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Mountain Man's Bride by Lauren Wood (45)

Chapter 7



“Well I will be happy to get out of here and get back to the city where things are normal. Are we going to pick up Candy on the way?”

I cast a look at Charlie, trying to get him to see that he was talking about things in front of Sherry that he shouldn’t have been. What would we say if she asked about Candy? She was hard to explain and I for one didn’t want to.

“Yes, that is the plan, but we can discuss this later. It is business after all and I don’t want to bore anyone with it.”

Charlie looked at me strangely like he didn’t know what I was talking about and I was unable to express myself with Sherry next to us, listening to it all. She wasn’t stupid. She would get that we were trying to keep something from her.

“You were the one that wanted to bring Candy along, Rex. You said she would be good for the business. I just thought we were picking her up and I was just making sure that was still the case. We are still taking her back to Chicago with us, right?”

Sherry wanted to know who Candy was and what business we were talking about. “I would like to know what you do now for a living brother. It is apparently the best kept secret around, not even mom and dad know about it and I am sure they have asked repeatedly.”

“Rex and I just opened up a business together. It is just a small start-up in the city. No big deal, really.”

“Oh, the way mom talks about it, you guys are always working on something big.”

Charlie shrugged. “I wouldn’t say that, but it keeps us busy to say the least. Keeps us busy and tired most of the time. That’s why it is so hard to visit back home that often.”

“Will you give me a ride up to Chicago as well and somewhere to stay for a few days? I could be ready to go in like ten minutes. I haven’t even unpacked my bags.”

“Woah Sherry, you can’t stay with me.” His words were hoarse and panicked and I could tell what he was thinking. Charlie was worried about what happened if his two worlds that were so crafted by design to be apart started to collide. I could see the fear in his face and I actually felt bad for him.


I could tell that he couldn’t think of a good reason and he was floundering. If his sister hadn’t been smiling at me in such a way, maybe I would have been able to come to his aid. But instead he just blurted something out and it wasn’t very convincing. “Cause Rex is staying there and there isn’t enough room.”

“Come on Charlie. It isn’t that crowded there. I think it will be fine if your sister comes and stays for a few days.” I couldn’t help my mind’s progression of what could happen between us. My mind was still on the night before and feeling her bared body against mine.

He glared at him and I was certain that Charlie wanted to skin me alive. It was clear that he didn’t want her coming with, but I didn’t see any harm in it and I wanted to get to know her a little better.

“It won’t be fine. You think that the business stuff isn’t going to be a little distracting for my little sister Rex?”

It was then that I realized he was worried about the club and everything that went with it. Charlie was scared that his parents would find out and everything that we had worked to keep to ourselves would be for nothing. I had a little more faith in it all, but it was clear that he wasn’t that convinced that it would be okay. I felt bad that I had let my need for his sister cloud my judgment in such a way.

“I didn’t think about that, Charlie. Sorry about that. You are right.”

“No Sherry, I wish I could say yes, but everything is a bit too hectic right now. The place is a mad house and I don’t want you in the middle of it. Mom and dad don’t want you around that sort of thing.”

His refusal just made her push harder. She was too much like her mom, not taking no for an answer. I was starting to wish she would this time around at least. Maybe Charlie was right and this was a bad idea. Maybe we were asking for it. But then again at the same time, I wanted her to come and I was torn between what was right and what I really wanted.

“Come on Charlie. I wouldn’t say anything to the parents about what you guys do when I am up there. It is none of my business. I just need a place to crash for a couple of days so I can look for a job. I will get an apartment in the city when it is time to. Right now I just want to check out a couple of places and see how it all goes. See if I even like Chicago. I have never been there more than an overnight trip to the museum with my eleventh grade class. I promise I will stay out of your way.”

I could tell that he was torn on what it was that he was supposed to do. I felt bad for him in a way because his sister was rather demanding and the more I thought about it, the more I was sure that he was going to back down. I could see it in my friend’s eyes. He always did have a hard time telling Sherry no. Charlie sighed loudly and I could tell he was going to do as I thought, give in to the woman.

“I will allow it Sherry, but only for a couple of days. I have a lot going on and I will be gone most of the time. So if you really just want a place to crash for a couple of days, I am more than happy to help you out Sherry. I don’t know about any more than that. I won’t be able to give you a tour or anything like that.”

“That’s because you know that mom would make you take me anyways, but thanks big brother. I don’t need a tour. I am not a tourist to see the sites.  I just need a place to stay while I put in a few resumes. A couple of days should do it.”

He smiled at her. “She probably would have, but this way I am doing what I said I would do. You can stay for a couple of days, no more. Find something, get acquainted with Chicago and then go home.”

She agreed, but there was something in her eyes. Sherry never let things go and I wasn’t going to expect this to be any different. Sherry was going to find out and I was going to have to figure out a way to explain it to her when she did. I was starting to really think that Charlie was right. Sherry was going to cause trouble and now it was too late. She was going to Chicago and we were going to have to keep everything under wraps somehow. She was just too nosy for her own good and once she realized that there was something amiss, she wouldn’t stop until she figured it out, to me and her brother’s detriment.