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Dirty Little Secret: A Billionaire Romance Novel by S.J. Mullins (69)

Chapter Two




“Kenz, promise me you won’t be mad.”

I glanced at Sophia standing in my kitchen along with my mother. The three of us went shopping earlier today, insisting that I needed new clothes. Even though I insisted that I didn't, I ended up with two shopping bags full of clothes.

I narrowed my eyes and turned to her. Those were the seven words I never wanted to hear because I always ended up being mad if she said them.

“What did you do?” I asked.

“First promise me that you won’t get mad.”

“You know she will, Sophia,” my mother muttered and glanced briefly at me before looking away.

“What is going on?”

“We had ulterior motives today.”

“With regards to what?”

“The shopping.”

“Sophia, what is going on?”

“You have a date tonight.”

“What?” I exclaimed.

“You have-”

“I heard you the first time. I just can't believe that you are doing this to me again, and with my mother.”

“Honey, I’m sorry, but it’s time you got a boyfriend”

“And you think that setting me up with random men are going to improve my chances?”

“Kenzie, listen to me.”

“No, Mom. I am not the one who should be listening.” I turned to my best friend and frowned. “You promised. You promised me that this won’t ever happen again.”

“Your mom is really insistent, Kenz.”

I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head. “I cannot believe this.”

“Come on, Honey. What harm can one date do?”

“Years and years of emotional trauma if he ends up being an asshole.”

“You don't know that.”

“Actually I do. They all were.”

“What about Joshua?”

“He had a girlfriend in every state.”


“He still lived with his mother.”

“What about Liam?”

“He liked his car more than he liked me.”

Sophia and my mother exchanged puzzled glances, attempting to recall any other names of guys that they had me go on a date with.

“See, there’s no-one who was even remotely dateable.”

“Apparently this guy is different.”

“You say that about every one of them, Soph.” I crossed my arms and looked at the two of them again.

“Please just go on this one last date.”

“Why? Who’s the guy?” I asked.

“I don't know his real name.”

“His screen name is-”

“His screen name?” I exclaimed.

“Sophia thought an online dating site would work better because they can-”

“I know how dating sites work, Mom.”


“You made an online dating profile for me?”

“I did.”

“You are unbelievable.”

“Please just go.”


“Because he actually sounds really nice.”

“He does,” my mother agreed.

My shoulders slumped as I knew very well that I wasn't going to be able to get out of this one, especially not with my mother there. “Fine.”

Sophia and my mother gave each other a high-five and I simply glared at them.

“If this guy turns out to be a psycho or an asshole, I’m out, and you guys close that stupid profile.”


I muttered incoherently as I grabbed the shopping bags and headed to my room. “Are you two coming, or what?”

They followed me into my room with much more enthusiasm, and they helped me arrange the perfect outfit for the evening. I tried to fish out who the guy was, or what he looked like, but Sophia didn't know anything. She literally only knew his screen name and the placed where we were meeting.

I ended up wearing a casual white dress that buttoned down the front, like an oversized shirt, but obviously much more fitted, with brown heels, and Sophia and my mother curled my hair into loose waves. I had to admit I felt rather pretty, but it didn't ease my nerves as it came closer to the date itself.

I was not a nervous person and didn't get stressed out about things that were not in my control, but when my mother and Sophia conspired against me, especially when it came to my dating life, it made me nervous. I didn't have a problem with meeting new people though, and it would be interesting to see how this played out.

I left my apartment, with my mom and Sophia waving me off, and I told Sophia to call me at eight. If I didn't answer, then everything was fine and she didn't need to wait up for me. That scenario rarely happened though, as I was usually out the door even before she had a chance to call me.

I drove to the place where we were supposed to meet and I was pretty relieved that it was a casual lounge. I was not dressed for an expensive place, but then again, I didn't really care. I mentally crossed my fingers as I stepped into the lounge area, scanning the inside of the restaurant for the man I was supposed to meet. Sophia had told me that he would be wearing a blue shirt, and that was it. I slowly walked across the length of the lounge and finally spotted a man in a blue shirt sitting with his back to me. He had brown hair, which was a plus for me, as I had always had a thing for a man with brown hair.

At least something positive came from this. Now I just hoped that he was as good as his hair.

“Excuse me are you, precise04?” I asked as I approached the table.

“Yes, I am, and you must be artsygirl777.” He turned in his seat and as he looked at me my jaw dropped and I stared at him in absolute horror.

“You...” I barely managed to say. I couldn't believe this. It was the mean guy from the airport, the one who complained that his milk was cold. He looked as shocked as I was and we just stood there looking at one another, not saying a word.

“This is not...” he muttered and shook his head. “I don’t even know how this is possible.”

“I never took you for the online dating type,” I said.

“I’m not,” he answered, and when I frowned at him, he spoke again. “I was bullied into it by my brother.”

“You were?” I asked in disbelief. “So was I.”


“My mother, and my best friend.” Shit, we had more in common than I thought.

“Right,” he answered and clenched his jaw. “You are more than welcome to leave.”

“No offense, but I think I’m going to do that.”

“That’s fine.”

I turned around and made a flatline to the door. I left the lounge as fast as I could but as I closed the door, something told me to turn back. I glanced at him through the glass door, sitting on his own and I felt a bit guilty. I didn't want to be someone like that. What if this was the only person who responded to his profile? Even if he was like me – bullied into being here, didn't he deserve to state his case? I sighed at myself and reentered the lounge. I walked up to his table and he glanced at me with a frown.

“You’re back.”

“I am.”

“Why are you back?”

“Because I want to know why someone like you would ever allow your brother to bully you into going on a date with a stranger.”

“He thinks that I am going to die alone.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I am difficult.”

“Is that what your brother thinks?”

