooling myself. I shook that notion away and undressed.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

I was lounging on my couch, I had a music app from my phone connected to my sound system playing ambient music. That was such a good style of music to be intimate to. I rested my head back and started picturing Christopher's lips. There was no doubt I would be feeling them again tonight. I smiled and closed my eyes as I hugged myself while holding my glass of wine steady.

After about twenty minutes the knock I was expecting came at my door. I jumped up and almost spilled my wine.

I went to the door in my pin-striped cigarette pants, body-hugging white button up shirt with a black lacy tank top just showing underneath and my perfectly pedicured feet were bare, with dark red polish. My hair was in a messy bun and I had touched up my makeup. I looked good. There was no way he would be able to resist me.

I opened the door and Christopher was standing there, looking incredible in smooth, flat front black pants and a navy blue polo shirt with white outlines around the collar and sleeves. I instantly recognized his Golden Goose sneakers and he could not have picked a better look. This was a look that made me weak in the knees.

"Mr. Ward." I nodded my head at him as I opened my door and motioned for him to come in.

"Hello, Miss Bishop." He strolled through as if he had been here a million times before. Had he? Were he and his father both stalking me? I shook that idea away. I was just going to relax and enjoy myself and maybe casually get some information out of him but I wasn't going to go to dark places, unless they led somewhere pleasurable, of course.

"So where is this wine you are going to ply me with?" He strolled into my kitchen and went straight to the bottle of wine and the extra glass I had gotten out for him.

"Well then, just make yourself at home, Sir." I laughed as he took his first drink.

"Sir? Hmm, I like that." He gave me a look, what I would call a look of dominance and lust and it went through me like electricity.

"Do you? A billionaire who gets anything he wants likes to be called Sir? How unique." I laughed as I finished the wine that was at the bottom of my glass.

Christopher looked at me and smiled. It was very much a cat-ate-the-canary smile and I was torn. Should I be scared and more on guard or should I just go with how much my body was responding? The lowered inhibitions from my night of drinking pushed me towards the latter.

"You are a very bold woman, Alison. Very bold." He walked up to me and got close, looking down at me as if he would kiss me at any moment.

I looked back up at him and slowly backed up a bit until I hit the little island in my kitchen. He continued to advance on me and I put my hands behind me to hold onto the island so that I could steady myself.

"I have never met anybody like you before."

He looked up at my forehead and then down into my eyes again. I was swooning.

"And you never will again," I said, smiling and giving the impression that I was keeping a calm and cool composure.

"I have no doubt of that, Miss Bishop. No doubt." With that, he brought his head down to kiss me and I stayed there with my eyes closed, ready to accept the kiss.

I decided right as his lips almost touched mine to back away. I wasn't going to make things this easy for him. I moved my head back and slid to the side to get away from him.

"Not so fast, Mr. Ward. We have a few things to discuss, I believe." I grabbed the bottle of wine and my glass and made my way to my couch.

Christopher stood there and watched me for a second. I turned my head back to see if he was following and saw a sly smile on his face. He loved this, I knew it. He wanted a challenge. He needed a challenge. I imagine nobody ever gave him one in his life except his family and they were all dead or disappeared...well, who knows what was happening with that last part. I wasn't sure what happened to his mother, though I assumed she was gone as he never talked about her and I didn't want to pry...yet.

I sat on my couch with one leg propped under me and poured another glass of wine. I would really have to slow down on the vino but I wouldn't make it obvious I was doing so. I had to make Christopher think I was more vulnerable than I was. I would slur my words a bit more as the night went on. I was already putting on a bit more of a slur but it was very subtle. I had done this countless times to extract information from people. The only problem was I was a bit tipsier than I usually was when I tried to pull this off.

"And what might this discussion entail? Please don't tell me it's about that damn necklace again? By the way, I put it in a safe place so you can take it to whoever actually gave it to you and pull the dramatic rejection of the gift with them. I was happy to be your practice person, though." He sat next to me and brought his knee up so he could face me on the couch.

