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Mountain Man's Bride by Lauren Wood (134)

Chapter 2


Jack had his hands full and it wasn’t with the pigskin on the field of battle. He loved the roar of the crowd and the adulation of the fans as they clamored to get a piece of him one way or the other. These two girls were blonde identical twins and getting them into bed took very little effort on his part.

They were both hard body gymnasts and could move their limbs like contortionists. He had one sitting on his face while the other was spread eagle over top of his groin with her tight pussy taking the brunt of his manly instrument.

“You don’t know how many times we have tried to get with you without success. Sherri and I have always wanted to put you on that list. We are your biggest fans and we were the ones that set up the web site, so that everybody could be notified of anything new that was going on in your life.” Mary had an exchange with her twin sister Sherri that was more than any words could say. This was not the first time that they had tag teamed a guy. Being twins, they were perfectly comfortable being around each other naked. They enjoyed the shocked expression of their next victim as they realized just what kind of luck and curse that they stepped into.

“Mary’s not just saying that and it’s true. We’ve been watching you from the moment that you started your career in high school. To see you blossom into the player that you are today has been a privilege and honor to witness. This is… Fucking even better than I thought it was going to be. You are bigger and believe me we are not complaining in the very least.” Mary slammed down repeatedly on top of him doing her best to leave her mark; so that there was no doubt that she had been here.

They could’ve gone back to his place, but instead they had gone back to theirs and home field advantage.

Jack could tell that both girls were into him and buying them a drink was the only real thing that he had to do to convince them that a night of passion was in their future. Jack had just won a very pivotal game and the scouts were out in force to make their picks to go up to the big time. He had heard from his manager his mother that there were at least three teams vying for his John Hancock on a multiyear deal. They were going to field those offers and discuss them in private, but his preference would have been for the Miami dolphins. It wasn’t necessarily for the team itself, but the party atmosphere of Miami nightlife would have been right up his alley.

“I love the way that you squeeze down on me like that, Sherri or is it Mary.” It really didn’t matter and both girls were identical, except for a small mole underneath Sherri’s nose that had not been excised. She wore it because she wanted to be different than her sister, but they were notoriously linked at the hip whenever they went out together. Guys were left like skid marks on the side of the road after they were done with them. Athletes and regular men alike were not immune to their sensuous charm.

“I think that you’ll find that my sister has that same talent. We like to consider ourselves to be identical in every way. I will say that we’re not completely the same in what we like to do. My claim to fame is taking it up the ass. She’s not exactly into that type of play, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy a few moments together and alone after everything is all said and done.” Her ass was already taking him deep without him even knowing it was happening.

He had no idea which one had said this, but the idea of sinking into the velvet snugness of her ass had certainly made him rage like a machine.

He was lifting his ass off the mattress and the tiny girl of less than 100 pounds was now riding him like a bucking bronco. His tongue was outstretched and he was deep inside this woman’s cunt. Her body was responsive and he could see the way that her skin trembled and how her eyes would roll back into the back of her head. They had been inseparable for the last couple of hours and he had already unloaded two deposits into one’s mouth and all over the ass of the other. They were still wearing his jism like a badge of honor.

“You girls are insatiable. I didn’t even know that I could cum this many times in one night. Every time that I think that I’m down and out; you find a way to bring me back to life. You do your gender proud and I have to say that I’m a little in awe and believe me, I don’t say that about many that I have gone to bed with.” His long dark hair had been shorn to stubble as he had noticed that there was a bit of a thinning problem on one side. This would mask any need for hair transplant surgery. He actually found it easier to maintain and gave his shoulders the emphasis that he was looking for.

“We…do everything to make sure that our men are satisfied beyond words. Fuck me…oh my god…that’s it…make sure that you don’t leave me wanting.” He still had no idea which one was saying that and their voices rang out in the exact same way. He had heard their sound of pleasure a few times tonight and there didn’t seem to be an end to their thirst for more.

“You’re going to wear me out, but you don’t see me complaining.” His father was notorious for being a bit of a ladies’ man and he had taken up that mantle of responsibility with the mentality of being more than just a 5 minute wonder. He actually made it a part of his daily regiment to put his hips into high gear. He wanted to be ready for these occasions and these two girls had certainly driven him to his breaking point.

“I think that he’s going to cum again.” Both girls converged at the same time and were now skimming their lips on either side of his well fucked shaft. They watched the head as it showed signs that things were going to progress quickly. They waited and the hot white lava that spurted into the air landed all over their hair. Their blond locks were going to be in major need of scrubbing.

