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Savage Reckoning (A Savage Love Duet #2) by T.L Smith (26)

Chapter 26

He doesn’t speak as he walks in. Connick steps over and picks me up and walks me straight out of there. I don’t say a word. I have no idea what to say because I’m too weak. He places me in his perfect car, and I feel even dirtier than I already am. It doesn’t seem to bother him as he starts the engine and drives off. As he grips the steering wheel, I notice his hands are bruised, but he drives us out of here as quickly as he can.

He starts to reach for his shirt, pulling it over his head then placing it on me. Covering me up, so my naked body isn’t there for everyone to see. My eyes are slowly closing then opening, I must be drifting in and out of consciousness. Then the car comes to a stop and I hear his door open and shut. Then I hear the sound of men talking.

I can’t turn my head to see, but the minute he pulls my door open cold air hits my skin and I wince. He brushes some hair away from my face, leans down and kisses my forehead, whispering something I don’t understand.

My head rolls to the side and that’s when I see a man that’s dressed like a doctor. He grabs at my arm, that no longer have cuffs, pulling it away from my body, then he stabs me with something. Before I can pull my hand away, Connick is gripping me making me unable to move. He hushes me, then strokes my hair with his large hands.

Trying to keep my eyes open, I see now that I’m on some kind of drip, that’s placed on a hook above the door, then the door closes.

He drives all through the night without one word.

I fall asleep exhausted next to him without asking one single question.

* * *

I wake to him making loud noises. Sitting up, I watch him pulling everything from his closet. He doesn’t notice I’m awake as he destroys the floor and his beautiful walk-in closet. Everything is being thrown to the floor. All his suits that were hanging are now in a pile, his shoes on the floor as well. He’s standing with just a towel around him and nothing more, as he takes whatever anger he has out on his closet.

I’m confused and dirty. How long have I been asleep for? Turning, I see a tray full of food, fruits and water sitting next to me. Still dressed in nothing, I pull the sheet up and take a slice of watermelon. It tastes good on my lips and feels better in my stomach.

Looking around, I have clothes in a neat pile at the end of the bed. Standing up, I grab them and walk to the shower on unsteady legs, not saying a word to him. Actually, I don’t even think he hears me as I go. The shower is warm on my very sore body. I can feel the bruises on my ribs and my sore lip from where Nicole hit me, and my wrists are bruised so badly from the cuffs. Washing my hair with his products doesn’t help any because it all smells of him, and his smell is not something I want lingering on me right now.

I haven’t made my mind up about what to say to him or even how to say it.

Will he even tell me the truth in full, or will he cut me off, only allowing me to have a few questions, like last time?

Turning around ready to step out, Connick is standing there watching me. He drops his head and hands me the towel letting me cover up, then he walks out of the room without a word.

How long was he watching me? I don’t like it, even if it is his eyes.

Pulling my clothes on and still feeling exhausted, I walk back into the room and straight back to the bed.

Is it now, because I feel safe, that I can sleep without the nightmares? I forced myself to sleep a lot when Derrick had me prisoner in that room, just to make the time go faster, but now I’m actually physically and mentally drained.

Connick is sitting at the end of the bed, his hands are running over his head as he sits there. Not saying a word, I climb in, pulling the blanket up and wondering what I will do. I’m angry at him. I don’t fully trust him. But I just know he won’t hurt me the same way Derrick has done.

* * *

Yelling wakes me this time, and I’m startled. Sitting up, I look around for the source but can’t see it. Connick is nowhere to be found, so I make my way out and down the stairs. As I walk into the kitchen I hear a voice, one that locks me up tight and makes me unable to move until I hear that voice getting closer and closer. His eyes land on me, and my hand reaches for the knife drawer, pulling it open, while I watch him watching me. It scares me. He sees the knife as I grip it tight, his eyes widen, then tame in an instant.

“You left me… again, Mil.”

A shiver breaks out over me. “Don’t touch me.”

His hand touches my face, and before I can do anything, he’s flying backward and away from me. Connick’s now standing in front of me, his hands skimming my body to see if I’m okay. I want to strangle him, push him away and stab him. He looks at me with those sinister eyes that hold so much love and hate for me, it’s a mixture between the two. Derrick’s gone the minute I turn to look for him with the only sound of the door banging as he leaves.

“I love you.”

Connick’s eyes go wild at my words. He doesn’t expect those words to leave my mouth, and neither do I, to tell the truth. Tears spring and run down my cheeks. I know what I have to do, but knowing and doing those two things are completely different. His chest pushes up against my knife still in my hand.

“Do it, Milanka. Do it, I won’t stop you.”

My heart beats fast, I close my eyes and open them again, looking up at him.

Why won’t he stop me? I don’t understand, but I feel his pain.

“The moment I use those words, they scare you. So, you’d rather I kill you?”

He leans in close, his breath touching my face, his eyes still wild. “I don’t love, silly girl, I own. You’re owned by me, and you know it.”

Shaking my head at him, I go to tell him, no, but his finger to my lips silences me.

“Those words slipped from your mouth. I forgive you. Now don’t say them again.”

My hand goes to drop, but the shaking makes me hold on tight.

“I can’t let you do it. I won’t. And if I have to save myself from you, I will, Connick. I’ll pick me because no one else has.”

He nods his head and stays still.

I do what I never thought I could do…