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His Surrogate Omega: An MPREG Omegaverse Book (Omega Quadrant 1) by Kelex (7)

Chapter Seven



An hour later…


Rohan walked through the nearly empty clinic and found Jamie napping in the oversized recliner. Wilder held his brother’s hand and stared at the IV drip. The look on Wild’s face—the love the alpha had for his brother—it made Rohan freeze in place.

Early on in their relationship, Rohan had almost been jealous of the friendship Wild and Jamie had. Over the years, he’d eventually realized they had latched on to one another as a means of self-protection. Of course, he was sure the pair didn’t see it that way. They loved their parents, even when it bit them in the ass.

How Wilder and Jamie had turned out as they were considering they were being raised by two of the most self-centered people he’d ever met, he didn’t know. Knowing Wilder would one day run Jaymes & Associates was one of the only reasons he stayed on and didn’t go off in search of other work.

Hopefully I can last that long.

Wilder eventually seemed to notice his presence. He turned and smiled as he saw Rohan leaning against the divider that separated the rows of chairs. Wilder turned back, pressed a gentle kiss to Jamie’s hand and then placed that hand on the arm of the chair before he rose.

“I believe this is your seat,” Wilder said lowly.

“Thanks for coming to be with him,” Rohan whispered before slipping out of his suit jacket and laying it across the back of the chair Wilder had just vacated. “Any issues?”

“He hasn’t gotten sick,” Wilder whispered. “At least, not that I could tell.”

Jamie roused slightly, his eyelashes fluttering some. His eyes opened slowly. A smile spread across his face as he looked up and saw both Rohan and Wilder standing there. “Hey there.”

Rohan lowered his head to press his lips to his omega’s. “Hey yourself.”

“I’m going to get back to work now that Rohan’s here,” Wilder said. “If that’s okay with you?”

Jamie grinned. “And if it’s not?”

Wilder chuckled.

“I’m stingy. I need more time. You must come for supper soon,” Jamie said.

“Just not tonight,” Rohan said to Wilder. “He’ll need rest after this.”

“This weekend?” Jamie asked as excitedly. As excited as he could likely muster considering the circumstances.

Wilder hedged for a moment. “I’m working through the weekend. We’ve got a huge deal in the works.”

“You have to eat sometime,” Jamie cried.

“I do. But I don’t want you going to any trouble to cook for me,” Wilder said. “I know… Saturday night. I’ll bring over pizza from DeNardo’s. I can stop by as I’m leaving the AQ. I’ll even get you one with sausage and pineapple, even though it’s a crime against nature.”

“My favorite,” Jamie said with a smile. “I love it.”

Wilder’s smile faded some. “Will that be okay on your stomach?”

“Hopefully, the aftereffects should be gone by Saturday,” Jamie said. “No worries. I’ll be ready for DeNardo’s.”

Wilder leaned over and gave Jamie a kiss to the forehead. “Then it’s a date.”

Once Wilder had left them, one of their favorite nurses, Hale, came over to check the IV. “Looking good. Shouldn’t be much longer now.”

Hale left them alone, and Rohan searched the space. “Not many here today.”

Jamie gave a wry smile that slowly faded. “I heard that Khalen died a few days ago. And Jeres just the week before.”

And Jeres?” Rohan asked, frowning. Khalen had been older and struggled with treatment. He hadn’t looked well the last few times, so the news was less of a surprise. Jeres wasn’t much older than Jamie and had suffered the same cancer—and had fought with a valiant effort. All signs had pointed to Jeres’ recovery and remission.

Just as Jamie was thought to.

Rohan swallowed back the fear that swelled within.

“I won’t be like him,” Jamie said, placing a hand on Rohan’s. “I’ve already beaten it. I know I have.”

Rohan brought his omega’s hand to his lips and held on for a moment before lowering it. “I know you have, too.”

“Although, it’s hard to think of what happens if I don’t.”

“Don’t talk like that,” Rohan said, squeezing his lover’s hand. “You’re going to make it.”

Jamie smiled, but he could see the happiness didn’t quite make it into his omega’s eyes. “You’re right. I’m going to make it.”

Rohan returned the smile, willing strength to the man who held his heart.

“I have to. For the baby we’ll have soon.”

Rohan exhaled, the smile fading. “Perhaps we should wait.”

“I thought you said you were on board?”

Rohan looked away, unable to look at Jamie’s disappointment. He had said he was on board—against his better judgment. His omega wasn’t ready for the stresses of a child. Nor was he. But he couldn’t say no to Jamie.