“Yes… Yes… Yes.” It was a litany of affirmation that they had done the impossible and made him cum four times in less than 3 hours. “I can’t believe that I haven’t had the privilege of being with either one of you at least once. I don’t know where you have been hiding yourself, but don’t be a stranger. Holy fuck…you really don’t give a guy a breather. Is there no end to your depravity?” He was breathing heavy and their lips had now moved onto the head where they knew that he was extra sensitive after something like that. They made sure to get every drop by squeezing from the bottom to the top. They fought to see who was going to get that last drop and it turned out to be both of them at the same time.

They both lay down beside him on either side, touching his exposed chest and moving their fingers in unison around each of his nipples. “It’s almost like you both know exactly what the other is thinking. Don’t tell me that you have telepathy and that is just going to blow my mind.” Jack looked at his reflection from the body sized mirror over the bed. They were definitely freaks and he had just been turned out like some sort of man whore. He had to smile knowing that the hours in the gym had paid off big time for not only had he gotten the stamina to become one of the most sought after quarterbacks in college football history, but it also gave him a physique that had girls draping over him every single night.

“You can let yourself out when you compose yourself enough to be able to get up. My sister and I would like to commend you on a job well done. There are very few that have been able to keep up with us and that is something that you should not take lightly. The way that you just fucked my ass was amazing.” He didn’t even realize that that was what had happened and was kicking himself for not taking advantage of the situation.

This had kept his mind off the fact that his future was in the hands of his mother. That woman was a pit bull and was the only reason why he had deemed her worthy of taking on the responsibility of his career.

“I thought that something changed, but I wish that you would have told me before you did it. I was so caught up in all of these limbs that I didn’t even realize it.” They both began to laugh at the same time.

“Don’t worry about it. You never know, we may ask for a repeat performance. We actually think that you have a pretty good chance of landing the Miami Dolphins. They have a real need for some talent in the quarterback department. What they have right now is a seasoned veteran that is a step behind the times. His age is going to be his detriment. I’m sure that you’ve already been contacted by them to consider their offer.” For them to know something like that has made Jack respect them like no other woman that he had been with.

“I didn’t know any of that and it does give me a bit of leverage going into negotiations. I appreciate the 411. I’m glad that you two were the ones that mentioned that you wanted me to leave. We’re both on the same page when it comes to sleeping in our own beds.” Jack still lived with his mother in a high-rise condominium that was a left over gift after the divorce from his father “I have to say that both of you have made me happy to be a man. I’ve no doubt that I would have slept with somebody tonight, but you two have made it impossible for me to go and look for something more. I’m going to need at least a couple of days to replenish what you took from me.” There was the sound of clapping

“We have learned to know what it takes to please a man. We’ve also learned to know what it takes to please us. We have combined that into a sexual smorgasbord of flesh that leaves the man panting after we give them what they think they want. You’d be surprised at how rare it is to get those that we have been with to come back for a second go around. We intimidate them and I do hope that we can’t say the same for you. We have designs on coming to you in Miami and staying weekends until you are a cum stain on your bed.” He was happy that his mother had pushed him into the sport in the first place.

“I’m sure that it goes without saying that you both have open ended invitations. I’ll even throw in first class tickets and meet you at the Airport. That is of course if I’m not married and have children by that time.” He began to laugh and they both joined him knowing for a fact that his interest in family was not exactly like everybody else. “I know. It’s preposterous to think that I would even have children. I can barely take care of myself. I do hope that I have taken care of you and I would hate to think this was one sided.” His body was covered in a glistening sheen and the acrobatics these last few hours had turned his world upside down.

“I can’t speak for Mary, but you certainly rocked my world.” He looked towards Mary and saw that she was nodding her head emphatically. “I’m sure that you know where the door is. Be sure to pick up your clothes on the way out.” He had to hold onto the frame of the door to stop himself from falling onto his knees. “There’s a glass of orange juice waiting for you in the fridge. You’re not the only one that went out tonight expecting to get laid.”

He stumbled into the kitchen and found the glass exactly where one of them had said it was going to be. He downed it in three swallows and went about to collect his clothes that were strewn across the floor leading to the bedroom. He picked up a soiled pair of red panties and sniffed the fabric and watched as there was a noticeable twitch between his legs.

“You can take a pair of our panties as a keepsake.” He did pocket the garment and then he drove back to his building to see Samantha standing there pacing back and forth. That girl had sent too many mixed signals to be taken seriously. He didn’t want to see her and that was how he had left it. It seemed unusual for her to come all the way here without a reason.