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Mountain Man's Bride by Lauren Wood (123)

Chapter 2


Johnny was so happy that she had agreed to go along with him.  He had tried many times in the past, but she had always turned him down.  He wasn’t sure why she had agreed today, but he took it as a good sign.


Then in his mind he heard her words again, the same one’s he’d heard so many times before.  “We’re just friends Johnny; I don’t see you that way.  You’re not my type anyway.”  She had said several times.


 “Why, what’s wrong with me?”  He had asked her once.


He had watched her face as she had tried to think of the best way to say her next words.  Johnny had wanted to stop her from saying them, however, there was too much of him that needed to know why.


 “I like the bad boys, you know the ones who aren’t into computer games and well.”  She had stopped and thought more. 


Johnny had stopped her from staying anymore; he didn’t need to know anymore.  He wasn’t a bad boy, and couldn’t image ever fitting her idea of the perfect guy.  “Its fine you don’t have to say anymore.”  He had told her that night.  But those words had hurt him deeply.


However, now she was sitting in his car and going to lunch with him.  Maybe it wasn’t a date, but it was more than he had before today!  He could feel his heart beating wildly as the excitement of this was realized by his whole body.


He took a deep breath and smelled her scent, she always smelled like cherry blossoms.  Johnny wished that she would see him differently.  He couldn’t help it that he loved to play games online.  The fact was no one looked at him when he was behind the screen of a computer.


He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t like a lot of guys either.  His looks, at least he considered them to be average.  His dark hair was medium length, and his eyes were green.  His mother always told him he was a really good looking young man, but he knew she was prejudice in her opinion.


Johnny looked at Sally out of the corner of his eyes.  She was a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty.  Though she was kind of short, she made up for that in her spunkiness.  When they had been in high school, she had been the head of the cheerleading squad.  He had to watch as she had dated the quarterback of the team for several years. 


Often he wondered why they broke up, but Sally had never given him the reason.  No matter how much he would push her, she would remain closed lipped to why her and Chip had gone their opposite ways after high school.


Though there were people who said that Chip had been upset about Sally wanting to go to Paris.  Johnny could understand why Chip would feel that way, he was the same way.  He loved her and didn’t want her to leave, but he also didn’t want to watch her date someone else in town either.


Until he could figure out a way for her to like him, he wanted to keep her close by as much as possible.  However, there was another part of him that wanted to see her go.  That part was really small however; the part that wanted to squeeze and hold her tight couldn’t bear the thought of her leaving.


 “So why do you want to go to Paris so badly?”  Johnny asked her.  He already knew her answer, he had asked this question many times in the past already.


 “Silly you know why, but I’ll tell you again anyway!”  She began.  “I want to study in Paris so badly, all that art and beauty.  The people there are so amazing, so worldly!  Plus I know my fashion designs will be such much better.”  Sally said.


 “How do you know they are worldly?”  Johnny asked.


 “They must be they grew up in another location.  I mean, not like they’ve traveled all over, but some may have.  I just want to meet some people from another culture and get out of Nebraska.  Haven’t you ever been bored to death here?  Oh maybe not, you play those games and can escape into a little fantasy world.  Maybe I should take them up until I get the money up to leave!”  Sally said.


Johnny smiled, he had tried to get her into gaming for years, but she had always bulked at the idea.  “Well if you want to play one, I can get you in my guild and we can power level you up quickly.”  He started to say, getting excited about the idea of being able to talk about the game to her every day.


 “I’m just kidding; I would rather see something real and in person.  Plus I would most likely not be able to earn any money, if I get into some of these games like you, that is.”  Sally remarked.


 “Hey I’m out of my room more often than I used to be, and look we are going out right now.”  Johnny laughed.


 “Just as friends though.”  Sally reminded him.


 “The point is I’m not in front of my computer playing right now!”  He added.


 “I guess this is true.  But how could you ever be a good boyfriend if all you do is play games?”  Sally asked.


 “If I had the right girl I would make sure she always knew that I wanted to be with her, and fit the game in too.”  He explained.  “I promise you that you would never feel like the game came before you, and if I had too I would stop playing it.”  Johnny added.