Never could.

And he honestly hadn’t thought a surrogate would agree considering Jamie’s obvious health issues. He assumed they had time… that Jamie would be on a wild goose chase until he was in better health, and they were better prepared.

It had sounded easier than telling his omega no.

Now there was a meeting. He would have to come face to face with another omega who might carry his child.

An omega… who wasn’t Jamie.

“I know what I said…. But your health should be our only priority now. You need to be stronger before we make such a huge, life-changing choice.”

“I’m so tired of hearing people say that to me,” Jamie grumbled. “If this disease has taught me anything, it’s that we can’t waste a single moment of time.”

“Being with me is wasting time?”

Sorrow spread across the lines of Jamie’s face. He placed a hand to Rohan’s cheek and sighed. “You, my love, are not a waste of my time. Quite the opposite. If it wasn’t for you at my side, I don’t think I would’ve made it this far. You’re the reason I fight. Because I want to be with you for as long as I can.”

Rohan clenched his jaw, feeling emotion slamming into him. He’d stood strong for so long, trying to be everything Jamie needed in an alpha. The months had worn him down… enough that he felt the slight sting of tears at the backs of his eyes.

Throughout everything, he’d yet to shed a tear.

At least, not in front of Jamie.

He needed to remain strong. The battle wasn’t over yet. “That’s all I want, too.” He turned his face and kissed Jamie’s palm.

Jamie held his stare. “You, my husband… you are a gift to me and to this world. And I want to see your legacy continue. I want you to have sons who’re just like you. Kind. Considerate. Loving. Brave.”

“I’m happy and fulfilled… you’re all I need, Jamie. All I will ever need.” Rohan saw the worry in Jamie’s eyes and knew he had to add a caveat. “But if this is what you truly want… if you must have this child, how can I tell you no?”

Jamie’s father’s words whispered through his mind.

Was this the moment?

He hoped like hell it wasn’t.

Jamie’s smile was brilliant, and it nearly broke his heart to see it. It had been so long since he had. Hope had given it to him… hope for a future they hadn’t been sure was possible. “With any luck, Tensen will get us that meeting with Gray soon.”

Gray. Even his name made Rohan tense up in apprehension. What omega would be willing to discuss having a child considering how sick Jamie clearly was? Was this male so desperate for money he was willing to overlook the illness?

Or was he just toying with Jamie and stringing them both along? Rohan had heard horror stories about surrogates changing their minds time after time. He wouldn’t allow anyone to break his omega’s heart.

For that, Rohan might turn lethal. “I’m happy your first meeting went so well, although, you didn’t tell me all that much.”

“I’m trying not to get too optimistic.” Jamie smiled. “I don’t want to get too involved only to have him decide he’s not for us.” His omega’s smile grew. “But he’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.”


“He’s beautiful. His eyes are this stunning blue-gray. His hair is long and beautiful,” Jamie said before absentmindedly touching his beanie. He slid it off his bald head and ran a palm over the top. “About the color mine was before it all fell out.”

“I kind of like short hair,” Rohan said with a grin, glancing at the few sprigs trying to hold on. Those had changed color, lightening to almost white… and the doctors said it might remain that way as it grew back after chemo.

“You loved my hair. You told me so often.”

“I loved it because it was connected to you,” Rohan said. “Dark, light, thin, thick… it doesn’t matter to me.”

Jamie glanced down at the hat in his hands, a wry smile on his lips. “One day soon, I’ll look more like the omega you mated.”

“You look like the omega I mated now,” Rohan said. “Every single day.” He leaned closer and pressed a gentle kiss to Jamie’s lips.

“How did I get so lucky to have you?” his omega asked.

Rohan smiled, knowing he was the lucky one. Hopefully he’d be even luckier and hold on to the man he loved with every bit of his heart. “You must’ve had some good karma,” he joked.

“I could use some good karma right now.”

“So, tell me more about this omega friend of yours.”

Jamie smiled again, the excitement returning to his features. “He’s an artist according to Tensen. Apparently a pretty good one. I’m having tea with Gray next week, so hopefully I can take a peek at some of his work. He knows someone I went to school with, they were in an art program together…”

Rohan barely heard the words coming from his omega’s lips. All he could focus on was the smile. The thought of this child gave Jamie something to look forward to. A goal. A future. He still had his doubts, but there was no way he’d interfere with anything that could make his mate this happy.

They would make a baby together.

And live happily ever after…

If his luck kept rolling in the right direction.