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Mountain Man's Bride by Lauren Wood (67)

Chapter 29



“Come on Charlie. You can’t ignore me for forever. I am your sister and I have said I am sorry like a million times. Why are you still so mad about this?”

I wanted to say more, but the sound of the damn beep threw me off. He wasn’t answering his phone, hadn’t in over a week. I had tried contacting Rex as well, but he was just as hard to get a hold of. I knew that no one was killed or hospitalized because I checked the news the next day. I just wanted answers, but that did not seem to be something that I was going to get right now.

Hanging up the phone, I wanted to throw it, but I was getting so frustrated with all of it. He was never going to talk to me again unless I made him, but I knew what that would entail. He was the type that wouldn’t talk until we had to and I didn’t want to go around, waiting for us to somehow meet again for the holidays. That was over a month away and it was not going to be enough time for me.

So I did what I knew had to be done. It was down and dirty that I had to do it and Charlie was going to be pissed off at me, but he already was, so I didn’t see much that was going to go wrong with it. If he already despised me and wasn’t talking to me, it just made sense that I would do what I had to. I wasn’t going to let this get in the way of anything and I was still hoping for the okay from him that I was going to be with Rex.

I missed him more than anything and as they were best friends, it was going to have to be okay with my brother if we were going to be together and I wasn’t sure if that was going to be a good thing or a bad thing. If Charlie didn’t come off of his high horse and forgive me, I don’t think I am going to be able to have Rex. I didn’t want to come between them. Why couldn’t he see how much we cared about each other and want us to both be happy? Rex and I had something good going on and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t lose him.

When I called mom, I didn’t tell her what was going on, just that I missed family time and all of them. I wanted her to get the idea that we needed to have a family dinner.

“That sounds good mom. Do you think Charlie will be able to make it?”

“Of course he will honey. I will make sure that he comes down. How does Friday sound?”

It sounded good. Now if I could just get Rex to get an invitation.

“What about Rex? I hate to keep him out of it.”

“Well you know he is like family around here Sherry. I will make sure your brother brings him along as well.”

I thanked her and we talked for a few minutes before I got off the phone and sighed to myself. It was dirty tactics bringing mom into it, but I wasn’t going to feel bad about it, I just refused. Charlie had made me go to this extreme. All he had to do was answer his phone.

I knew that what was needed would happen and the more I thought about it, the less guilt I had. It was what I had to do.

Getting back to work, I tried to keep my mind off of things, but everything had my stomach in upheaval. I thought it was because of everything that was going on with Rex and Charlie, but I was starting to worry about it. I hadn’t been able to keep anything down in a couple of weeks.

“Are you sure you are okay Sherry?”

I looked over at Daniel and agreed that I was fine. “Yeah, no perfect. I just can’t seem to get away from the smell of fish.”

“I didn’t know that it bothered you. This is one of the staples around here.”

Daniels was one of my bosses and I didn’t want to appear like I couldn’t handle the job. I could, I just had to figure out why I felt this way.

“Never did before. I don’t know what is wrong with me lately. Nerves I guess.”

“Sounds like more than nerves. My wife couldn’t even pass the fish counter at the grocery store when she was pregnant.”

I waved him off. “No, it’s not that.”

He smiled and told me that he hoped that I got better. It was a nice thing for him to say, but I wanted to tell him that I was fine, everything was fine and I was going to figure it out. But he couldn’t be right. Right?”

I mean I did have sex with Rex many times and we almost never used a condom. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility but it wasn’t something that I had really thought about.

Now I couldn’t get it off of my mind. I was going to have to get checked out and see if this was the problem. I went home and stopped at a small pharmacy on my way home. I shook the whole time I was taking the pregnancy test, assuring myself that it wasn’t the case. I couldn’t be pregnant. I just couldn’t…

Chapter 30



I pulled over to the side of the highway the third time my phone rang and it was Charlie on the phone. I was waiting for him to finally give me a call, but it had been a while and I was sure that I was going to have to wait a little while longer.

