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Shifters of Anubis: The Complete Series (5 Books) by Sabrina Hunt (99)




Pink-nosed and cheeked, Kesari was dancing from foot to foot as I unlocked the door and she darted inside. I followed more slowly, filled with exhilaration and nerves.

“Cold, so cold,” she said, shedding her coat and mittens, then vanishing around the corner. “I’m going to change,” she called back.

Should I change? I wondered as I shed my boots and jacket. My clothes were freezing, so I went into my room and changed into a soft black flannel shirt and sweats.

When I came back out to the kitchen, Kesari was cooking and she was bright-eyed. Walking over to her, I went to put my hand on her back and hesitated. She gave me a coy and amused look out of the corner of her eye.

Usually, I was confident with women, but something about Kesari had me second-guessing every move and clumsy in those so-called moves. When I knocked a box off the counter, she laughed and pressed her face into my shoulder.

“You’re my favorite person,” she said with a sigh.

I laughed, then grimaced. “Why, because I’m making an ass out of myself?”

“Yes, that,” she said, looking up at me. “But because you care so much you’re tripping yourself up. You don’t have to play it cool, Roy. I already know you’re not.”

“Hey!” I protested, tugging on her hair. “I’m the definition.”

“You wish,” she said, twirling away. “You seem like you have game, but…”

I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against me, her back pressing into my chest. “You know, you act all nice and sweet, but you’ve got a dark side, Kesari Iyer.”

“Me?” she asked, trying to look back at me and I pressed a kiss to her cheek, then trailed my lips down to her neck. Gasping and laughing, she said, “Roy, that tickles, your damn beard. Oh, Roy.”

Now she was breathless and boneless as I kissed my way down to her shoulder, sliding her shirt down and she let out a soft sound. Meeting her eyes, I leaned in and kissed her again.

As with the first two times, stars danced and burst in my brain. She was so delectable, so addictive, I honestly wondered how I’d held out for so long.

But I knew it was because she felt the same way.

I could taste it on her lips and I wanted to savor it forever.

“You smell so good,” Kesari murmured when we pulled apart.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, slowly letting her go.

“Oh, yeah,” she said with a laugh.

After that, Kesari returned to make vegetable soup – comfort food for the cold – and I tried to help, while in actuality watching her twirl around the kitchen. At one point, she caught me and I didn’t even try to hide it like I had before, I just grinned at her.

“Stop it, Roy,” she chided. “You’re making me nervous.”

“Can’t help it,” I said. “Can’t get enough.”

Shaking her head, she went back to the soup and then instructed me to get crackers, bowls, glasses, and wine. I did so but managed to sneak in a kiss as she turned, about to ask me something.

“Now I forgot what I was gonna say,” she said. “And you’re lucky the soup didn’t burn.”

“I am lucky,” I said, smiling at her and she flushed.

“Oh, boy, I don’t know how I feel about this sentimental side of you," Kesari commented.

“Tell that to your big smile,” I shot right back. “You’re so into it. You’re an open book, Iyer.”

Rurik and Lev suddenly appeared in the kitchen and we both jumped. They looked at each other and I had the strangest feeling of being caught out by my parents.

I told you so, Rurik said triumphantly.

You two are ridiculous, Lev commented. But I am happy, although it took long enough.

With that, the two retired to the living room, with Kesari and I following. We put on Scandal and sat in comfortable silence as we ate. Once we were both done and I’d settled back into my corner, Kesari suddenly crawled over and settled herself against me and I wrapped my arms around her.

Inhaling deeply, I then let out a happy sigh. I didn’t want this moment to end.

Eventually, though, Kesari was in my lap, curled up with her head on my chest and hands loosely holding my shirt. In spite of that, there was something oddly possessive about that posture and when I glanced down, I saw the fierceness of her lower lip.

This side of Kesari was making me fall even harder.

After the hell of the last two days, too, it made this night all the more worth it.

The episode ended and I turned off the TV but neither of us moved. Kesari was feigning sleep and I was running my fingers up and down her arm. Finally, I pressed a kiss to her temple and stood up, setting her on her feet.

“Good night,” I said, kissing her slowly and deeply. “See you in the morning.”

She gave me a sleepy look, stepping back and taking my hand. Tugging on it, she led me into her room and shut the door. “Sleep here?” she asked, looking hopeful.

“Do I have a choice?” I asked.