 “Oh I’m not saying me silly.  I mean some other girl.  You are a good looking guy after all, if you went out more, you’d be with a girl by now.”  Sally stated.


 “I don’t just want any girl though, so why would I go out and find one.  You know the perfect one for me lives right next door to me and has for years now.”  Johnny said and looked at her.


 “Can we please not do this again?  I mean I understand and all that, but can’t we just give it a break for now?”  Sally asked.


 “Sure, I’m sorry I don’t want to ruin this for you.”  Johnny said, and stayed quite for a bit.


He knew in his heart she would do just about anything to leave and go to Paris, but he could still want her.  He didn’t think that would ever change in his life, this also made him very sad.  Unless somehow he could figure out a way that he would see her differently.  This was a task he would have to work on before she went off though.


Johnny wasn’t dumb he knew that once Sally was gone the chances of her ever coming back where small.  He had sat many nights in his room playing his games and wondering how he could win her over.  As of yet he couldn’t think of any way to do it as of yet. 


If he hadn’t started this stupid talk about being her boyfriend again in the car though, maybe he could have gotten closer today.  He still had hopes that this could happen though.  If he gave up hope Johnny knew the rest of his life would be over.  He knew that no one but her would ever be perfect for him.

Chapter 3


Sally sat eating her hamburger, the grease dripped down her chin.  She quickly wiped it off her chin with the napkin. 


 “You missed a spot.”  Johnny said and pointed down at corner of her chin.


She laughed and wiped it off.  “Thank you!” 


 “I love these cheese fries.”  He said and picked up another huge handful.


 “Where do you put all that food?  That’s your second order of fries and you’ve already finished that huge hamburger.”  Sally stared at him amazed. 


 “What can I say I must have a tape worm?”  He said.


 “I think you might want to get it checked out!”  She laughed. 


For the past 10 years they had grown up beside one another he had always been skinny.  But she had never seen him eat this much food.


 “I wish I could eat that much and not gain anything.  If I ate as much as you though, I would weigh 200 pounds easy!  You’re so lucky.”  Sally said.


 “I guess so.  Honestly, I’ve never thought about it.”  He admitted.


 “Excuse me would you like any dessert today?”  The waiter came up and asked them.


 “I want the brownie caramel.”  Johnny said.  “It’s her birthday today, what does she get?”  He asked the waiter.


 “Oh happy birthday to you.”  The waiter smiled at her.  “You can have any dessert you want on the house.”  He told her.


Sally was full, but loved sweets, so she looked over the menu.  “I’ll have the brownie caramel too.”  She said and put down the menu.


She looked at Johnny and said, “I’ll have to go on a diet after just this meal!” 


 “You look fine.”  Johnny said.  “If you are happy then that should be good enough for anyone who knows you.  Well as long as you don’t get too big!”  He added and laughed.


 “I’m going to go to Paris and come home and weigh 300 pounds.”  Sally laughed.


Johnny didn’t say anything, but for the first time he had heard her say something about not staying away forever.  He smiled and laughed though at her comment.  “I seriously doubt that will ever happen!”  He finally said when he had stopped laughing enough.


The desserts were served and they both ate heartily.  “This is so good.”  Sally stated.


 “Yeah I love this as much as I do the cheese fries!”  He agreed. 


Sally finished her dessert and almost picked up the page to lick the plate.  She faked like she was going to do it, and instead stopped.  She watched as Johnny picked up his plate and licked it clean!  “It’s the best part!  Go ahead; I’ve seen plenty of people do it.” 


She looked around, but couldn’t bring herself to do it.  “Do you want it?”  She handed him the plate.  He grabbed it and licked it clean too.  “You’re crazy Johnny Young do you know that?”  She asked him.


 “Not so much.  Well maybe just a bit, but can you not tell everyone?  I’m trying to keep it on the down low.”  He laughed.


Sally laughed along with him and shook her head.  “Well I guess we are all crazy in our own way!” 


 “Are you ready to go?”  Johnny asked her.


 “Yes.  Thank you so much, I really had a great time.”  Sally stated.


