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Savage Reckoning (A Savage Love Duet #2) by T.L Smith (16)

Chapter 16

Work was completely uneventful last night, apart from the questions Serena was shooting at me about Connick. I didn’t give her too much information about him because I still don’t even know much myself. Just that he’s rich and owns multiple businesses. Her eyebrows perked up at that tidbit of information, and she wanted to know more. I pretended I was busy, so I didn’t look like a hooker just to be with him for his money. I don’t even know his last name, and his money I couldn’t care less for.

The dress was delivered last night as promised but I didn’t open it. A man was standing at my door dressed in a suit and didn’t look at all pleased to be there waiting, holding a gown in a bag. He smiled asking me my first name, then passed it to me and left—fast.

I haven’t opened it yet. I just look at it, wondering what’s in there and how much it would have cost. The bag it’s in looks expensive, so I can’t even imagine what the dress cost.

Sitting down on my couch, I stare at it as it hangs from the bedroom doorframe. Looking at the time, I know I need to start getting dressed. My hair and makeup are already done, and I need to be on time because I have a feeling Connick is not someone who likes to be late.

My hair is hanging low down my back with a slight wave and my makeup is barely there which is just how I like it.

Pulling the zip down on the bag I begin to see the color of the dress—it’s gold and dazzling. Pulling it from the hanger, I see it’s a turtleneck dress with no sleeves and a split right up the leg. To be honest, it’s stunningly gorgeous and I’m afraid to put it on.

Standing in only a G-string, a knock comes on the door. I know it’s him, I know he wouldn’t be late or forget, though I was hoping for the latter. Opening the door slightly, not all the way, I poke my head around to see him dressed in a black suit. The moment takes me by such a surprise that I let the door go, and it opens showing him that I’m not dressed. I suck at being on time as he asked.

He looks me over in approval then looks behind me to the dress that’s still hanging. “Do you need me to dress you, Milanka?”

Shaking my head, I go to shut the door to get dressed. His foot stops me from closing it, he pushes it open with his hand and steps in, closing it behind him. Picking the dress up, I try to work out how to put it on. It won’t slide over my hips because the neck part is too small. Hands surround me and take the dress from me, his breath heavy on my neck. He finds an invisible zipper and turns me around, staring at me as he drops down, bending at the knees and lifts one of my legs to step inside of it. He does the same with the other, only this time, he licks my inner thigh before he stands to slide the dress up with him. My hands slide in, and he walks behind me to zipper it up. Chills run over my body with how intimate this feels. It’s like a slow sex crawl, and I don’t crawl for sex, I run to it and take it full force.

I bend down and slip my high heels on. He’s watching my every move as I stand and reach for my purse. Connick offers me his arm when he sees I’m finally ready, and I slip my hand into his.

“Ravishing,” he says, pulling open the door and walking out of my house to where a car that isn't his usual one is waiting for us. A man steps out and opens the door. Walking up to the rear car door to get in and notice the man isn’t dressed like how most drivers are dressed. He’s wearing jeans and is covered in tattoos, and even has a gun strapped to his side.

Trying not to look for too long, I climb into the car and wait for Connick. He speaks quietly to the driver before he gets in himself and closes the door. The driver starts the car and pulls away from my house as he drives off down the road. Connick’s hand slips onto my thigh as he pushes my dress back. He isn’t staring at me, his eyes are glued to the cell in his hands which is very unlike him. Every time I’ve been with him I’ve not once seen his cell. Turning to the side, I look out the window as we drive.

I hear the click of his cell when he locks his iPhone, and then his hand squeezes my thigh. We haven’t spoken much, we never do. It seems to be our relationship. If it even is a relationship. I don’t even know what to call us. What do you call someone that you let back in your life again and again, knowing that they might hurt you? It’s especially weird for me considering I let no one in. Even then, do I really let him in? Or is it just in my bedroom?

The car comes to a stop, and his hand lifts from my thigh. Turning away from my window, I look as the driver gets out of the car. Connick’s always watching me, I don’t know what he’s waiting for? Is it for me to run? I’ve only done that once, and if he gives me no reason to do it again, I don’t see why I would.

Derrick can be handled. I just have to stay off his radar, and having a man like Connick next of me is sure to put him off.

“Stay by my side,” he says.

Nodding my head, I agree with his words. He’s about to get out the car when he stops and turns toward me. At first, I think he’s going to kiss my lips which is not something I would agree to, it’s something I’m still not comfortable with. He leans in and I freeze, and just before I think his lips are about to touch mine they divert, and he kisses my shoulder. It’s just a simple kiss, yet one that sends shivers right down my spine.

He climbs out of the car offering me his hand. Taking it, I place my hand in his and look up to him. That’s when I realize how large of a man he is. Compared to my hand, his hand swallows mine. The driver stands back as we make our way into a room that’s too classy for me to be in. His hand lands on my lower back as he pushes the doors open.

Turning my head, I notice the driver following us and watching us closely. It’s like he’s a bodyguard. But what would he need a bodyguard for? Connick is larger-than-life, most people would step out of his way, not into it.

People start to greet him and a lady comes over with a tray of drinks. He shakes his head to her and asks for water. She listens closely.

