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The Recoil Rock Series Box Set by K E Osborn (48)



As we walk through Tillie’s front door, Piper barks in her usual excited manner and jumps up at Tillie’s legs as we pace through to the kitchen. I can’t help but smirk as I notice Hunter the rat in his cage by the window in the living room.

“God, I ate too much pizza. My doctor won’t be happy,” I say, and Tillie turns to look at me.

“I think having one cheat meal is okay, Ryan. You’ve been working super hard on your diet, you’re allowed to have one night off.”

I shrug. “It’s weird, I kinda feel guilty for eating it.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that can happen, but just go back to it tomorrow. A few slices of pizza won’t hurt you.”

“Might have been five.”

“Okay… five—”

“Maybe six.”

She laughs. “Really?”

I shrug tilting my head and pursing my lips. She pulls me into a hug wrapping her arms around my waist and shifts her head to rest on my chest. I lean in to kiss her hair.

“Oh… and some garlic bread.”

She bursts out laughing and her body vibrates against mine while I hold her closer to me taking in her warmth. Piper continues to jump up at her legs begging for more attention.

“Not to mention the champagne,” I add, and she shakes her head looking up at me.

“You really know how to make a girl laugh, you know that?”

I furrow my brows in fake confusion. “It’s not funny, this is serious. I could go into a pizza coma and die, Tillie.”

She leans on her toes inching her lips right up to mine, the hint of champagne lingering on her breath. “Then I’ll just have to give you mouth to mouth won’t I?”

I groan as I press my forming hard on into her. “Promise?”

“How ‘bout we practice now… just in case?” She licks her bottom lip subtly.

My hand comes up her back, my fingers threading through her hair and I pull her head to mine. Our lips crash together and I kiss her forcefully. My tongue collides with hers as Piper starts barking which is kinda breaking the mood. Tillie giggles into my mouth and pulls back looking down to Piper and finally bends down petting her.

“Geez dog, kill the moment.”

I chuckle leaning back against the kitchen counter. “What are you gonna do with Piper and Hunter while we’re on tour?” I ask.

Tillie winces and stands back up. “Umm… shit. I guess I’ll have to call Roxie. She won’t mind, but the short notice might piss her off.”

“Roxie? That’s your sister, right?”

“Right.” She pulls her cell out of her bag and dials her number making the call.

I bend down sitting on the floor and Piper comes straight over curling up into a ball on my lap letting me pet her. She is a cute dog and even though she’s a mommy’s girl, she still loves attention from anyone who will give it.

“Hey Rox, it’s me.

“So um… the guys are going off on tour for three weeks. We leave in two days. So I’m in need of a pet sitter…

“You’re not pissed by the late notice?”

Piper gives me a cuddle and I run her curls through my fingers.

“Oh yeah, I can do that. Thanks, sis. I’ll leave now. See you soon.” She hangs up her cell and I raise an eyebrow. Tillie looks at me and clenches her lips. “So ah… Roxie wants me to bring them over now rather than in a couple of days as she will be out that day, so… I should take them now. Sorry to bail on you.”

I move Piper from my lap and stand up dusting my ass. “Well, why don’t I just come with you? I’d love to meet your sister?”

Her eyes widen as a smile crosses her face so wide I feel like she’s about to break into a song or something. “Are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you into moving too fast or anything?”

“It’s no pressure… and Tillie, I offered and I want to. We’re not rushing into anything.”

“Okay… I’ll get Piper’s harness.”




We pull up out the front of a cute suburban house not that dissimilar to mine. Piper is panting in the backseat next to Hunter in his cage as I turn off the ignition.

“You sure you want to meet my family?” Tillie asks, confusion written all over her face like she thinks I’m going to bail.

I chuckle. “Tillie, it’s not too much. I promise. I want to be here.”

She exhales and nods once, then opens the door of the car getting out. I take a deep breath and mentally prepare myself. Even though I want to meet Tillie’s sister, it’s still a big step in the relationship. I hop out of the car and turn to see Tillie getting Piper out of the back. I open the rear door and grab Hunter’s cage, then press the central lock on my key. We walk toward the white wooden door and Tillie giggles as Piper bounds toward the house like she’s been here a hundred times before.

“So if Roxie says anything inappropriate, I apologize now,” Tillie says making me raise an eyebrow.

I like her sister already!

The front door opens before I have a chance to say anything and a loud squeal comes from the doorway of the house. I grimace slightly as a tall woman, stunningly gorgeous, with wavy chestnut hair rushes out toward Tillie with her hands outstretched. She slams into Tillie embracing her while Tillie laughs, and she grabs her swaying her from side to side dramatically.

“Geez Rox, anyone would think you hadn’t seen me for a year,” Tillie says.