 “Good, I’m glad.  I hoped you feel better, you seemed really down earlier, with the hours being cut.”  Johnny said.


 “Yeah, I was down.  But honestly I feel much better now.  Thank you, this was a good idea, I’m glad you asked.”  Sally said.


 “Anytime you want to do something just let me know, I’m up for it.”  Johnny said.


 “Well only if there isn’t some sort of war on your game!”  Sally laughed.


 “Depending on the night and the war, maybe not!  No I’m just kidding, anytime.”  Johnny laughed.


 “We’ll see.”  Sally didn’t want to commit to anything and give him the wrong idea.  Though she had to admit it had been a really fun time with him.  If only he was more her type, she might actually take him up on the offer of doing more things.


 “Okay, well you know where I live.”  Johnny said.


They just chatted about old friends the rest of the way home.  Sally tried to avoid any more talk about the two of them.  She was already confused that she could have so much fun with him. 


Sure she could remember many times in the past when they would play outside.  Well at least until he really got more into gaming, then she barely saw Johnny.  It had been okay though because by that time she was really into more popular activities then playing with her neighbors outside.


 “Hey remember when we built that fort in the backyard?”  Sally asked him.


 “You mean when we were like 10?  It was one of the first things I did with you after we moved in next door.  Of course I remember it that was so much fun.”  Johnny added.


 “Yeah it was we should build another fort one day.  Perhaps if I don’t get to ever go to Paris I can live in it!”  Sally said.  She had meant it as a joke, but saying the words made her worried that she would never make it out of town.


 “Oh don’t say that one day you’ll be able to go to Paris.”  Johnny said.


She looked at him.  “That’s really nice of you Johnny.  I know you are like most other people   and would rather I just get this wild part of me out and stay in town.”  She said.


 “Really, I would just like to see you be happy.  If going to Paris is what does it, then I want what you want.”  Johnny admitted.


 “Hmm, thanks it’s nice to know that someone else see’s it another way besides me.”  Sally stated.


 “So I guess I’ll go home.  I hope you enjoyed your lunch.  Oh I forgot that I had a gift for you.”  He said and looked at his watch.  “Can I bring it over later; I have something I have to do now.”  He asked.


 “Oh it’s a war isn’t it?  Sure you can, I’ll be going out around 7 tonight, if you can’t make it before than just come later.”  Sally answered.


 “Great, sorry I forgot it.  Hey hope you had fun.”  He said and ran off.


Sally shook her head at him as he went.  “That game is his life!”  She went inside to get ready for later when she would go out with her friends.  She was sure her parents would have some sort of celebration for her too; she had no idea what though.


She hadn’t been in the mood earlier, but the time with Johnny had made her forget about most of her worries.  Sally knew that her plan to go to Paris was a bit further away than it had been yesterday.  However, she was serious about finding another job to help save money once more.  She needed to get out of this town and grow.


Sally walked in the door and her mom called out.  “Dear can you come here; we want to give you your present.” 


She went to the other room and walked into a room filled with people.  Even Johnny was there.  He must have walked out of the back of his house and through their joint backyards and came back inside.


 “What is this?”  Sally asked as she looked at everyone else in the room.


 “Surprise dear.”  The group of people began singing Happy Birthday to her and she had to smile.  It was nice to be loved by so many people.


There were many, if not most, of these people who see would miss when she left.  This was the way she wanted to think about it now, when she left, it was easier.  That way her dreams wouldn’t die completely. 


 “Hey birthday girl, how was your day so far?”  Her friend Mary asked her.


 “It was good I went out to Lenny’s and had a hamburger and an amazing dessert.”  Sally said.


 “Oh which dessert?”  Mary asked her.


 “Hey everyone, let’s have some cake, then it’s time to open presents!”  Her mother interrupted the crowd.


Sally told Mary really quickly about the dessert and they went into the other room to have some cake.  “You’re mom’s cake is amazing!”  Mary said as she took another big bit of her piece.


She wasn’t hungry, but still she had a little piece.  Her mom’s cake had won many competitions in the past.  “Mom you outdid yourself, this is better than ever.”  Sally complimented her mom.


