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Screwing The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #1) by Alexa Davis (22)

Chapter 22 – Lila (Friday)


Xander’s lips tasted sweet and salty all at once. As his mouth consumed me entirely, I ran my fingers around his back, enjoying the sense of claiming him. I wasn’t totally sure what this thing was between us, and I didn’t want to ask, but I liked feeling that I had any kind of control over him. While we were kissing, while I was taking up every inch of his brain, it was nice to think of him as “mine.”

Eventually, he pulled back to press his forehead against mine, and the look in his eyes was intense. His piercing gaze looked as if he was about to devour me at any given moment, and damn it, I needed that. Xander brought out a side of me that I didn’t even know I had, and I loved it like crazy.

I became so lost in his eyes that I barely noticed his hand running down over my cheek, neck, breast, waist... until he hooked his fingers under my leg and hitched it upright until my foot was pressed up against the ice-cold wall. He nudged my legs open a little with his hip, and he moved in closer until his body was pressed right up against mine. I could feel all of him, every single inch, and I pulsated like crazy for him.

“Do you want to take this up to the bedroom?” he asked me with a slow, lilting tone to his voice. One that had me mesmerized. I shook my head no. There was no way I wanted to move from where we were. This, with his throbbing erection pressed up against me, felt absolutely perfect.

“No, we have to watch dinner,” I teased, but I was rapidly silenced by Xander and his incredible tongue, his teeth lightly nibbling on my lips. He was kissing me like it was his last moment on Earth, and I felt a little bit like that, too.

The whole world had shrunk down to me and him in this moment, and that was all we had.

His fingers trailed up my thigh, growing dangerously closer to where I needed him desperately. In a moment of bravery, when I was upstairs changing into only Xander’s t-shirt, I decided not to wear any underwear, either. Now he was about to discover that, and I wasn’t sure whether it had been my wisest plan.

But then Xander groaned as his touch glided along my opening and his whole body slumped into me, and I knew that I had him floored. I loved driving him crazy, so this made a huge smile spread across my cheeks.

“You are a dirty girl, aren’t you?”

Something about his words sparked a fiery, hot desire inside of me, a naughtiness in my belly that I wanted to roll with. I allowed that to take control of me, and a surprising strength came through me as I spun us both around, slamming him against the wall.

“What are you...” he started to ask, but as I gave him a mischievous look up under my eyelashes and bit down seductively on my lip, I soon shut him up. Then, once I had him totally silenced, I fell to my knees with a thump.

“Oh God...” His head fell back, eyes shut, and he was totally at my command. I reached forward and unbuttoned his pants slowly, ensuring that my fingers kept brushing past his cock as I did. I wanted him on the brink for a very long time. I wanted to turn him into a shuddering mess. I wanted to have all control over him.

As I slid down the zipper and the material slid past his hips, I watched him desperately clawing at the wall behind him, as if he was trying to find something to grab onto. Eventually, he reached forward and found me... Well, more accurately, found my shoulders.

I yanked his underwear down and freed him, which caused me to gasp loudly. I had known that he was huge, I certainly hadn’t forgotten about how he had felt last time, but to see him so close was something else. I lightly wrapped my fingers around him, and Xander buckled and shuddered a little bit more, and I knew I wanted to taste him. So, I leaned in and kissed him lightly, just testing the waters. I ran my mouth up and down him until I could take it no more.

Then I wrapped my lips tightly around his length, moving him down my throat.

“Oh, fuck, Lila,” Xander growled, gripping me tighter. “Oh, shit, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

But as I bobbed my head up and down, flicking my tongue all over him as I went, I got the idea. His whole body had tensed up, and he was trembling like crazy. If I didn’t stop, he would absolutely lose it – yet I didn’t want to. I was enjoying myself.

“Stop!” He grabbed hold of my head, pushed my mouth down over him one last time, before pulling me away. “Stop it, I can’t take it anymore.”

I fell backward a little, watching him in awe as he stood above me. The way he towered over me gave him all the control once more. In one swift movement, I’d totally lost it. I didn’t care. I wanted him to do whatever the hell he wanted with me, whatever thoughts I could see racing through his mind.

Even the smell of the food in the oven starting to burn wasn’t enough to distract me from that.

