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The Wrong Side Of Us (The Right Kind Of Wrong Book 2) by L.B. Reyes (16)









Chapter 16





I stood inside the crowded gallery, admiring the sight of what Nathan accomplished. It was the weekend, and there was an exhibition that I had been warned about. Of course, with my pregnancy brain, I kept forgetting even what my name was, so I didn’t remember it was going to be so busy.

I brushed my hair back, crossing my arms over my chest. Nathan spoke with several potential buyers, as did Jesse, while I walked around the gallery. I was so proud of him. Though Nathan was tired and a bit stressed, I could tell he was happy, proud of what he’d accomplished. There is nothing like seeing what you’ve been working toward flourish.

“Nice gallery, isn’t it?”

I jumped back, startled at the voice behind me.

“Paintings here are rare. Honestly some of the more interesting ones I’ve seen.”

A man stood next to me, smiling. His green eyes sparkled, and he’d combed his light brown hair back. He looked around the gallery for a moment before addressing me again.

“Do you frequent this place?”

I studied him quietly. Truth be told, he was handsome, but that wasn’t what caught me off guard. He seemed familiar, though I couldn’t exactly place where I had seen him before.

“Uh, yeah, actually, I do. What about you?”

“First time,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “I’m interested in a few pieces, but the seller is busy, so I’m waiting patiently.” He extended his hand to me. “I’m Derek Hensley, and your name is?”

I smiled, extending my hand to him as well. He seemed friendly enough. “Evelyn Carson.” My eyes widened when from a distance Nathan’s gaze fell on us at that precise moment.

He was not happy.

I removed my hand from his, giving him a tight smile when I felt I’d done something wrong.

“Do you want a drink?” Derek asked.

“No, thank you,” I replied. He hummed, but by his expression, I could tell something was on his mind. He looked at me intently, making me shift uncomfortably on my feet.

“I’m sorry, you just seem incredibly familiar,” he said. “Have we met before?”

I smiled, genuinely this time. “I feel the same way. I just don’t know where I’ve seen you before. Hensley, right?”

He chuckled. “Yes. I know many people with the last name Carson, so…” He narrowed his eyes on me as he trailed off. “You aren’t by any chance related to Hannah Carson, are you?”

My heart stilled.

“I’m sorry if I’m prying,” the man said when he noticed my expression. “You don’t have to tell me anything.”

“How do you know her?” I asked.

“Acquaintances. Almost did a few deals with her before the crumbling of the company. Shame what she did, very stupid. All that fraud with no need hurt many families. I heard it was under new management and that it was doing much better now, thanks to the little sister. Bright girl if she managed to at least put the place back on the right track before stepping down.”

That’s me!

I hid my smile. At least I’d done something right according to this…stranger.

“You sure are a bit of a gossiper,” I commented.

He smirked, taking a sip of his wine. “You have to be informed in the industry.”

“That’s one way to put it.”

Not knowing what else to say, I focused my attention on the painting in front of us.

I didn’t know why I was nervous, I just…was.

It’s because he knows your family.

And if he knew my family, it was possible he’d seen that video. If he’d seen the video, then he thought I was easy. And if he thought I was easy, there was no telling what he wanted from me.

“I can hear you,” he whispered. I gasped, jumping back once again.

Did I say that out loud?

“No, you didn’t say that out loud,” he snorted. “But I can tell you’re trying to figure me out. I’m just a man making conversation, that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“Nothing is ever that simple,” I stated, unknowingly glaring at him.

“With me, it is.” He smiled, flashing his perfect teeth. He glanced towards the other side of the gallery, nodding towards it. “Come here. There’s a painting I think you’ll find interesting.”

I searched for Nathan in the crowd and sighed when I couldn’t find him.

Oh well.

I followed behind Derek, bypassing the various groups and couples talking until we were in front of a painting that I hadn’t seen before.

I wasn’t sure who painted it or why it was there, but its beauty took my breath away.

“What do you see?” Derek asked, his eyes roaming the painting cautiously.

There was a woman hunched over, hugging her knees while the world around her seemed to crumble. She wore a warrior suit but appeared weak.

She’d given up the fight.

Her world was a literal war zone, and the woman had given up.

“You’re thinking she’s given up, don’t you?” Derek gave me a knowing look. I nodded, looking up at him, for the first time since we started talking truly meeting his eyes. “Well, look at her facial expression. Do you see it?”

Her face looked fierce. Her eyes shone with bravery, and if I looked closely, I could even see a hint of a smile on her face.

“Yeah, I see it.” My voice was a mere whisper.

“Yes, she’s hunched over. She’s protecting herself. And yes, the world around her is falling apart, but what does her facial expression tell you?”

I smiled softly. “That she’s going to get back up.”

“Exactly,” he said, smiling back at me. “Her world is crumbling, but she’s letting it pass because in the end, she knows she’s stronger than what’s going on around her.”

“That’s beautiful,” I murmured, now having a new understanding of the painting.

“Truly is.” Derek grinned. “As are you, by the way.”

I flushed; the man wasn’t directly flirting, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out what he was trying to do.

“Thank you.”

He shrugged, downing the rest of his wine. “I figure someone like you can’t be single. But hey, nothing more than a friendly cup of coffee won’t hurt anyone, will it?”

“That depends on your intentions,” I heard Nathan’s voice.

There was no mistaking his jealousy. Nathan gripped my waist tightly as if forgetting that the man in front of him was a potential client.

“Hey,” I breathed. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Nathan smiled at me, tilting my chin up and placing a kiss on my lips.

“I’m taking a wild guess that this is the boyfriend?” Derek said with a raised eyebrow. “You could have told me you were dating the owner of the gallery. Now he may not sell me the pieces I want,” Derek teased.

Nathan sighed, shaking his head. “What are you doing here, Derek?”

“You know him?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

“Acquaintances,” both men replied at the same time.

“Okay,” I said, glancing between them. I was hormonal, yes, but the testosterone war about to ensue was one I didn’t want to be a part of. “I’m going to take a walk. I’ll see you later?” I asked Nathan.

“Yeah.” He pressed a kiss on my temple. “We can have lunch in about an hour?”

“Sounds good,” I said, squeezing his hand. Finally, I turned my attention to Derek, who still stood, watching us curiously. “It was nice to meet you, Derek.”

“It was, Evelyn. I’ll be waiting for that coffee, hm?”




Once in the office, I took a seat by the desk, closing my eyes. I could hear the chatter of the people out in the gallery, the excitement in their voices, while all I could think about was Hannah’s call.

Was Derek being there a sign that I should talk to her?

Maybe it was a subtle way of life letting me know it was time to confront her once again, hear her out. My mind kept warning me that it was a bad idea, that there was a huge chance of getting hurt again.

I was too damn curious.

Nathan wouldn’t approve, and though I knew he was looking out for me, I knew it was also something I had to do. If I didn’t, I would regret it for the rest of my life. I didn’t necessarily have to do it for her, but for myself.

Maybe she had changed.

In the end, the only things I’d regret were the things I didn’t do, the things I didn’t say. I wouldn’t make that mistake. I’d been dealt with endless problems already—a less than ideal family, problems that some people never had to go through—and I was still standing.

What harm could a little reunion with my beloved sister do?