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The Recoil Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (26)



Danger stayed for dinner and he was so great with Stuart. I thought he might be a little distant with him, sometimes it’s hard when you are not around Autistic children. But they got along well, and Stuart was completely drawn to all of Danger’s ink, so much so that he ended up taking off his shirt so Stuart could trace all his tattoos. To anyone else, another man tracing your tattoos would be weird, but Danger knows that Stuart is special and the artwork really fascinated him. Danger was so good that Mum said he’d have to come back and spend more time with Stuart. Danger agreed with complete sincerity, which I loved. After a tearful farewell, Danger and I went to the airport with minimal hassles from the paparazzi. It seemed he was able to slip into Adelaide unnoticed, so not sure any of them knew he was here in the first place.

Once we landed in Sydney, we headed straight back to the hotel. Luke wanted to meet with us immediately, so he told Danger he’d be in the hotel room when we arrived.

Danger pulls my luggage behind him as we walk through the dimly lit hall to the room where everything fell apart. I feel weird coming back here, but I guess nothing happened in the bed besides sleeping, so I can’t be too perturbed.

I swipe the key and we head inside. The lights are on, and as we walk in I hear Luke’s voice thinking he’s on the phone, but when I step in further I see Ryan sitting on the bed. He opens his eyes wide, and I jump on the spot then rush to him embracing him tightly. He holds me back as I cuddle into him.

“So glad to have you back, Lunar, it was really fucking shit here without you,” he says honestly, and I pull back and give him a smile.

“Was shit not being here,” I reply.

Luke clears his throat like my welcoming party is inconveniencing him.

I turn and take a deep breath looking at him, he half smiles and it shocks me. He’s always so stern looking, so to see a kind of smile is very strange coming from him.

“It’s good to have you back, Lunar. We’re going to do everything in our power to make sure you stay this time. Things kind of fell to shit with you not around, so I’m hoping you can pull Danger back to his old self, ‘cause right now the tour is going to fail if it keeps plummeting the way he’s going.”

I look to Danger and frown as he winces and sighs. “What’s going on?”

Danger runs his hand through his hair. “I couldn’t perform with you gone. I just couldn’t function and every song felt flat. The lyrics didn’t mean anything… I need you, Lunar.”

I sigh and walk over to Danger embracing him tightly. “I’m sorry. But there’s no excuses now, you’ll have to pick up your performance, Danger. I’ll be here by your side the entire way.”

He wraps his arms around me and smiles brightly leaning his forehead against mine. “Just knowing that makes me feel normal. I feel so much lighter knowing you’re back supporting me.”

“Okay, so now we know the team is back together and Danger is going to pick up his act, I’ll make up a press release and issue it tomorrow. Australia will know Lunar is back onboard, and if there’s any backlash we’ll deal with it rather than running away. It didn’t work well for anyone last time,” Luke clarifies.

“Great. Now, no offense, but can you guys get the fuck out,” Danger announces.

I chuckle as Ryan laughs and Luke rolls his eyes.

“Lunar and Danger sitting in a tree f.u.c.k.i.n.g,” Ryan calls out while making a circle with one hand and pointing his finger through it with the other. I laugh and slap his arm as he turns and walks toward the door. “Have a good night you two. And Lunar…” he pauses, “… it’s good to have you back.”

He and Luke head for the door, Danger can’t keep his hands to himself as he strolls behind me. His fingers run against my hips, his front presses to my back as we see them to the door. They walk through the opening and Ryan winks at us as they exit. I close the door, then before I have time to think Danger spins, pinning me to the door. His knees slide between my legs opening mine wider as his body pushes against mine forcefully. His hand moves to my wrist pinning it above my head while his other moves up my skirt and to my knickers. He tugs them down as his lips move in under my ear. Danger’s mouth caresses my skin sending a trail of fire along my burning flesh, and I jiggle my legs to help him send my knickers to the carpet.

“I need you now. I can’t wait anymore,” he murmurs, then his teeth sink into my earlobe causing a jolt straight to my clit making it throb and ache. My free hand slides into his hair as he moves his hand from my wrist to my ass, while his other hand unbuttons his jeans. There’s a buzz in the air as both of our breathing is racing. We want each other equally as much, and after thinking we both had moved on, us joining back together is a pleasure we both need.