Then Xander fell down beside me and yanked the t-shirt back toward him, taking me with him. He kissed me deeply, before ripping the material from my body and leaving me totally exposed for him. His mouth seemed to move seamlessly from my mouth down onto my breast, where he sucked and tugged, sending thousands of wonderful sensations tearing through my body.

I couldn’t cope with it. The ache in my core was now agonizing, and I absolutely needed him, so I loosened my grip and allowed my body to fall back against the cold floor. My arms were above my head, my legs collapsed against the floor... I probably looked like a sprawled-out mess. But as Xander stripped his t-shirt off and kicked his boxers to one side, the dark desire-filled look he was giving me made me feel like the sexiest woman alive.

My heartrate kicked up a notch as I saw him unravel a condom. As he rolled it over himself, tingles spiked all over me and I waited with baited breath. This time it was even better because I knew how amazing it was going to feel. I’d slept with Xander before, and I knew how incredible he was.

Once he was set, Xander hovered over me, teasing me gently. I lifted my hips, trying to push him into me, desperation getting the better of me, which left him smirking above me.

“A little impatient, aren’t we?”

“Stop being so pleased with yourself,” I gasped. “I need you now.”

With that, he slipped into me, and a hot ecstasy exploded in my chest. Oh, God, I forgot how good it feels to have him fill me up. I had thought I remembered how incredible it was to have him sliding in and out of me, but my memory didn’t do him justice. Xander had my body screaming with joy, buzzing with pleasure, and filling up with an intense pressure that I just knew would feel fantastic.

I clung tightly to Xander, gripping on to his sweat-slicked body, and I bucked against him harder and faster, causing him to pick up the pace. I needed him deep. I needed him fast. I had so much inside of me that I needed to get out, and with each thrust, he was bringing me dangerously close to the knife edge of desire, almost to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Oh, fuck!” I screamed as the intense waves shattered through my body. “Oh, my God, Xander.”

This was even better than before. Somehow, this felt even more powerful, a pleasure like never before. I was making noises bordering on animalistic, but I didn’t even care. Xander was grunting and growling just as loudly. We were in this together...

Just as we collapsed into a panting heap, the fire alarm blasted out, causing us both to laugh hysterically.




“Pizza is on the way.” Xander smirked at me as I cuddled up underneath his bed sheets. “That should make up for two ruined meals.”

In all honesty, once we’d hooked up, I’d half-expected him to send me home, but he hadn’t. He told me to get into his bed where I’d be warmer. I didn’t want to expect that he was asking me to sleep over, but I wasn’t totally sure that he’d be able to get me out now. I was far too comfortable.

“Well, I suppose I can forgive you, then,” I teased. “But honestly, I’ve never had a date where two meals were wrecked. This has to be a record.”

This was officially the best date that I’d ever been on in my life. Xander was the most incredible guy; he was sexier than any man I’d ever even laid eyes on, kind, and he made me feel very special. I couldn’t see what he wanted with me, but I wasn’t about to rock the boat – not when it felt so amazing.

“Just be glad that firefighters didn’t show up!”

“Oh, my God, how embarrassing. Can you imagine?”

As we laughed together, I realized that I felt utterly comfortable around Xander. There was nothing about him anymore than intimidated me. Maybe he was far too good looking for me, but he didn’t act that way and didn’t make me feel it.

“Finding you naked on the kitchen floor would have been enough to distract them from their jobs!” He pulled me in closer to him and kissed me lightly on the lips. This was nothing like before – this was sweet and tender. Romantic. I was trying hard not to get too carried away with this, not to fall for him in case he didn’t see it as something long term, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. Every time Xander kissed me, I spiraled deeper.

I just hoped that I wasn’t about to get my heart broken.

The knock at the door broke us apart. “Oops, that must be the pizza; you better go and get it since I’m still only in a t-shirt, and let’s try dinner again.”

“Third time lucky!” He grinned, moving away from me. “Let’s hope this time, we actually get to eat it!”

As he left the room, I noticed that my heart was racing in my chest, still overly excitable even though I was just lying there doing nothing. It was him, all Xander, and the amazing way he made me feel. He was something else, and I hoped that I didn’t ever have to let him go. I touched my cheek, feeling a big grin on my face, even though I was alone. I was going to have to stop that. I was going to have to play it a little cooler if I didn’t want to him to guess how deeply I felt.

Still, at the moment at least, it seemed like he liked me a lot, too. I didn’t get the sense that he was a player, which was good. I just hoped that I was right.