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Shifters of Anubis: The Complete Series (5 Books) by Sabrina Hunt (144)




“No,” I said without thinking, jerking away from Dez. “Faye died so you could live!”

“Soraya,” Dez said in a gentle voice. “Hear me out.”

“No, I don’t like that idea either!” Finni interjected. “We’ve had enough sacrifices.”

“All of you, please, listen…” Quickly Dez explained to them about how Parasite had approached him at the gala dinner and tried to persuade him to come to the TLO, how he needed their help. It was hard to say whose face showed the most horror, Kesari’s or Dara’s.

But before anyone could speak, he began to outline his idea.

Dez would go to the warehouse, seeking out Parasite and drawing their attention to him. Meanwhile, everyone else would get into place, taking care to avoid their guard. Or silently taking out any that they could. This would be followed by the diversion.

First, Dez would lob a small smoke bomb into their product. Not to damage it, but enough to set off the fire alarms and get the attention of the fire and police departments. At that point, the Order would swoop in, trying to draw the shifters out and keep the inanis safe.

Except for Brissett and his men.

“Someone will need to find Brissett and tie him up, so the police can find him,” Dez finished.

“You're talking about a ten-fifteen-minute window, Dez, if that,” Obi pointed out immediately.

“What happens if they knock you out?” Kesari asked, her cheeks going red.

“There are so many things that could go wrong,” Roy muttered.

“I don’t know how good of an actor you are, Prof,” Dara said, eyeing Dez.

“What if they just decided to light the place on fire and be done with it? Like the Cantina? Then we’ve shown our hand for nothin’,” Finni exclaimed.

Andrei, Alvie and I were quiet. I could tell the three of us were weighing options, trying to figure out another way, but they must have realized as I did.

Dez was right – this was it.

Unless we had someone on the inside to set off the alarms, it wouldn’t work.

“What if someone just tries to sneak in?” Kesari asked. “Why give yourself up, Dez?”

“They’ve got that place completely covered,” I answered. “No weak spots.”

His eyes met mine and he gave me soft smile. “This is the only way we get them.”

Lips trembling, I nodded and asked, “Andrei, what do you think?”

“You would willingly be our Trojan Horse?” he asked Dez, his face a mask.

Dez let out a small chuckle. “Well, according to Kai, Dr. Crane likes the Greeks, so sure.”

“You know if we attract the attention of the Boston police and fire departments, it will also bring in the city’s Order,” Finni said. “Shifters of Anubis will be swarming us. We could get exiled for this.”

“That will not happen,” Andrei said steadily. “By then, we’ll have the major threats in our custody. Even if there are traitors here, they won’t be able to reveal themselves. They’ll be backed into a corner.” He sounded satisfied. “No way they’ll dare let the Valspar siblings or Dr. Crane go.”

“And the fact that they got out will alert people that something is going on,” I said, rubbing my elbows. “It might make the traitors more cautious, but that’s a chance we have to take. We have to stop Foundry Pharmaceuticals.”

“That’s what they’re calling themselves?” Roy asked, shaking his head.

Kesari’s jaw had dropped. “I’ve heard of them! They’ve been around for a while. And they make a lot of money, but they always downplay it. I thought that was weird for a big pharma.”

“Well, as we all know, the best laid plans never go as planned,” Andrei said. “Everyone needs full combat gear.” He stood up and gestured at me, then Roy. “Come with me, you two. The rest of you start looking at maps, thinking through scenarios and figuring out anything we missed.”

Squeezing Dez’s shoulder, I stood up and followed Andrei. My back was still a little stiff and my usual energy wasn’t there. I was going to have to pull a Kesari and drink some serious espresso before tonight. We went down one hall, then another and wound up in a large room, the shelves packed with tactical equipment.

“Friends brought us some gifts last night,” Andrei commented.

“Good friends,” I commented. “Obviously everyone will need tranquilizers, guns, protective gear, and good, solid boots with traction.”

Andrei started lining up the gear on each table. “Soraya, Roy, I asked you both to come with me because I have a favor to ask. I’d like you to monitor the situation from a safe distance with my computer guy. He’s going to hack into the security cameras and you’ll all be our eyes in the sky.”