His cock springs free as his jeans fall over his ass and down to his ankles. His hands grip into my ass cheeks as his face comes in line to look at me. Our eyes connect, and I stare right into his dark blue orbs and I see a spark in them, not just lust, but something deeper. It takes my breath away as I wrap my legs around his waist, and he licks his lips inching his cock at my entrance.

He looks at me, right into my soul. Something passes between us, an understanding that we’re both in this as he thrusts inside of me. No need to work me up because just staring at him had me wetter than I’d been before. His gaze and the way he’s staring at me like he wants to devour every inch of me, is taking this from a simple fuck against the door to something deeper. A need, a primal need in him to have me. A part of him knows he can’t survive without having a part of me with him, and as he pushes me hard against the door, pulling his hips back and thrusting forward into me, my pussy tightens around his cock in appreciation of the pleasure he’s giving me. His warmth inside of me grazes my walls, working me higher as my fingers grip into his hair. Our eyes remain on each other as we pant and breathe heavily with each of his thrusts.

My impending orgasm builds rapidly as his cock ring rubs deliciously against my insides. His fingers gripping into my ass cheeks so forcefully I’m sure they will leave marks as he continues to stare at me.

The chemistry is intense, lights start to twinkle in the air around us then massive fireworks pummel the air with ferocity. I desperately want to close my eyes to ride the wave of ecstasy, but I don’t want to break the unfailing connection we’re sharing right now. A surge flows through me, a revelation if you will. Danger means more to me than anyone ever has, or will, I’m sure. This moment, right here, is a turning point for us. As I look into his eyes, the intensity and harshness of his stare tells me he’s feeling this too. His hooded gaze shows me it’s not just lust for him but this is deeper, the connection is strong, we care for each other, probably too much.

He thrusts up making me gasp out as he continues to pound persistently into me. My back rides up and down the door and it creaks as it shifts against the frame with our harsh movements. I’m sure anyone in the hall would be wondering what the hell is going on—on the other side of the door—but I don’t care. All I care about is the rising heat between my thighs that’s coursing through my stomach, up through my chest, and over my entire body through to the tips of my hair.

My skin raises in goosebumps and a tingle shoots down my spine as his harsh stare penetrates me as deeply as his cock. Sparks fly between us as my skin slickens in sweat, and my back arches pushing my tits forward slightly. He groans as my muscles clench, tightening with blissful pressure.

I moan, swallowing hard as I ride him. He thrusts up into me deeply, hitting just the right spot and I explode around him. My head goes cloudy and my sight grows dim, but I don’t break our eye contact as he watches me licking his lips as I ride out my orgasm. Our eyes stay focused on each other, and the pure heat and lust coming from him as I unfold in ecstasy, makes him start to unravel.

He pumps quicker as I chew on my bottom lip. Tugging harder on his hair, he groans and digs his fingers into my ass roughly as he pulls me on and off him faster striving for his own release. I want to help him get there, so I make a move and lean forward pressing my lips to his but keeping my eyes open. He does the same and kisses me back, his tongue ring exploring my mouth frantically as he pounds into me with firm strokes. He groans into my mouth, sparks igniting the fire in us both as he pumps and jolts, slamming me into the door demandingly hard as he pauses, looking deep into my eyes, kissing me strongly, then he unloads inside of me with a long drawn out growl.

My fingers tug on his hair, making him jerk inside me as his eyes glaze over and his kiss turns languid and soft. His forehead rests against mine, and we both pant coming down from our intense moments.

That was amazing. The connection between us, unmistakable. Something has shifted. We’re connected now more than ever, and I know now that I can’t leave his side even if he wanted me to.

He looks me in the eyes and smiles. He pulls back and shakes his head. “That was intense.”

Nodding, I grin. “So intense,” I reply.

He leans in kissing me briefly before letting my feet fall back down to the floor. He takes a deep breath running his hand up and along my cheek caressing it tenderly.

“Shower?” he asks, and I giggle and nod.




We’ve been in China now for a few days on the Asian leg of the tour. Danger and I are blissfully happy back in our bubble. Recoil are performing great, and being received so tremendously well by the Asian fans. Danger’s just performed at the Beijing National Stadium, also known as the Bird’s Nest, to a packed out stadium and the crowd were mental.

