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Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance by Amy Brent (155)

Chapter 16


I’d been trying everything under the sun to get Whitt’s attention at the office and had stopped short of showing up at his house again. With Lila not home, I didn’t think it would be wise, and I knew it might upset him if I went out of my way to be in his personal space. The office was neutral ground and fair territory, so I made sure to work my charms when I could.

Dax was proving to be a big help, even though he didn’t know it and I wondered if the guy had a clue that by flirting with me in front of Whitt, he was playing with fire.

He showed up fifteen minutes before lunch, and I reached for my phone to call Whitt to let him know that Dax was there, but the guy waved his hand and shook his head to stop me. “No, I’m here to see you.”

“You miss me that much?”

“I’m finding I’m in a much better mood when I get my daily dose of Gemma.” He let out a chuckle that I was certain Whitt heard through his door. “I thought today I’d see if you want to go to lunch?”

The invitation took me by surprise and even though I’d flirted with him relentlessly over the past few days to get a rise out of Whitt, I had never intended for it to go anywhere.

Just as I was about to say no and thank you, Whitt stuck his head out his door.

“Yes, I’d love to go lunch,” I blurted.

Whitt’s eyes widened, and he slapped on a smile when he saw Dax. “I thought I heard you out here.”

Dax reached over, and the two slapped hands like a couple of high school boys doing a secret handshake. “I was just asking Gemma out to lunch.”

“Oh, that’s nice.” He gave me a glaring smile, and my face fell knowing I’d taken things a bit too far. “You two have fun.”

Dax offered him a wide grin. “Thanks, man.” Then he looked at me, and I realized he was ready to go. I grabbed my bag and Whitt watched us as we left.

Twenty minutes later, the two of us sat in a busy restaurant with too much noise and lighting so bad I couldn’t see the food on my plate. From the way it tasted, I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

I knew Dax felt the same about his entrée when a waiter dropped a whole tray of food. “Some lucky bastards just dodged a bullet.” He motioned to the mess on the floor across the room.

I giggled before sipping my drink, and he gave me a warm smile. “Your whole face lights up when you smile. I like that.”

I wasn’t sure what to do with his compliments. “Thank you.” I wiped my mouth and folded my napkin.

“I knew I should have taken you to the burger place. Whitt told me about this place. He probably knew I was thinking about asking you out.”

“You don’t think he wanted us to have a good time?”

“I can see him trying to sabotage it. He didn’t really want me to ask you out. Since you’re Lila’s best friend and all. But, hey, I’m Whitt’s best friend, so if I know anything, it’s that he’ll get over it.” I wasn’t so sure that applied to me and I couldn’t imagine how things would be around the office after.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to come between the two of you.”

“Nah. But you know, I’m still not convinced he doesn’t like you himself. But maybe since he can’t have you, because of Lila, then maybe he doesn’t want me to either. I told him it was too bad, though.”

That had gone over swell I was sure. “Well, you should have picked the burger place, but only because the place stinks and not the company.”

“I’ll remember that for next time.” We shared a laugh, and I was glad I’d steered him off of the topic of Whitt. Things had grown uncomfortable enough.

We headed back to the office and all the way there I wondered what Whitt had done for lunch. Had he gone out with someone else? Was he angry? Did he even care at all? I knew it would be horrible if he was truly hurt, but the thought of him not caring really scared me. Maybe I had taken trying to get his attention so far there was no going back.

Dax walked me to my door. “Thanks for a wonderful time. Maybe we can do it again soon.” He stuck his head in to say hello to Whitt, and he called him into the office. The two talked for a while, and then Dax came out and gave me a smile and a flirty wave as he left.

I sat a while listening to messages and then decided to go water the plants. It had been days since I’d done it and I knew they needed it again.

Whitt looked up from his phone when I entered the room, “How was your lunch date?”

“I’m not sure you can call it a date, but it was nice.” I shrugged. I walked around his desk to the plants near the window, and he grabbed my wrist.

“Just nice? Where did he take you?” His eyes were hard on mine.

“To the shitty restaurant, you recommended. Did you do that so we’d have a bad time? Did you expect him to bring me there?”

“I know my friend. He doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants. He’s a lot like me in that regard.” He stood and pulled me to him. “Now tell me, where did he take you.”