“That’s what everybody thinks.”

“Are they wrong?”

“No.” he glanced at me and shifted around in his chair. “You ask a lot of questions.”

“Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“I’m always uncomfortable.”

“Right,” I answered and pursed my lips.

“These things don't normally go very well.”

“I know the feeling,” I muttered.

“Why? You seem like a nice, normal woman.”

“I don’t really like to consider myself too normal though,” I frowned and glanced at him. “What about you?”

“Oh, I am far from normal.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because it’s true.”

“Okay.” I narrowed my eyes and studied him for a brief moment, and a strange feeling built up inside me. I felt slightly uneasy, and it bothered me.

Outwardly, he didn't look like a psychopath, but then again, neither did any of the others that I dated.

“What is normal anyway?” he asked. “Every person has their own version of normal.”


I suddenly felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and relief washed over me. “Do you mind if I take this?”

“If you must.”

I pursed my lips, took my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the screen. Sophia was right on cue with her phone call. I stepped away from the table and answered it.

“Hey, Soph.”

“Oh no, you answered. Is he that bad?”

“What happened, are you okay?” I asked, just conjuring up a random emergency in my head.

“You have to come quick, or you’ll be killed by yet another crazy motherfucker,” she said dramatically.

“Okay, I’ll be right there.”

I disconnected the call and walked back to the table. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. There’s a bit of an emergency.”

“You honestly expect me to believe that?”

“I don't know what you’re talking about.”

“You asked your friend to bail you out with a fake emergency phone call.”

Oh shit. He was onto me. I had to stay as nonchalant as possible. “I would never do something like that.”

“You’re a good liar.”

“Look, I’m sorry-”

“This is why I don't date because people lie.”

I took a quick breath but didn't say anything to him. I simply left the lounge as fast as I could before he...well, he already knew I was lying. As I stepped out onto the curb, I shook my head at myself, disappointed that I answered my phone. He didn't seem so bad, and he was right, I was a liar. I drove home, growing increasingly upset with myself, and when I finally arrived home, Sophia was there waiting for me.

“Hey,” she said as she turned around on the couch. When she saw my expression, she frowned and turned the television off from the remote control. “What’s wrong?”


“You look like you’re going to be sick.”


“What happened?”

I placed my bag down on the counter and slowly took off my shoes. “Do you remember the rude guy who sat next to me on the plane?”

“Yeah?” she asked with a frown. “Was he there too?

“He was precise04.”


“That’s exactly what I said.”

“Oh my god. That’s the weirdest coincidence ever. No wonder you answered the phone, but saying that I’m surprised you didn't beeline out of there.”

“That’s the strange part. I did,” I answered with a frown. “But then I went back.”


“I don't know. I guess I felt sorry for him.”

“You felt sorry for an asshole?”

“Yeah, I think I might be coming down with something.”

“I heard there are a lot of germs floating around lately,” she said with a scowl. “Was he at least hot?”

“He was actually, but that doesn't excuse him for being an asshole.”

“Kenz, something else is bothering you.”

“After I took your call, he knew I was lying.”


“So, he was obviously hurt by my actions. He called me a liar to my face.”

“You’ve done it a hundred times before.”

“I know, but he was the only one who knew that the call was fake.”

“Kenz, don't beat yourself up over it, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks for waiting up.”

“No problem. Hopefully, your date won't be outside waiting for either of us.”

My jaw dropped slightly and I felt the color drain from my face. “Don't say things like that.”

Sophia burst out laughing and shook her head. “It was a joke.”

“I know.”

“So what was precise04’s real name?”

“I don't know.”

“You didn't ask him his name?”

“No, I didn't.”

“No wonder he thought you were rude.”

“Soph, you’re not making me feel any better.”

“I don't understand why you're so bothered about this.”

“Maybe I should stop doing that.”

“What? Dating?”

“No, faking an emergency call.”

“All of them were dodged bullets,” Sophia shrugged, “Why would this one be any different?”

“You didn't see his face,” I answered.

“Go take a bath, and relax.”

“I’m always relaxed.”

She bit her lip for a second and nodded. “That is true.”

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

“At least you looked hot.”

“Yeah, but for what?”

Sophia stood up and walked over to me. “Do you want me to stay, or do you want to wallow by yourself?”

“I think this is a solo effort.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” She smiled and walked to the front door.

“Text me when you get home.”

“I always do.”

She left my apartment and all of a sudden the silence was deafening. I walked to the bathroom and ran myself a hot bath. It was one of the things that could ease my mind within an instant, and as I was almost completely submerged in hot water, my mind relaxed and all thoughts of precise04 were erased from my mind.





I sat in the lounge and my blood was boiling in my veins. Not only was I still angry that she lied to me about a fake emergency, but I had once again allowed myself to be bullied into these ridiculous situations by my brother. I finished my drink and left a fifty under the glass. I left the lounge and stepped out onto the warm evening air. The Escalade stood a few yards away, and as I stepped towards it, the lights flashed on and it slowly approached. I climbed inside and ordered Porter to drive me home. It had been a terrible day for me, from start to finish and the only place I wanted to be was in my own house.

“Porter, on second thought, please drive by Calvin’s house. I just need to give him something.”

“Of course, Mr. Pearce.”

I spent the drive to Calvin’s in silence and as Porter stopped in his driveway about ten minutes later, I climbed out.

“I won't be long, Porter.”

“Not a problem, sir.”

I marched up the footpath leading to the house and knocked angrily on the door. It opened after a minute or so, and Calvin stood there with a smug smile on his face.


“Let me make myself abundantly clear, Calvin. You will never, ever set me up with anyone ever again, or I will rip your legs off your body and kick your ass with them.”