We thought the Aussies loved them. Well, it seems the Asians really dig their sound, and it also seems that with the hype of me helping my family and brother through the foundation, plus the statement from Techie saying I have no affiliation with the club anymore, the public has gone from shunning me to loving me. It’s been a complete three sixty. Things haven’t been a complete breeze, though. Seeing Nate for the first time was strange, and when Danger, Nate, and I are in the same room tensions are always high. But Nate keeps to himself now knowing I’m not going to budge.

Things were equally as weird when I saw Effa for the first time. I wanted to rip her hair out and claw her eyes from their sockets, but then I remembered that she actually didn’t do anything wrong with Danger. She was actually just being a friend to him when he needed her the most. So I should be grateful to her. Which I am now and we’re getting along okay. We have to, seeing as they came to Asia with us as the backup band. Danger didn’t want to find another backup band, and the two work so well together it seemed like a silly idea to stop the momentum.

We’re just about to leave the Bird’s Nest as I hold onto Danger’s arm and we head for the exit. We’re all on a high from the performance tonight, and about to head out for the after party. The doors open and Kane steps out, his body stiffens which puts me on high alert, because if your bodyguard is tense there’s a reason.

We step out into the parking area, the limo is a short distance across the way, but just off to the side is a bunch of girls.

Danger looks to me and then to Ryan. “Flank her, Ry,” Danger orders.

They stand either side of me while we try to walk quietly to the car, but it’s of no use. One of the girls turns around spotting us and screams so ear pitching loud that I actually jump.

“Get to the car,” Kane calls out.

We start the fast pace toward the car, but the girls are faster and block our path. They scream and mob all around us, hands clawing at Danger and the guys, as they surround and protect me. My heart’s racing for them, as Kane and another couple of guys try to pull back some of the really manic girls.

“Oh my God, it’s Lunar… the whore,” one of the girls calls out

They all turn toward me and I tense up as they reach out breaking through Ryan’s defenses, grabbing at my clothes. I struggle against them and try to push them off as they drag me away from Danger, who’s screaming at them to let me go. My top rips, exposing my bra, and a couple of girls at the back start taking photos while I cuss and try to pull my top back on.

Another girl screams in my face, and I open my eyes wide at her craziness as she slams her hand onto my face scratching her nails across my cheek. I flinch back as I hear Danger yelling at them over their screaming, but they’re holding us apart. Then a yank on my hair tugs my head to the side so forcefully, I let out a yelp as I fall to my knees with the searing pain.

I’m wearing shorts so my knees graze on the pebbles, and Kane flies in pushing the girls away and sweeping me up off the ground. My legs wrap around his waist as I cling to him like a monkey while he races with me toward the car.

“I got you, Lunar. Don’t worry.” His words don’t soothe me as hands still grapple at my back ripping my top even more as he reaches the car. He tugs open the door and literally shoves me inside. “Stay inside. Do not get out!” he demands, slamming the door shut and standing in front of it like a guard dog.

My hand moves up to my pulsating cheek, the warmth of liquid tickles my fingers as I pull back to see traces of blood. “Fucking savages,” I state as I move closer to the door to stare out the window, but I can’t see anything past Kane’s bulky frame.

I just want to know if Danger’s okay.

The screams continue and my heart races through my chest making my breathing fast and harsh. I feel a little faint as Kane steps aside and the door opens. I quickly shuffle out of the way as Nate jumps in, followed by Matt, then Ryan, and lastly Danger. The door slams and I pant as the guys all chuckle shaking their heads.

Everyone except Danger that is. When he sees me, his nostrils flare, his face turns red and he slides over to my side, his hand moving up to the scratches on my cheek. “What did they do to you?” he asks leaning in kissing my forehead tenderly. I ease into his touch and take in his scent, he smells just like Danger, all woody and sweaty from the show, just how I like him.

“I’m fine, I was more concerned about you.”

He scoffs and looks down at my top, showing my bra. “Worried about me? They fucking tore your face open and ripped your clothes off, Lunar. This is not okay.”

I cuddle into his side while he continues to rant. Looking at Ryan, who hands me his jacket, I place it over my top so Nate will stop staring at my exposed bra.

“That was crazy,” Ryan murmurs as the car takes off, and the girls bang on the outside windows still trying to get in as we slowly crawl through the mass of hysteria.

