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Mountain Man's Bride by Lauren Wood (55)

Chapter 17



I woke up the next morning lighter than I had felt in a very long time. It was one of those mornings when I didn’t mind that the birds were chirping so loud and the damn sun was in my eyes. None of that mattered a second after I replayed some of the images from last night in my head and smiled to myself. She was everything that I had wanted and hoped her to be. I think Sherry was the kind of girl that I was looking for. She was a good girl, but she was also so very bad for me.

It wasn’t until I got downstairs that I remembered it wasn’t all just easy sailing.

“What the hell are you grinning like that for?”

I stopped grinning immediately when I heard Charlie’s voice. “You are up early.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep very well last night. I kept hearing stuff. You didn’t hear anything, did you?”

I shook my head that I hadn’t and ignored his gaze, going to the coffee pot with my head down.

“Do you have a hangover? I have a killer one.”

“I didn’t drink as much as you Charlie.”

“No, you took off early. Where were you?”

“Just around. I needed to clear my head.”

“Did it work?’

I smiled again before I remembered that I had to temper the look. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“I need to do that. I don’t know what is wrong with me lately, but I can’t sleep and then I am tired all day.”

“Sounds like you just need to get laid Charlie. That is your problem. We have a lot of beautiful girls that would have no problem taking care of that for you.”

“I’m not like you Rex, I have to feel something.’

“I feel something every time.”

He shook his head and didn’t have to say anything. I knew that if he knew the truth, he would be furious. It was better for him to think that I was hapless and not capable of defiling his sister like I had.

“It’s not the same. You can fuck any girl as long as she is hot. I have to have some kind of connection. Working here, I am not going to find that. Ashlea was nice, but when she found out where I worked, I haven’t seen her since. I don’t know what happened, but I am sure it is because of the girls here. I don’t partake, but she wouldn’t believe me.”

“Then she wasn’t the one for you.”

“I guess not, but you aren’t the one for any girl either Rex. You are a great friend, but you should probably stick to the strippers. They are more your speed.”

I gritted my teeth and tried to steer the conversation to something else. Sherry cam e downstairs in her little get-up from the night before and it started him up again on his rant.

“Like take my sister for instance Rex. You would never go for someone like her because she has a brain.”

“What is your deal this morning Charlie?”

He was on something else this morning and I had to wonder if he had heard us and suspected something was going on between us. He was certainly acting strange and I was starting to get a little nervous. I didn’t like the tone of it all.

“Nothing Rex, you just asked.”

I didn’t remember asking, but if he was going to drop it, I was going to let him. I didn’t want his sister to hear his opinion of me. It was accurate. Charlie knew me better than anyone else, but it didn’t mean that I was ready for her to hear the truth as well. He was right, she was a good girl and I had defiled the fuck out of her last night. She had begged for more in the end and looking at her now, I could tell that I had her right where I wanted her. She was mine for good now. But it was also true that I was no good for her.

“When are you going back home Sherry?”

Charlie’s voice was gruff and I could tell that something was bothering him. I looked over at his sister and his tone threw her off as well. “I was hoping to stay for another night or two if that is okay with you.”

“Well just stay out from underfoot and I will let you stay another night. But then you need to go back home to mom and dad’s. This place is no place for you Sherry.”

She agreed, but I could tell that she wanted to say something. Now that she knew, I was sure that it was going to drive us both crazy. Charlie was acting very strange and I didn’t know if I should gauge the situation or just leave it be. Either way Charlie would let it out eventually. He never could keep anything in, so I was just going to have to wait and see what happened. I just hated the waiting part, especially when I had a guilty conscious about what I had done with Sherry. I wanted to do it again and that somehow made it worse in my mind.

I called Ernest back to be her driver again today and I made sure that he knew where she wasn’t supposed to be. Sherry said she was going to look for places to stay and I had Ernest steer her into some of the good neighborhoods. I also wanted to keep her close as well. I had a good feeling that I was going to find myself over at her place a lot. This was my hope anyways.

When she left for the day, Charlie and I were still downstairs. “So what is going on dude? You are acting up tight as hell today.”

“Don’t act like you don’t know.”

This was the moment that I had waited for and it came sooner than I was ready for apparently. I didn’t want to volunteer anything, but I was going to have to be patient a little longer, no matter how much it killed me.

“I don’t know, tell me.”