Why does everyone listen to him? Then again, I tend to as well.

Men shake his hand. Women gush and blush at him. The women don’t even pay me any notice. The men, on the other hand, look me up and down with surprise on their faces. His hand stays on me the entire time, only offering his free hand to those that speak to him.

A lady dressed in a black suit walks up. She offers me a small smile before she leans in to whisper in his ear. His hand drops from my back and he touches her shoulder as they speak in a hushed tone. She turns, nodding her head toward the back doors. He turns and looks at me but doesn’t say a word before he walks off, leaving me standing there with the woman I don’t know.

“He won’t be long.” Her words seem nice with no malice in her voice whatsoever. “Why don’t I take you to your table? I’m sure standing around with a bunch of rich, snobby men and women isn’t your calling.” She laughs at herself and starts walking for me to follow. She stops at a round table at the front, and pulls the chair out for me to sit down.

“How well do you know Connick?” I ask her.

She pulls the free chair out next to me, the one with the name card of the man I came with. “I manage his affairs, so I guess you could say I know him the best.”

My hands join together in my lap, and I try to keep them still, but her words make me uncomfortable, but my hands fidget while l try to not look up at her.

“You’re new, though. He never brings women to me, or to any events actually.”

Looking up, I can tell she’s attempting to work me out as I have been trying to work her out. I never asked questions about tonight, I figured it was a work thing. But I’m unsure because this is a charity event, and even though I know there’s good in him, I didn’t think he would be the type of man to come to something that would be honoring the charity as well as him. She looks deep in thought, and as I think she’s about to ask me something a hand comes down on her shoulder. She stands knowing who that hand belongs to. Connick nods his head to her, and she offers me a small smile before she walks away. He takes his seat, and his hand covers my twitching hands, making me stop moving.

In a matter of minutes the room goes dark, and a light comes on and shines brightly down onto the stage. I don’t listen to their words. My eyes go downcast for most of the speeches, and his hands don’t move from mine until it’s over, actually stopping me from twitching my fingers.

“Do you work here?” I ask him when I hear his name being mentioned.

“I own it,” he says, staring up at the stage.

“Why am I here?” I ask him.

He doesn’t look in my direction as he answers, “Because I need you here,” is all he replies, and when he says those words, a flutter starts in my heart. Because could a man like Connick really need me?

Looking around, I take more notice and see signs. This place is a hotel, a vast, popular hotel, one of a chain that’s situated all around the world. Turning and looking at him, I wonder if this is his normal. His perfect cheekbones and his flawless lips in a straight line don’t move an inch, not even blinking at the man speaking on stage.

Everyone in the room starts to clap and stand, he pulls me up with him then starts walking out the way we came in. Connick’s car is waiting, and he pulls open the door and waits for me to climb in. As soon as I sit down in the car, he locks the doors, puts up the divider, and pulls his cock free. His eyes turn to me full of lust and want.

“Milanka, this is your only turn to steer the ship. Do it now before I change my mind.” His eyes are serious and I know he means business, his hands are clenched at his sides. His teeth are glued together, and I wonder how hard this is for him. He’s always had the power, now he’s giving it to me, without a fight.

He stays still as I slide my G-string down my legs, leaving my heels on and pulling up my dress. Then I turn in the seat and straddle him. There’s no need to work me up, I’m always ready for him. Just the look of him alone has me wet with need.

I position him, wrapping my hand around his cock. Connick’s head drops backward, and his hands stay exactly where they are, clenched to his side. Lowering myself onto him, it feels like heaven and hell—the heaven of the ecstasy, the hell of my demons.

I start to move, and soon the hell takes over and I’m not the quiet, shy girl anymore. My nails dig into my own thighs, my head drops back, and my hips start moving faster and faster. His cock is the perfect size and it hits all those magical places. My noises start to become louder, my place in hell waiting to take me as I ride him, in full control.

Somewhere, somehow, I hear my name. Lifting my nails from my own skin and stopping my head from hanging backward, I see the lust written all over his face. And for the first time in a long time, I let my hands go around his neck. He doesn’t complain when my nails dig in. Connick doesn’t even look shocked as I draw blood. He just closes his eyes and takes what I usually do to myself.

The orgasm comes hard and fast as it ripples through me, making me scream in this small space. My head drops to my shoulder, and I try to catch my breath before I lift myself up and take my seat.

He tucks himself back in and leans forward, tapping his knuckles on the window before he sits back and grabs my G-string, placing it into his pocket.

The car starts up and soon we’re driving. I expected some words from him, but again I get nothing, not even why I had to come with him tonight to the event.

Was it just the sex?

I can’t blame him if it was, I use him in the exact same way.

My house comes into view and the car pulls to a stop. He opens his door, climbs out, and offers me his hand which I take, climbing out as well. We stand on the side of the street with my house behind me, but he doesn’t seem interested in coming in, and I don’t want to ask either.

“Thank you, Milanka.” He leans in again and kisses my shoulder. I’m glad he does this and not my lips. He turns and climbs back into his car.

I walk to my house and open the door, then shut it, and don’t look back. That’s when I hear the sounds of his car leave. That’s when I collapse onto the door, dropping down and wondering what’s happening.

Am I falling for a man who’s colder than I am?