“Wow, why the hell are you so hostile? What happened?”

“She had a friend call and stage a fake emergency.”

“Oh, shit.”

“I mean it, Calvin. No more.”

“Okay, bro,” he said and held his hands up in defeat. “You’re going to have to explain to Mom why she’s not getting any grandkids.”

“I will gladly take that bullet.”

“Wyatt, I didn't mean to upset you, and I am sorry that she bailed on you.”

“It wouldn't be the first time, but it’s definitely the last time.”

“Who knows, maybe you meet a random woman in a coffee shop and she turns out to be the one.”

“It’s never that simple, but thanks for the effort.”

“Have a good night.”

“Thanks,” I said, turned on my heel and walked back to the car.

The drive home felt like it took years, but eventually, the car stopped in front of my house. I thanked Porter, as always and went inside.

I still couldn't believe that she, I didn't even ask what her name was, not that it mattered, had her friend call her and fake an emergency. That was probably one of the rudest, meanest things she could ever do. I would have appreciated it more if she had told me that she wanted to leave, instead of lying to my face.

What if she did have an emergency though? She did come back after all. Was I reading too much into this? Was I yet again over-analyzing a situation that didn't need to be over-analyzed?

One thing I could definitely say was that she was a very beautiful woman. It had been a long time since I saw someone wear a dress that effortlessly as she did.

For one inkling moment, I actually wished that I knew her name. Her beautiful brown eyes were warm and soothing, regardless of the fire of lies that brewed inside them. Her long brown hair framed her face and hung delicately over her shoulders. It was really hard to look away from her.

Up until she picked up her phone and bolted out the lounge like I was a leper.

I stopped abruptly and shivered to myself, and continued to the bathroom where I took a five-minute shower.

There was a documentary on television about World War I, which I found incredibly interesting. History had been my favorite subject in school, and it was one of the only things that I could listen to, read about or watch without ever tiring of it. I wasn't a reality television type of person and didn’t understand the majority’s fascination with it. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't see the point.

My phone went off beside me when the documentary was about halfway through and I glanced at my phone. It was one of my good friends, Nick. He wanted to know how tonight went, and I muttered incoherently to myself. Did everyone know I went on a date tonight?

“Calvin, you asshole,” I muttered as I typed a reply to Nick, simply saying that she wasn't my type and that I was fine in case he was wondering. I placed my phone back in its spot but didn't reach for it when another message from Nick came through. I wasn't in the mood to talk about tonight.

I was rather surprised that she came back to the table after walking out. She was just as shocked as I was when she saw exactly who I was. I had never expected to see her again, not even to mention to go on a date with her. I didn't realize that Miami was such a small place.

For a moment, I felt the uncontrollable urge to find out who she was, but how on Earth was I suppose to do that? The only thing I could think of was to go on the dating site. I finished watching the documentary, as I always finished things I started, no matter what it was. It was a moral obligation, and I had to simply obey it. I couldn't start reading a book without finishing it, no matter how bad it was, nor could I watch something until the very last credit rolled across the screen. People were somehow frustrated by this, but I just figured if those people didn't make an effort and sit with me until I was completely done, then I wouldn't make the effort to call them or visit them again. Besides, I didn't need people like that in my life. I admit that I was very stuck in my ways, but I liked it.

Sometimes I did frustrate myself, as I could save a lot of time if I simply stopped reading a book that no longer interested me, or changed the channel, or the song on my playlist, but it was the way I was.

The next week went on without a hitch, and Calvin was too afraid to even face me. The only time I heard from him was a few emails he sent to me regarding work. He respected the fact that I needed my space to cool off, in my own time. He wasn't a complete prick, only sometimes. He understood me, and after I shouted at him on his doorstep, he trod carefully. He didn't once mention anything about women or dating to me since it happened, which I was glad about. My parents were also surprisingly quiet, and it was a welcomed break from all the nagging and hinting that I needed to settle down. I was perfectly content with my life the way it was.

It was hard to imagine my life with a girlfriend, as I was so used to doing everything myself, being on my own at home. I could eat at the same time every evening, go to sleep at the same time every night, and had the remote control all to myself. My personal space would be invaded by a girlfriend, and I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

Then again, if the woman willingly placed herself in my lifestyle, she was the one who had to adjust, right?

Look, I knew how relationships worked, and I was not against it, but the woman had to be pretty brave to put up with me, even if I had to admit it myself. Sometimes it was hard to live with myself, but somehow I got by just fine.

I sat at work one morning, paging through my morning paper and drinking my 08:20 cup of coffee in my office when I came across an article about how an interior designing company here in Miami was on their way to the top, designing numerous large companies all over the East, and was now becoming a ‘designer brand’ among companies. I lowered the newspaper and pressed Hannah’s summoning button, as she amusingly referred to it.

Within a few seconds, she came through the door of the office and look at me with a smile.

“Is everything alright, Mr. Pearce?” she asked.

“Everything is fine, Hannah. Come in, please.”

She entered the office and slowly approached the desk. “What can I do for you, sir?”

“Do you think our interior is looking a bit drab?” I asked.

“Is this a trick question, sir?”

“There is no right or wrong answer, Hannah.”

“It could do with a little remodeling, I suppose, sir.”

“That’s what I thought,” I answered and tapped my fingers on the desk seven times. “Could you call Calvin and ask him to see me immediately.”

“Of course, sir.” She nodded and quickly left the office.

I sat back in my chair and glanced down at the article in the paper. I had heard of Astral Designs in Miami Gardens, but never really took notice of them. When the building was decorated initially before Pearce Data Storers – that’s our company name – moved in, I was in Los Angeles at the time and thankfully missed all the renovations, not to mention the dust and boxes and live wires laying on the floor. Maybe I was exaggerating, but that was the picture I had in my mind when it came to renovations.