“I did. That’s the only place we went, Whitt.” I tugged my arm, but he held it tight. His eyes burned into mine.

“Did he touch you?”

“No, but so what if he did?” I gave him a defiant glare, which had him pulling me closer, his thick erection jabbing me in the back.

“You’ve been real sassy lately; a real little smart-mouth.”

I licked my lips. “What are you going to do about it? Spank me? You’re not my father. You can’t—

Quicker than I could blink, he sat in his chair and pulled me across his knee. His hand went down on my ass, and I cried out as the pain turned to an aching desire between my legs. “I’m your boss, so yes, whatever it is you think I can’t. I can. You think I don’t know what you’ve been doing with Dax?”

“I’ve not done anything.” I squirmed as his hand came down again.

“Yes, you have. You’ve been flirting with him and eye fucking him to get a rise out of me. He pulled me up to my feet and spun me toward the desk. He stood pushing me against it and then leaned down to my ear.

“Is it working?” I couldn’t help but giggle, and he slapped my ass.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it? Or maybe you’d prefer a good, hard fucking?” He reached beneath my skirt and gripped my pantyhose, which I’d worn instead of underwear, and ran his hand down between my legs. Then he gripped my pantyhose and leaned down, using his teeth to rip them. His hands pulled them apart, and they pulled against me as he ripped them to shred.

“No more of those. I want easier access next time.”

I grinned. He already promised me next time. “Yes, sir.”

“Good girl. Let me lock the door.”

“I already did.” I had locked it behind me hoping he’d take me.

“You dirty girl. You knew just what I was going to give you didn’t you? That’s why you went with Dax, isn’t it?” I heard his zipper, and then a moment later his cock was pressing against my tight hole.

“I should fuck you in that pretty little ass of yours.” I shuddered to know that it would hurt badly if he did, but another part of me wanted him to go ahead and do it. I wanted him to take me hard and claim me and never let me go. “But I’ve missed this little pussy so much. You know it too, don’t you? That’s why you taunt me.”

His cock thrust deep in one long, hard stroke and I cried out, my mouth muffled by his strong hand. He kept it there as he pounded me, his thick shaft brushing against my most sensitive spot until my release had me quivering.

“I’ve turned you into a wanton slut haven’t I, Gemma?” He ground his cock deep and chills crept across my flesh as he breathed into my ear. “You’re going to stop taunting me, and you’re going to stop using Dax to make me jealous.”

“Yes, sir.” I wiggled myself on his cock as he buried deep, pressing against me and his hand reached around and gripped my breasts through my blouse, which he yanked so hard, the button ripped.

“You see what you made me do?” He pinched my nipple so hard I winced, and the delicious sting went straight to my pussy. I reached down and rubbed my little bud, feeling the next orgasm on edge, but he grabbed my wrist.

He pulled his cock free. “I’m giving the pleasure, not you. You really are a little nympho. This is your punishment for being a sassy little girl. I want you to take it and like it. Do you understand me?” His breath was hot in my ear, and I wanted to cry out with the torturous need for release.

He leaned away from me, still holding my wrist and opened his desk drawer. Then I felt something silky against my skin as he slipped the stocking around my head. “Open wide.” I did as I was told and he crammed my torn stocking in my mouth. I thought that he’d thrown them away and would have never guessed he’d been keeping them all of this time.

“You’re going to be quiet for me, aren’t you, Gemma?” I nodded, and he tied my wrists with the other. I smiled around the gag, and he pushed my head down and then grabbed my messy bun.

His cock centered against me, and this time taking a bit more care to ease in. He rocked back and forth against me slowly, grinding and rutting as desired and I lay there moaning with my eyes closed as he worked me.

I managed to spit out the gag as I moaned and came, so he pulled his cock free and spun me around. “Get on your knees. You can’t keep a gag in; I’ll make sure that fucking sassy mouth is full.”

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me forward, feeding me his cock, and I took a deep breath knowing he was in a mood to be forceful. This was the Whitt I craved. The one who had taken the cook hard and fucked her senseless. Who had come all over her tits like he didn’t give a damn? I was preparing myself for a nice thick load when he pulled me off of his cock and stood me up. “You still think you want me?” he asked, stroking his cock.

I nodded. “You can’t scare me away. I’ll always want you.”