“The semblance of one,” Kesari said, yawning and stretching.

I got in first as she fussed with her phone, plugging it in and then she glanced over at me, her lips quirking in a smile. Shaking back her hair, she slid in and her smile grew.

As we lay face to face, I smiled too, asking, “What?”

“It’s funny this isn’t the first time you’ve been in my bed,” she said, her foot draping over my ankle and tickling my calf. “And the last two of those times you were shirtless, but now you’re being a gentleman or something. You’re not a secret player at all.”

“It’s cold,” I lied.

Scooting closer, Kesari propped herself up and kissed me. My fingers tangled in her hair, soft and silky, while her hands explored my shoulders. When we finally broke apart, minutes or hours later, we were sharing the same pillow and I draped an arm across her waist.

Rolling over, she settled herself against me, then looped her fingers into my hand as we curled together. I never thought I’d be able to sleep like this with another person, but Kesari fit against me perfectly. I couldn’t imagine sleeping any other way.

“I’ve thought about this,” Kesari suddenly said.

Laughing, I asked, “Anything else?”

“Maybe,” she teased, her voice soft. “But really, you’re a good hugger. You don’t hold back.”

“I can’t when it comes to you,” I whispered in her ear and I felt her shiver against me. Grinning wickedly, I nuzzled her neck. “I want to give you everything.”

Kesari half-turned, looking over her shoulder at me. In the dimness, her eyes were filled with gold starbursts it seemed. “I have it. You.”

“Who’s being sentimental now?” I teased, even as my heart throbbed in my chest. This was unlike any joy I’d had before. It was deep, raw, and real. It filled me from head to toe.

Turning back, Kesari tossed her head on the pillow and let out a sigh. “Roy?”

“Yeah, Kes?” I asked, sleepily, my arm tightening around her.

“I want to stay with you,” she said and I grinned widely. “For work, for… ever.”

“I knew it,” I murmured and she elbowed me. “Ow, okay.”

“And I’m sor–”

“Sh,” I said, interrupting her. “Don’t apologize. Sleep.”

“Only if you promise to sleep in,” Kesari said.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I said.


The rattle of the wind woke me up and I blinked up at the skylights, watching the swirl of snow against a white sky. I was on my back, with Kesari asleep on my chest, her arm thrown across it and a leg entwined with mine. Running a hand lightly over her hair, I settled it on her back and tried to pull the covers up. They were kicked down and she was cold to the touch.

“No,” Kesari murmured. “Don’t go anywhere.”

“I’m not, but you’re cold,” I said as I yanked them up and tucked her in. Holding her against me, I smiled up at the ceiling and let out a happy sigh. It hadn’t been a dream.

As though hearing my thoughts, Kesari suddenly pushed herself up and looked down at me. “Good morning, Roy,” she said, biting her lip but smiling.

“Morning, Kes,” I said, a hand drifting up her side.

“Can we play hooky?” she asked, giving me big-eyes.

I laughed. “It’s Saturday. We’re not going in today.”

“Sometimes you do,” Kesari sang out. “It’s not cool.”

Nodding, I studied her face and brushed my thumb under her lip. Kesari’s eyes went huge and she blushed as I cupped her cheek. She smiled down at me, then leaned in, her lips finding mine. It was a kiss that felt like a promise. Then she rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling and we held hands as we watched the snow.

Later, after breakfast and relaxing, it was getting into the afternoon when we headed downstairs for training. The storm was deepening and the outside was getting darker by the minute. You could see your breath in the basement and I extended the warm-up, trying not to notice how Kesari looked in her off-shoulder crop-top and leggings.

Then I caught myself, grinning. I could notice all I wanted.


“Do we need to talk about our relationship?” I mused out loud.

The pixie of a woman froze in the middle of jumping rope and it almost smacked her in the head. “Uh, I don’t know, do we?” she asked nervously.

Kesari was so skittish about this stuff, I almost wished I’d waited, but then again, “No time like the present,” I said, swallowing. “We’re serious?”

“So serious,” Kesari said solemnly and I shook my head at her.

“Then there’s nothing to talk about. You are my significant other,” I said. She hid a grin and I glared at her before I could stop myself. “What? What is that smirk?”

“Nothing, you’re just kind of old-fashioned. I thought you were a secret player, but you’re a secret gentleman.” She fanned herself and fluttered her eyelashes. “Worried about my virtue.”