This might not be a surprise, but I didn't like dust, or anything remotely filthy. Fingerprints on glass or mirrors drove me into a new level of insanity, and Calvin knew this all too well. He’d torment me by leaving a trail of fingerprints, like footprints, running across the mirror finish of the elevator doors. I’d wait for the doors to close and wiped them off frantically before I could get into the elevator. He did it on purpose of course, but those days he was an immature little prick. Now he was a slightly older, slightly less immature little prick.

The door opened and Calvin stepped into my office, still a bit wary of me.

“Hannah said you wanted to see me.”

“I do, yes.” I turned the newspaper 180 degrees and pointed to the article.

He stepped closer and said, “I swear it wasn't what it looked like...” His voice trailed as he glanced at the paper. “Oh.”


“What?” he asked and frowned at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him and shook my head. “Read it.”

“Astral Designs, I know of them.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. They’re over in Miami Gardens.”

“How do you know of them?”

“They redid Uncle Tim’s offices.”

“They did his offices? Wow.”

“Yeah, they know their stuff,” he answered and looked at me with slight disbelief. “Are you considering redoing our offices?”

“Actually I was.”


“You seem surprised.”

“Of course I am. I know how you feel about the process of renovating.”

“Well, I think it’s time for a change.”

“Are you feeling okay, Wyatt?”

“I know what you’re thinking okay. I’m the last person who would initiate change, but maybe it’s necessary.”

“Of course, because everything you do is for a reason.”

“Right,” Calvin said and crossed his arms. “Do you want me to handle things?”

For a moment, I almost handed the reigns over to Calvin, but I shrugged that thought away. “No, I’ll handle it.”

His eyebrows shot up and looked at me in slight shock. “Are you sure? I don't mind.”

“I know you don't mind, but I’d like to handle it.”

“Okay,” he said and smiled. “I’m rather proud of you, big brother.”

“Please don’t make a big deal about this.”

“Okay, but I’m here if you need me, okay?”

“Thank you, but I’ve got this.”

I saw a look in my brother’s eyes that I had never seen before. It was the look of admiration and pride, and I felt rather silly about it. I was the older brother, but sometimes it felt as if I acted like the younger brother. The one with all the issues. At least I didn't fly to Paris with a woman who turned out to be married. I let out a chuckle and it took both me and Calvin by surprise.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again, just to make sure, I suppose.

“I’m fine.”

“What’s going on with you?”


“Did you hear from...” His sentence stopped abruptly and he looked at me apologetically. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, and no, I didn’t, but now is not the time to talk about this.” To be completely honest, I never really wanted to talk about it, especially not with him. Calvin was such a smooth operator when it came to women. He had them hanging on every word he said, most of them were just lies and sweet talk to get them to have sex with him, but he was smooth nonetheless.

He cleared his throat and looked at me. “I took your profile off the site, figured that you didn't need it anymore.”

“I never needed it in the first place, but thanks, Calvin.”

“You know, I don't want to step over any lines here,” he said, and I knew exactly what he was going to say.

“Spare me the lecture about how she is out there, waiting for me. Why doesn't she come to me?”

“Because that’s not how it works all the time, Wyatt. You’ve got a strong personality.”

“I know.”

“Just remember, Wyatt, sometimes we meet someone when we least expect it.”

“You’re very close to crossing that line, Calvin,” I warned him.

“I know, but I just thought I’d put it out there, just so you know.”


“I’ll let you get to it then.”

Calvin left me alone in my office and I very pretty surprised at how well he handled my decision to redo the offices. Despite being as aloof as he was, Calvin was also quite the perfectionist, especially when it came to his own workspace. I have only been in there once before and I had to stop myself from rearranging everything.

I picked up my phone, searched Astral Designs' telephone number and quickly dialed it. The sooner one of their designers could come over and give a consultation, the sooner it could get done.

“Astral Designs, good morning. You are speaking to Melanie. How can I help you?”

“Good morning. You are speaking to Wyatt Pearce from Pearce Data Storers.”

“Good morning, sir.”

“I would like to have our offices redone by one of your top designers please.”

“Very well, sir. I can arrange a meeting with Miss Morris Thursday morning at nine.”

“Is that the only time she has available?” I asked, impatiently tapping my fingers on my desk.

“Unfortunately yes, sir. Being one of the company's top designers, she is rather busy.”

“Is there not anyone else that can see me sooner?”

“There is, but between you and me, Mr. Pearce, if I were you, I’d rather wait for Miss Morris.”

“Does her reputation precede her?”

“She is the best, Mr. Pearce.”

“Very well. Thursday morning at nine.”

“Excellent, sir.”

“May I ask a few things?”

“Certainly, sir.”

“Is she punctual?”

“Excuse me, sir?”

“I am a busy man, and I cannot sit around and wait for her. Being late is a sign of complete and utter disrespect in my book.”

“You do not need to worry, sir. She will be there a few minutes before nine, I will make a note of that.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.”

“Is there anything else that I can help you with today?”

“No, thank you.”

“Have a wonderful day, Mr. Pearce.”

“And you...” For the life of me, I could not remember her name. “Goodbye.”

I placed the phone down on the desk in front of me and felt accomplished. I had done something that I never thought that I would. The real challenge would not be choosing how to redecorate, but the actual process of redecorating. The suffocating smell of paint, varnish and saw sawdust. I shrugged as I was getting a bit carried away. I decided to take it one step at a time, anxiously awaiting Thursday morning at nine.





It was Thursday morning and everything was just an insane rush. I had a meeting at nine with a new client over at Pearce Data Storers, and Melanie, our receptionist told me that I was not allowed to be late, as per the client’s request. I didn't know much about the company, but I knew it was big, and the owners, were brothers. That was all I knew, really.