 “Thank you dear.”  Her mom smiled.  “So are you about ready for your presents.  There are a lot on the table in the other room.  We hid them so you wouldn’t see them earlier.”  She laughed. 


 “Thank you for getting her out of here Johnny so we could get all set up.”  Her mom turned to Johnny and said.


 “Not a problem Mrs. Leach it was my pleasure.”  Johnny said.


 “Oh so it was a ploy to help my parents?  Is that the only reason you asked me to Lenny’s?”  Sally asked. 


 “No it was my idea originally.  It just so happened to work well for your mother as well!”  He laughed at her face.


 “Oh that’s nice you all are plotting against me!”  Sally laughed.


    “Don’t think of it that way honey!  You know we always throw you some sort of party!”  Her mom told her and rubbed her shoulder.  “Don’t be mad at Johnny, he really had already planned to ask you to Lenny’s or somewhere.  I asked him if he would do it at a certain time of the day.”  Her mom said to her.


 “I’m not mad mom.  Actually thank you very much to everyone for coming today.  I am quite happy to have all my friends and family with me on my birthday.  You never know maybe by next year I’ll have saved enough to go to Paris.  If that happens this may be the last birthday for a while where I get to see everyone.”  Sally said.


 “I know dear, this is true.”  Her mom said.  “That’s a good enough reason to have a special party for our little girl.” 


 “Thanks mom and everyone!” Sally felt a tear rolling to the corner of her eye. 


 “Hey don’t act like you’re going yet, I heard they cut your hours down at work.”  A guy in the group cried out. 


Everyone turned to see who it was.  “Shut up Jack, that’s just messed up.”  Johnny said to the big hulk of a guy.


 “Why don’t you make me?”  The big guy said and began to walk closer to Johnny.


 “Hey now, this is a birthday party, and that was out of line young man.  So either you apologize to my daughter, or you can leave now.”  Her mom stepped in between the two guys.


 “I’m sorry Sally; I didn’t mean anything by it.”  Jack said and put his head down. 


Sally was upset about the comment, because he was right.  Her chances had gotten worse overnight of being able to go anytime soon.  If they wouldn’t have cut her hours back, she might have been able to save up the money in 6 months.  Now though, it might be as much as a year or more.


She tried to put the thought of her head as her mom called everyone into the family room.  “Come on all, its present time!”  Her mother yelled to the room.


There were several packages that had clothes in them.  Some other people gave her some cash instead of an item.  


 “Here sweetie we wish we could do more, but this is all we could come up with.”  Her other handed her an envelope and she opened it.


 “Oh my goodness mom, this is a lot of money.  Are you sure?  This is most of what I need to go to Paris.”  Sally stood her mouth wide open in shock.


 “We couldn’t afford to get you the ticket like we wanted, but we at least could give you this bit to help you get there sooner.  It is your dream after all sweetie and we only want the best for you.”  Her mother told her.


Sally hugged her mother tightly.  “Oh mom, this is so amazing.  I may not have to wait but another few months now.  Even with the hours being cut back.  Oh this is so nice.”  Sally could picture herself in Paris once more, thanks to her mom and dad’s generous gift.


 “Oh wow Sally that’s so amazing.”  Her friend Susan said to her. 


 “I know that’s really nice.  I wish my parents would do something like that for me!”  Mary, another of her friends said to her.


 “Looks like you may be wrong Jack, she will be going soon!”  Susan turned to the big guy who had been so mean before.


Jack did his best to look hurt by the comment, but didn’t do well.  Sally looked at the money again and tried to add up in her head just how much more she actually needed.  After all there were plenty of people who had given her cash.  When combined with what she had already, she might be able to actually buy her ticket in the next month.  Her pulse started to beat rapidly, and she wanted to be able to sit down and count all the money.  To figure out her steps, and to see what all she had to get done!


 “Here this is my present.”  Johnny handed her a present.  “I hope you like it.”  He said.


Sally looked at the small gift; it was about the size of a ring box.  She was worried to open it, hoping that Johnny wouldn’t do something so insane.