“Well, it’s been nearly three weeks, and it’s too long. I can’t help it if my sister is also my best friend,” Roxie replies. Her eyes drift over to look to me. She raises her eyebrows, stops her dramatic hugging and pulls back from Tillie then tilts her head. “Umm… Tillie… that’s Ryan from Recoil.”

Tillie looks back at me and lets out a small nervous laugh. “Ah… yeah, it is, um… and he can hear you.”

Roxie rolls her eyes. “I know that. Urgh. Anyway, come in. Excuse the state of the living room, Savvy won’t clean it up and I’m too busy trying to sort out the website,” she says as she turns, leading us into the house.

We follow her to the living room which is chaotic with a barrage of Lego scattered all over the floor. Piper nuzzles the pieces with her nose as Tillie closes the door behind her. Roxie continues through the mess, kicking blocks to the side as she goes. I glance at Tillie and she smirks as we continue to follow. Piper picks up a Lego block in her mouth and carries it with us and into the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry, about that. If I knew Ryan was coming I would have made an effort,” Roxie says stopping where a man and a young little girl are sitting eating cereal, even though it’s probably past her bed time.

“I don’t mind. Really. It’s nice to meet you,” I say putting out my hand to shake Roxie’s. She takes it then looks from me to Tillie and raises her eyebrows with another smirk. A message to her sister, but I don’t miss it.

“Wait! Did you say his name was Ryan?” the man asks through a mouth full of Cheerios.

I turn around facing him and he finally gets a good look at me, his spoon falls into his cereal making a splash of milk erupt all over the bench while his mouth opens and milk and Cheerios fall out of it.

“You’re Ryan… from Recoil!”

“I am,” I say.

“Fuck! If I knew I’d be meeting you, I would have… fuck! I don’t even know.”

“Cool it, Donny,” Roxie chides.

“It’s fine, Donny, just think of me as any normal guy.”

He nods. “Right, will do,” he says as Savvy laughs at her father’s fangirling over me.

“So Savvy, I need you to take care of Piper and Hunter for me. Can you do that?” Tillie asks and Savvy jumps from her seat at the breakfast bar and rushes over.

“Yes! I’ve always wanted a rat. Thanks, Auntie Till,” she chirps looking down into the cage that I’m holding.

“Anytime, sweetheart.”

She looks up at me and smiles. “You’re a musician, right?” Savvy asks. She must be all of about six years old, if that. I’m surprised she even knows the word musician.


“Can you teach me how to play the drums?”

Tillie watches me with her niece. “Hmm… I’m not so good with the drums, but I’m pretty mean at Lego.”

Her eyes light up and she grabs my free hand. “C’mon then, let’s go!”

I chuckle as Tillie watches while I’m dragged off to the living room to dominate the Lego world.




“So, he seems great.” Roxie leers as Donny walks over to us.

“He is.”



“He’s a musician.”

I scoff. “So?”

“So they’re not the most loyal type of boyfriend, are they?”

“What do you mean?”

She inhales through her nose and slumps her body. “Well, they are… loose with women.”

“Oh Roxie, Ryan hasn’t had a girlfriend in ages.”

“Exactly, he doesn’t have girlfriends for a reason. It’s so he can flick from girl to girl.” I purse my lips. “Are you even his girlfriend?”

I pause and bite down on my lips. We haven’t had this talk. Sure, we spend all our time together and everyone knows about us, but we’ve never made us an official thing.

“Well, a label doesn’t matter,” I defend.

Roxie sighs. “Just be careful, Tillie. Please don’t give him your heart, okay?”

“Mooom, Auntie Till, come see,” Savvy calls out, and we all rush to the living room to see Ryan holding a Lego guitar. He hands it to Savvy and she rushes around the room playing the guitar making sounds from her mouth.

It might be hard to not give him a piece of my heart seeing as he just stole some of it.

“He’s amazing,” Donny whispers making me laugh.

Roxie’s harsh stare softens and she slants her stance with a “Ha.”

“Yeah, he’s such a lady-killer,” I murmur, and she rolls her eyes at me.

“Ryan’s so cool, Mom. I wanna learn guitar now, not drums.”

Roxie chuckles. “Well, praise the Lord for that. A guitar I can handle.”

“Can you teach me, Ryan?”

“Savvy, no. He’s too busy!” Roxie chides.

“I’m sure I can come by once in a while to give you some pointers,” he says.

“Yes,” Savvy exclaims and launches into Ryan’s arms. He embraces her tightly and there’s not only contentment on his face but his eyes are a little misty like even though he’s happy right now he’s a little sad too. I’m not sure what that’s about, but seeing him with Savvy is adorable. She pulls back from him and continues to play her little Lego guitar around the room.

“Okay, we better go. Thanks for looking after Piper and Hunter for me. It will be for around three weeks before we’re back.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll look after them. You know Savvy’s gonna spoil them,” Roxie informs.

Chuckling, I nod. “Yeah, I know.”

“It was awesome meeting you guys,” Ryan says grabbing my hand which in turn sends sparks shooting through my skin.