Technology wasn't really my thing, or more accurately, data storage wasn't my thing. While I knew my fair share of the latest technology, it didn't bother me as much. I knew how to video call, and live-stream a video, but as me anything about storing data, or clouds for that matter, my mind just goes a complete blank.

So when Melanie told me that I had a meeting with one of the owners of the company, I was kind of surprised. Why was a data storage company wanting to redecorate their offices? The inside was probably as boring as the content matter itself. The owner, Mr. Pearce, was probably either a nerdy looking guy who didn't have any sense of style or an old man who has strange ideas for the décor. Either way, it was going to be an interesting morning. I was on my way to Pearce Data Storers, wearing my most professional outfit imaginable; a horizontally striped navy blue and white high-waisted skirt, a white blouse and a pink blazer jacket. It sounds a bit uncoordinated, but it looked good, and I had received many compliments on it before.

I was a skirt person, and on every occasion where I could wear one, I would. Of course, they weren't super short, since I wasn't a teenager anymore. I had to look professional, and I looked just that. I stepped out onto the curb and glanced up at the skyscraper of a building in front of me. It was massive. At the main reception, I was directed to the twenty-second floor and as the elevator opened, I saw the large sign, Pearce Data Storers. I clutched my presentation books against my chest with one arm and my handbag in the other bag. The reception area was spacious, and the couches looked pretty comfortable. It could, however, need a redesign, which was ultimately why I was here in the first place. The walls could use a repaint, as all of them were painted in a clinical white color, which made the whole area seem a bit flat and one dimensional.

“Can I help you?” the receptionist asked as I slowly approached her desk. He had a friendly smile and wore a small headset, always connected to her boss and his orders.

“I am here to see Mr. Pearce. I’m Miss Morris from Astral Designs,” I said politely.

“Yes, of course. Mr. Pearce will be right with you. You can have a seat, and I’ll escort you through to his office when he’s ready.”

“Thank you,” I said with a smile and sat down on the dark gray couch close to the wall. I glanced up at the large clock on the wall and breathed a sigh of relief. It was three minutes before nine. I was actually on time, for once. That definitely needed to be celebrated.

The phone at reception rang a few times and I must say, the receptionist was a master at her job. She typed away on the keyboard of her computer in front of her while taking numerous calls, and honestly, I was impressed. I had to speak to my boss so that Melanie could attend whichever course this woman took. I watched her for a short while until she stood up and walked around the desk.

“Mr. Pearce will see you now, Miss Morris. Please follow me.”

I stood u and followed her down the hallway. I glanced around me, just to get a general feel for the place, and as she opened the door of the office labeled with a gold plaque, Wyatt Pearce, she smiled at me.

“Thank you,” I said and stepped into the office.

“Good morning...” Mr. Pearce said and turned to me and once again, we were both stunned to silence.

“You again,” I blurted out rather tactlessly.

“You’re Miss Morris? From Astral Designs?”

“Yes, and you’re Mr. Wyatt Pearce, the co-owner of Pearce Data Storers,” I answered tactfully, trying at all times to be professional. I didn't want to jeopardize my career for this asshole, not matter how shocked I was at that moment.

I glared at me for a few seconds and he cleared his throat. “Have a seat. Can I get you anything? Coffee?”

“Coffee would be great, thank you,” I answered and placed my handbag on the floor beside the couch he motioned to. I sat down and placed my presentation books beside me while I watched him call his receptionist to order coffee.

He looked nervous, yet he intimidated the shit out of me. I wasn't the type of person who was easily intimidated by anyone, but he was different. He exuded control and authority, and I found him very unapproachable.

He glanced briefly at me, but as the door opened and his receptionist came in with a tray with two coffees, he quickly looked away.

The coffee was delicious, I had to admit, but I expected nothing less. I placed the cup back on the table and looked at him.

“Can I just say something before we start?” I asked.

“Of course,” he said and sat down opposite me.

“I don't want you to think your initial impression of me is how I am as a professional. I work hard to maintain a level of perfection in my work, and I take a lot of pride in it.”

“I can see that.”


“I read the article about Astral Designs in the newspaper. Your work is extraordinary.”

“Thank you,” I answered with a frown.

“You seem confused.”

“I am,” I confessed.

“And why is that?”

“Because we met a few weeks ago, and then again last week, and now...” My voice trailed because I didn't really have any words. I shook my head and looked at him. “This is just the strangest triple coincidence I have ever had.”

“I know what you mean.”

“And here I thought Miami was a big city.”

“Apparently not.”

“You’re not stalking me, or anything? Or is that a stupid question?”

“I’m not stalking you. This is just as big a shock to me as it is to you.”

“Okay. I meant no offense, I was just asking.”

“It’s fine.”

“And I’m sorry about how it all-”

“We’re not here to talk about that, Miss Morris.”

“Please, call me Kenzie.”

“Kenzie,” he said with a frown.

“Yes, it’s short for MacKenzie.”

“Right,” he answered. “I’d rather prefer to call you Miss Morris.”

“Of course. We’ll keep it professional,” I said and looked at him. He sat silently on the couch and glanced at me as if studying every bit of me. I straightened my shoulders and grabbed my notebook from beside me. “In the case of the remodeling, what were you thinking about doing?”

“This place needs a change. I feel some things are a bit outdated, and I’m hoping that it would give our image a bit of a boost.”

“So are you looking for a more professional approach or more of a modern one?” I asked.

“I don't want people to think that we’re a bunch of nerds or old men who don't have lives. I want our clients and any potential clients to feel that their data and everything they store with us, is in safe hands.”

