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Mountain Man's Bride by Lauren Wood (39)

Chapter 15



His lips felt like heaven against mine. It made me wonder why I was fighting it so much. I knew that I wanted him. Every fiber of my being wanted him to touch me, so why try to deny it? He wasn’t Cass, he was nothing like Cass. I had to give this man a chance, give us a chance. He was right. It felt right.

We hadn’t even made it into the living room before he was pushing me up against the wall and kissing me until I couldn’t see straight. I tried to slow him down, but in moments I wasn’t worried about anything but more of him. I needed him desperately and by the way he was touching me, Lucas wasn’t far behind. I could already feel hardness pressing up against me like before.

“Lucas…” My voice was strained and I sounded unsure. He took it as I wasn’t sure about this, but it wasn’t that. I wanted everything all in one moment and I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how to ask him for what I wanted. He pulled away enough to make me whimper.

“What is it Fran? Do you want me to stop?”

He was breathing hard, but it didn’t matter. He would have stopped if I wanted him to and that just made me want him more, reminding me he was nothing like Cass. It was what I really needed and wanted to hear. I wanted to know that it was never going to be that way with him before I fell. I had already fallen for him when he saved me. Now it was just harder to deny than before and my body was on red alert from his touches.

“Please don’t stop Lucas.” If he did, I think I was going to lose my mind. I needed him to touch me and instead of waiting around for him, I started to move towards the bedroom. “Which one is yours?”

“It doesn’t matter. Come on Fran.”

He rushed in behind me and grabbed my arm, pulling me with him to one of the closed doors. I was shaking inside, but I knew that it wasn’t going to stop until he was on top of me and inside. That was what was needed more than anything. I wanted him to claim me in all ways because I was his, whether I wanted to admit it to myself or to him, it was no less true.

Lucas pushed me towards the bed and told me to take my clothes off. His voice was rough and gravelly sounding and I knew then that I had gotten my way. There was no turning back and now Lucas was to the point of no return. His eyes were so dark that they were almost black. His smile was naughty and his hands moved to remove his own clothing as I stalled to take mine off. I was feeling shy all of a sudden and it was only when Lucas’ pants came off and he came towards me, that I started to remember what it was I was doing.

“Do you need some help?”

I nodded my head and told him that I did. I needed him to help me or I wasn’t going to be able to get undressed, my hands were shaking that badly. It was ridiculous how much I wanted him and how much I needed his touch. The man was a stranger in some ways, but I knew him more intimately than anyone else in my life in other ways. I knew what he was made of deep down, what lengths he would go to help me. And now I was getting to know the need that streamed out of him and into the air around, suffocating me with its thickness.

Lucas’ hands were sure and he wasn’t trembling like I was. It was just moments until he had my shirt unbuttoned and pushed back off of my arms. His fingers lingered on my hot flesh, driving me wild with desire. Every touch was magnified and even his breath tickled my delicate skin. I desired him too much and I didn’t know if I was going to make it through. I was already full of too many emotions and my senses were overloading.

He seemed to know. I don’t know how, but Lucas seemed to know that I needed his lips in a kiss to ground myself. It was all just a mess, but his touch made everything make sense. While his tongue pushed in between my lips, savoring me and enticing me to give him more, his fingers worked on the button and zipper for the skirt. I didn’t know what he was doing until he pulled away and the skirt fell to the floor. His eyes roamed over my body and it wasn’t long before Lucas was moving back towards me.

When I was naked in front of him, I didn’t have the urge to cover myself. I wanted to see the lust in his eyes and know that I had put it there. Lucas wanted me badly and it made me feel powerful to have such a powerful man so bent and bothered. I always had been attracted to strong men and Lucas was one of the strongest I had ever met.

I took the moment of bravado to smile at him, suggesting with my eyes what I wanted from him. Lying back on the mattress, I looked back up at him, beckoning him forward. My body begged for him and Lucas was quick to give me what it was that I really needed.