“I want to be on the ground,” I protested crossly. “As close to Dez as possible.”

“I’d prefer to be on the ground, too, Andrei,” Roy said stiffly.

Glancing over at his younger cousin, I saw a pensive expression flit across Andrei’s face. For a moment, it passed, then he asked in a waspish voice, “What is your problem, Roy?” He was now staring at Roy so intently it was like I wasn’t in the room.

“Nothing,” Roy replied coolly. “It would be a waste of my abilities to have me hang back.”

“I’d thought you’d want to – seeing as Dr. Iyer is still a prime target for the TLO. Maybe not their first priority, but if they find out she’s here, they might go after her,” Andrei said.

A muscle moved in Roy’s jaw and he looked away. Kesari was Roy’s world now. His weakness, if it came to that. And I didn’t think it fair for Andrei to use her against his cousin...

Kai had told me about hanging onto Roy as he tried to run into a burning building in Bear Valley because he thought Kesari was in there. My cousin had said he could feel Roy’s agony down into his bones when Roy falsely believed the woman he loved was dead. Kai had said he hadn’t felt that helpless since Greece or when Isla was stabbed by Parasite.

Ready to tell Andrei off, the words abruptly died on my lips when I saw his face and the worry in his eyes. His instincts were screaming at him to protect Roy by keeping Kesari safe.

He must have known about Bear Valley, I thought.

“It has nothing to do with your abilities, Roy,” Andrei said. “I am worried about Kesari.” His eyes flashed to me. “And Soraya. You were badly wounded not even, what, four days ago? You’re still recovering, I can tell your back is bothering you by the way you’re standing there.”

“I know how to take care of myself, Andrei,” I said, not liking his high and mighty tone. “You might be two years older than me, but you’re not my keeper. Or Roy’s. Let him decide.”

“Would you stay with Kes, Soraya?” Roy suddenly asked.

“I…” I rubbed my forehead. “I’ll think about it, but I should be with Dez.”

“I’m one of the best stealth operatives there is,” Roy said, crossing his arms. “If anyone should be Dez’s backup, it should be me.”

“No, I will be Dez’s backup,” Andrei said. “I am the best there is. So, both of you can rest easy and hang back. I’ve got this, I promise.”

I rolled my eyes but held my tongue. Andrei wasn't wrong. But to my surprise Roy snorted. We both looked at him. His fists were clenched and he was glaring at Andrei.

“Roy?” I asked, a little alarmed. He seemed to have regressed into the angry, closed-off boy I’d once known. The one only Faye could get through to.

“The last time I trusted you, you failed me. You failed her,” Roy said savagely.

At first, I thought he meant Kesari or me, but then I looked at Andrei. Roy had hit some nerve and there was devastated, crumpled look on Andrei’s face. One I’d never seen before.

“Roy,” Andrei said in a low voice. “This isn’t the time for that. I understand–”

“If you’re the best there is, why is Faye dead!” Roy shouted, color rushing into his face. “She was family to me – more than most of the Zimas ever could be! She was my sister!”

The pain in Roy’s voice echoed my own. I wanted to reach out and hold him, but he was too wrapped up in his grief and fury. I knew he’d push me away. But more than that, I looked at Andrei and saw his eyes fill with guilt and grief. And I understood.

Andrei hadn’t just heard about Bear Valley. He had been there that night.

“You said she’d–” Roy couldn’t finish and turned around.

Andrei put a hand over his eyes. “I thought she was, Roy. When I realized…”

“You should have made sure,” Roy bit out. “She was always putting everyone else first.”

“Roy,” I said, unable to take it anymore. “Roy, listen to me.” I put a hand on his back and he flinched away. “Hey!” I snapped, turning him to face me and putting my hands on his face. “You cannot blame Andrei for this. You cannot. Don’t go down this road, Roy. I know you are in hellish pain and you want to find something to hang onto. Anger is always the easy choice.” My throat tightened. “Believe me, I get that. But Faye wouldn’t want this, not for you.”

His eyes were closed, but he didn’t pull away. “He promised.”