“Hey man, what’s up?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Shoot, what’s up Charlie? Are you ready to come back to work? I sure miss you down there.”

“No, well yeah I will come in tomorrow, but I was calling about something else.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“I need to ask you if you want to come to mom’s for dinner. She called and gave me the riot act about not coming down for dinner. I am roped into it and she wanted me to do the same to you.”

“Oh really? Rosalyn never really did take no for an answer.”

“I know, so that is why I am calling you. I don’t want to have to be the one to tell her no. If you aren’t going to come, I am going to have her call you instead of getting onto me about it.”

“No, no. That is okay. I will make sure that I am down there. When do you want me to go?”

“I didn’t say I wanted you to go, not after what you and Sherry did, but I don’t have a choice. The dinner is for Friday night.”

“Six o’ clock?”

“Yeah, that never part never changes.”

“You know that I wasn’t trying to hurt you Charlie, right?”

“I just needed some time to clear my head. I still don’t know what to think about all of this, but right now I am just focused on the business and keeping my parents in the dark. I was afraid that this was going to happen and I can’t think of all of it at once.”

“I hear ya Charlie. I will make sure that nothing is said. Your sister isn’t going to say anything and as long as we show up with our happy faces on, I don’t know why it would be any different.”

“Alright Rex. I am going to get off of here. I guess I will see you on Friday. I may come in tomorrow for a little bit to do the books, but I don’t think I am ready for a whole day there.”

I wanted to tell him to man up a little bit. He was acting like a bit of a wuss, but the way I saw it, at least he was talking to me again. It had been a long time since we hadn’t talked and it was because of something stupid back then. It wasn’t anything of much importance, not like now.

“Sounds good enough for me, Rex. I just wanted to make sure you were coming. Do you got it at work?”

I was tired as hell and running myself ragged, but if he needed a couple more days before we made up and got back to reality, I was okay with that. It was only a couple more days after all.

“Yeah I got it Charlie. Take all of the time that you need.”

He told me that he would and then he hung up. I was trying not to be so aggravated about it all, but I knew that I was going to have to eat the shit out of some humble pie for a while. We were friends for so long though that it was worth it. Anything to get us back on track and to get Charlie used to the idea that me and his sister were a thing. I didn’t want that to stop, but I wasn’t going to bring it up for a while. It was clear to me now that my friend still needed some more time. Would I feel the same way if I had a sister? It was hard to imagine, so it was hard to really say what it was that I would do.

I didn’t feel much better talking about him and going back to the club wasn’t going to help my mood at all. I couldn’t stop thinking about Sherry and even though she had called several times, I just wasn’t ready to talk to her just yet. I still didn’t know what I was going to say to her. It was all up in the air and until me and her brother figured something out and came to some kind of terms there was nothing that could happen between us. I am in a holding pattern and she was going to have to be as well for a while.

I put the phone on the passenger seat and ignored it the rest of the way to the club. I could hear the music from outside and I didn’t want to go in. There were so many other things that I needed to do, but until Charlie came back, someone had to make sure everything ran smoothly.

I took a deep breath and made my way into the club. Candy was the first one I seen and even though I knew if I called her up to the office, I would get all the relief I needed. I also knew that it was a bad idea and that what she had to offer wasn’t enough. I was sick of settling for what I didn’t want.

“Hey boss. You are looking good tonight.”

“You as well Candy. You are going to kill it tonight.”

She smiled at me and moved a little closer. “I am always free if you ever need another round Rex. I wouldn’t mind coming like that again.”

My body responded to the offer, but my heart did not. It just wasn’t into it anymore and just sex wasn’t enough. I wanted more and I knew that I deserved more, as did Candy. Why was Sherry changing me so much and she didn’t even know it?

Going up the stairs to the office, I went with a hard dick and a heavier heart. It was a strange combination that was going to drive me insane





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