“Okay,” I said and jotted down a few notes. “Will the offices be done as well, or just the reception?”

“Everything needs to be done. The reception area, Hannah’s desk as well. You’ll consult with her later as to how she prefers everything.”

“I’ll consult with your receptionist.”

“Of course. She is the backbone that holds everything together. Without her...” He paused for a second, trying to find the right words and looked at me. “Let’s just say she is very important, and that I would like her to work in an environment where she is comfortable. So, yes, you will be consulting with Hannah about her work area.”

“Of course.”

“Then it will be the technical room, where all the technicians work.”

“How many are there?”

“Rooms or technicians?”


“About eight.”


“Then there is the conference room, where Calvin and I have most of our meetings. Calvin’s office, the staff room, and then my office.”

“Okay. With regards to your office? Do you have any ideas regarding how you want it to look, colors, layout?” I asked.

“I pretty much like the layout, I don't like bright colors,” he answered.

I glanced up at him and frowned momentarily. Why didn't that surprise me? He was boring as shit, and just as predictable. “Right, okay. You’re more of a neutral palette.”

“Yes, neutral.”

“Any things that you don’t like?”

“Disorder, asymmetry, dust, and fingerprints on clean surfaces.”

“I meant regarding your office.”

“I know what you meant.”

I continued to jot down what he said and pursed my lips, mainly to prevent myself from saying something sarcastic that I may definitely regret. My boss had a rather lengthy talk with me about Wyatt Pearce and told me that I’d better not screw this up, so basically, I had to please this asshole, or I would be fired. Not that I gave my boss any reason to doubt my skills in the past. It just goes to show you, everyone on this planet is replaceable, and unfortunately for me, I knew exactly how that felt.

I didn't want to go into specifics about my old relationships, but it always seemed that I was the ‘finishing school’ for all my ex-boyfriends, because every single guy I broke up with married their next girlfriend. Every single one of them. It was really frustrating because it just made me feel as if I readied them for marriage, but just not with me.

Don't get me wrong, I love being carefree and live on my own, but I’m a woman with basic needs, and of course, I dreamt of getting married one day, but as things stand right now, that was not going to happen. I hadn't been in a relationship for nearly four years, but I have casually dated a few guys, but they were nothing to write home about. They were mostly just casual dating, or when the mood struck me, one night stands.

Yes, I knew it wasn't very moral of me, but once again, I had needs. Who was I to deny myself the basic little pleasures in life?

Focusing my attention back to Wyatt and his office, I asked, “Would you be interested in water features?”

He looked at me as if I had three head and asked, “In my office?”


“You put water features in offices?”

“Mr. Pearce, I can put anything anywhere, if that’s what you want,” I said to him with the utmost confidence, but suddenly cringed inwardly. “And I meant in the least derogatory way.”

“I certainly hope so.”

“My apologies. I didn't mean it that way. I sometimes say things without thinking what it would sound like, or how it could possibly be misinterpreted.”

“I sometimes have that same problem, but it doesn't bother me. I say what I want to say.”

“So you’re one of those people who mean what they say and say what they mean?”

“Yes,” he answered simply.

And that was it. The conversation died as fast as it began.

I closed my notebook and looked at him. “If you wouldn't mind, could you take me on a tour of the floor? I’d like to see the areas that I have to do.”

“I have blueprints here for you.”

“Thank you, but I would have to see the actual floor as well.”

“Very well, but before we do that, I need to tell you something first.”


Here it comes. The big speech. It usually came at this exact time; all the big shot billionaires had a speech like that prepared, so I wasn't surprised when he unleashed the speech on me.

“I built this company from the ground up with my younger brother, and he was always in charge of the image because let's face it, he’s much cooler than I am,” he said to me. “But I’ve decided to take the reigns on this project and I need help with it. I was told that you are the best at what you do.”

“That I am. I can assure you of that.”

“Good. Because I need someone who can deliver, who will listen to what I want, and give me exactly what I want. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Oh dear god. Please make it stop.

“Mr. Pearce, I have a motto when it comes to my work, and I never stray even remotely of it.”

“And what is your motto, Miss Morris?”

“As long as the client is happy, then I am happy, and I will not rest until you are happy because you’re the client. You not only pay me to give you exactly what you want, but you also entrust me with this project. I do not intend on disappointing you, Mr. Pearce. I have never disappointed a client, nor will I ever.”

“That is what I like to hear.”

I smiled proudly, more at myself than at his words, and looked at him.

“I just have one more question.”

“And that is?”

“When can you start?”

My heart did a little somersault of pride when he said that. This would be a super big deal for Astral Designs, as Wyatt’s company was well-known, and it could open a lot of doors for both our companies.

“Whenever you need me,” I answered.

“Right,” he answered with a satisfied look on his face. “Let’s take that tour.”

The floor was massive, I didn't expect it to be that big, and I was shocked to learn that the floor size was almost eighty-thousand square feet. That was a huge project. Wyatt took me into the technician’s room and I was quite shocked at what a big space it occupied. It shouldn't really surprise me because there were eight of them working in there.

“Gentlemen,” Wyatt said and they all turned towards him. “I’d like to introduce Miss Morris. She is the interior designer who will be in charge of doing a complete renovation of the floor.”



They all greeted me, randomly introducing themselves to me, and I smiled politely at them.

“Nice to meet you all.”

They seemed like a nice group of guys, who didn't look as geeky as I thought they would, and I once again realized that appearances meant nothing these days. Wyatt took me to the conference room, which was a huge space that I could play around with and have fun with, while of course maintaining the level of professionalism that he expected of me. It was nice of him to take the time to introduce me to everyone, but the person I liked the most was Hannah. She was friendly and helpful and wasn’t at all as demanding as Wyatt made her out to be. She quickly and frankly told me what she liked and disliked, and we were done. She only had one request though. Her desk had to be square instead of circular and she wanted the reception area to be a little more closed in, which was my first thought when I stepped off the elevators. We shared the same views on décor, and she was easy to talk to.