“That isn’t fair, Roy,” I said softly. “As amazing as Andrei likes to think Andrei is, he is human at the end of the day.” I paused, struggling to find the right words. “Faye was so happy with how happy you were, Roy. Not a Runner, dating Kesari, and living your life. Don’t stop now.”

Roy’s blue eyes slowly opened and he looked at me. “Maybe I should have–”

“It is not your fault, Roy,” Andrei said sharply. “The blame lies with me.”

“It’s no one’s fault,” I said, pressing Roy’s cheeks harder and he let out a reluctant laugh. “Faye was her own woman, through and through. And she wanted what Andrei wanted – for you, her little brother – to be safe, happy and well.” Reaching up, I pulled Roy into a hug. “I know you miss her, Roy. I do, too. Everyday. But you've still got big sisters looking out for you. Me and Piper.”

Roy hugged me back, letting his weight sag onto me for a moment. Reaching up, I patted his head. When he stepped back, I gave his cheek two sturdy love-taps as I would Kai or Enele.

“Now apologize to Andrei,” I ordered him. “And forgive him, too.”

“I’m sorry, Andrei,” Roy said with a sigh. “Soraya’s right, it was easier to blame you.”

Andrei came over and pulled Roy into a rough hug. “You weren’t alone in that blame.”

A little while later and you’d have never known the two of them had been at each other’s throats. Andrei set Roy organizing the rest of the equipment and he agreed without hesitation.

But once Roy was distracted, I pulled Andrei aside. “Is there something you’re not telling us about Faye?”

“No,” he said, face inscrutable. “I swear, Soraya, last I saw, she was heading for the outside.”

Some sense still nagged at me, but I’d have to get it out of Andrei later. “There’s also this – you and I have to figure out a way to ensure Dez doesn’t get arrested tonight.”

Nodding, Andrei dragged a hand over his face. “I know. Why can’t things ever be simple?”

“Hmph. That’s life. But you and I both know our clout in the Order could be enough to keep him safe from consequences of the Shifters of Anubis and the TLO.”

“Huh?” Andrei asked.

“If he gets arrested, who’s to say Frost won’t have her cronies spirit him away in the middle of the night?” I hissed. “Parasite already tried to get him. It’s probably because he’s a king cheetah!”

“Shit,” Andrei said, his brow knotting up. “I didn’t think of that.”

“I will hang back with Roy and on one condition only, Andrei,” I said. “Our base has to be close enough so that if Dez is in trouble, I can get in and get him out.”

“I don’t want Kesari near them,” Andrei hissed at me. “If Roy loses her –”

“I’m aware, you old softy,” I said, amused. “So, listen, that’s why we should have our eyes in the sky be my sister, Talori. She’s a computer whiz. If she spots danger, Roy can get Kesari out of there. I will point out, though, Kesari is a lynx shifter and a pretty good fighter. As much as I am right there with you, we can’t lock them up and throw away the key. They’re Shifters of Anubis, too.”

“Fine, I’ll find somewhere within a mile or two,” he growled.

“If you’re that worried, you could find some extra muscle,” I pointed out.

Andrei shoved his hands in his pocket and scowled. “I already tried. Too short of notice.”


After another hour of organizing and planning, Andrei sent everyone away to rest before tonight. We had almost six hours until we had to be there, so Dez and I went back to his apartment. He had a few things he wanted to gather up.

“Come here,” he said, walking towards Miss May’s office once we were in the apartment.

“I thought I wasn’t supposed to go in there,” I said.

“That was before,” Dez replied. “No more secrets.”

“Is this your secret lair?” I teased, and he opened the door, flicking on the light. “Oh, it is.”

It was a cross between an office and an evidence lab such as the police might have had. Covered with maps, photographs, and stacks of paper, it was far messier than anything else I’d seen of Dez’s. Although there was a big, old-fashioned wooden desk neat as a pin in the corner.

“This isn’t Miss May’s office,” Dez said. “It’s mine. It’s always been mine. I’m sorry.”