"Listen, Christopher. I realize that it may not have technically been you. I'll admit that. I have since had a bit of information that points a different direction, however, it's possible that you were still involved. I know you. You will use any technicality you can. So, maybe you didn't physically put the necklace on my doorstep but did somebody else do it for you? Did you conspire with somebody so that you could get out of it on a technicality if I didn't respond the way you were hoping?" I gave him a coy look to let him know that I knew what he was capable of.

"Yes, your gay friend and I conspired together to make sure that I could say I didn't do it." He winked at me. I bristled a bit at the mention of Mac. I was still feeling a loss there. "That is a shrewd assumption. I'll give you that. I'm not above doing something like that but I promise you I didn't this time. Besides, I would do it with a much different type of gift. Like I said, I know that diamonds are not the way to impress you. Give me more credit than that."

"And what would impress me? Do tell, Mr. Ward."

"And give away any future surprises? I don't think so. Just know that I have way more up my sleeve than a diamond necklace." He laughed as he finished his glass of wine and went to pour more.

"I bet you do." I looked at him seriously, wondering exactly what he meant by that and how serious to take it. "Can I ask you something?" I made my voice a bit lighter so as not to give away the dark avenue of my thoughts.

"Of course. Anything. I'm an open book, Alison."

"Oh, you should never have said that. Shouldn't a billionaire know how dangerous those words are?" I smiled mischievously.

"I think I can handle myself." He laughed.

"Okay then, you left yourself open for this." I downed the rest of my glass to get more courage and put on a bit more of a slur to my voice. "Do you think your father is alive?"

Christopher's face went dark. He put his glass of wine down and straightened his back.

"I don't give a rat's ass about that man. He could be alive, he could be dead. I don't care, as long as he stays gone." There was a tension and real disdain in his voice. I was taken aback by the hatred. I wasn't expecting it. It was definitely genuine. He cocked his head and looked at me curiously. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm the curious sort and the wine has lowered my inhibitions. Your father', circumstances were a big part of the news when I was a teenager. I had to ask at some point." I smiled with a little bit of compassion. I did genuinely feel bad for the dysfunction Christopher was born into. He didn't choose any of this.

"Right, of course. I was just starting university when it all went down. So, yes, you would have been a teenager." He still appeared suspicious. It must have been a very off limits subject for all the yes-men he surrounded himself with.

"Do you want him to stay gone because of what he was accused of?"

"Oh, dear, sweet Alison. What he was accused of only scratched the surface. No, it went far deeper than that." I had to stop myself from laughing at how much I understood those words.

"I'm not all that surprised really. What about your mother? Does she want him to stay gone?"

Christopher tensed up again and the room got deadly quiet for a few seconds, though it felt like much longer. I wondered if I had gone too far. Then he straightened up and pulled out his phone, changing the subject.

"We should order some food. A night of wine can really work up an appetite."

I didn't call him on it. I went as far as I thought was safe but there was a story there with his mom. I wasn't sure if I should bring this up with Mac. I wasn't even sure if Mac and I were going to keep our running Saturday meet up.

"Oh, I have cheese and crackers and antipasto. We don't need to order food." I moved to get up and start getting everything out of my fridge.

Christopher put his hand up in a motion to stop me and looked at me with the look somebody gives a naive child.

"Alison, you are dating a billionaire. Let me order us some food. Just let it happen, okay?"

I sat there and stared at him for a few seconds while I thought about it. I would let him win this one because I was hungry and seeing what he came up with would be to my benefit. Mac would be proud.

"Yes, Sir." I smiled as I sat back and held my wine glass with both hands.

"Oh, you have no idea what that does to me." He looked at me as if I were prey as he typed on his phone. I languished in that look and soaked it all in. I wasn't his prey, I wouldn't let myself be, not to anybody, but especially not somebody like him. However, the fact that he wanted me to be was exceptionally arousing to me.

"So, what are you bringing in for us? Caviar? Lobster?"

"Oh, I think you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will. After all, you do know what I'm impressed by, right? You know me so well already, isn't that what you think?"

"It's what we both think." He put his phone down and moved over towards me, scooping me up to sit on his lap.

I yelped at the surprise move and laughed as he held my head in one hand and kissed me hard. I melted into his kiss and brought my hands around his back to hold myself steady against him. He kissed over and started nibbling on my earlobe.

