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Hero by Lauren Rowe (46)

Chapter 59



I sign Colby’s release form with flourish. “Colby Morgan, you’re officially done with physical therapy.”

A huge smile spreads across Colby’s face. “So I’m no longer your patient?”

I’m acutely aware that several other physical therapists standing nearby are blatantly eavesdropping on this conversation. I clear my throat. “Correct. As we’ve already talked about, you’ve still got some work to do on your own to get yourself into shape to pass the fire department’s fitness and strength test. But getting you to heightened strength for the department’s fitness test wasn’t the mission of your physical therapy. My mission was to restore you back to full functionality and I’ve done that. But don’t worry, I’ve mapped out a suggested workout program for you for the next six weeks to help you get into shape for the CPAT. And feel free to keep in touch if you have any questions going forward and I’ll be happy to answer them.”

Colby is smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary.

I glance at the other physical therapists and shift my weight. “I mean, I know you’re a fitness fanatic, so you’ve probably got a workout program planned. But just in case you wanted a little guidance...” I hand him the workout plan I’ve devised for him to get him into peak conditioning for his physical fitness test for the fire department.

Colby looks down at the paper in his hand and then back up at me, shooting me an elated smile. “Well, thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Lydia,” he says. “It’s been a pleasure working with you.”

 “For me, too. Good luck.”

Colby’s smile is positively wicked. “Now, don’t move a muscle, okay?”

Before I can reply, Colby sprints through the crowded clinic, past several physical therapists working with their patients—including Ramona working with a patient in a far corner—and ultimately disappears around a corner.

I stand frozen waiting for him, my cheeks blooming and my heart clanging. What the heck is he doing?

Ten seconds later, the answer to my question is answered when Colby reappears holding a massive bouquet of red roses. I’m talking about a massive effing bouquet of red roses!

“Oh my gosh,” I whisper.

As Colby passes Ramona, he pointedly says hello to her, inducing a look of pure hatred from her that makes me laugh out loud. He makes his way past several other physical therapists and their patients before finally reaching me and presenting the bouquet to me like I’ve just won the Miss America pageant.

“How’s this for engaging in romantic relations,” he says.

I laugh. “Thank you. So romantic, Colby. Wow. And so extravagant.”

To my shock, Colby leaps onto a nearby therapy table and bellows, “May I have your attention please?”

Oh my God. No. He wouldn’t...

I look around, mortified, as everyone stops what they’re doing and stares.

“I just officially completed my physical therapy!” Colby shouts gleefully, and everyone applauds and cheers. He gestures to me. “Thanks to the professionalism and expertise of my wonderful physical therapist, I’m as good as new!” He flexes his muscular arms.

More cheers and applause.

“And now that Lydia’s no longer my physical therapist, guess what?” Colby’s smile lights up his entire face. “I can finally engage in romantic relations with Lydia Decker!”

I throw my palms over my cheeks, flabbergasted, as everyone in the clinic cheers and laughs. This is so out of character for Colby, I can’t even process what’s happening. This man hates being the center of attention. He hates it! I’ve never once seen him do anything that would have suggested he’d do this.

“As some of you have probably noticed, I’ve had a massive crush on this woman since the first day I saw her. Massive. But when I asked her out, which I did every single day while I was still in the ICU”—everyone chuckles at that—“she made it crystal clear any kind of romance between us would have to wait until I was no longer her current patient. I guess there’s some sort of policy?”

I suddenly get it. He’s putting on this show to protect me from supposition and gossip that will surely follow us around after today.

“So I’ve waited like a good boy,” Colby continues. “It’s been rough, but all good things come to those who wait.” At that last word, he looks pointedly across the room at Ramona, clearly giving her one last “fuck you.”

Colby climbs down from the therapy table and takes my hands. “Lydia?” he says. “I’ve wanted to ask you something since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

My heart lurches into my throat. Oh my God. He wouldn’t.

“Will you please go out on a date with me?”

I exhale with relief. “Yes!” I say, chuckling, and everyone claps.

“How about lunch right now?” Colby asks. “Are you free?”

“I just so happen to be,” I say. I touch the pearl pendant around my neck. “Let’s go.”

Colby puts his arm out and I take it. He leads me toward the door of the clinic, pausing in front of Ramona and her patient. “I made a lunch reservation at your favorite restaurant,” he says, loud enough for Ramona to hear.

“Great. Thank you.”

He touches my cheekbone. “And after lunch, I thought I’d take you back to my condo and give you a tour.”

“Mmm hmm.” Oh, God, I’m blushing.

“And then I thought maybe we’d have sex all night long.”

I blush and look at Ramona. Her jaw is hanging open. So is her patient’s. “Sounds like a plan to me,” I squeak out, barely able to keep from fainting from embarrassment.

“Great,” Colby says. “Oh, hi, Ramona. Great to see you again.” With that, he takes me by the hand, leads me out of the clinic, throws his head back, and bursts into gleeful laughter.