His muscled body moved over mine and the wiry muscles left me in stitches. The feel of them pressing down against my body was heavenly and my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down further for a kiss. My legs opened to receive him next to me and I felt the blunt head of him on my entrance. I was wet and so hot and all I had to do was lift up my hips just a little bit to feel him move inside ever so gently. Lucas groaned and I saw his jaw tighten as he tried to ignore the feel. It was hard to do because I was trying desperately to push him.

“Please Lucas.”

I moved a little more, trying to get more of him, but something was holding him back. I whined and moved my hips against him. I really wanted to feel all of him. He was already stretching me, but I wanted more. I wanted all of him, now.

“What do you want Fran?”

“I want you inside of me. All of you.”

He grinned and moved slowly, overwhelming my insides with his thickness. It felt bigger than I thought it would and it made me squeal as he pushed in. I cursed and that made him chuckle. When I clenched him, it turned to a hiss and he plunged the rest of the way in suddenly. My ankles locked together behind his back. I couldn’t stop and the harder I pressed my inner walls around him, the more he pushed against my need. My hips moved to encourage him, but he stopped them with his hands gripping my waist.

“Stop Fran.”

I whined and he growled at me. He was trying so hard to hold something back, but I didn’t want him to. I wanted him to lose it. My nails dug into his back as I whispered encouragement in his ear. Licking the lobe and then biting it between my teeth, I felt him jerk inside of me. I clenched down hard and mewled, begging him to fuck me.

The dirty word seemed to do the trick. It was still tasting on the tip of my tongue when he pulled out abruptly, slamming back in to make me cry out. “Lucas! More.”

His eyes pinned me where I was and there was nothing I could do but feel every inch of him. My hands had fallen to his biceps and then he moved my legs up to his shoulders. It made him go deeper and I pushed away from his stomach. He was too much and before I could slow it all down, my insides were imploding around his thick length. It was more than enough as each wave of pleasure coursed through my body. It felt so good. I never wanted it to end.

Lucas slowed down several times. It wasn’t enough for my sensitive button to jump and jerk me around, but it was enough for him to go on. He never seemed to stop for more than a second. The feel was extreme and constant. Each push in took my breath away and there was a slight relief as he yanked out. The emptiness wouldn’t last long and I didn’t dread it. I knew that he was going to give me more. It was just a matter of time.

“I love you Lucas.”

I clamped my eyes shut because I didn’t want to see the look on his face. It had just come out and I knew it was the wrong thing to say. I was just going to blame it on the orgasm that was ripping through me.

“I love you too Fran. You don’t know how long I have waited to say that to someone. You are the first.”

He had stopped rocking back and forth and when I got the courage up to open my eyes, he was staring down at me. “Do you know how long I waited for you Fran? I didn’t even know it, but that was exactly what I was doing. I was waiting for you so I could finally love.”

The emotions in his voice were unexpected and I didn’t know what to say. Lucas started to move some more and before long I wasn’t able to concentrate on anything but him inside of me. It was as if more than just our bodies had merged together. I felt like our souls had as well. Did he really love me?

His speed quickened and the beat of his movement was not like before. Now he was losing it himself and I squeezed him tightly as a wave of pleasure rolled over me. It was too much and I was lost in the moment. It was all I could do to stay together. I felt like I was coming apart at the seams as he filled me with his hot seed.

Lucas lay down next to me and pulled me across his chest. He was sweaty and the hairs tickled my heated flesh. It took several minutes to get my breathing back to normal. I knew that if I went on this date, this was going to happen. I didn’t know that he would say such things though. Now what? I had fallen for another bad boy and I hoped that Lucas wouldn’t be one that broke my heart.

“I really do love you Fran. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

“I love you too Lucas.”

Damn if I didn’t wish it was different, but what could I do? I was head over heels in love with him and there was nothing that I could do about it. I just had to trust that he would be as gentle with my heart as he had been with me so far. With love, came vulnerability and I hoped that it wasn’t giving it to the wrong man.