"I have wanted to do that since you stormed out of my office the other day." His breath felt so nice against my ear and part of my cheek.

"Then maybe you should tell me what you have planned to impress me and we can do this more." I laughed breathlessly as he kissed me passionately again.

"That's the attitude I love. I'm going to tame you, Alison and we are both going to enjoy it."

My body swooned in every cell and every organ at his words. That wasn't going to happen but it really did sound nice. I almost wished I could let it happen. I was so aroused that I almost didn't realize that I had never wished that with any guy before.

"You aren't the first one to say that, you know. Hasn't happened yet."

"None of those guys were me."

"This is true but they had one thing you don't have."

"Oh yeah?" He kissed my neck a few times before continuing. "And what would that be, Miss Bishop?"

"They weren't used to getting every single little thing that they wanted. Most of them got most things they wanted but they couldn't snap a finger like you and just have it appear like magic."

As I said that, my phone rang, showing the number to the concierge desk of my building.

"And speaking of..." I smiled as I quickly got off Christopher's lap, laughing as he pawed me and grabbed my phone, telling the doorman to let the delivery guy come up. "How did the food you ordered get here so fast?"

"Didn't you see me snap my fingers?"

"I must have missed it that time." I snickered as I walked towards the door to let the good guy in.

"We will continue that conversation, Miss Bishop." The stern tone to his voice gave me a thrill. I hated admitting it but I did have a submissive side and he was pushing all the buttons to bring it out in me. I would continue to resist, though. I had to.

There was a man in a chef's coat holding a lovely black box. I was a bit taken back as this was not what I was expecting.

"I am here for Mr. Ward." The very handsome chef spoke with a French accent and his green eyes had a confidence to them that I had to admit was sexy.

"Guillaume! Come in, please!" Christopher had stood up from the couch and was gesturing towards my kitchen. Guillaume had a look around my simple but stylish apartment and had a look on his face that was somewhere between dismissive and begrudgingly approving.

"Yes, please come in. Don't mind me." I sarcastically spoke to the back of the chef as he just came on in at Christopher's invitation paying no mind to the woman who actually owned the condo.

"Monsieur Ward! It has been too long, I was so happy to get your text."

The men caught up in the kitchen as I grabbed the glass of wine I was nursing and sunk back into my couch, a little perturbed at being ignored.

"Alison, please, come over here! Meet one of my favorite people in the world."

I looked up at them across my living room into my open concept kitchen as they stood around my little island and thought about it for a second. I wanted to say no, have at it, catch up, I would just be here waiting for the food but I realized that was not the kind of person I wanted to be, number one and number two, that's not the kind of woman somebody like Christopher would want to be with. I took a page from Mac's book and acquiesced. I noted that I had done that more than usual tonight. It was the wine.

I made myself get up and put on my social personality. Guillaume didn't look all that thrilled about it, either. I was better at hiding my disdain, though. He probably thought of me as a flavor of the month to Christopher and obviously had no respect at all for me.

I didn't let myself take it personally because I knew what was going to happen to Christopher and this man would probably have much more respect for me than for Christopher very soon.

Arming myself with that knowledge, I let it all slide off my back and went up to the island with a smile.

"Hello, Guillaume, I presume?" I put my hand out to for a shake and I could see he was visibly put out by the idea but forced himself to do it as the billionaire customer was watching.

"Yes, Guillaume, one of the best chefs in the world, this is Alison Bishop, a rising star in my company."

Guillaume's eyes got a little wide when Christopher mentioned that I was a rising star. What did he think? Christopher was my sugar daddy? Had he ever done anything like that, I wondered. It would be pretty easy for somebody like him. I had heard of many upper-level executives in our business doing that just for the convenience, simplicity and lack of emotional obligation. That was a question I would file away for later.

"Hello, Miss Bishop. It is a pleasure to meet you." Ha, was it, Guillaume?

"Likewise." I said as we shook hands. We made eye contact and we both got each other in that moment. We were only doing this for Christopher. How many people had Christopher forced together with his name?

