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Savage Reckoning (A Savage Love Duet #2) by T.L Smith (51)

Chapter 25


Her hand touches mine as I drive, she giggles when my hand sneaks up her thigh. Turning into my driveway, I wait for her to ask to turn back and to not come here ever again, but no words leave her lips. Getting out of the car, I walk around to let her out. She slides across to me without any hesitation. Opening the door of my house, the floor is cleaned of blood. Not just hers, his as well. She stops and looks at the spot where she was pinned to the floor, but doesn’t say anything as I take her hand, leading her up to the bedroom. Some of her stuff is still here, and I never intend to get rid of it. She lets go and walks around, her hand dragging on the dresser that holds both our clothes, then she turns to look at me.

“Do you love me, Connick?” Her hand stays to her side, her posture eager and waiting for my answer.

“I do.”

Milanka’s steps to me feel like they take ages until she finally reaches me. Her hand comes up to touch my shoulder, she grabs it, kisses my neck then pulls back.

“Say it.” Her green eyes pin mine with her stare.

“I love you, Milanka.”

She smirks at me. “Was that so hard? I don’t have a knife on me today, so I’m not forcing it out of you.”

“You could never force me to say what I don’t want.”

She laughs and nods her head. “This is true. But now you’ve said it… how does it feel?” Her hand touches my heart as she speaks.

“It feels the same, Milanka. You are here, that’s all I want.”

“If only life were that easy.”

My hands cascade around to her ass and lift her up, so she wraps them around me. She winces in a small amount of pain and I lay her on the bed to ease it. The minute my hands are off of her, she starts undressing, removing her clothes. Milanka’s stomach is still bandaged, but she doesn’t seem to care that it’s causing her pain at all. I begin removing my clothes as well, not intending to fuck her but to go to sleep. She isn’t thinking straight right now, and adding sex to the mix will only complicate things. As soon as my pants are off, she’s naked and leaning back on her elbows, staring up at me. I wish right now I was a holy man of some sort that could easily turn away from looking at her, but she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and her laying on my bed waiting for me isn’t helping that fact at all. Turning to switch off the light, I walk to my side of the bed and get in. I feel her move, so she’s beside me.

“You don’t want me?” she asks, not touching me, but her voice sounds sad.

“Of course I want you, but you’re injured.”

I feel her turn in the bed, her ass coming into contact with my side, and she reaches for my arm, pulling me over so it tucks under her arm as she holds it, then places it on her breast. She pushes back into my already hard cock.

“We can fuck soft,” she whispers.

I don’t do soft.

I only do hard.

But I don’t want to hurt her.

“You won’t hurt me.” She pushes back again, rubbing on me. My free hand reaches between us, and she opens her thighs just enough for me to slide straight in. She starts breathing heavily, and my hips begin moving along with hers. Her hand squeezes hard on my own, while my other hand squeezes her breast. She pulls my fingers off placing them in her mouth and sucks one until it pops out, then places it between her legs on her clit. Milanka starts rubbing herself with my own hand as I fuck her from behind, careful not to go too fast or hard in my efforts to not hurt her.

It takes everything in me to control myself, to not flip her over and lift her ass in the air.

“Faster,” she whispers.

My hips start moving at her words as if she’s taken hold of them and has full control.

“Harder,” she says.

My hand starts rubbing her faster until I feel her almost there, she tightens around my cock just as I come as well, while I fuck her until I can no longer. Her grip on my arm loosens and she sighs happily next to me. I go to move, but she holds me still next to her.

“Just stay.” Her voice is a sleepy whisper. It isn’t long until she is asleep. I’m still inside her but she doesn’t seem to care. I wait until she’s fully asleep before I move, sliding out of her and straight into the shower. Washing myself, I wonder what I can do to make her happy. What is it that she needs that she hasn’t gotten from me? I’m not talking about kids. That can wait for a long time, if at all. We will come to that when the time is right, and right now it isn’t. No, I mean to make her smile every day, to make her feel safe. What does she need? She won’t tell me because she doesn’t like possessions. Even so, I like to buy them for her because seeing her mad or happy at me is the best fucking experience ever. When she’s mad, I want to bend her over and fuck her into submission, but when she’s happy my heart does this stupid thing where butterflies take flight in my belly. I hated that feeling until I loved it, until I realized it was all for her.