“Great to meet you, too!” Donny almost yells, and we look at him with a smirk. “Sorry, I’m excited.”

Ryan leans forward taking Donny into a man hug and back slap thing. Donny’s face lights up as he hugs Ryan back a little too overzealously and I giggle to myself as Roxie rolls her eyes in a dramatic fashion.

They separate and Donny is beaming with excitement. “Ryan from Recoil just man hugged me.”

“Oh my God, you’re such a girl right now, Donny,” Roxie states and we all laugh as Ryan and I turn heading for the door.

“Thanks again, Roxie,” I say.

“That’s what big sisters are for.”

“Yes, to babysit pet rats,” I tease.

She pushes my shoulders toward the door with a laugh. “Get out! Enjoy your tour. Don’t do drugs or have orgies.”

“Oh my God, Rox,” I gasp while Ryan chuckles.

“What? I’m serious,” she says.

Ryan’s now laughing. Roxie and Donny stand at the door waving as we walk to the car.

“Your sister’s a hoot,” Ryan says as we slide into our seats.

“She’s a pain in my ass, that’s what she is.”

“Nah, she’s just looking out for you. It’s nice to have people on your side.”

We wave to my family who are smiling happily at us from the house, and I look at Ryan and can’t help but think how well he fit in with them, and how easy it was for us all to be together.

“That was nice,” Ryan says starting the car.

“Sorry about Savvy stealing you away.”

“No, it’s fine. She reminded me of someone, and it was nice.”

“I wasn’t sure if you were a kids kinda guy or not?”

He smiles and it’s genuine. “I am a big kid at heart, so I get along with them just great. I love kids. I seem to get them. Must be the childlike mentality.”

Ryan chuckles as do I and he pulls the car out onto the street and we head back toward my place.




We’re all settled on the private jet that Oliver has acquired for the band, along with the entourage of people that are coming along with us. Like the new security detail which is to be headed by the main security officer, Declan an ex-Navy Seal. We also have three air hostesses, one is a man, Trent, who is very flamboyant, but everyone loves him and then there’s Candace and Rozanne.

We’re flying five and a half hours from Los Angeles to New York, and I’m cuddled into Ryan’s side as the plane flies through the sky. The mood in the cabin is high. Danger’s humming while sitting next to Lunar. Nate plays with the touch screen on the back of the seat in front of him, and I watch as Matt flirts with Candace, the hostess. The entire flight is spent with us all in a comfortable ease, flying with this band is no hassle at all. Everyone’s calm and definitely nothing like your typical rock band that I’ve been used to in the past, they’re generally very loud and boisterous.

I love this atmosphere. I adore these guys. I like that they have included me into their family, and I’m happy that I’m cuddled up next to Ryan, and he’s playing with my hair gently as we continue to people watch. This is easy, it’s effortless, and I could really get used to it.

We land five hours later and we all make our way off the jet, down the tarmac and into the arrival area. Ryan grips my hand, Danger has his arm draped around Lunar’s shoulders and Matt is still chatting up Candace, as we all walk through the tunnel and out into the open expanse.

As the guys all enter the open area, a barrage of screaming girls run toward us all and I open my eyes wide as Ryan chuckles. He looks to me as Danger glances toward Ryan with the biggest of smiles.

They deserve this!

Declan rushes forward and ushers us all toward the exit. The girls scream, all chanting and taking photos. The guys wave as Declan continues with his team to move us all along the airport, outside and to a waiting Hummer. All the while Ryan keeps hold of my hand, never letting go. I’m happy knowing he’s showing the crowd he’s with me. I like that and it’s nice that he isn’t afraid to show them that we’re together in some way.

I glance into the array of screaming girls as they follow us to the car. They’re all snapping pictures with their cell phones, I’m sure some are even filming or live streaming when one girl in particular gains my attention. She’s taking pictures with a normal camera, attached is a long lens. It’s not weird, it just looks odd because everyone in this day and age uses their cell not an actual camera unless you’re the media, but she’s way too young to be paparazzi. I shrug it off as Ryan pulls me toward the Hummer and I slide in with Ryan following behind me. The others are already in the car and they’re laughing and smiling jovially as Ryan closes the door.

“Oh my God, that was crazy,” Lunar announces.

“That was fucking epic,” Danger replies.

“We haven’t had a crowd like that since we were on tour with Staked and Slayed, and let’s be honest, the crowds were only ever there for Colter Slade. Now they’re fucking here for us, only us, guys,” Nate chimes.

“Yeah, gotta admit, that was pretty fucking nice,” Ryan says, and I squeeze his hand. He leans into my side sliding his hand up my thigh and resting our joined hands on top.

“Right, let’s get to the hotel and we can debrief and settle in,” Oliver says.

We all nod as the car takes off with the screaming girls all yelling at the car from a safe distance.




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