"So, I am looking forward to seeing what you have for us. Mr. Ward does have a good palate, so I can only assume it is nothing short of amazing." I started having fun with the master chef's forced hand at being somewhat respectful towards me. He tensed at my passive aggressive dig but he pushed through and brought out the food he prepared for us, well, for Christopher but I got to be along for the ride.

The food that this man who despised my presence took out made up for his attitude. It was almost a shame because it meant that nobody would ever put this guy in check if they wanted to eat the creations this man came up with. Maybe Christopher could? Maybe. I had never had food like this in my life and I had eaten at some incredible places all over the world.

The man did amazing things with cauliflower, artichokes and black truffle. We had some of the best caviar – yes there was caviar, of course there was – I had ever tasted on top of what I can only call a crisp that disintegrated in your mouth at the same time the delectable fish eggs popped.

It was a whole experience. I understood now why cheese, crackers and antipasto would not be enough. This was like having the experience of a brilliant work of art like the Sistine Chapel in my mouth. It was sublime.

Guillaume warmed up to me as I had no choice but to compliment him and change my attitude to one of awe and devotion. I wanted this man to respect me as much as he did Christopher. There was a puff pastry that was as light as air and the buckwheat crepes for dessert were indescribable. I can't even imagine what else this man was capable of.

The food livened up all three of us and we talked and laughed for over an hour. It was actually a lot of fun and I genuinely enjoyed myself. I actually didn't think about things like revenge, how things stood with Mac or the fact that I couldn't let myself build something real with Christopher. That last thought surprised me. Did I even want to? Moments like this did make it tempting.

After Guillaume left, I couldn't stop marveling about the food. Christopher laughed and came up to me, putting his arms around my waist.

"Now that we have been properly fed, let's get back to our conversation shall we?"

"And where would you like to pick up, Mr. Ward?" I leaned my back against his hands and pulled my head back as he tried to come in for a kiss. He smiled and grabbed my waist tighter.

"I think we should talk about how you think I can snap my fingers and have anything I want."

"Well, can't you? I can't imagine you not getting something you want. Who would withhold it from you?" Aha! This was a good way to pry and find out more about his family in a more innocuous way.

"That is a loaded question but I will say that with women, it has been fairly easy."

"Fairly easy?" I looked at him skeptically.

"There is one, one I could never have because of...circumstances." He paused and got a faraway look in his eyes. "You asked about my mother."

"Yes?" Oh, if I were a dog, my ears would be up. This is what I had been wanting and waiting for.

"My father toyed with my mom's head, made her go crazy and admitted her to a psychiatric hospital where he ordered her to be so drugged up that she basically became a vegetable."

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Christopher." I squeezed my hands around his back in an attempt to comfort him.

"He started on her before I was born. Emotionally abused her, brought her self-worth down. He made her think that she would never find anybody else and that he was her only hope. You know, the classic way abusers do." He let go of me and I understood. He was having a moment and suddenly things were becoming a bit clearer. He leaned over onto the stone of the island and continued. "

"From everything I have heard about my mom, she was a confident and beautiful woman who had a bright future ahead of her. He stole that. He took her down and treated her like property. Then I was born and he had to compete for her attention. That was too much for a narcissist like him." Christopher stopped and looked down. "But this is not the direction I want this night to go. Let's move on. We were having fun. What am I doing? Miss Bishop, you plied me with too much wine."

Watching his body language go from wilting to broadening his shoulders and his face go from dark to jovial was like night and day. He got himself out of that emotional hole quickly and efficiently and before I knew it his hands were around my waist again and his face was full of lust.

I wanted him to continue so badly but I drew in all my self-control to not ask any more questions. I needed to be patient. He would open up more if I let him stop when he wanted to. I had to remember to keep the wine flowing when we were together.

"You discovered my plan! Get you drunk and bring out your darkest secrets!" The irony of how true that was almost made me laugh.

He brought me in tighter with is arms and kissed me hard. I felt more than passion there, he was trying to forget. He was trying to force the bad memories out with lust. I felt his demons come through in the kiss and I have to admit, it was hot. It made him more aggressive and dominant. It was exactly what made my body come alive.