She slowly unwrapped the present, dreading that she would find something that she would have to give back to him.  In front of all these people it would be quite embarrassing for him.  Sally was leaving after all, the last thing she needed was to have a boyfriend here.  Not that she would ever actually consider Johnny as a boyfriend.  But before today she had been looking at Jack with some interest. 


 “Oh it’s beautiful.”  Sally pulled out the necklace that had a small charm of the Eiffel tower on it.  “I love it.  Thank you so much.”  She said and hugged Johnny.


Many people in the room made noises and yelled out at them.  “I’m glad you liked it.  I thought it was the perfect thing for you.”  Johnny said and pulled away.


Sally looked at him and noticed that he had turned red.  She kissed him on the check.  “It’s perfect; can you put it on for me?”  She asked and turned so he could put the necklace on her.


When it was on, she moved it out to look at it, and then went over to the mirror.  “Oh this is the best thing ever.  I always wanted one of these.”  She smiled.


Finally, people began to leave shortly after the presents were opened.  Sally tried to escape a few times to go and count her money, but each time she got stopped. 


 “Hey so how close are you to going now?”  Johnny came up and asked her.


 “I don’t know yet.  I got some cash from other people today, so I would need to add it all up.”  Sally told him.


 “Well why haven’t you done that yet?”  He asked.


 “I didn’t want to be rude.”  She said.


 “Yeah I guess it would be rude to disappear at your own party.”  He laughed.


 “Hey did you really have a war tonight?  Or was that just part of the plan?”  She asked him.


 “No there was a war, but I missed it.  I wanted to spend your birthday with you.  After all I may not see you after this year.”  Johnny said solemnly.


 “I told you I would come back one day, I’m just not sure when.  Hey I don’t even know when I’ll get to go yet.  I still have to buy my passport and get it processed.  That may take a month or so.  I’ll be here a bit longer, so you’ll see me!”  Sally said and tried to cheer him up.


 “Yeah break it to me gently right?  It’s okay; I know how much you’ve wanted to go for years now.  Don’t you remember when we used to play in the fort?  You used to always tell me it was a fort built in France.  It was our castle and my job was to guard you, the queen.”  Johnny said.


 “Oh yeah I remember that, you did a fairly good job of guarding me most of the time!”  Sally laughed.


 “I guarded you with my life, and I would do it until the day I die if I had a chance.”  Johnny stated.


Sally looked at him.  “I’m sure you would Johnny.”  She didn’t want to say anything else.  She could see the love that showed in his eyes when he looked at her. 


 “Well go and count that money, I’ll cover if anyone asks about you.  But I think you’re safe almost everyone is gone.”  Johnny said and hurried her off.


Sally got upstairs and pulled out her tablet that had the amount of money that was needed for each part of the trip.  Though it was an approximate amount at the best, it gave her a number to shoot for.


She quickly counted the money and added it to what she already knew she had saved.  “I need at least another 1,000 dollars.  Well that’s better than the 4,000 I needed earlier.  I can’t believe mom and dad gave me this much money.”  She said as she sat on her bed.


 “We knew how much you wanted to go.”  Her mother scared her as she walked into the room.


 “Mom, how long have you been standing there?”  Sally asked.


 “Just a few minutes is all.  I wondered how long it would take before you came up here to see what your totals were.  Do you really need 1,000 more?  Could you do the trip on less?”  Her mom asked.


 “Wow mom it sounds like you really want me to go.”  Sally said shocked.


 “Honey, I would like to keep you here at home your whole life, but that would be wrong of me.  I wanted to travel the world when I was your age too, but my parents didn’t want me too.  I can’t keep you trapped in a life that you don’t want.  Instead I can give you the chance to see what it’s like and be able to study where you think is best.”  Her mom said.


 “You really wanted to travel?  Why didn’t you tell me that before?”  Sally asked.


 “Because I was fighting with myself about this whole trip.  I wanted to keep your safe, but wanted to allow you to go as well.  It’s hard for a parent to let their only daughter, and only child wonder off.  I can’t protect you when you’re gone, you know that.  But I also wanted to give you a chance that I never had.  You couldn’t imagine how many times I wonder what other countries are like.”  Her mom stated.


