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Ruthless by Kira Blakely (37)



I’d like to have a piece of you.

“No, thanks.” I shake my head and my palm. “Oh, come on. There must be something you want that I can get you.”

Dash leans even further across the table, his face inches away from mine. Inches. So close I can smell his earthy cologne, that same whiff I got when he sat in front of me in class. And it makes my mouth water.

I didn’t even know cologne could do that.

“T-tuna salad,” I answer, closing my mouth before I start drooling.

“Tuna salad it is.”

He lifts one toned arm, his sleeve sliding back to reveal one firm bicep. “One Buffalo shrimp wrap, please. And one tuna salad for the lady.”

Lloyd snorts. “Do I look like a waitress to you?” I get out of my chair. “I’ll go order downstairs.”

“No.” He stands up, placing his hands on the table. “Wait here.”

He marches off, leaving me staring at the ripped muscles of his back and that tight ass, making me bite on a nail when all I really want to take a bite out of is him.

I still can’t believe Dash Siegel was sitting right across me just now. Or that he’s getting food for me.

Of course, I know him. I was paying attention during the first day of class. Besides, he’s hard to miss. He’s obviously older, maybe three or four years older than the rest of the class. Older students usually stand out, mainly because everyone’s curious as to why they’re still in school. Rumor has it Dash used to be in Hopkins and in Loyola. Why isn’t he there anymore? I don’t know.

More importantly, he’s a dreamboat.

As he walks back into the room with powerful strides, broad shoulders slouched just slightly, and wisps of sandy blonde hair dancing above his eyebrows, I find myself holding my breath, my heart pounding. Oh, what I would give to brush those wisps off his forehead, run my fingers across that prickly jaw or…

Shit. Now I’m drooling.

I manage to wipe my mouth and close it as Dash sits in front of me, though I think another part of me has started to moisten… I cross my legs.

“What are you studying?” Dash asks as he looks over my laptop.

“Oh, nothing,” I answer, quickly closing it.

Wrong move. With my laptop out of the way, I’m staring right into the staggering barrel-like curves of his chest outlined by his white, cotton shirt. Either that, or I have no choice but to be held captive by those eyes that resembles skies before a downpour.

He narrows those gorgeous eyes at me. “You weren’t watching porn, were you? Because you just acted like the way I did when my Mom used to catch me watching…”

“No,” I cut him off, shaking my head.

He touches his square chin. “It would make sense, you know, staying here upstairs all by yourself, sitting in a corner.”

I frown. “I was studying for my accounting class.” “Sorry.” He laughs. “Just kidding.”

And the sound of his laugh, playful yet deep and controlled, is enough to make me forgive him instantly.

Shit. He even has a sexy laugh.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” he says as he strokes the handle of his fresh mug of beer. “We must have distracted you.”

“Yeah, you weren’t exactly quiet.” I lift my cup of coffee to my lips, holding it with both hands. “But don’t blame yourself. I was already struggling when you walked in, and I just decided to give up. Besides, this is a bar. There’s bound to be arguments.”

He taps his fingers on the table, making me realize for the first time how long they are. “Exactly. Which makes me wonder why you’re studying here.”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I just can’t seem to study at my boarding house. The room’s too small. Here, there’s a lot of space and it’s usually quiet during the day, plus the chairs are comfy, Lloyd has good taste in music and the coffee is good, cheaper than Starbucks.”

I take a sip.

“Only you would come to a bar and order coffee. You might as well be at Starbucks.” He pushes his mug towards me. “Want to try it?”

I stare at the mug, specifically at the rim where his lips were just moments earlier. Tempting but no.

“No, thanks.” I set my cup down. “I’m fine with coffee.”

Now, what? Talk about school? But it sounded like he never liked school and based on that conversation he just had with his brother, he’s leaving. Do I bring that up? No. That seems rude. Then what? Talk about the weather? Lame. But what else can we talk about? Apart from what I just heard, I don’t know anything about Dash and I definitely don’t think we have anything in common.

So what? Just stay silent?

Awkward. Thankfully, the food arrives.

“Yum.” He strokes his chin as he stares at his plate of food with wide eyes. “That looks good.”

“Yeah,” I agree as I look at mine, the seared tuna on a nest of mixed greens is absolutely appetizing. “You won’t get food like this in the Marines.”

Oops. Did I just bring that up?

“Ah.” He pops one of the fries on his plate inside his mouth. “So you were listening.”

I pick up my fork. “Like I said, you weren’t exactly quiet.” He frowns. “Billy and I usually get along but, you know, even siblings go through a rough patch every now and then.”

“No, I wouldn’t know.” I shake my head as I poke the fork into a piece of lettuce. “I don’t have any siblings.”

“Oh.” Dash leans back in his chair. “Well, lucky you.”

He narrows his eyes at me again, his intense stare making my knitted turtleneck feel as see-through as cling wrap. And it’s not just my turtleneck. Something in those narrowed eyes, gleaming with mystery and mischief, is making me feel completely naked.

I blush then quickly start eating in hopes of dispelling my embarrassment.

“Whoa. Slow down,” Dash tells me. “You can only stuff so much inside your mouth, you know.” My cheeks immediately get hotter.

“You have to remember to swallow,” he adds.

I almost cough so I stop eating, drinking what’s left of my coffee.

“Do you like salad that much?”

I shrug, setting my empty cup down and wiping my mouth with a napkin. “Do you like shrimp?”

“I like seafood,” he admits, taking a bite out of his wrap. “But I like what I’m seeing right now more.”

A little scoff pops out of me. “What? A skinny girl stuffing her face?”

“A beautiful girl seeing something she wants and taking it.”

I almost choke. I’m not used to guys talking to me like this. I’ve been nose-deep in textbooks throughout college. I’m still a virgin.

I reach for my coffee cup so I can hide my face somehow, only to remember that I’ve just drank every last drop.

“You know what?” I tell him. “I think I’ll have some beer.”

“Hear that, Lloyd?” Dash calls out. “The lady will have a mug.”

“Sure?” Lloyd asks from behind the bar.

“Yup,” I confirm, looking at him then at Dash. “Just one, though.”

Dash grins. “Whatever you say.”