“Dez, it’s okay,” I said. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”

“I thought you’d be furious with me about Faye,” he said softly, leaning against the desk and watching me examine the office walls. “Instead, you seem, I don’t know. Almost peaceful.”

I looked over at Dez and smiled. “Because so much makes sense. She was a born leader but always stayed in the background. But when time demanded it, she could inspire the best in people.”

He sighed and I came over to him. “I’m sorry for all the lies and games.”

“I’ve forgiven you, Dez. Now, forgive yourself,” I murmured, wrapping my arms around his torso and settling my head on his chest. “And thank you.”

“Thank you?” Dez asked and wrapped his arms around me.

“You sacrificed a lot to honor our friend,” I whispered.

For a long time, we stood there and silently held onto each other. Then I stepped back and hopped up onto the desk, my eyes on him the whole time.

Dez came over, placing his hands on either side of me and kicking the chair out of the way. Our lips found each other, the pressure sweet and slow.

Closing my eyes, I let my hands trace patterns from his chiseled pectorals down his strong stomach. Then I grasped his shirt’s bottom and slowly pulled it off. As I did that, Dez was pulling off the sweatshirt I was wearing and the tank underneath.

My bra and pants joined the pile. Before I could blink, his mouth was on mine, ferocious and dominating now. Pressing myself against him, I sighed as our bodies melted together. His lips slid away, finding my cheek, my jaw and neck.

He chuckled in my ear. “Is this resting?”

“Absolutely,” I murmured, then I arched up as he palmed a breast, taking the other into his mouth. I let out a soft whimper at the scrape of his teeth. My fingers were becoming frantic across his back. And my head fell back as my eyes closed.

I gave myself utterly to this moment.

Dez did as well. Every touch was deliberate. Intense. Assertive.

He’d switched up mouth and hands on my breasts. With every second, I was starting to come undone. At that, Dez lifted his head and gave me a lazy kiss.

“Not yet,” he whispered.

Our eyes met at that moment and something tugged sharply between us. Then our lips were crashing together, famished and desperate. Both of us were aware this could be the last time we were together, though neither of us was saying it.

Dez, I can’t lose you, I thought, kissing him harder and harder. Please.

He responded to that by gripping me even more tightly. Suddenly his fingers teased across my panties and I bucked towards him. A moan pushed out of my throat as he pulled off my panties and tossed them aside. Fingers slid inside of my warmth and I cried out.

Leaning back, Dez was watching me, one hand steadying me on my back and I writhed against him. His name was falling from my lips and then I was arching up, screaming out a release.

“Beautiful,” Dez murmured, kissing me hard and then his lips were tracing down, at my sternum and at my navel, then lower and lower.

A cool breath moved across my center and his tongue laved me. Gripping the edges of the desk, my head fell back as his hands spread me open. I was gasping and moaning, begging for more.

He was relentless and I lost all track of everything but his tongue and the pleasure he was unfurling inside of me. Deep, throbbing waves of it rising up to the point of pain.

When I shattered, my vision was filled with stars and I slid back, falling onto the desk. Dez was there, then, leaning over me and kissing me sweetly. He waited until I caught my breath, before pulling me upright and setting me on feet.

Suddenly I was turned around and my hands hit the desk. His hard chest was at my back and I heard his pants hit the floor. I could feel his hard length against me and let out a mewl.

“I love you,” he said in my ear as he entered me. “I love you so much.”

His hand was stroking up my throat, the other on my stomach and I relished every last intersection of our bare skin. The feeling of him moving inside of me.

“I love you, Dez,” I said, straightening a little and turning my head. His lips found mine.

Now we were crashing together and becoming one. Every groan amplified my pleasure. His satisfaction was my own. Each movement and every word wrote itself into my soul.

Never would I forget how Dez held onto me. The way he said my name in my ear or how I cried out his name. The rise and fall of his chest, the harsh breathing or silken skin.

As we came undone together, shattering into bliss, there was a bittersweet note.

I saw it in Dez’s eyes as he reluctantly slid out and turned me to face him.

Our kiss tasted like farewell and I struggled to keep back tears.

We were both thinking the same thing.

No matter what happens next, at least we had this one day together.