I gritted my teeth. “I’m trying to be a good boyfriend.”

“Roy,” Kesari said, placing a hand on my chest. “You’re wonderful in general. I know I was freaking out before, but I was the one being stupid. I should be worried about being a good girlfriend to the best guy I know. Stop worrying and trying to bend over backward." Her eyes danced. "I don't want you to hurt yourself trying.”

Grabbing her hand, I shook my head. “Nice start.” Kesari stuck out her tongue and I kissed her neck, making her laugh. “Come on,” I said. “Time to get to work.”

Or so we tried. It was difficult with Kesari teasing me or laughing or letting her hands linger too long as we practiced moves. Never mind how badly I wanted her – my own hands feeling the shape of her and the sparks when our eyes met.

Finally, though, we fell into a routine and had worked up a sweat. Kesari had almost perfected a difficult grappling move when she faltered and I pinned her. Hands on her wrists, I stared down at her, suddenly aware of my body pressing hers against the floor and her quick breaths.

Our eyes locked.

Lips crashing together, I pressed her further down into the mat as her legs went around my waist and she arched up against me. Our kisses became wilder and I heard her make a surprised sound when I stopped, pulling back in alarm. I rocked against her, hard as a rock and stood up.

Helping her to her feet, I went to apologize when Kesari gripped my shirt and pulled my face down to hers. Walking her back, I pushed her up against the wall as her leg slid up mine and then around my waist. I was breathing even harder than when we were working out.

“Damn,” I said in a rush when we broke apart. “Kes, I did not mean–”

“I did,” she purred, tugging on my shirt.

Stepping back, I let her go and stared at her. Swollen lips, messy-hair, and green-gold eyes. Fire and desire all over her face.

Smiling devilishly, I slowly pulled my shirt off and Kesari bit her lips. “So, were you checking me out the other night?” I asked.

“You’re cruel,” she gasped as I gripped her waist and she laid her hands flat on my chest. “And yes. You know it too, you show-off. You winked at me.”

“I was hoping that was the case, but then you pushed me away,” I said, teasing my fingers underneath the hem of her shirt and across her flat stomach. Kesari pulled in a breath. “Who’s the cruel one, here?”

“Who cares?” Kesari asked, leaning forward and kissing my chest. A growl tore out of me and a wild, triumphant light jumped into her eyes. “That was hot.”

“You are adorable and sexy all in one,” I said, dragging her shirt off. “It is not fair and it has been driving me insane. I do not think you realize how much so, either.”

Sliding my hands to her lower back, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to the base of her sternum. She gasped and pushed her hands into my hair, tugging on it as I went lower. Kissing her navel and then nipping at the hemline of her leggings.

Straightening, I watched Kesari as she ran her fingers down my face, to my neck, across my collarbone and down to my abs. Grabbing her hands, our fingers interlaced, squeezing and tightly locked as we kissed again.

I pressed her hands into the wall, then slid them up as I broke away, capturing both her wrists in one hand.

Her chest rose and fell as I kissed her cheek, then her jaw, then her lips and finally her neck. At that, Kesari arched, eyes falling shut and breathing hard. My other hand slid down her side, tracing the soft, silken skin and then gripped her thigh.

“Roy, don’t stop,” she gasped out as I kissed the base of her throat. “Please.”

I didn’t want to, but I did. This had to be special. I wanted to do this right.

Stepping back, I took hold of her shoulders and smiled down at her. “Kes, go take a shower.”

“What?” she asked, her nostrils flaring and her fists going up. I caught them. “Roy!”

“Tonight,” I murmured, leaning forward and kissing her ear. “I want it to be meaningful.”

She gave me a look. “Roy, the trying too hard thing goes both ways. You’re more than enough.” Her eyes lidded and she gave me a sultry smile. “Can you wait?”

“Kes,” I said, swallowing and trying to control the pressure in my pants. “Of course.”

“At least kiss me before I go upstairs,” she pouted. Leaning down, still holding her wrists, our lips met. Slow and sensual. Then she pulled away, eyes bright with mischief. “See you tonight.”

“What?” I asked, turning to her. “You’re leaving?”

Kesari paused on the bottom stair and stretched. “I have a few things I have to do. And it sounds like you do, too.” She winked at me and ran upstairs.

“Damn, she’s good,” I muttered, smiling to myself.