I moaned into the kiss and he spun me around so that his arms came around me from behind. One hand concentrated on my breasts through my shirt while the other one traveled down further. I laid my head back on his shoulder and felt his breath in my ear as his hand found the button of my cigarette pants. My stomach sucked in when his forefinger gently touched my belly button and his other hand rubbed my flat stomach.

"You're so hot. You drive me insane. Do you have any idea what you do to me?" His arm around my chest tightened and he grabbed my right breast hard. At the same time, he inserted his hand further down and rubbed me outside my black lacy panties. My knees went weak but his arms stayed around me and held me up. My mind was swirling with arousal and it was so hard to think.

"That escalated quickly." I laughed breathlessly as he continued to ravish me and I let myself enjoy it.

"Do you want me to stop, Miss Ward?" His breath was hot against my ear as he kissed my neck with abandon and pulled me into him more aggressively by my stomach.

"I didn't say that, Mr. Ward." I tried to turn around to kiss him again but he held me firm and this time he growled in my ear, the lust very evident.

"Call me Sir again."

I wanted to melt like a puddle, it was too much. I couldn't resist.

"Oh god. Yes, Sir."

With that, he growled again and turned me around to face him. We kissed each other passionately, tongues swirling around each other. Neither one of us could get enough. We were pulling each other to us, trying to merge as one. The arousal was at such high levels that all we could both do was moan and kiss and moan and kiss and grab and grope each other.

"Which direction to the bedroom?" Christopher barely stopped to bring up the most pressing issue on both of our minds at that moment.

I started to back up and go towards my bedroom but he wouldn't let go and kept kissing me. I got the hint and started steering him with my body towards the right door and we eventually made it in an erotic sort of three-legged race.

We got inside the bedroom and Christopher immediately pushed me against the wall. He kissed me intensely and roughly, pulling my hair as I gasped in delight.

"I need you, Alison. I have needed you for a while." I needed him right then too. It was overwhelming.

He whispered in my ear as I felt his fingers unbutton my blouse. I moaned at lust and dominance he was exuding. I was ready for him. I couldn't have been more ready. I had fantasized about him being in my bedroom a hundred times since before we even met. He finished unbuttoning my blouse as my arousal continued to rise.

"Do you want me, too, Alison? I want to hear it from you. I want you to tell me." He slowly pulled my shirt down over my arms and let it sit at my elbows, effectively trapping my arms at my sides as he whispered this.

"Yes, Christopher. Oh god, I do I want you now." I nodded my head and moaned out my affirmation with animalistic need. He pulled my hair back gently but firmly and held my head so that I was looking directly at him.

"Say it, Alison." He had a crooked smile of lust and entitlement and even though I was making myself more vulnerable than I meant to, I knew what he wanted and I wanted to give it to him. I was chasing the pleasure. That's all there was for me in that moment.

"Sir." I smiled up at him knowingly and he let go of my hair as he grabbed the sides of my face to give me another kiss. I can't remember when I had a hotter kiss. He knew what he was doing and it only made me want to continue.

He slowly led me to the bed as he alternated between kissing me and nibbling my neck. He gently sat me down on the bed, my shirt still pinning my arms. Slowly and sensually, he peeled my shirt the rest of the way down, taking it completely off and tossing it. My breasts were spilling out of my black lacy push-up bra and his eyes looked like he wanted to devour me.

I was ready for that. I would have let him. I would have let him do anything. I was putty in his hands. He knew it, I knew it and I wouldn't have had it any other way right then.

He tore off his polo shirt and I got to see his beautiful shirtless body again. This time he also took off his pants and he stood there in black boxer briefs, chiseled but not too cut. I stopped myself from making a joke about his briefs most likely being cashmere but I didn't dare. I felt the eagerness of my body to feel him next to me without clothes and I didn't want my smart mouth to ruin anything that was happening.

I went to undo my pin-striped pants and he stopped me. He gently put my hands to my sides as he got to his knees and softly, caressed my legs through my pants before starting to unbutton and unzip them as he stared up at me. I was paralyzed with lust and let him take my pants off for me. It was one of the sexier and exhilarating things I had experienced in the bedroom.

