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Dirty Little Secret: A Billionaire Romance Novel by S.J. Mullins (65)


Monday morning Amanda wasn’t in the office. She was usually here a lot earlier than I was. I came in my usual time but I was still sporting a hangover and cursing the day I had decided to change everything up for the better.

Better for what?

All that happened now was that I couldn’t recuperate as well after a binge weekend as I used to. I had drunk a lot at Charlie’s event because I hadn’t wanted to go. I had carried on drinking on Sunday for no good reason at all other than wanting to escape from everyone and everything.

I was paying for it now and I regretted it.

By ten o’clock Amana walked into my office. She looked put together as always but something was different about her. Something was… off.

“You’re late,” I said the way she always reprimanded me.

“I had things to take care of.”  She sat down in the armchair facing me. Amanda never sat down in my office. She was being completely out of character.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

Amanda took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before she spoke.

“I’ve decided to give you what you want,” she said.

I frowned. “What’s that?” I couldn’t imagine Amanda giving me anything.

“I’ll let you buy me out. For the worth of my half and no more.”

I blinked at her. “What?”

She sighed. “I know you heard me, James. Don’t make me say it again.”

I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

“And I don’t expect you to,” she said. “I know it’s hard for you to look beyond your own life.”

I raised my eyebrows at her. “Wow.”  She was being more bitchy than usual. “Who spat in your coffee?”

She shook her head.

“It doesn’t matter what my reasons are but I’ve decided to take a new direction in my life and unfortunately that doesn’t include the company. I trust you know what to do to make everything work?”

I nodded, slowly. I didn’t exactly know what to do but I was willing to give it a shot. I had never thought we would get here, with Amanda agreeing with me on something.

“Right then,” she said, leaning back in the armchair for a moment. With that posture and a look of uncertainty on her face, she looked almost human. “Well, I’ll get something formal drawn up and get it to you. You think about it and let me know.”

The softness was gone again and the ice queen was back. It was like I hadn’t glimpsed that small lapse where she had forgotten to put on her mask. She got up and turned toward the door.

“I’m taking Derek with me,” she added before she left. “It’s your choice how you want to take it all further.”

“And he won’t talk?” I asked.

Amana shook her head. “I don’t want to make it hard for you, James. I just want out. Derek will keep his mouth shut, I’ll make sure of it.”

“Why are you being so agreeable?” I asked.

Amanda rolled her eyes at me instead of gracing me with an answer and left my office, closing the door behind me. I sat in my chair, gaping, wondering what the hell had just happened. I picked up the phone and dialed Caleb’s number.

He was going to come as soon as he could. We had a lot to talk about. For one, I wasn’t sure if I could trust Amanda. And another thing was who would replace her. I’d done my interviews and I hadn’t found anyone who I thought was savvy enough to help me out. I needed someone with a strong history in finances, someone who wouldn’t be walked over. Someone who knew what they were doing and could do the right thing going forward.

Ava had gone through all the paperwork. If there was anyone who knew what the company needed and how to get out of this mess, it was her.

Which was what gave me the idea.

When Caleb arrived, I was flustered and irritated. It had taken him more than an hour longer than he’d told me to wait and I was starting to feel like an idiot for thinking I would be able to sort it all out by myself.

“What’s going on?” Caleb asked when I stood at the window, pulling on a cigarette.

“Amanda came in here this morning, offering me her half of the company.”

Caleb frowned. “What?”

I nodded. “That’s what I said. She won’t tell me why but she seems serious. She’s getting documentation to me soon.”

Caleb shook his head. “After everything, she’s just going to roll over and show her belly?”

I shrugged. I didn’t know what was going on but it wasn’t bad. At least, I didn’t think it was.

“Does she want revenge? A ridiculous price? What is she playing at?”

“Maybe she just wants out,” I said, taking my last drag and killing the cigarette on the windowsill before putting the butt in the container I used for them.

“Why are you so calm about this?”  Caleb asked.

“Because you took long to get here so I’m over my panic now.”

Caleb raised one eyebrow at me and sat down.

“Okay. I got tied up with work, by the way. With another client that I have to prioritize as much as I prioritize you.”

I waved my hand. I didn’t want to fight.

“I need to find someone to replace her. I want someone that can help me with this business, get it on the right track and the move forward. We’ll have to redo a lot of documents and I would like the privilege to sign them myself.”

Caleb nodded. He steepled his fingers.

“And? Have you found someone? Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I want Ava,” I said, turning toward Caleb. I leaned against the fall next to the window, my hands in my pockets and I watched Caleb digest the information.

“You want her to work for you?” he asked.

I nodded. “We’ve both seen how good she is at what she does. She knows what she’s doing and I think she can handle it.”

“And you think she’s going to come when you call? After everything that happened? She’s not speaking to you, remember?”

I sighed. How could I forget?

“I know,” I said. “Which is why I need you.”

“I’m not calling her again on your behalf. We’re still recovering from the last time I did that.”

I shook my head and walked toward my desk.

“I’m not asking you to contact her. I want you to give me her details so I can do it. I’m going to Chicago.”

Caleb stared at me with his mouth slightly open, the shock apparent on his face.

“You’re going after her?”

I nodded. “If for nothing more than business.”

Caleb narrowed his eyes at me, his hands in his lap now. “You want it to me more?”

“Of course, I do. God, I can only pretend for so long that I feel nothing for her. But you must have seen how easy it is to fall for her and never bounce back.”

Caleb nodded slowly. “I did. And I’m starting to think that I was lucky I didn’t fall in too deep with her. If you’re planning on bringing her back I’m going to see more of her, too.”

I nodded. That was true. And if she didn’t want me but she took the job and she decided on Caleb? I would die if that happened. It was a risk I was going to take, though. I wanted her in my company. I needed that kind of savvy. And I wanted a chance to try again. A third time. The first time that I realized she was exactly what I needed and I was going to fight for it.

“I’ll get her address to you by tonight,” Caleb said.

“You don’t mind me going after her?”  I asked. I hadn’t been happy that Caleb had made a move on her but if he wanted to compete with me I had no right to Ava.

“Why would I mind? I told you that you were stupid to let her go. Yes, I would have liked a shot with her but even if you weren’t interested, her heart belongs to you. I’ve told you all of this.”

I nodded.

“Thank you, Caleb,” I said.

“Of course. I think it’s big of you to go after her. Fifteen years too late, but at least you’re doing it.”

I smiled at my friend. He was a good man. Friends like him were few and far between. It wasn’t very often that friendships bounced back after they were ripped apart by a woman.

I picked up the phone when Caleb left and dialed the airport. I booked a flight to Chicago in the morning. By then, Caleb would have an address for me. When I’d booked and paid for my ticket I put down the phone and took a deep breath. My stomach turned with nerves. I was going after with a job offer and a request to try again. I wasn’t sure about the first – she might take it – but I was sure she would reject me if I told her how I felt about her. I was too late – fifteen years, like Caleb had said – but the last while I’d realized how I felt about her. My life was empty without her and I was tired of trying to fill up the space with alcohol and cigarettes and women that I didn’t know and would never see again.

I was going to start a new chapter in my life and I wanted Ava to be by my side for it. My father was dead. Charlie had betrayed me in every way possible and I had no respect for the rest of my family. I would do whatever the hell I wanted. If that included loving Ava, that was what I was going to do.