“I’m going to get more security, Kane isn’t enough anymore. We seriously need more protection. You need more protection,” Danger declares.

I nod as the car radio turns on and it’s a Recoil song. I smile looking up at Danger, and he finally turns his scowl into a slight smile. I grin and nudge his side as we all chuckle. It’s amazing how just over a year ago Recoil couldn’t get any air time anywhere, and now with the right team behind them their songs are being played in Australia and Asia, and they’re huge.

“Let’s go back to the hotel and have the after party there, hey?” Matt asks.

Danger nods and I do too. I don’t think I could go to the club the way I currently look right now anyway.

We head back to the hotel and I pull on Ryan’s jacket and zip it up before exiting the car. We get out and head upstairs to Matt’s room. Danger grabs a medical kit and tends to my face, while the guys grab some booze and have some food delivered to the room.

We’re going to party it up tonight because tomorrow we don’t have anything to do. And we’ve just had one hell of a weird night, so we deserve to let loose. Danger and I head back out to the main bedroom where the party is now in full swing. Finger food is sitting on the cabinet, and a cart of booze is stationary in the middle of the floor.

Matt has his cell plugged into a portable speaker system and the beats are flowing. It’s like our own little mini club. And I’ll tell you what, it’s better than an actual after party. Far more comfortable and fewer weirdos and freaks.

I grab a drink from the makeshift bar, and Danger stands beside me scoffing down some onion rings as we laugh at Ryan trying to impersonate Effa when she’s high. I have to admit we’re being noisy and it is getting late. It’s about one in the morning, so we’re probably being a bit too rowdy, but this is the best the band has gotten on together since I arrived on the scene, and it’s nice for us to be spending some quality time together.

I hear a faint knocking off in the distance, and I look to Ryan, who furrows his brows like he might be hearing it too. He moves to the music dock and turns it down. The banging is actually quite loud on the door. We all wince and look at each other.

“Not it,” me, Danger, Matt and Nate all say in unison, and Ryan slumps his body and groans.

“Fucking hell! Why do I drink? It makes me so fucking slow,” he groans and then walks to the door.

We’re all thinking the same thing, our awesome party is about to be shut down. Ryan pulls open the door and as I suspected a hotel staff member is standing at the door.

“Why hello! How may we help you this fine evening, good sir?” Ryan asks, trying to sound suave, but his slurring only makes him sound drunker than I think he is. I can’t help but giggle.

The man scowls slightly but then looks down to see the rest of us. I wave slightly, and Danger grabs my hand and holds it as if to tell me not to bring any attention to the room. I stiffen, and lean back into Danger waiting for the guy to talk.

He clears his throat and sighs. “Due to your outstanding patronage, Recoil have officially been upgraded to the Penthouse suite. The suite has five separate bedrooms to accommodate you all, and we’d like to move you in there now. You’ll have a butler service, a bar, and food package available to you. The penthouse takes up the whole floor, so noise restrictions aren’t a problem.”

Ryan’s head turns back toward us slowly, his mouth agape, and his eyes wide. He looks so tremendously happy that he might explode, and it makes me giggle. “Penthouse suite, bitches!” he yells, and the room erupts into a fit of cheering, as the manager hands Ryan a set of key cards and continues to give him instructions on what we need to do from here on.

“C’mon baby, let’s go pack our shit,” Danger instructs.

Nate stands up walking with us. “This is fucking awesome! Only big bands get the penthouse, Danger. Are we really that big now?” Nate asks.

It’s the most civil I’ve seen them. It’s nice.

Danger pats his shoulder. “Fucking yeah, we are.”

The manager explained that they would pack and move whatever stuff we leave behind.

Ryan turns to us handing us our key cards for the penthouse. “He said everything will be there when we arrive. More food, more drinks, everything. I’m going to grab some shit. Meet you up there, fuckers,” Ryan says, and then turns walking with us as we all exit Matt’s room. “Hey did anyone else think that guy spoke really good English?” Ryan asks as we all head to our individual rooms.

“Don’t be an ass, Ryan,” Nate says and we all chuckle.

“See you soon, guys,” I say, and they nod as we all enter our normal hotel suites for the last time.

We make it inside and Danger grabs me pulling me to him in excitement. “I think we’re finally making it, Lunar.”

“No babe… you’ve made it.”