Walking back in, I see she’s still in the same position I left her—blankets over her, curled on her side. Taking the towel I have wrapped around me, I wipe between her legs and discard it onto the floor before I climb back in next to her. She turns when I come back like she knew I was gone, and now I’m back in place her hand is on my chest and she falls back to sleep.

To love someone is to sacrifice your beliefs.

To love someone such as Milanka, you have to give her pieces.

And piece by piece is what I’ve given her.

No, she has it all with my consent.

* * *

Her hand is on my cock, stroking it in long movements when I wake up. Looking up, she’s sitting on my legs watching me, waiting for me to wake fully.

“Do you think I’m addicted?” she asks as she strokes.

I pull her forward by her ass, position her over me, and she reaches between us to insert me into her.

“Do you think it’s evil? A sin maybe?” She drops down, her head tilting back.

“If this is a sin, I’m going to hell one happy man.”

She laughs and stops shaking her head. “Seriously, though, do you worry… that maybe you won’t fulfill me forever? That my addiction will take over and lead me to another’s bed?”

My hands dig into her hips then I move her with force, she moans and I loosen my grip, then she stops again.

“Maybe you can’t stop it, this thing inside of me.”

“Woman, shut up.”

She laughs, and it makes me happy. All those butterflies and shit.

“I’m serious.”

“So am I, now fucking move before I move you.”

She crosses her arms over her chest, lifting her tits up.

“Fine, we are really going to have this conversation while I’m inside of you waiting for you to fuck me?”

“Yes, yes we are.”

“No, I think I’m enough for you. You think everything you did, it defines you, but it doesn’t. If you have the itch to go back to your addiction, you can tell me, and I will come to you no matter where in the world I am, Milanka. I will come to you. You are not to fuck another soul… only me. Do you understand?”

She smirks and then starts moving back and forth. “I like it when you get all caveman on my ass.” She leans forward and kisses my lips before she sits back up, rocking faster and faster, her moans leave her lips, my groans leave mine. I meant every word, I would travel to any part of the world for her if it were to help her. Any fucking part of the world without hesitation.

Her hands lift up threading through her hair as she moves, it’s such a beautiful sight to witness, to see her like this and to know I will be the last man on earth to see all of this. Because no one else will touch her ever again. The minute we both climax, her hands drop from her hair and she looks at me with love in her eyes.

“That was fun. I like to get the words out of you when we’re fucking.”

“You are evil, woman.”

Her head throws back and she laughs. “I’m the best kind of evil.” She gets up, sliding off of me and stands next to the bed naked. My hand reaches out to touch her, to feel her body and she lets me, standing still.

“Do you work tomorrow?”

“I’m not meant to, but I think I will go in. I want to put more into it, not have all these days off I’ve been having, even though he is understanding.”

“You can always come work for me,” I tell her.

She shakes her head. “I will not come to your office every day for sex, Connick. What kind of woman do you think I am?” Her hand goes to her heart and she pretends to act offended.

“You would love it, don’t even deny it.”

She turns to walk to the bathroom while waving her hand at me. “You would… more so. Imagine me bent over your desk every day.” A wicked laugh leaves her lips as she disappears.

“That’s evil,” I yell out to her. She doesn’t answer and I hear the shower turn on. Leaning over, I check my cell and notice multiple missed calls, some being from my father.

Calling him back, he says my name as he answers, “Connick… your brother is missing.” I can hear my stepmother crying in the background. “Do you know anything about this?”

“What would I know?”

He is quiet and her cries slowly dissipate.

“There is no love lost between you two, I will not deny that. But Connick, you better have had nothing to do with it. Nicole seems to think you do. Something about a woman you are with.”

“Milanka has nothing to do with it.”

“I hope you’re right.” Father hangs up without saying goodbye.

Looking up, Milanka is standing there watching me, all showered and smelling gorgeous.

“Who was that?” she asks, leaning on the door.

“My father.”

“Is he looking for him?”

I’m not sure what to tell her, so I simply nod my head.

“I’m sorry.”

Standing and walking to her, her eyes are downcast. “You don’t have to be sorry for a goddamn thing, woman.” Lifting her face, I kiss her lips. She kisses me back, but just barely.