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The Billionaires Club Duet by Sky Corgan (26)









We play the dating game, and it's working out far better than I could have ever imagined. It's been a few weeks, and Anders has given me no reason to doubt his feelings or anything else. He's been damn near perfect, wining and dining me, and spending as much time with me as he can when he's not working or taking care of his son.

Now that he's opened up to me about being a parent, I've gotten to see a whole new side of him. We even go out on a date to the park together with his son in tow. The kid is absolutely adorable, and it doesn't take much time in his presence for me to realize that I could definitely see myself taking on the roll of stepmother.

We walk with little Michael between us, holding his hands and swinging him back and forth. Then Anders picks him up and puts him on his shoulders, and I get to see what he's like when he's being a dad. It's amazing, the change in him. When he's with his son, it's all about the kid.

After a picnic in the park, we drop Michael off at Angela's house and then go out to eat. She scowls at me as she sees me in Anders' car, but I couldn't stop smiling, even if I tried. He's let me into his life completely, and we're finally starting to have the kind of relationship I've always wanted.

We're in love. Madly. Deeply. And there's nothing that can pull us apart.

He lavishes me with affection and gifts, sometimes going overboard. It's become a pretty normal thing for me to receive flowers both at work and at home, often several times a week. Each bouquet has its own little sweet message attached to it, making me swoon.

At first, Evelyn thought it was cute, but now she's tired of trying to find a place to put all the bouquets.

You need to tell Flash Lightning that this is a house, not a flower shop,” she grumbles as she watches me place a vase full of tulips next to a bouquet of lilies he sent me only days ago. The kitchen bar has been littered with flowers ever since this ordeal began.

You don't like flowers?” I tease her.

It's starting to look like a funeral parlor up in here.” She gives me a sarcastic look.

Who died?” I take the oldest bouquet and round the corner to throw it in the garbage.

My husband's romantic side. You'd figure he'd take a clue from Mister Flowers and send me something nice once in a while.” She rolls her eyes as she grabs the vase from my hand and pours the water into the sink.

I thought you just said you were sick of all the flowers,” I laugh at her.

I said that because none of them are for me.” Once she empties the vase, she sticks it on the counter to dry. “What are you going to do with all of these vases anyway? You have way more than anyone could ever need.”

Donate them to charity.” I shrug. I really have no clue what to do with them. Too bad they can't be recycled. Maybe I should tell Anders to start sending me flowers without vases, or to stop sending me flowers all together. To be honest though, I kind of enjoy being spoiled. No one has ever done this for me to this degree before.

What charity would want a bunch of vases?” She looks at me like I'm stupid.

Goodwill takes that stuff, don't they? So does Salvation Army. They sell them and use the profits for their organizations.”

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.”

That's what I'm going to do with them.” I decide before we both return to the living room.

So, you guys going out again tonight?” she asks absentmindedly. Lately, it seems like I've been gone in the evenings more than I've been home.

No. I'm going out with Ryan tonight.” I feel kind of bad that I'm still seeing him, especially because Anders doesn't know about it. But he's just a friend. What harm can meeting up with him now and then do? He's never hit on me before, so I feel no need to push him away.

A night time date? I thought he was your coffee buddy.” She plops down on the sofa.

It's not a date.” I frown at her. “He is my coffee buddy. But tonight we figured we'd try something different, since we both have the night off and Anders is away on business.”

When the cat is away, the mice come out to play.” She smirks.

I smack her playfully on the arm. “It's not like that.”

I'm just saying. You're keeping this guy a secret from Anders. That's a little suspicious, don't you think?”

I roll my eyes at her. “I'm not like that, and you know it. The only reason I haven't told Anders that I hang out with Ryan is because I don't want him to lose his job. You know how jealous Anders is.”

For someone who was so worried about her boyfriend keeping secrets, it sure doesn't bother you to have secrets of your own.” She gives me a disapproving look.

I know.” I grimace slightly.

You dear, are a pot.”

I shrug. “What can I say? I like hanging around with Ryan. I feel like I can trust him, and he helps me keep tabs on Anders at The Billionaires Club.”

Scandalous.” She shakes her head at me. “Completely scandalous.”