We noticed that Wyatt was starting to get a little impatient with us babbling like two old friends, and we finished off our consult.

“Right, moving along,” he said and I followed him back down the hallway. There was a door to his left and he paused for a second.

I looked at him with a frown and tilted my head.

“This is my brother, Calvin’s office.”

“I can see that, from the plaque on the door,” I pointed out


“Is it off limits?”

He frowned and shook his head. “Of course not. There is just one thing that you need to know about my brother.”

“Okay, and that is?”

“He’s not like me.”

So, he’s not a rude arrogant asshole who thinks he is the most important person in the world? “What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“Despite being the technical genius behind this company, he’s behind the scenes for a reason.”

“Okay,” I said with a frown.

“Let’s just say that he’s less organized, less controlling than I am.”

So, he’s normal, I wanted to say, but I decided not to. It would not be a good idea to insult the man who would bring in a lot of money for the place that I worked for. Plus my boss would definitely have a coronary if she knew that I said that.

He opened the door and we stepped inside. We heard a woman and a man shriek, and then we saw them. Two naked bodies on the desk, intertwined. The only thing that I saw was a snow white ass, and that was already too much for me to handle this early in the morning.

“Get out, Wyatt!”

“Oh my god!”

Wyatt and I made a run out of the office and slammed the door. We exchanged wide-eyed glances and then simply stared out in front of us.

“I can’t believe what I just saw,” I whispered.

“I am so sorry. My brother is...”

“I didn't think that position was possible on a desk,” I mumbled.

“What?” he asked and I looked at him.

My eyebrows shot up momentarily and I ran my fingers through my hair. “Nothing.” Oh my god, did I honestly just say that?

“I think we should go,” he suggested and I nodded in agreement. We walked wordlessly back to his office and sat down quietly. A few minutes later, the door opened and his brother, Calvin, who was now thankfully fully clothes, walked into the office. His cheeks were flushed and I wasn't sure whether it was from the sex, or from embarrassment. It could possibly be both.

“Calvin Pearce,” he introduced himself to me and held out his hand.

I glanced at it in shock and forced a smile. “Kenzie Morris, the interior decorator.”

“You’re the interior decorator?” he asked me, looking a bit shocked.

“Yes, I am.”

“Wow, I was expecting someone,” he said and glanced at me again after briefly looking at Wyatt with a frown, “completely different.”

“Calvin,” Wyatt muttered in disapproval.

“I’m sorry, but you’re really pretty.”


“Right,” he said and straightened his shoulders. “I’m sorry about the office things. Really I am. That doesn't normally happen. It’s the first time actually. I know what you must be thinking, and it’s not...”

“It wasn’t what it looked like? You didn’t have sex on your desk?” I asked.

“You’re right., and I have no excuse.” He sighed in defeat and shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

“I must admit, I saw way more than I bargained for, but it’s fine. You’re sort of forgiven.”

“I can always take you to dinner to make up for it.”

“No, I’m good, thanks,” I said again with a forced smile.

“Okay then.”

“Calvin,” Wyatt said with an agitated tone. “We’re in the middle of a meeting. Please sit down, or leave.”

Calvin sat down beside him and glanced at me. They were definitely brothers and looked very much alike, but they each had their own distinguishing features. Calvin was a little darker than Wyatt, his hair, his eyes and his wicked grin. Wyatt didn't smile much, and when he did, it wasn’t a proper smile. He was definitely the older, more sensible one who took life way too seriously. Calvin, on the other hand, was fun and playful and had sex on his desk just for kicks.

“So, you’ve seen everything,” Wyatt said to me.

“Pretty much,” I said with a chuckle and shook my head. “Sorry, I didn't mean to sound unprofessional.”

“It’s okay,” Calvin said with a wink.

I bit my bottom lip for a second, just to compose myself, and obviously to not piss Wyatt off even more than he already was, I looked at him, pushing aside all the innuendo and suggestive comments that may possibly arise – see what I mean – and said to him, “I’ve taken notes to what we talked about throughout and all I need to do now is to work out a plan and you just have to approve it. What is your budget for this entire project?”

Wyatt glanced at Calvin, who shrugged his shoulders and said, “This is all you, brother.”

“Well, in that case, I don't have a budget. You have free reigns on this, as long as everything is done according to how I want it, with the exception of Calvin’s office, Hannah’s work area, and the tech room.”

“Okay, that’s perfectly fine. I will do some concept drawings and I can meet up with you next week, if that suits you,” I answered.

“That’s perfect.”

I smiled and nodded. “Then, as soon as you approve of everything, I can give you the final numbers, and we can get started.”

“How long would something like this take, Kenzie?” Calvin asked.

“What usually takes the longest is the drawing up of everything and the approval. The actual redesign takes roughly two to three weeks, providing everything is in stock at the suppliers, but even if it’s not, it can be couriered here as well, so it’s not a very dragged out process.”

“That’s good to hear,” Wyatt answered, looking pleased, which was a good thing.

“A lot of people hate redesigning because of all the mess, I know, but we do try to to make it as painless and pleasant as possible for you.”

“See, Wyatt. It won’t be so bad,” Calvin said and patted Wyatt on his shoulder.

“I hope you washed your hands,” Wyatt muttered, looking at the place on his shoulder where Calvin patted him in disgust and Calvin chuckled.

I pursed my lips and closed my notebook. “So that’s it from my part. Is there anything else related to the redesign process that you want to know? Anything you can think of?”