 “You know you and dad can always travel once he retires.”  Sally said.


 “We may just do that honestly.  We’ve been talking about it for years now.  Your father is just thankful that I didn’t go off and find a different man!  He says that my mother protected him by not allowing me to go.  But he also wants you to go.  You have to understand how hard it is to let you go though.  One day when you have kids you’ll understand it!”  Sally’s mom commented.  “So can you go with less or not?”


 “I would rather have the little extra, just in case something happens so I have the money.”  Sally said.


 “That’s practical.  If we had the money we would give it to you, but that was all we could afford.”  Her mom stated.


 “No mom, it won’t take me but a month to earn it, I’ll get another job.  Plus I have to get the passport done.  Maybe I’ll have it all at the same time.”  Sally commented.


 “You could always do a rush on the passport!”  Her mom commented.


 “Yeah I know.  I might be able to do that, but I want to make sure I have the rest of the money still.  Plus I have to buy the plane ticket.”  Sally thought in her mind as she talked. 


 “You’re going to be gone soon, before you know it.”  Her mom smiled.  “Enjoy it Sally, it’s something amazing to see other cultures.” 


 “I’m so excited to go; I can’t believe I’m so close now.  It seemed like such a little shot to go earlier today, and now I’m so close.  Thank you so much.”  Sally hugged her mom.


 “I think Johnny is waiting downstairs to hear how close you are.  You know that boy adores you right?” Her mom asked.


 “Yes mom, but he’s too much of a geek for me.”  Sally said and rolled her eyes.


 “Well honestly I think you could do a lot worse than Johnny Young.  He’s really a good boy, and he stays out of trouble.  Maybe if you ever come back he’ll still be free and you and he can marry!”  Her mother said.


 “Mom, really?  No I don’t really think he’s my type at all.”  Sally turned red at her mom’s words.


 “Well I think he would be good to you, and that’s what is important.”  Her mom stated.


 “But mom don’t you have to love the man you want to marry?  I don’t love Johnny, I mean as a friend, but not more than that.”  Sally told her mom.


Sally watched as the color drained from her mother’s face.  “Oh hey Johnny, how are you?”


Sally turned around to see Johnny standing there.  By the look on his face he had heard what she had said.  But she didn’t know what to say to make it any better.  She had never told him anything but that he was a friend.


 “Hey Johnny, how are you?”  Sally asked.


 “It’s okay Sally you’ve told me plenty of times.  I’m just that guy who will always be a friend.”  Johnny said, his voice sounded like he was on the edge of anger.  “So how close are you?”  He asked.


 “I have a thousand dollars to save up.”  Sally said.


 “Great, so when do you think you’ll leave?”  He asked.

Sally noticed that his voice sounded colder than normal.  She felt bad like she had broken something inside of him even.  But what could she do?


 “I don’t know probably a couple of months.”  Sally stated.


 “Okay, well let me know if you need anything before you go, I’m right next door.”  He said and turned to leave.


 “Thank you Johnny.”  She said to his back as he walked away.


 “Sally Mae, did you really have to seem so cold to him?  He’s such a good boy.”  Her mom shook her head.


 “Mom, I’ve had this conversation with him far too many times.”  Sally sighed.


 “I saw his face, he may have said he wasn’t hurt, but he was, trust me.”  Her mom stated.


 “What am I supposed to do mom?  I don’t want him to think that I will date him.  I know he wants to date me, but it wouldn’t be fair to give him the wrong idea.  In fact, I think I’m being nicer to him then a lot of girls might be.”  Sally said.


 “Maybe you see it that way.  But keep in mind that he still has feelings.”  Her mom said and got up to walk out.  “There’s still some cleaning up I have to do.”  She said as she walked out.


 “Thanks again mom.”  Sally said as her mom left the room.


She sat there a few more minutes and thought about what her mom had said.  She had seen the hurt on Johnny’s face too.  It had been apparent.  For the second time in the same day too he had seemed quite angry at her words.  Sally wasn’t cold, she did feel bad, and sometimes she wished that he was a bit more of a bad boy.  If he was just a little different she might really date him, hell she might even stay in town and give up her dream of Paris.