I seriously don't think I can handle another.” My stomach turns as my eyes land on the fourth round of shots Ryan has bought us. He said he was just going to the bathroom, and yet he comes back with more alcohol in hand. With each drink I take, he gets hotter and hotter, and I have to chastise myself for undressing him with my eyes every time he's not looking.

He's being more flirty than usual. It seems like there's a fine line between our friendship and something more. Already, we've exchanged a myriad of sex stories. I know every single woman he's banged at The Billionaires Club, and he knows every sexual position Anders has ever fucked me in. You would think talking about that would turn me off, but it only arouses me more. Stupid alcohol.

When the cat is away, the mice come out to play. Evelyn's words echo in my ears. We may be mice, but I know better than to play. This is all suggestive fun. Nothing will come of it.

Oh, come on. Don't be a pussy.” He slides a shot glass in front of me. I give its contents a wary look. It's been 1800 all night long. Dear God, I'm pretty sure I'm seeing two shot glasses in front of me instead of the one that's actually there.

We're going to have to call a cab,” I comment before grasping for the glass with an unsteady hand.

So we have to call a cab. What does it matter? We both have tonight off. We both have tomorrow off. Seems like the perfect opportunity to get drunk.”

Cheers to that.” I raise my glass to him and then hiss as the alcohol seers my throat. You'd think I wouldn't feel it at this point, but I still do.

My phone beeps, and I check it to find a text message from Anders. “Can't wait to get into that body again,” he says.

How romantic,” I scoff, rolling my eyes.

What's that?” Ryan asks, straining to hear me above the loud music that's playing in the bar we're at.

Anders.” I point to my phone. “He just sent me a text.”

Anders,” he repeats the name with distaste.

Something going down with him at work?” I lean back on my bar stool and nearly fall off. How embarrassing. Thankfully, Ryan doesn't laugh. He seems pretty upset just from the mention of Anders' name.

Something like that,” he grumbles.

Talk to me. That's what we're here for. You've been my sounding board for a lot of stuff. Let me be yours.” I reach across the table and grab his hand. His fingers are so long. I imagine what they'd feel like inside of me and almost blush.

Ryan looks down at our joined hands, thinking for a moment. “I like you, Tessa.”

His words catch me off guard. He's being so serious all of a sudden. I don't know how to react. Slowly, I pull my hand away from his.

Is that why you tense up every time I talk about Anders? I don't really understand. It hasn't bothered you that I've been seeing him until recently.”

That's part of it,” he admits. “Why do you want to be with a guy like him anyway?” He shifts in his chair. It sounds almost like he's whining.

Why not?” I shrug. “He's nice and handsome and honest.” It feels strange to call Anders honest, but I truly believe that now.

Ryan huffs. “Shows what you know.”

Is he mean to you at work or something? If he is, I can talk to him about it,” I offer.

His eyes shoot up to meet mine. “No. That's not it. Anders is great at work. He pays me well, better than any of the other guys.” There's a strange darkness behind his expression.

Now I'm completely confused. What he's saying just doesn't make sense. Why would Anders pay him better than the other guys at The Billionaires Club? “I'm not following,” I say hesitantly.

He deflates in an instant, looking away from me. “I can't do this anymore. It's just not worth the money.”

What are you talking about?” My heart jumps into my throat with the realization that something is wrong. I don't understand what's going on, but I know it's not good.

When Ryan looks back at me, his eyes are full of shame. “Anders has been paying me to spy on you.”

What?” I can't believe what I'm hearing. There's no way Anders would do something like that.

Everything we've ever talked about. Every time we've hung out together . . . I've told him everything.”

You're lying.” I shake my head, unable to process it.

Look, Tessa.” He holds up his phone to me and scrolls to where Anders number is saved. Then he turns the keyboard back to himself and taps out a message. It says, “Just got back from hanging out with Tessa. Lots to talk about.” He hits send, and we wait, both staring at his phone. I'm still in complete disbelief. This can't be real. Anders doesn't even want Ryan around me. Why would he use him to spy on me?

A few seconds later, his phone vibrates with a new message. It's from Anders. The message says, “Tell me everything.”