“Not right now. Everything you’ve explained was very clear, thank you,” Wyatt answered.

“Thank you for your time, Mr. Pearce,” I said to him with a smile and stood up.

“I’ll walk you out,” Calvin said and I smiled politely.

“Have a lovely day, Mr. Pearce,” I said to Wyatt.

“And you,” he answered.

Calvin walked out with me all the way to the reception, following me like a shadow and I frowned to myself. I glanced at the receptionist and said, “Could you please schedule-”

“An appointment for next week Friday, ten in the morning?” she asked.

“Wow, you’re good,” I said to her with a smile.

“I have to be,” she shrugged.

“That date and time is perfect, thank you,” I answered.

“You’re welcome. Have a lovely week.”

“And you,” I said with a smile.

“It was nice to meet you, Miss Morris,” Calvin said with a wink.

“You too,” I smiled politely and made my way to the elevator. When the doors closed in front of me, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, as I felt Calvin’s eyes undress me every single second he looked at me. Being objectified by a guy who had minutes before had sex with another woman in his office, was creepy, and very disturbing. I still couldn't get the image of his milky white ass out of my mind, and that was not something that I would brag about. As the elevator went down to the ground floor, a weird thought suddenly struck me. What the hell happened to the woman he had sex with?





I shifted around uncomfortably waiting for Calvin to come back to the office. He had walked Kenzie out and I sat alone in my office, still wondering how the hell he managed to have sex on that desk. I cringed at the thought, and even more so that Kenzie was with me. I was dead sure that she didn't want to see that.

Calvin walked into the office with a smirk and looked at me. “She is hot.”

“Calvin...” I warned.

“Where the hell did you find this woman?”

“She’s Astral Designs’ top interior designers.”

“That’s why you hired her, right, because she’s hot and you needed-”

“No, I didn't know what she looked like.”

“Well, either way, it was a good choice. I hope she decorates as good as she looks in a skirt.”

“Calvin, just stop it, okay.”

“What the hell is up your ass?”

“I have something to tell you,” I said hesitantly.

Calvin walked up to me and frowned. “What?”

“I know her.”

“You know her? How?”

“Well, technically I don’t know her, but I’ve seen her twice now.”


“Once was on the flight to Atlanta.”

Calvin’s jaw dropped and he stared at me in disbelief for a second. Then a smirk surfaced on his lips and he chuckled. “That was her?”


“Wow, that’s weird,” Calvin frowned. “And the second time?”

“She is artsygirl777.”


“I know. I couldn't believe it either.”

“What did she say when she saw you?”

“She was shocked, as was I.”

“I can imagine, but you still hired her.”

“She’s the best.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“Don’t be an idiot, Calvin. Which other reasons would there be? I’m not you.”

“True, but I honestly am not going to mind having her in the office for the next few weeks. She’s very easy on the eyes, and did you notice how good she smells?”

“Behave yourself. She had already been scarred by what happened in your office.”

“Yeah, that was my bad.”

“What the hell were you thinking? You can’t just have sex in your office. You’re supposed to be working.”

“I was working,” Calvin said with a wicked grin and chuckled.

“It’s not funny.”

“You always knock before going into a room, Wyatt, especially my office.”

“That’s not an excuse, Calvin! Our interior designer saw you naked, on top of another woman.”

“The least she could do is return the favor.”

I glared at him angrily and shook my head. “Leave her alone. She is here to do her job and that’s it.”

“So I’m not allowed to flirt with her?” he asked and crossed his arms.


“That’s not fair,” he muttered and then glanced at me. “You like her, don't you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I muttered. “Why on Earth would I like her?”

“You went out with her.”

“Because you forced me to,” I defended.

“Look, I already apologized to you about that.”

“You think that one apology is going to make up for that?”

Before he could answer, not that he would anyway, the door opened and Hannah stood in the doorway. I turned to her and asked, “Hannah?”

“Sir, your eleven o’clock appointment has arrived.”

“Hannigan from Human Resources?” I asked her.

“Yes, sir.”

“Just give us ten minutes, Hannah,” Calvin said with a patronizing expression on his face.

“No, we’re done,” I said as I turned to Calvin. “You can let yourself out.”

“Fine,” he muttered and left the office.

“Is everything okay, sir?” Hannah asked after he left.

I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. “Calvin is being such a...”

“That’s who he is if you don't mind me saying so, sir.”

“No, of course not. It’s the truth,” I said and took a deep breath.

“Miss Morris seems really nice. I like her. She thinks a lot like me.”

“No-one thinks like you, Hannah. You’re one of a kind.”

“Thank you, sir. That’s nice of you to say.”

“I mean every word,” I said and looked at her.

She cocked her head at me, the way she always would if she was trying to figure out what I was thinking. Most times she would be right, which was kind of scary. No-one knew me like Hannah did. “Should I give you a minute?” she asked me.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you, Hannah.”

“I made Miss Morris’s appointment next week Friday at ten, and cleared the rest of your schedule for that day.”

I glanced at her with a frown and asked, “Why?”

“You forgot about your family dinner.”

My shoulders slumped and I nodded. “You’re right. I did. What would I do without you?”

“I honestly don’t know, sir,” she answered with a smile. “I’ll bring Mr. Hannigan through.”

“Thank you.”

I walked to my desk and sat down in my comfortable leather chair, awaiting the Head of Human Resources’s arrival, for our monthly meeting, but the only thing I could think of was the strange coincidences that life brought upon me these last two weeks. What on Earth were the chances that the woman on the plane and the woman who I went on a blind date with turned out to be the same woman that would be redecorating our offices?

I wondered what she thought of all this, and whether she was just as mind-boggled as I was. I hoped so because I didn't want to be the only one who thought this coincidence was as spooky as hell.







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