We were both there in our underwear, mine black and lacy, his gray and, yes, most likely cashmere from the looks of them. He stood up, eyes on mine the whole time and gently laid me back onto the bed. I didn't take my eyes off him either. Leaning over, he kissed me with abandon and I tried to pull him into bed with me but he wasn't going there yet.

The chemistry and sexual tension were thick. He was building up the anticipation with sensual little acts while he slowed things down and then sped things up. It was driving me insane.

He stood there and looked down at me, admiring me and I felt him taking my toned body in.

I was proud of my body, I worked hard on it. Mac had taught me how to use it to my advantage. Not in a sexual way, well in a sexual way for men, but more in a keeping-an-upper-hand kind of way. Most straight men are very pliable with a nice, feminine body.

Christopher was pliable too but in a different way. After all, he has seen some of the best bodies in the world but it didn't impress him. I knew he liked my body and was attracted to it but it was the fact that it was attached to me that made it more alluring to him. I felt it and this made him even more attractive to me.

"You are absolutely gorgeous." He continued to stand over me and it felt very primal and dominant. My body tingled, every cell came alive.

I sat up on the bed and put my legs around his and rested my head against his chest. He immediately brought his hand up and pulled my hair out of its bun, smoothing the hair down the back of my neck in an almost affectionate manner. I moaned and brought my hands around his waist, kissing his stomach.

I was surprised at how comfortable and safe I felt like this with him. I was still highly aroused and ready for so much more but I also felt close to him in that moment. Was I imagining things? I made a mental note to deal with this later as I shouldn't have let myself get so carried away.

I leaned my head back and looked up at him. He smiled and slowly laid me back. He quickly took his briefs off and showed how ready he was. My panties came next and my bra stayed on as he seemed to like to rub my breasts through the material.

He leaned over and kissed me, smashing his lips against mine and then he entered me. I moaned in approval and met him with enthusiastic hips. He tried to start slowly, but my eagerness and him trying to hold out was too much for him, I think. He almost instantly started going faster. I loved it. I moved in time with him and moaned in ecstasy.

He grabbed my hands and held them with his above my head. I went wild with lust and squirmed under him. He kissed me again and again. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. Neither one of us would have chosen to be anywhere else or with anybody else. It was like our souls were old friends and reuniting.

As he made love to me, he expertly turned me around with his strong arms and pushed my face down on the bed, pulling my hips up to take me from behind. Wanting to savor every part of this, I tried to hold out and keep things at the edge but I couldn't stop myself. I pushed my hips back into him and this new position helped him hit the right spot. That spot that I needed to be hit so badly. I started to feel the orgasm build and he pulled my hair back as he pushed into me with everything he had.

I screamed as the pleasure hit me and my body convulsed as he continued to move into me. The pleasure went through me and he kept going. I was so sensitive but I loved it. He finally started to convulse and he made the best sounds. They aroused my still very sensitive state and I couldn't believe what a turn on his sounds were. When he was finished, he leaned over and got his breath as he kissed my back.

I stayed where I was, absolutely spent. I moaned and had little bits of pleasure run through me as I felt him move away and go into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He came back and collapsed on the bed.

"Oh, God. That was amazing." I finally let my body fall over to the side and rest on the bed like a ragdoll.

I laid in my comfortable bed knowing that there were no other options. I certainly wasn't going anywhere. I was luxuriating in the afterglow of how good the night was with Christopher. He moved behind me and put his arm possessively around me, pulling me in for a spoon cuddle. I let him. I couldn't believe it, I let him. That was a first for me.

"You still haven't tamed me, you know."

I felt the breath of his laugh in the back of my head as he pulled me in tighter.

"I know that, Miss Bishop. This was only a start." He kissed the back of my head and I everything went blurry with the euphoria that gave me. I went with it and let it happen but I knew I would have to regroup with myself the next day. I would not let the endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine mess with my head. I was stronger than that.

It was the best sex of my life, not just physically but emotionally, spiritually and everything in between. And I was going to have to write it off. I was going to have to ruin this man who I felt so connected to in every other way. This is the way life worked for me. This was the life of revenge.